Tillamook Headlight. February 2Ô, 1Ô12 Qi 83,573 lbs.; February, 71,159 lbs.; March, 181,466 lbs.; April, 344,744 lbs.; May, 489,988 lbs.; June, 531,494 lbs.; July 511,730 lbs.; August. 410.239 lbs. ; September, 302,612 lb..; October. 248,- 280 lbs.; November, 157,308 lbs. ; and December, 108,019 lbs. Butter fat in milk, 133,873 lbs. Average butter fat content in milk, 3.891 per cent. Estimating December cheese on hand, factory produced 375,057 lbs. of cheese. Estimating December cheese on hand, cheese will bring $51,365.17. Aversge price received for cheese, ,13.7 cents per lb. Tillamook. 10.9 lbs. of cheese produced per 100 lbs. of milk. 2.80 lbs. of cheese made per 100 lbs. of butter fat. 5,205 boxes of cheese sold. factory received If cents per lb. for manufacturing and selling cheese. This makes a total of $6,563.49. Expenses for the year, deducting supplies sold and now on hand, $6,262.26. Prices paid for butter fat follow: January, 28.3c.; February, 28.3c.; March, 30.2c.; April, 33c.; May, 33c.; June, 32.3c.; July, 33.5c.; August, 32c.; September, 33.6c.; October, 36.5c., and November, 39.7c. December will probably be between 39.5c. and 39.7c. Resources and liabilities of the asso­ ciation are as follows: Resources: Cash in bank, $539.78; due from merchants for cheese, $1,108.01; supplies on hand, $292.40; creamery plant, $2,800.00; miscellane­ ous accounts, $32.53; due for making December cheese, $239.40. Total, $5,007.12. Liabilities: Capital stock outstand­ ing, $1,000.00. In the expense account is counted the dividend items paid this year, namely the 10 per cent, dividend paid this Bpring and 20 per cent, paid now. Prospects for 1912 seem good at this time. and sold Expenses for the year were $2,199. • $590.00, and other accounts, $9.95. ^lieeee sold^for $5,543.79, bein|_ Liabilities: Capital Stock paid up Factory received 2*c. per lb. for and outstanding, $1,100.00. 78, less the supplies now on hand, Total, $1,223.72. averuge*of*13.723csnts per|lb. f *o. making cheese. This makes a total of amounting to $155.00. Tillamook.*? "T“? fr Central Co-Operative. Sandlake Creamery Co. $2,520.22. In addition to thia 1-10 of Factory received for making * Factory received $1010.15 as rag Factory received during the year one cent was charged for inspection cheese 1 3-4 cents per lb., a total of The factory received during the year ing chargee. during the months of April, May, June 1911 a total of 642,662 lbs. of milk. $2,301.14. 1911 a total of 160,699 lbs. of milk. Expenses for the year, leas su and July, a total of $62.01, and also 22* Monthly receipts were: April, 50,439 Resources, $2385 16; Liabilities, Receipts for separate months were as plies now on hand, $1,0*0.59: lbs. : May. 120,819 lbs. ; June, 119,853 cents for hauling cheese to Tillamook* $2181.16. follows: May, 27,659 lbs.; June, 44,828 Resources and liabilities of tbs July, 118,498 lbs.; August, The latter came to $347.62. It should lbs.; lbs.; July, 45,409 lbs.; August, 30,64*) company are as follows: 96,665 lbs. ; September, 59,238 lbs. ; East Beaver Cheese Co. be borne in mind that the freight rate lbs.; and September, 12,163 lbs. Resources: Bills reeeivt Factory received during the year is less from Tillamook than from October, 35,860 ibe.; November, 21,105 17,657 lbs. of cheese manufactured $49.55; Cash in bank, $14 5*; 630,036 lbs. of milk. Receipts for and sold. Cheese brought $2,222.28, plies on hand, $90 20, and factory Cloverdale or Woods, so we get that lbs.; and December, 20,185 lbs. Milk contained 24,913 lbs. of butter the several months were: March, or an average price of 12.92 cents per back in increased price on an f. o. b. and ground. $1,034.69. Total. fat Average, 3.877 per cent fat. Tillamook basis. 41,717 lbs.; April, 74,449 lbs.; May, I lb. As the cheese was all made during $1,189.02. 