Tillamook Headlight, February 22, 1012 Are You Going South or East ? J0HN L- SPANISH VENGEANCE HENDERSON, LEE WON HIS LOVE. ELECTRIC ILLUMINATION.! A Federal Soldier’s Chang« of Hosrt M Th« Diffarsno« Betwsan th« Are LigM Fat« of a Faithless Solon In the Reign G«tty«burg Bettitfield. and ths Inoandsscant. Emperor Chartoe. of ATTORNEY & COUNSEL- I was in the battle of Gettysburg I it Is a curious fact that while tbe It was in the early days of the reign myself, and an incident occurred there Direct connection Through LOR-AT-LAW, of the Emperor Charlee. when the which largely changed my views of average mau knows that, roughly at Chicago xnd Los Angeles speaking, there are two kinds of “elec­ Spanish people, ever jealous of their the southern people New Orleans for I had been the tric llglit”—the arc light and tbe In- and El Paso, Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. New York, Boston, rights, became Infuriated at a submis ­ or through most bitter anti-southern man and candewent light- lie has a hazy notion Washington, igton, sive cortes for voting Imperial grants fought and cursed the Confederacy I San Francisco Room No. 261. of tbe dltieivm-e between the two. and ■Iphia Philadef and Ogden. without obtaining redrees for popular desperately. I could see notblng good Tbe arc light and the incasdeacent SUNSET OGDEN 4 SHASTA ROUTES. pointe east. grievances. Tordealllae. the represent­ in any of them. The last day of the light differ wholly in principle, in i ative of Segovia, being a bold and •‘ROAD OF __ A THOUSAND WONDERS.” T. BOTTS, fight I was badly wounded. A ball brilliancy. in apiH*arance Hnd in th» brilii haughty man. returned to his native VIA SACRAMbNTO AND OGDEN. shattered my left leg. I lay on the mode of use. Tbe distinguishing dif­ • A ttorney - at -L aw . cart Over'and Limited— Pullman sleeping cars, observation city to defend bls conduct and. ac­ ground not far from Cemetery ridge, ference to an ordinary observer be­ through dining car. Complete set of Abstract Books cording to custom, summoned his fel­ and as General Lee ordered bis retreat tween arc and Incandescent ______ ____ _ car lights may Inc China and Japan Mail— Pullman and tourist sleeping-car, dining low townsmen to the church that he be aud bls officers rode near me. As be briefly stated ___ _______ (-------- . thus: Arc lights’ but u and ____________ free reclining chair care. San L_.; Francisco 1... to tc Chicago. Tourist n office. Taxes paid for non­ might give an account of bls actions they came along 1 recognized him. in the open air with carbon stick or car connection en route for Kansas City via Denver. In the cortes. Atlantic Express -Pullman and tourist sleeping car, dining car and free and. though faint from exposure and pencils, the points or ends of whl, h Residents. But the multitude. Infuriated at his loss of blood. I raised up my bands, reelin ng chair car, San Francisco to Ogden, Denver and Omaha are heated to a white heat and grad­ Lastern Express—Pullman anil tourist sleeping cars, and free reclining Insolence in attempting to justify con­ Tillamook Block. looked I.ee in the face and shouted as ually consumed. chair cars San Francisco to Chicago and St Louis. duct they deemed Inexcusable, burst load as I could. "Hurrah for the Un­ Incandescent lights. on tbe contrary, Both phones. VIA LOS ANGELES AND NEW ORLEANa. open the doors of the ebureb and. seiz­ are produced Inside small glass glolies ion!" Sunset Limited— Train de Luxe—San Francisco to New Orleans, Jues ing Tordeslllas. dragged him (hrougb The general heard me. looked, stop of various sba|>eH from which the al­ day and Saturday. Pullman sleeping car, observation car, equipped the streets with curses and Insults to­ ped hla burse, dismounted and came bas lieen exhausted. These lights are with library, barber ehop, strenographer, ladies' maid, manicure and ward the place of public execution. valet. Excess fare, $1UJJU. Diiect connection with New Orleans- CARL HABERLACH, toward me I confesa that I though' caused by Ibe passage of electrlel'v The dean and canons came forth New York steamers. he meant to kill me But as he came tbrough a tine resisting wire or thread, with the holy sacrament to awe the up be looked down at me with such which to thereby rais«i Into a white Sunset Express, Daily-Pullm-'n sleeping cars, tourist cars, free reclining mob: the monks tn the monasteries, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, chair cars, San Francisco to New Orleans. a «ad expression upon bls face that all or lm-.