Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 29, 1912, Image 2

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    jxwamuui neaaiignt,
One year............
Six months.........
Three month*.....
Feoruary zu, îwiz
Golden Rule. Until we make this
Commercial Club Meets. Wants Industrial Fair.
On Sunday the glad news fundemental correction we shall
"And then we think of one who
Commercial Clubs, Local Granges,
her youthful beauty died
Ml 1
reached this city front Congress­ probably go on enacting more laws,
The regular business meeting of the
fair, meek blossom that vr(.w I
1.511 man Hawley that he had suc-
defining new crimes, only to face Club was held Monday evening Feb. 26, every one interested in the industrial
’ 1
so ceeded in inducing the Rivers the necessity each time of hiring 1912, Pres. Holmes presiding.
In tlie cold moist earth we laid h*
—— and Harbors Committee to in-. another lawyer-Darwin P. Kings­
Minutes of the previous meeting were
where the forests cast the le.f H
are requested to co-operate.
The movement is state wide. Sup­
erintendent Aiderman, has secured a
special agent to make his plans known
to all parts of the state.
have received for a long time,
He was designed is Oregon’s
The State Fair Association are also
for it is the opening wedge that
$be (ÇiUaniooh Mjeabligbt, will eventually turn Tillamook choice for the Presidency in Nov­
in line with the movement and are of­
fering prizes for many plants to be
county into a second Grays ember, 1908, and nothing has oc­
Harisir and a bee hive of lum­ curred since that indorsement to
grown by the boys and girls of the
ber industries.
The timber justify his repudiation by the Re­
several counties of the state. Prize*
owners are already selecting publicans of Oregon.
are also being offered for bread mak­
The administration of Prestdent
ing, sewing, carpentry, poultry raising
Why not niter the proposed mill sites and it is safe to say
that it will not be long before Taft has been in accordance with
railroad franchise and allow it
the United Railways will be the declaration of the National con­
The plan has been presented to a
to monopolize Main street ?
pushing its rails into Tillamook vention which nominated him in
number of the schools of the county
county to obtain its share of the 1908.
during the past three weeks and it has
Keep your eye on Tillamook immense amount of lumber that
He has, with courage and con­
met with favor. Pamphlets will be dis­
County—watch out for rapid will be shipped out by rail and sistency urged every effort and in­
tributed soon in which will be given in­
developments in all parts of the the throngs which will visit the fluence to carry out the provisions
formation regarding the arti* les and
county. _______________
seaside resorts. We are glad to and pledgee of the Republican
the amjuntof the prizes offered by the
says, after years of persistent platform of that yeat.
State Fair.
County politics have not com­ effort and many, many disap­
He has forced impartially and
The plan for the county as we have
menced to simmer. Trot your­ pointments, that
Tillamook effectively the anti trust law.
in mind at present is to hold the meet­
selves out, gentlemen, so that County is on the eve of a great j His administration has success­
ing just before that of the State Fair.
we can see the ear marks.
development and
industrial fully prevented arbitary increase
To offer prizes for such articles includ­
growth, and it is a source of! in railroad freight rates.
ed in the state list as grow well in
He lias encouraged and secured
Notices are posted for a large satisfaction to our citizens, and
this county. We also wish to broaden
tlie conviction of violators of the
amount of plank sidewalk. As
somewhat and offer prizes t pon pro­
it is impossible to make an up- to know that the victory is at iaW) notably in the sugar frauds
ducts adapted especially although not
to-date city with plank walks, last won to open up this itn- i against the government and in
included in the state list of prizes. The
withdraw the notice, gentle­
ones belonging to the state list that
men, and order in cemeut. It section of Oregon, and in doing ant-
this county has the best chances to ex­
so we should all take our hats
is economy to do so.