69,930 ibe. or 968 boxes of cheese Expenses for the year, deducting 106,134 lbs.; June, 116 690 lbs.; July, the summer months when prices were Liabilities: Capital stock paid up, $219.55 for supplies now on hand and manufactured and sold. 100,174 lbs.; August, 77,493 lbs.¡¡the lowest for 1911, average is of $525.00; bills payable, $543.92, and $2.25 for mdse, sold, were $2,122.92. i Cheese sold for $9,645.08, ----------- - or - an aver- September, 53.545 lbs.; October, 43,- course lower than for other factories interest due and unpaid, $7.48' __ 7Q c nrxnla TPs llsewwvzwxlr The factory paid off $500.00 on the , gwn “ rx# A IQ 1.?*79 *nta Tillamook, 502 lbs., and November, 25,324 lbs. operating a longer season during 1911. Total, $1,078.40. 67,209 lbs. of cheese manufactured mortgage, leaving $500.00 still due. . *0.88 Ibe. of cheese were made on an 288 boxes of cheese manufactured. Elwood Creamery Co. I Butter fat prices paid were: Janu- »verage per 100 lbs. of milk. and sold, making 973 boxes. 6,221 lbs. of butter fat in milk. 2.80 Ibe. of cheese were made on an Factory received during 1911 Cheese sold for $9,226.75, an aver­ ary, 26c.; February, 30c.; March, Factory received $529.71 for makinH 1,183,000 lbs. of milk. Monthly age of 1.3 73 cents per lb. Tillamook. cheese, being 3 cents per pound. 28.5c.; April, 33.3c.; May, 32.2c.; June, average for one lb. butter fat. Factory received 2* cents for making 24,407 lbs. of butterfat in the milk, 31.2c.; July, 33.4c.; August, 32.6c.; Prices paid for butter fat: May, 32c; receipts were as follows: March, an average of 3.82 per cent butter June, 29c; July, 25c; August, 28c; 48,909 lbs.; April. 111,149 lbs.; May. * September, 34c.; October, 36.5c.; No­ cheese, or a total of $1,573.43. 190,138 lbs.; June, 238,105 lbs.; In addition to this factory charged fat. vember, 38.3c., and December will i September 33c. July, 223,051 lbs. ; August, 161,079 $240.25 for hauling cheese and an item Factory received $1,681.21 for mak­ probably be 40c. Resources, $253.98. lbs.; September, 110 710 lbs.; Octo, j, Resources and liabilities of the com­ of $25.26 was charge 1 on inspecting ac­ ing cheese. 1 .abilities, $300.00. her. 68,563 lbs., and November, 30,-. < count. Our total inspecting charges Expenses for the year were $1,529. pany are as follows: 786 lbs. Three Rivers Creamery. were $43.19, balance of $17.93 having Factory paid $225.00 on notes the Resources, $2,805.89. 124,029 pounds of cheese iiianu-? been charged to expense account. past year. Factory received during 1911, a total Liabilities, $2,120.78. I Expense account, after deducting Resources and liabilities of the of 1,996,914 lbs. milk. Receipts per factured and sold, making 1,739 . South Prairie Creamery. $131.65 for supplies on hand January company are as follows: month were: Jan., 17,471 lbs.; Feb., boxes. 45,429 lbs. of butter fat in uiiik. • k Factory received during the year a 1st, 1912, was $1,488.38. In this con- Resources: Cash in bank, $40.38, 16.892 lbs. ; March, 116,386 lbs., April total of 2,118,198 lbs. of milk. Monthly ! nection I wish to state that this ac- Supplies on hand. $102 60, Building 1 231,389 lbs.; May, 323,628 lbs.; June, or an average butter fat content of' ' " receipts were: January, 41,415 lbs.; i count was not always strictly segregat- and Grounds, $1,150.41. Total, 340,405 lbs. ; July, 304,405 lbs; August, 3.84 per cent. Cheese sold for $10,880.61. Aver­ February, 46,845 lbs.; March, 97,148 ed from the Building and Ground Ac- $1,293.39. 228,165 lbs.; September, 168,298 lbs.; I Ibs.; April, 191,122 lbs.; May. 309,968 count, and the expense account was Liabilities: Capital Stock paid up October, 132,132 lbs.; November, 78.- age price received for cheese. 