-indesi-ent light without being Sunset R ute No 8 Pullman and tourist sleeping cars, «lining car and by which the luckless deputy was fear left me. and I wondered what h«- consumed on a<*coitnt of the abeei;** free reclining chair cars. dragged, prayed on their knees that Tillamook Block. was alaiut He extended his hand to of nir. if air leaks in the filament V'a Los Angeles and El Paso. his life might be spared or. at least, me and. grasping It firmly and looKiu-.r i Immediately burns up. and that to the Golden State Limited To Chicago via El Paso. Pullman drawing­ that he be allowed time for absolu­ right Into my eyes. said. "My son. 1 end of It. room, observation cars and dining cars. tion: but. without regard for humanity The term "arc" Is an old one adop‘- California Pullman and tourist sleeping cur, dining car and free re­ EORGE WILLETT, hope you will soon be well ” or religion, they banged their victim up clining chair car. It I live a thousand years I shall ee of an electric spark In pass­ I never forget the expression of Gen —H. C. Chatfield Taylor, “The Band of or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. A ttorney - at -L aw . era! I^-e's face. There he was. de ing front one carbon point to tbe oth­ the Castanets.” feated. retiring from a field that bad er.—Harper's Weekly. Tillamook Commercial Building. cost hint Hnd his cause almost their last ho|te. and yet he stopped to say words like those to a wounded soldier O regon . T illamook Maxima to Whioh Rothschild Ascribed ••f the opposition who bad taunted him A Coolie Will Givo Hi« Cifo For 3200 Hi« Early Succos«. as he passed by. As soon as the geu Paid to Hi« Family. Rothschild commonly ascribed bls era I had left me 1 cried myself to The most grewsome feature of the H. GOYNE, early success In a great degree to the sl«-ep tb«re upon the bloody ground.— fatalistic Chinese and Japanese char­ ♦ . following rules: Gamaliel Bradford. Jr.,”in Atlantic. acter—the quality which makes them "I combined three profits. I made terrible as well led soldiers—is thalr the manufacturer my customer, and A ttorney - at -L aw . stolid view of death. In China a coolie the one 1 bought of my customer— anywhere can be bought tor $200. paid (CAPT P. SCHRADER)! Office : Opposite Court House, that la. 1 supplied the manufacturer to his family, to jump from behind a Hi« th« Painter Uses and Materials with raw materials and dyes, on each mound and take the place of the quail Method« of Work, of which 1 made a profit, and took bls T illamook , O regon Chinese painting is very frequently or pheasant when the authorities wish manufactured goods, which 1 sold at to cause a scandal and stop shootlug a profit, and thus combined three prof­ descrlb«*ri us calligraphic—that is to say. closely allied to or derived from by foreigners in the grave districts it«. When China's first railroad of twelve bandwriting. Inasmuch as Chinese “Make a bargain at once. Be an off T. BOALS, M.D., miles, from Wusung to Shangf .!. handwriting Is brush work, of a high band man. was built in 1870 we all remember “Never have anything to do with an order. It follows that every Chinese that a native whose business of tug­ unlucky man or plnce. I have seen who can write well has the making of PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, many clever men who had not shoes a skilled mechanical artist In black ging boats along the river was threat­ and white He has a tine delicacy and ened by the new enterprise deliberate­ to their fe«-t. I never act with them ly walked tn front of the train. His LLAMuOK. Their advice Bounds very well, but flexibility of touch, so that. If he |x»s death, of course, accomplished the transferring to pa sesses any bent for fate la against them They cannot get Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday purpose of the mandarins in stnrtlng Tillamook Block. of objects of na on themselves. How can they do me per representations ture or the imagination, he would b> an effective boycott against the inno­ according to Tides. good? expwted to produce work having a vation. Tbe repetitions of this sacri­ "Be cautious and bold. It requires fice on the national altar (as they See a great deal of boldness and a great special character g M. KERRON, The nature of the material used it> on the Yuethnn, Peking-Hankow and deal of caution to make a great for­ as slightly absorbent paper and other railways have been frequent. tune. and when you have got It It re­ such B. C. LAMB, Agent, s. ELMORE A CO, sized silk and thin water color, also The Chinese method of suicide among quires ten time« uh much wit to keep PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Lamb’s Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agenta, Astoria, Ore leads to work having a special charue unhappily betrothed girls is to take tt" F. P. BAUMGARTNER, Agent, ter. A member of any western ru. e an overdose of opium. Among men Tillamook Block, The last idea was one which Roth- Albera No. 3 Dock, Portland, Oregon. would have great difficulty In painting the larynx is opened or the victim ■child frequently expressed, and there a picture on a kind of blotting papei bangs himself, which last is the metb la no doubt he was thoroughly impress­ Tillamcok, Oregon with a Chinese pen tilled with thlu od official Peking favors for the po­ ed with its truth.