His administration has changed
in the growing,are celery, potatoes,
off to Congressman Hawley.
the Postoffice into practically a
onions, cabbage, sweet peas, and asters.
self-sustaining branch of the gov­
The city council surely is not
The boys and girls who are entering
ernment for the first time in the
aware of the strong opposition
the contest may get any one to put
that exists to giving the rail­
their garden grounds in condition for
By hie policy, he has preserved
road company a monopoly of
planting, but the planting, hoeing,
Front street. Edge, gentlemen,
weeding, and all cultivation after the
edge. It is just ns well to take crested by twenty-five years of in­ lands for the use of the people,
ground is ready for planting must be
cognizance of the rights of other
done by the boy or girl entering the
civic atrophy on the other cannot of this vast public domain by spec­
be cured by any quakery, specific ulative interests and corporations.
The Parents or Guardians are to fur­
Hie successful administration of
One gentleman at the meet­ or cure all legislation. The cheif
writen statements certifying
ing of farmers made a threat to trouble is fear. General business i of the construction of the Panama
therein that the planting and all cul­
have the county seat moved to is now in an unuanally sound con-I Canal has reflected glory on our
tivating thereafter was done by the
Bay City.
What good would dition, but it is disturbed. It isn't i nation by the speedy, industrious
individual pupil.
that do ?
The Ports of Tilla­ greatly menaced by the amazing j and honest execution of the great­
The way to grow these plants with
mook and Bay City have agreed attitude of the Department of Jus-jest project of ancient or modern
the greatest success may be secured
ties at Washington —but it thinks times.
to bond for $200,(X)0 each for the tice
from any source available. Help may
His foreign policy has won the
improvement of the bar, so it it is.
gotten from experienced individuals,
looks like jumping from the
through the Agricultural Magazines,
pun into the tire to do that. are not menaced by the mere size world and his advocacy of inter-
from the Agricultural Departments of
Why not have it moved to Fair of corporations, but they think national peace has given him the
the Oregon Agricultural College, or
view ?
they are. You can’t banish fear by tiret place among the great states­
the United States. It is hoped that ev­
legislation. If you legislate hurri­ men of Christendom.
Evidently the farmers who edly you will probably increase it,
ery one will avail themselves of all of
Realizing the difficulties of pro­
met at the court house oti Sat­ and at the same time you may des- curing an ideal tariff, President
these opportunities to learn the mod­
urday did not know what ailed troy the beneficent power of certain Taft has provided a Tariff Board,
ern and scientific modes of production
them. We will briefly diagnose natural processes in which, after having for itB purpose the adjust-
and the boys and girls of the state will
their case.
It is the Oregon all, the real remedy lies.
become successful growers or produces.
| merit and recognition of inequali-
system which is chewing on
Arrangements are made with the
When general business comes to ' ties of the tariff, due to changing
them. Yet it is safe to say that realize as it will after a while, that condition of trade and manufacture,
Portland Seed Conpanies whereby
every farmer there was in favor the Sherman law means no more thus removing in large measure
seeds may be had for one-half the
ol a dual system of legislation, ugainst it than the law against lar-' this important matter from the
regular price. Hence any one ordering
viz,, the state legislature and ceny means to tlie average upright domain of politics.
He has ap-
for the purpose of planting for the
what is culled the people. The citizen—that will be the remedy. • proved a tariff bill that represents
contest may take advantage of this
fact of the matter is, the people When the people cotne to under- a revision on the line of the Re­
are now having to pay for it stand, ns they will after a little, ’ publican doctrine of protection to
I plan to visit every locality, where I
We want to prescribe n cure for that the shameful record which lies home industries and American
have not done so recently, and explain
our farmer friends. Go home at the door of the American Sugar labor, keeping steadily in view that
features in detail.