13.16 cents per lb. f. o. b. Tillamook. lbs.; June, 368,468 lbs.; July, 339,280 probably smaller. and outstanding, $500.00, Bills Pay­ 264 lbs.; and December, 38,927 lbs. Factory received $2,170.51 for niuk lbs.; August, 266,275 lbs.; September, | Building and Ground account stands able, $200.00. Total $700.00. Milk contained 76,404 lbs of butter 195,222 lbs.; October, 145,150 lbs.; at $978.59. fat, an average of 3.827 per cent butter ing cheese. Clover Leaf Creamery Co. fat. Averageyield was 10.43 lbs. cheese Resources: Due from December November, 74,660 lbs., and December, ; cheese for making. $50.24; supplies on Factory received during the year 42,655 lbs. 217,547 lbs. of cheese produced and per 100 lbs. milk. 2.73 lbs. cheeBe made |>er lb. but­ This milk contained 81,520 lbs. of hand, $131.65, and Building and Ground, 1,690,163 lbs. of milk. This is a gain sold for $29,858.28, an average price of ter fat. of 127,757 lbs. over the year 1910. 13.72 cents Tillamook. butter fat, or an average of 3.85 per $978.59. Resources and liabilities outside Liabilities: Overdraft, $43.17, and Receipts per month were: March, 76,429 cent. 2,982 boxes of cheese produced. lbs.; April, 197,159 IbB.: May, 285,163 10.9 lbs. of cheese produced per 100 factory and Capital Stock follow: 226,115 lbs. of cheese manufactured. Capital Stock paid in, $1,050.00. Resources: Money in bank. $54.13; lbs.; June, 295,782 lbs.; July, 270,327 lbs. of milk. This made 3,170 boxes of cheese. Long Prairie Creamery Co. lbs.; August, 206,484 lbs.; September, 2.85 lbs. cheese produced on an aver- due company for cheese, $450.26. 10.81 lbs. of cheese made per 100 lbs. | Liabilities: Bills payable, $397.00; October, 115,535 lbs.; erage per pound butter fat. Factory received during the year 150,315 lbs.; of milk. Prices paid for butterfat: January, due patrons for November milk, _ 2.81 lbs. of cheese made on an aver­ a total of 1,204,784 lbs. of milk November, 57,686 lbs., and December, 30c; Feb. 30c: March, 30c; April, 32*c; | $553 34; other accounts due, $133.38, Monthly receipts were: March, 55,- 35,283 lbs. age for each pound of butter fat. Total, Cold Springs Factory. This milk contained 64,522 lbs. of May, 32.2c; June, 32.5c; July 33.5c; due cheese maker, $04 09 924 lbs ; April. 142,360 lbs, ; May, Cheese sold for $31,226.53. $701.91. butter fat, an average of 3.82 per cent August, 31.7c; September, 32c; Oc ­ The factory received during the year Average received for cheese, 13.63 187.237 lbs.; June, 198,744 lbs.; July, tober, 35.5c; November, 37c. December Red Clover Creamery Co. 184,587 lbs,; August, 146,092 lbs.; fat. 1911 a total of 1,035,046 lbs. of milk. cents Tillamook. 185,862 lbs. of cheese was manufac­ will probably be close to 40 cents. On a basis of If cents for making, September, 116,517 lbs.; October, This is an increase of 80,987 lbs. over Total amount of milk received Factory received 2 cents per lb. for 1910, when the receipts were 954,059 patrons would have received an aver­ 93,053 lbs.; November 49,112 lbs., tured and sold. 2,191,312 pounds. Cheese sold for $25,477.46, an average making cheese, or a total of $4,350.94. and December, 31,102 lbs. lbs. Monthly receipts for 1911 were as age of $1.28* per 100 lbs. milk, net. Total cheese manufactured 240,- Resources: $3,575.93. 49,450 lbs. butter fat in milk, or of 13.7 cents per lb. Tillamook. Factory charges two cents for mak­ follows: January, 19,585 lbs.; Febru­ 332 pounds. Factory received two cents per lb. Liabilities: $2.f.98.31. ary, 21,698 lbs.; March, 58,897 lbs.; ing part of the time and lfc balance of I an average of 4.104 per cent butter Total butter fat 90,028 pounds. for making cheese, a total of $3,717.24. April, 109,195 lbs.; May, 157,364 lbs.: the time, total making charges having fat. Average Test 4.1 per cent. Pleasant Valley Cheese Co. 11 lbs. of cheese were made on an 131,495 lbs. of cheese produced, June, 166,877 lbs.; July, 154,273 lbs.; been $4,235.06. Number pounds cheese per 100 The Factory received during the Expenses for the year were $4,182.33. or an average of 10.91 lbs. of cheese