Tillamook Headlight, February 22, 1912. — -------------------------------- Notice of Application for license to Sell Spiritous Malt and Vinona ‘ Notice of Receiver's Sale ■ - ■■ ■ ------ ---------- — "-------- — ■ - . r-„ w-r-r '.%■ ?a Summons Circuit Court of the State of Liquors and Hard Cider. Rte. In the Circuit Court of the State of In the Oregon for the County of H ----------- I Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. 1 N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That Tillamook. TillamookCounty Bank, a petition presented in anu to the Elmore Packing Com .I a corporation, Trustee, . Court ----------------------- >_ .... . . | pany, pany, a a corporation, corporation, i | County of Tillamook County, Plaintiff, Plaintiff, Oregon, for a liquor license, ie in vs. vs. words letters and figures and a E. C. Sowle and Lucy J. | full, true and correct transcript Mary H. Elmore, Sowle, Defendants. J Defendant. J therefrom and the whole thereof In pursuance of and by virtue of To E. C. Sowle and Lucy J. Sowle, is as follows, to-wit: the above named defendants : In the County Court of the State of a decree and order of sale of the | In the name of the State of Oregon, altove entitled court in the above Oregon, for the County of You are hereby required to appear entitled cause, directing me as the Tillamook. Receiver appointed in the above | and answer the complaint filed In the matter of the entitled cause by the above en­ I against you in the above entitled application of J. J titled court, to sell the real property suit on or before the expiration of McCormick for a hereinafter described, under and by six weeks from the date of the first Liquor License. publication of thia Summons, and To the Honorable County Court virtue of said decree, which said if you fail so to appearand answer, decree was duly rendered and en ­ above named : for want thereof the plaintiff will WE, the undersigned , hereby tered of record in the above en­ apply to the said court for the relief allege and show to you the fol ­ titled court on the 16th day of demanded in the complaint herein. lowing FACTS AND PETITION YOU December, 1911 and directing me The relief demanded is the fore­ as said receiver to sell the same to AS FOLLOWS t — closure of a certain mortgage ex­ That we and etch of tin are resi­ the highest and best bidder there­ ecuted and delivered by you to the dents and legal voters within Gari­ for at public auction, in the man­ plaintiff in said suit on or about baldi Precinct, in Tillamook County, ner and form prescribed by law for August 12th. 1910, bearing said the sale of real property on execu­ Oregon, and have been such for tion, date, to secure the payment of more than thirty days next pre- five promissory notes executed by I will on the 26th day of February, ceeding the date and signing of you for $386.00 each, bearing the 1912, at the hour of ten o ’ clock in this petition, and the filing thereof, same date and payable respectfully having been and now are actual the forenoon of said day, at the on or before 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years north entrance door of the County residents and legal voters within after that date, with interest alter said Precinct for more than thirty Court House, in Tillamook City, in date at the rate of six per cent, per days next preceeding February Tillamook County, Oregon, sell at annum, which said mortgage con­ public auction to the highest and 1st, 1912. veyed to the plaintiff 40 acres of That we hereby petition you to best bidder therefor, for U.S. gold land off the East side ot the West grant a license to sell, spiritous coin in hand, the following des­ half of the South East quarter of inalt, fermented and vinous liquors cribed real property, to-wit : Situate in the County of Tilla­ Section 4, in Township 2 South, nnd hard cider or fermented cider, mook. Range 9 West, W.M., except 2 acres State of Oregon : commonly called hard cider, for a square out ot the South East corner 1 The E. half of N.E. quarter, N.E. period of one year from date of the of S.E. quarter and Lot 1 of of said tract, all of the above tract granting of such license, within quarter seetion 22, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 W., ex­ of land being in Tillamook County, paid Garibaldi Precinct, and in and cept Town of Nehalem and one and Oregon, and for the recovery of a fat the Town of Garibaldi, therein to one half acres, sold to School Dis judgment against you for the the above named J. J. McCormick. trict No. 39 I amount of said indebtedness, with Dated this 1st day of February, Also tract commencing at a point ( interest For the further sum of 1912. where section line between sections ' $200.00 as attorney's fees, and the | Peter Byrom, Garibaldi, 22 and 23, Tp. 3 N„ R. 10 W„ inter­ costs and disbursements of this i Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. sects lot 4 in block 5 of the Town of suit, and that the said mortgage tie Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. Nehalem, then down line of blocks foreclosed, and the said property sold for the purpose oi satisfying C. H. Sutton, Garibaldi. 