an dkick yourselves forbringing Company in Brooklyn does not ,one of the purposes of a tariff is to
We are indebted to the printers of
about a system where every represent either the methods or the secure fair wages to the American
the county for their aid in the way of
Tom, Iliek and Harry can legis­ ideas of general business—that will working man and markets to the
NOTICE, is hereby given that the carrying our messages to every home in
late to increase taxation and be a remedy. When the prudent American farmer. He has never County Court o f Tillamook County,
a convenient way. As fast as any feat­
"pinch" the taxpayers a little ntid law-abiding masses learn, as approved a single schedule that Oregon, will receive Sealed bids for
the clearing and grading of the right- ure is decided upon as being most
harder every year.
they will soon, that the McNamaras raised the rate of duty on a single of-way of what is known as the feasible we hope to present it to you in
| and the other criminals higher up common food product. Every in­ WHEELER ROAD, commencing at this way.
Colonel Roosevelt has decided who have not yet confessed do not crease that he approved was made the first mile post, of said survey, and
We hope to secure much through the
following on said survey tn the termin­
to lie u candidate for the presi­ represent either the ideas or the on luxuries and articles other than al. according to plans and specifications teachers. Please explain the plan to
dency, which came as a great methods of the laboring man—that those of ordinary use.
on file at the office of the County Clerk. your pupils and help to stimulate them
A certified check equal to 5 per cent to become exhibitors.
surprise, for he made the de­ will be a remedy.
On the important questions in
claration of his own accord that
When the Supreme Court bus volved in the relatione of labor and of the amount of the bid, or a Rond
We should be thankful for suggest­
factory t<
to the
must accom-
he would under no circutn rendered n controlling opinion capital, he has been just and judi­ satisfactory
pany each bid as a guarantee that the ions from any one. Every one plan to
stances lx* a candidate for a which in the terms of a specific cial, recognizing that only in the bidder will execute a Bond for the help the boys and girls that a good and
third term This takes the wind corporation tells business what it fair treatment of both can we be a completion of the contract if awarded profitable time may be had thia fall.
entirely out of the La Follette lean do; when we settle unutber happy, united
and prosperous the same.
Hope to be able to give list of prizes
All bids to be filed in the office
___ _ of
IsMim, leaving that gentleman ! phase of State rights by bolding country.
the County Clerk of Tillamook County,
be offered before long. Select gard-
stranded with his Imostera de­ I that all business transactions be-
With this commendation of hie ! C.»
Rw,, VI.
on v.
or momiv
before IV
o-clock ■ A. M. en spot, get it mulched and made pro-
serting him in qui< k succession. . tween residents of different States administration, we appeal to the I the 6th day of March. A. D. 1912,
' ductive. Plan to grow several thingB
I bis narrows the tight between «hull be regulnied by our national Republicans of Oregon to give to i The County Court reserves the right
that you may excel in some.
the President and the ex-Pre­ and not our State citizenship; when the President their undivided and
i County Court,
Look out for more information
sident, with the chances favor­ sinful business learns, as it will and earnest support for a second term.
Feb.8th, 1912.
J. C. Holden,
the press.
able to i’aft <>n account of the with nofuriher legislation, that there
County Clerk
|M*ople being opposed to a third is a power in public opinion beyond
Dr. J. T. Work, M.T.,
W. S. Bue),
It is a well known fact even the power of the statutes;
County Superintendent.
that Roosevelt is very popular when men stop for breathe and ask
NOTICE, is hereby given that the
with a large class, but a great whether they have done their duty
First at. at Third ave. W.
. .
, ,
< County* Court of Tillamook County
many voters who calmnly look us citizens under the contract which
A* a word of explanation 1 will. Oregon, will receive sealed bids for
V. B. Church.
at the situation are content to the) made with society in the right aav that my methode and appli- the clearing and grading of the right-
as the
let well enough alone, for Taft of franchise—those will be remedies. ances are the same as those used in of-way at
— what
------ .- is known „
vllv Kodad
Prayer Meeting Wednesday eve-
has made good and give the
No faithless treasurer, innofinit the beat drugless schools where I Place, commencing at or near the Rail- ninff at 7.30.
road crossing «■
to me
the Kii-
. .
country a progressive adminis­ of theft himself, who lias left hie obtained my diploma. The Port- chis
___ _____
___ s Christian
Iridge, „„
on the Bay
The - y°un _
ff people
River Bridge,
Bav vlv
vaults open nnd his books uncheck­ land School of Chiropactic which Road, according to plans and specifics^ Endeavor Society will give a |>oor
ed, wns even morally, more guilty applies only tothe spine and the
file at the office of the County man's social at the home of P. B C.