average per 100 lbs. of milk. August, 121,313 lbs. ; September, 92,- pounds milk, 10.96. I year 1911 a total of 386,197 lbs of 2.88 lbs. of cheese were made on an 894 lbs.; October, 68,951 lbs.; Novem­ From this should probably be deduced per >00 lbs milk. Number pounds of cheese per milk. Monthly receipts were as 2.66 lbs. of cheese made on an average per lb. of butter fat. ber, 38,402 lbs., and December, 25,597 $41.90 for merchandise sold and $314.10 pound of Butter Fat, 2.069. follows: March, 9,033 lbs. ; April, ■a Patrons were paid for butter fat supplies and wood on band and paid average per lb. butter fat. lbs. Total amount disbursed to pnt- | Cheese sold for $13,115.49, an aver- follows: March, 32c; April, 34c;, May, 37 947 lbB.; May, 66,428 lbs.; June, rons, $27 675.56. for. Butter fat in milk, 37,609 lbs. 86,215 lbs.; July, 75,227 lbs.; August, following Patrons were paid the __ _________ _ age „ . price of 13.76 cents per lb. Tilla- 33.4c; June, 32.6c; July, 34c; August, Average butter fat content, 3.633 32c; September, 32.6c; October, 36.2c; 55.232 Ibe.; September, 31,374 lbs., per cent. . prices for butter fat: January, 28.2c ;' mook. November, 39c, and December, 40cents. and October, 24,741 ibe. 1,811 boxes of cheese produced. Factory manufactured 112,010 lbs. of February, 28.7c; March, 32c; April, Thia contained 14,342 lbs. of milk This sheet is edited by 33*c ; May, 32c; June. 32c; July, 33.5c; I Patrons were paid an average of Resources and liabilities of the com­ cheese during 1911. butter fat, or an average of 3.71 per Fred C. Baker, for the August, 32.1c; September, 33c; Oc- $1.31 1-4 cents per 100 lbs. of milk, pany are as follows: Cheese sold for $15,369.37. cent. Booster-Editors’ Associa­ Resources: Cash in bank, $349.03; Butter fat payments were: March, De ~ Average price received for cheese. tober, 36c; November, 38.3c, and ~ 40,406 lbs. of cheese were manu ­ tion. due company for cheese, $945.89; 29 1-2 cents; April, 32 cents; May, cember, 39c. 13.72c. per lb. Tillamook. factured and sold. Tillamook Headlight, F. C. Baker. Resources and liabilties: ( 31 1-2 cents; June, 31 cents; July, creamry plant, $1,185.25; supplies on 10.82 lbs. of cheese produced per 100 Average yield, 10.46 Ibe. of cheese Tillamook Herald,C. E. Trombley. | Resources: Cash in bank, $78.56; lbs. of milk. ___ due 32.2 cents; August, 31 cents; Sep hand and *1912 expense account, $243.83. per 100 lbs milk. | Bay City Examiner, C.W. Conger. 2.98 lbs. of cheese made per lb. but- factory for December cheese, $365.69; tember, 30.8 cents; October, 33.1 Other. $3.00, Total, $2,727.00. 3 81 lbs. of cheese were made on Liabilities: Due patrons for Decem­ Nehalem Enterprise, H. Edenberg, ter fat. supplies on hand and paid for, $314.10; cents; November, 35.3 cents, and un average per pound butter fat. * Cloverdale Courier, Frank Tavlor. ber milk, $622.54; stock outstanding, 1,552 boxes of cheese manufactured factory and ground, $2,000.00. December, 38 2 cents. I TILLAMOOK COUNTY WILL BE - A SECOND GRAYS HARBOR. #800,000 to be Expended on Tillamook Bar Building a North Jetty. #150,000 to Improve Hoquarton Slough. Wagon and Railroad to be Built to Bay­ ocean. Tillamook River to be Made a Manufac- turing District by Capitalists. Large Timber Owners Selecting Saw Mill Sites. Nehalem Bay to have Another Saw Mill. TILLAMOOK CITY to have— Sewer System, Hard Surfaced Pave- memt, New #25,000 School Building, Modern Hotel and Masonic Temple. 50,000 Persons will Visit Tilla­ mook County this Summer. Big Lumber Industries on Tillamook Bay. COME TO TILLAMOOK ! HOME SEEKERS CORDIALLY INVITED. No Crop Failures, No Cyclones, No Zero Weather, No Blizzards, No Severe Cold, No Excessive Heat, No Destructive Storms. Information about Tillamook County can be obtained by writing to either of the Tillamook, Bay City, Bayocean, Nehalem and Cloverdale Commercial Clubs.