4 and S, 248 ft. to Nehalem river to a the said mortgage, and that you Wm. Campbell, Garibaldi. stake 2 ft. North of Wist» Wharf, and each of you, and all persons Ben Tillofson, Garibaldi. then North 20 degrees E. 33 ft to a claiming under you be forever H. B. Karr, Garibaldi. j lot formerly owned by C. Pye. then I. Jackson, Garidaldi. North 70 degrees West, along line barred and foreclosed of all right, interest or estate in or to said H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. 'of said lot to line between sections title, property, or any portion thereof, Henry Chatnphe, Garibaldi. 22 and 23, then south on said sec- save the statutory right of redemp. Thomas yuinn Garibaldi. 1 tion line to beginning, containing and that the purchaser at the I Carl Loll, Garibaldi. i 3-16 acres in Lot 5. Section 23, Tp tion, sale be put into the immediate Ben Center, Garibaldi. 3 N., R. 10 W. of the property, and for | William Dowd, Garbaldi. Also the following lots in the possession further relief as may seem J. A. Smith, Garibaldi. I Town of Nehalem : All of Blocks 1, such I Frank Buckles, Garibaldi. 2 3, 4 ; Lota 3. 4 and the W. one equitable. This summons is published by I Frank K.Strueby, Garibaldi. i half of Lots 7 and 8, in Block 5 ; order the Hon. Horner Mason, I C. V. Stoker. Garibaldi. i Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, in Block 6 ; County of Judge Tillamook County, iohn Alleig, Garibaldi. 1 all of Blocks 7, 8. 9 and 10 : Lots 1. Oregon, said of order being made . J McCormick, Garibaldi. ! 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 11 ; Lots 1, and dated at Tillamook City, Ore­ I C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. 2, 7 and 8. in Block 12 ; Lots 3, 4, 5, gon, on February 15th, 1912. I A. F. Goff, Garibaldi. 6, 7 and 8, in Block 13 ; Lota 1, 2, 5, time prescribed in the order The for I Wm. Keys, Garibaldi. 6, 7 and 8, in Block 14; all of Blocks publication is once a week lor six I E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. 15 and 16. Also all the tide land successive weeks, and the date of I B. S. Thompson, Garibaldi fronting and abutting above des the first publication is Thursday, I E. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. ! cribed property. 15th. 1912. I J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. | Alao beginning at the corner of February H. T. B otts , I W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. sections 4, 5, 32 and 33, Tps. 2 and Attorney for Plaintiff. I H. J. Robison, Garibaldi. 3 N., R. 10 W ; thence W. on line I Fred Hart, Garibaldi. between sections 5 and 32, 6.13 NOTICE OF CONTEST, I Wm. Esty. Garibaldi; chains; thence south 16.22 chains I Lee Mead, Garibaldi. to Bey shore ; thence north 61 Department of the Interior, I J. N. Robinson, Garibaldi. degrees East 7 chains; thencenorth United States Land Office, I A. Longonbaker, Garibaldi. 55 degrees East 2.65 chains ; thence Portland, Oregon, I S. C. Frost, Rockaway. north 34 degrees east 5,13 chains ; 9, 1912. I S. G. Frost. Rockaway. thence north 24 degrees East 5.25 To Edgar Elkins, February of Blaine, Oregon, I P. L. Frost, Rockaway. chains ; thence North 58 degrees Contestee: I C. H, Frost, Garibaldi. East 1.75 chains ; thence North 30 You are hereby notified that Dick I Martin Hart, Garibaldi. degrees West 1.50 chains to line Dixon, gives Blaine, Oregon, I G. M. Gunderson, Rockaway. . between sections 4 and 33 ; thence as his who office address did on I M. M. Mead, “ '. ~ ' Rockaway. west 7.51 chains to the place of be­ January post 1912, file in this office | Chas. Fonger, Garibaldi ginning 15.21 acres. Variation 21 his duly 31, corroborated application I A. N. Bolting, Garibaldi. degrees East. to contest and secure the cancella­ I 1). W. Johnston, Garibaldi. I Also all the frontage, whirling tion of your homestead Entry, I G. Marshall, Garibaldi rights and privileges north and in I A. G. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. front of lot two (2), in section four Serial No. 01430. made December 4, 1907, for quarter (M), I Clyde Miller, Garibaldi. (4), in township two (2), North of Section 22, Southeast 3 South, I Beney Johnson, Garibaldi. range ten (10) West of the Willam­ Range 8 West, Township Willamette Meridian, I Andy Hayden, Garibaldi. ette Meridian, extending from the and as grounds for his contest he I Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. liue of ordinary low tide to the alleges that EDGAR ELKINS has I J. E, Mason, Garibaldi. channel of the Nehalem river. said land and has not ■ Chas. R. Gatchet. Garibaldi. ; Also beginning at the south west abandoned I Loyd C. Smith, Rockaway. corner of Lot numbered one (1), of lived on said land for eighteen (18) last past. I R. E. Jackson, Garibaldi. section four (4), Township two (2) months You are, therefore, further notified ■ H. A. Wampler, Garibaldi. North of range ten (10) West of the that said allegations will be I Chas. Bowers, Garibaldi. Willamette Meridian, and running taken the by hie office as having been I Jas. H. Snydow, Garibaldi. thence north on the line between confessed by you, and your said I F. C. Robison Garibaldi. lots one and two of said section and entry be canceled thereunder with­ I Victor Brener' Garibaldi. a prolongation thereof, to low water out your further right to be heard ■ Oscar C. Hawthorne, Garibaldir mark of Nehalem Bay ; thence therein, either before thia office or ■ M. Adamson, Garibaldi. easterly following said low water ■ Clark Smith, Garibaldi, mark to a point on said low water on appeal, if you fail to file in this within twenty days after the ■ Alfred Johnson, Garibaldi. mark line ten chains east of the office publication of this notice, as ■ Joe Snetsinger, Garibaldi, line tietween said lots number one fourth below, your answer, under ■ M. Morony, Garibaldi. and two prolonged ; thence south shown specifically meeting and re­ ■ Henry Jennings, Garibaldi. on a line parallel with said line oath, sponding to these allegations of ■ A. Davis, Garibalbi. between lots one and two and ten contest, or if you fail within that H e H. Best, Garibaldi. chains distant therefrom to the to file in this office due proof ■Geo. Perry, Garibaldi. south line of said lot one ; thence time you have served a copy of your H a . C. Jennings, Garibaldi. west on said south line to lot one to that answer on the said contestant ■ G. M. Loosley, Jr., Garibaldi. the south west corner thereof and either person or by registered HF red Gatchet, Grribaldi. place of beginning, containing mail. in this service is made by the H< H. Dirks. Garibaldi. twenty-five acres more or less, and delivery If of a copy of your answer HL. L. Smith, Garibaldi. also all riparian rights and wharf to the contestant proof of ■Mark Hobson. Garibaldi. privileges of whatever nature per­ such service must in be person, the said HH. M. Davis, Garibaldi. taining to said described lands, less contestant’s written either acknowledg­ ■John Paquet, Garibaldi. right of way heretofore conveyed of bis receipt of "the copy, Hohn Hobson, Garibaldi. to the Pacific Railway A Navigation ment showing the date of its receipt, or ■Win. Hartsell, Garibaldi. Company. affidavit of the person by whom Mj. A. Johnson, Miama Dated at Tillamook City. Oregon, the the delivery was made stating when ■Arthur J. Holmgreen, Garibaldi. this 25th day of January, 1911. and where the copy was delivered ; ■M, F. Bowman, Hobsonville. W ebster H olmes , I if made by registered mail, proof Hj W. Feley Garibalyi. Receiver. of such service must consist of tlie I ____________ ■Joe Hauxhurat, Garibaldi. ; affidavit of the person by whom the ■ F Schrantz, Rockaway. NOTICE. copy was mail"«! stating when and ■John C, Backus. the poet office to which it was ■ Win H. Franklin, Garibaldi. mailed, und this affidavit must be Mate of Oregon, County of Tills * NOTICE, is hereby given that the accompanied by the postin.ieter’a County^ Court of Tillamook County, I mook, SS. __ ___ , will HH_____ receive sealed bids for receipt for the letter. Ml. J. J. McCormick, being first Oregon, You should etale in your answer ^■ly sworn, say :—That I am one the clearing and grading of the right- name of the poet office to which ■ the petitioners alxive named, and of-way at what is known as the Kodad the Mve read the foregoing petition ; Place, commencing at or near the Rail­ you desire future notices to lie sent Mat all of the facts and statements road crossing and running to the Kil- to you. H. F. HlGBY, Register. Herein contained and set forth are chis River Bridge, on the Bay City J. C. A rdrey , Receiver. Hie as I verily believe, and to my Road, according to plans and specifica­ Dates of publications, February tions on file at tne office of the County Met knowledge and belief. 