If ex Senator C. W. Fulton than is the average business man Chicago School of Mechano Ther­ Clerk.
A certified check equal to 5 per cent Lucas on Thursdry evening
had realised what a strong sen­ who in his eager pursuit of success apy, which includes ull the other
____ accom-
"«emljers are specially requested
of the amount of the bid must
timetit there wax that favored has abandoned hie civic obligations drugleea systems, the merits of
r each bid as a guarantee that the ,o be present as there is some im-
him for U.S. senator, he would and turned the conduct of gov- which are very well known and is
of ¿hi ^nt^nr awmdS P°r,Bnt business to attend to. It
have allowed himself to become eminent over to men whom he nothing in common with the ordin­
> a social and
a candidate, But we have now holds in contempt. Unconsciously ary muasuge mental or magnetic
All bids to be filed in the office of the business meeting. Bring soine-
reached that age of political the business man has degenerated healing.
! County Clerk of Tillamook County, i thing for refreshments and bring
civilization in Oregon when the . sb a citizen, first neglecting legis­
Oregon on or before 10 o-clock A. Ji. a friend with you.
office no longer seeks the man, lation himself and then hiring law­ The Sound Sleep of Good Health ^p'***,y the 6th day of M*reh. A D. :
| On Friday evening, at 7:30, the
but the man seeks the office, yers to tell him how he could get Is not for those suffering from kid­
The County reserves the right to re­ ’ people will have an opportunity of
no matter how incnpnble he is , around laws that seemed to im­ ney ailmeute and irregularities. The ject any and all bids. By order of the hearing Miss Belle Kearney give
prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills County Court,
to till it. The tight is a three ped« his progress.
, one of her famous lectures. She
will dispel backache and rheutua-
Feb. 8th, 1912.
J. C. Holden,
cornered one, between Bourne,
Finally, (the explosion came in tism. heal and strengthen sore
' 11 has
lA a lectured J in
— T London,
— —-1
County Clerk
Lowell and Selling. This com the lite insurance investigation of weak and ailing kidneys, restore
binution should have a tendency 1W6. Now we have a fresh explo­ normal action, and with it health
Chicago. St. Louis, Denver, in fact,
strength. Mrs. M. F. Spata-
to (itvor Bourne, but if it is true sion every morning
Moat of the aad
bury. Sterling. 111. says ; •• I aDf.
a great many of the principle cities
Hint the senator lias lost ground remeelies seem to me like mending fered great pain in me back and
of the world and comes well recom­
in Oregon, there is some pros a dock by tinkering with its hands kidneys, could not aieep
sleep at night.«Photographs
at Greatly Re« mended fsom the points.
)>eets of Selling landing the In our pitiful tinkering we have and could not raise my hands over
On Sunday, Sunday School at ll>.
bead But two bottles of Folev
rumination, for he is very pop tieen obliged to make numberless
Kidney Pills cured me."—Chas 1
m. ; preaching at 11 ; Young
ular in I*urtland, us he has been things statutory crimes which are Clough Co.
In order to reduce our over sup- People's ChriatiaTi Endeavor at 6:30
extremely active in the up­ in themselves no more crimes than
ply of Photographs Card Mounts,
season oi
of the year we will make Cabinets or smaller P-m.. led by Miss Laughlin, with
hub is
1» the
tur »oMon
building of that city. On the it is tor me to address yu. In
when mothers feel very much con (Septa or black and white, on any* a special program. Preaching at
other hand, should Lowell he this state we have made success a .................