—Life. watery pigment. These characters litical non grata».—J. S Thomson s however, give the Chinese painting Its “The Chinese.” Giant and Dwarf Hon«yb«ee. U. HAWK, chief charm. Birds and flowers and IB some of the East Indian islands landscapes and figures are put in once The Travel« of a Jewel. Will not mar the appearance oi ■nd on the mainland of Hindustan are ■nd for all with no possibility of sub Fanny Kemble when in the United new Harness but it will makt to be found the smallest species of sequent touching up States years ago was persecuted hy it very unsafe. If you buy youi PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, bone« bees In the world These dwarf They are painted with unerring the attentions of a wealthy lunatic. boney collectors are known to en strokes of the brush, and the result l> When Anally rejected by her he flung tomologists ns Apla tforea Their bon a clean, vigorous nnd living picture a package upon the table, exclaiming. BAY CITY, OREGON. ey combs are no larger than a child's The Chinese artist, as a rule, spends Here you may rest assured that “Well, nt least take this!" and dl-i|>- band, nnd the cells are nbout the size a long time thinking out his picture you are getting not only Har­ peared. The parcel proved to contain of a small pinhead This boney Is ex­ and then rapidly dashes It in.—Chica­ ness that presents the very finest a very' beautiful Jewel. The actress cellent. as is the wax. The little crea­ go News. R. BEALS, was not long permitted to retain It. appearance, but Harness that i> tures build the comb on the branch of She saw no more of tier persecute;. well made in every detail. ■ low tree, nnd as they have not to Tavern and Loan Office. but did not remain under any sense <-f provide for winter they work all the The time honored London tavern REAL ESTATE, obligation to him. The gem was stolen year tbrough. raising broods like them the Castle, at Cowcross and Farrlng from her before she quit the United selves In th«- same land there Is a don streets, enjoys the unique dis F inancial A gent , species of giant bees. Apis dorsata. as tlnctlon of being also a fully licensed States. She forgot all about It In !!:<• Next Door to Tillamook County B«nl course of the years that followed A large as a Held cricket These mon pledge shop. Any one may here nego Tillamook, Oregon. rery long time afterward she was In sters of th<- bee world build honey tiate a loan upon bis personal la-long Italy. A peddler displayed the con combs that are from six to seven feet ings without being under the necessl In length, four or more In width and ty of flrat calling for refreshments tents of his pack before her at Sor­ Jew* which weigh from 300 to 400 pounds This strange combination of business rento. There lay the long lost P. J. SHARP, Through whose bands it had passe/. each.—Harper's. dates from the reign of George IV.. there was nothing to show. who. after attending a cockfight at RESIDENT DENTIST, Maeterlinck'» First Play. Ilockley-ln-the-Hole, applied to the Accidents at Homs. Maurice Maeterlinck began hto lit landlord of the Castle for a temporary A man who. despite the fact that be Office across the street iron- the erary career with three apparent full accommodation on the security of his has several grandchildren, is still fon-l ores Hto first literary endeavor was watch and chain. By royal warrant Court House. of bls club and the pleasures which to found a review. La Pleiade. which a few days later he invested that Ue beyond the domestic circle said ;a Dr. Wine's office. soon ceased to appear. Hto second obliging bonlface with the right of ad defense of bis weakness that be went was tbe publication of a volume of vancing money on pledges, and from out to prolong his life “and to avoid |M>ema. “Serres Cbaudea." which fell that time down to the present a pawn dangers.” "According to a table re­ broker's license has been annually «tlllborn from tbe press. Then came 8ARCHET, cently published by an accident lnsu Ids play “La Princesse Maiene.” it granted to the Castle. This hostelry *■ . The Fashionable Tail«»". was printed by band—by tbe author's Is mentioned once or twice by Dickens ance company,” he said, “more than one-quarter of the aeddenta 'happen own bands in fact—and tbe edition con­ In bis novel».