22nd, February 29th, March 7th. Clerk. J. J M c C ormick . A certified cheek equal to 5 per cent March 14th, 1912._________ MStibscnbed and sworn to before of the amount of tbe bid mu»' accom­ Me this 1st dav of February, 1912. NOTICE. pany each bid as a guarantee tn at the ■ seal ) W ebster H olmes , Bidder will execute a Bond for the Notary Public for Oregon. NOTICE, la hereby given that the ■N otice is F urther H " ereby completion of tbe contract If awarded County Court o f Tillamook County, tbe same. ■>'■ ex , —That said petition will All bids to be filed in the office of tbe Oregon, will receive Seale 1 bids for M called up for action in the County Clerk of Tillamook County, I the clearing and grading of the right- Mmuty Court of Tillamook County, Oregon on or before 10 o-clock A. M. i of-way of what is known as the ■«Run. on the sixth day of WHEELER ROAD, enmmenring at March, 1912. and based on said Wednesday the 6th day of March, A. D. ’ the first mile post, 6f said survey, and ^■tition ; said J. I. McCormick, on 1912. Tbe County reserves the right to re­ ' following on said survey to the termin­ Mid last named date, will apply to al. according to plans and specifications Hid County Court for a license to ject any and all bids. By order of tbe i on file st the office of the County Clark. M granted to him, to sell within County Court, I A certified check equal to & per eent J. Holden. Feb, 8th. 1812, * C. ---------- Hid Garibaldi Precinct and in County Clerk of the amount of the bid, or a Hood He town of Garibaldi therein. [ satisfactory to the Court must accom­ ^biritous. malt and vinous liquors, pany each bid as a guarentee that the ■rmented cider, commonly known bidder will execute a Bond for the hard cider, for a period of one ' ecxnpletion of the contract if a«anlei Hat from the date of said license. For eale cheap, 2.5 acres Ms the same. ■Dated this let day of February, blocks from High School. Good 11 All bide to be filed in the office of room hounr, with bath, toilet, the County Clerk of Tillamook bounty, J. J. M c C ormick . electric lights and all other modern Oregon, on or before 10 o-clock A. M. Alao ____ good barn. tbe 6th day of March. A. D. 1912, conveniencea. Tbe County Coart reserve« the right chicken pack and $75.00 cow. Rea- Hay for Sale. to reject sny and all bide Ry order of Hay for Sale in quantities from eon for selling, poor health. Call on or write to J. II. Hatl a- County Court, Se to 100 tons, at ruling price. —fa­ « Feb. 8th. 1812 J. C. Holden. il ire at E. E. Goodapeed, 2H miles way, Tillamook. Oregon. County Clerk brth of Tillamook City. LUMBER PRICES SLAUGHTERED Shiplap $13.50 No. I Kiln Dried Lap Siding $20. Other Prices in Proportion. In order to clean up our yard and make room for our great sum­ mer stock of lumbir, during tbe month of February we will sell at greatly reduced prices. We Have no Corner in Lumber of the common kind but we come pretty nearly having one _ in that of the highest class. If you are seeking lumber that is sound, straight grained, accu­ rately cut and thoroughly seas­ oned, the surest way of getting it is to come here. We are the only mill hav­ ing a pay roll in Tillamook City, thereby supporting twenty families. Why not give us a chance at your business beforegoing to outside institutions. A. G. Beals Lumber Company HEADQUARTERS FOR !. I a ì DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardwarn, Tinware, Class and China, Oils. Paint. Varnish. Doors. Window Sashes, i Agents for the Great Western Saw. ALEX The Most McNAIR CO Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. ___ _______________ $ J r Î. r I tf OLEY KIDNEY PHIS '1 for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularitieffi Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results- Refuse substitute*. Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook. Bow Cold Affects the Kidneys. A Warning Against Wet Feet. A vol« l taking cold if your kidoeys | are sensitive. Cold congests the kidneys, throws too much work u|M>n them, an«l weakens their action. Serious kidney trouble and even Wright's disease may resnlL Strengthen your kidneys, get rid of the pa>n and soreness build them up by the timely use of Foley Kid­ ney Pills. Tonic in action, quick in results.—Chas. I Clough Co. Wet ami chilled feet usually affect llie iimrcoua meinhrance of the nose, throat ami lungs and la grip)*«*, bronchitis or pneumonia may result. Watch carefully, par­ ticularly the children, and for the racking stubborn cough give Foley's Honey anil Tar Compound. It sooths the inflame I membranes, and heals the cough quickly. Take no substitute.—Chas. I. Clough Co, Foley Kidney Pill* will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicit «. No medicine can «Io more.—( lias. I. < loitgli Co. Dairy Farm Wanted. Wanted by an ex|>erience