7:30 conducted by Rev.
smeessful in securing a strung crime. W hat we have made crimes tmeted
by their children, and ha ive style card mount on hand for Fl ri? Young. All are invited to
bucking from Eastern Oregon under tlie Sherman puttie only our I •bu“dani reason for it a« every cold per dozen, while they last. Theee
it would be a close nice. From humorous attorney general cantell
’he lungs, lowers the vital- are all staples up to date mounts. 1 these services.
* ity and
»»>• way tor the more
present indications it looks as
In politico we muet have the eld.
diseases that so often foUow. some very choice styles.
For a sprain you will find Cham-
though Selling will be nomi­ cienvy of business.
In business t-bamberlain a Cough Remedy is
Regular price. $4 00 to »7 00.
berlain’a Liniment excellent
Drop in and look them over.
nated on account of bis popu- we muet have more of race con. famous for its cures, and is pleasant
allays the pain, removea the eore-
‘qyity iu Portland.
tieaa, and eood restores the parts
»ouu.uees and something of th« I jëalêre.'
wxwig» «%
to a healthy condition. 29 and 30
I cent
bottles for sale by all dealers.
, ,
I illjimook
ley, in Commercial News.
Enteied a* «ecundclass mail mat-
ter July, 1888, at the post office at project in the bill, with
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of propriation of $100,000.
March 3. 1879.
the most important news we
Taft Has Made Good.
Editorial Snap Shots.
Civic Duty.
Committee on sewerage reported
that the matter of sewers had been
taken up by the council and that action
was expected soon.
The committee on new memlers re­
ported that there was a feeling among
Club members that the initiation fee
should be reduced to $15.00 or $10.00
either permanently or for a limited
It was moved and seconded that the
by-laws be suspended and that the in­
itiation fee for residents of Tillamook
City be fixed at $10.00 and for non
residents at $5.00, for a period of four
months. Motion was duly seconded
and carried.
A telegram was read from Sec’y.
C. C. Chapman of the Portland Com’l.
Club announcing that he would arrive
in Tillamook on Tuesday, Feb. 27th in
company with John M. Scott of the
S. P. to arrange excursion of Portland
business men to this city. Members
present were requested to invite every
one possible to meet with theie gentle­
men on Tuesdoy.
A letter from the Irving Club of As­
toria asking for the establishment of
reciprocal relations was read. It was
moved and seconded that the invitation
of the Club to establish reciprocal re­
lations be accepted. Motion carried.
A communication regarding the es­
tablishment of carrier delivery in
towns of 1000 population and over was
read. It was moved and seconded that
the Sec’y be instructed to send a letter
to each member of the Oregon delega­
tion in Congress urging his support of
the bill introduced to establish experi­
mental carrier service.
It was moved and seconded that the
Oregon delegation be extended the
thanks of the organization for its work
on securing a harbor appropriation.
A telegram from Julius L. Meyer
regarding the election of a representa­
tive from this community at the selec­
tion of a building site for the Oregon
building at the Panama exposition was
referred to. Action was deferred by
common consent until the matter could
be referred to C. C. Chapman.
It was moved and seconded that a
special committee of single men be ap­
pointed to assist the Committee on Re­
ception and Entertainment, said com­
mittee to serve during good behavior
and to be subject to recall. Motion
carried. The following committee was
appointed ; Will Spalding, W. B. Gor­
don, R. H. Cady, Cliff Hiner, E. J.
Claussen, Dr. Kerron and B. Menden­
No further business appearing the
meeting adjourned.
E. J. Claussen, Ass’t. Sec’y.
And we wept that one so lovei,
should have a life so brief -
Y’et not unmeet it was that One lib
that beloved of ours,
So gentle and so beautifnl, should
perish with the flowers."