—London Answers. at home,* ” and in proof of the state­ sisted of exactly twenty-five copies, Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­ ment be showed this statistical record Ths North Pols. which were given away For a year ing a Specialty. The class was just beginning the of accidents: At home, 25.9 per cent: It attracted uo attention. Then. how­ pedestrians. 18.2; automobiles. 11.1: ever. one of the twenty-five copies fell atudy of geography. “James," said the teacher to the recreation. 11.0: horses and vehicles. S* *vr in Heins Photographic Into the hands of M Octave Mirbeau He wrote a resounding article ebout small boy In tbe front row. “tell me 9.9; on street cars 75: on railway Gallery. trains. 4.3: bicycles. 1.2: steamah! ■ tt in tbe Figaro, and tbe setter, like all you know about the north pole” "The north pole is up at the end of travel. 1.0: miscellaneous, 10.2.—New Byron, woke up and found talmaetf fa the world, and the earth turns around York Tribune. moua. —Westminster Gaaette CLAUSSEN, it. and Eskimos live there, and—and"- Cost of Revolutionary War. "Well. James, is that all you know LAWYER, Origin uf the Ceriew. Justin Winsor in fits "Tbc Wet In the year (lOfll) after King Henry'« shout the north pole? What about rhe ward Movement" quote« Thom ■■«, Jef­ Vs are Child-Liltt. death, la a synod, by the date’s au­ climate?” 9cut««hcr jlbuokat .lames was embarrassed at being ferson as his authority for tin* state­ thority and attended by biotope- ab­ Ju»t as our portraits of adults bots and barons. It was ordered that a “called" in front of tbe class nnd ment tbs' the money cost of •wtabtGh • tj Tillamook Block, bell should be rang every evening, at grasped at tbe suggestion "Why. tng American Indbnomt.-m«- was -■• possess strength and character. v«<. <1 T illamook tbe heartug of which prayer etonM be why. the Eskimos try to climb lt”~ round ntiml>era. 3l4o.isJ0.um O xboon We are experts in lighting tng to the same authority. the war of offered tad all tbe people «GonM get Imllanapolto News. the Revolution cost England ju*c within their houses and ahat their and posing, and our equipment about five times the above figure- that doors. This odd mixture of gkaty and Powerful Effect of Pure Saccharin. is complete. Come in and see police seems to be the orfertn of tte fa Saccharin should never be taken In to to My. about 37OU.Ofin.OUU. Thus it tut line. a pure state Some Idea of Its power will be seen that there are ocrerai mon« and r.itoreprraentad evrfew Whatever was ita object, tt wan at least will lie conveyed when it is understood present day -Americans any one of not ordained a» any special tefdsh'p that one part of It will give a very whom to worth much more • han k on William's English vabjerta. E A sweet taste to lo.iloo parts of water cost to establish the Independenrn of Freeman. History at tte Neman Tasted In too large a quantity. It sets this nation.—New York American Next to the Pa«t Office Conquest" tl»>u »be nerves tn such a way as to paralyse the sense of taste, just ss Telling Hie Meal» Out. powerful music stuns nr deadens ibe “And d<> you take your mental out?" auditory nerves or a bright light acts aeka the village probe, who Is garner­ noon th* optic nerves ing information from the former reel­ dent who 1« home from the city for a few days WWy. I Fully Prepared. think Jack-When t asked Ethel if ate "Not until after I have eaten item.” Won Id be mine «he fell on my breast wearily responds the unwilling victim. »nd sobbed just like a little child, bnt —Judge's Library. «I. P. AliUEN, Proprietor finally she pet her arms around my n-"-k and— Mend-Oh. yea; I know all about that I rehearsed tt her - ft,«ton Transcript THE TRAVEL VIA THE Southern Pacific H ROAD TO WEALTH. The Reliable Route Steamer Sue H. Elmore” LIFE CHEAP IN CHINA. CHINESE ART. Tillamook & Portland Leaves Portland, Albers No. 3 Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays, (PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY ONE WEAK SPOT HARNESS W.A, Williams&Co. LiflMB-SCHRflDER CO Incorporated. Warehouse and Commission iwen. Coal, Shingles, Lime, Cement and Brick. Dock and Warehouse. Front Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue West Child Portraits Made by Monk’s Studio, Ì The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE Headquarters for Travelling Men Special Atteution paid to Tourists. First Claaa Table Comfortable Beds and Accomtnodatioa I. Cloucth, Drriopi«* Etperienr. take* dreadfully R. h.«t «afte* bat he t ether —Carly ks.