Died at the home of her brother r
Geo. W. Eichinger, Feb. 18th, 181Z |
Clara Cecelia, daughter of Mr. and i
M tb . R. Eichinger, aged 29 yeare,
3 months and 19 days.
Clara Cecelia Eichinger was born
at Scandia, KansaB, Oct 29, 1882,
and in October, 1892, mo'-ed with
her parents to Tillamook Const?
Oregon. She graduated from Till
amook High School in June, loot
She took up her chosen work as a
teacher the following fall and con­
tinued teaching until a few months
prior to her death. She proved a
very successful teacher and was
dearly beloved by her pupils and
by all with whom she came in con.
tact. Her nature was modest and
retiring. She led a pure'y spotless
and unselfish life and was ever
ready to speak a cheery word and
lend a helping hand to others.
Of Christianity she made no
public show, but displayed it most
in the home where her tender de-
votion to those she loved is beyond
praise and where her death leaves
a painful sense of in completeness
and loss.
In sorrow she was kind and com-
passionate, and hei belief in God
and trust in His over-ruling power
formed the essence of tier character.
Mies Eichinger had been an in­
valid for several months, but bore
all patiently and without a murmur.
Her last hours were calm and
peaceful, and when the Master
called was ready to depart from
thia transient abode to her celestial
home on high.
The remains were laid to rest by
the side of her sister in the I.O.O.F.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her
parents, two sisters
and two
brothers : Mrs. E. R Sloane and J.
J. Eichinger, of Randolph, Mo. ;
and Mrs. J. M. Harrison and Geo.
W. Eichinger, of Hobeonville. Ore.
“She is not dead, the child of our
But gone into that school
Where she no longer needs our poor
An dliriet himself doth rule.’’
___________ E.K.L.
Come and Register for the
Primary Nominating
January 2nd. 1912.—Date on which
county clerks of the respective
counties open registers for the pur­
pose of registering electors.
March 19th, 1912.—Date, on which
county clerks shall prepare printed
notices of primary nominating elec­
tion and mail two copies thereof to
each judge and cl*rk of election in
each precinct for posting in public
April 2nd, 1912.—Latest date on
which county clerks shall mail lists
of registered voters ol the respective
counties to the Secretary of State.
April 3rd, 1912 —Latest date on
which petitions for nominations for
offices to be voted for in only one
county or district shall be filed with
the county clerk.
April 9th, 1912.—Date on which
county clerks close registration
book before primary election.
April 19th, 1912.—Date of primary
nominating election.
April 24th, I912.—Date on which
county clerks of the respective
counties of the state re-open regis­
ters for purpose of registering elec­
tors residing within their counties.
May 15th, 1912.—Time at which
clerks close registratioa books.
June 4th, 1912. —Dnte on which
county clerks of the respective
counties re-open registers for pur­
poses of registering electors resid­
ing within their counties.
Every elector should register so
as to vote at the coming primary
election, and if they are unable to
appear before the county clerk,
they can register before the follow­
ing notary publics and justice of
the peace :
Frank A. Rowe, Nehalem, Ore,
D. S. Boyakin, Nehalem, Ore.
Inez V. Bozorth, Bay City, Ore
E. A. Geneste, Bay City, Ore.
W. C. Van Dersal, Bayocean, Ore.
I. W. Hiner Beaver, Or.
Frank Tayler, Cloverdale, Ore.
H. A. Miles, Woods, Ore.
W. H. Christensen, Oretown, Ore.
If there are any notary public who
wish registration blanks, the same
can be had from my office on re­
Very respectfully.
J. C. H oldbn .
County Clerk.
Do you know that more real <?»n
ger lurks in a common cold than in
any other of the minor ailments?
The safe way is to take Chamber-
lain e Cough Remedy, ” thoroughly
reliable preparation, and rid your­
self of the cold as quickly as pos­
sible. Thia remedy ia for aale by
all dealer*.