iliatruwk t it Hcaôliüljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 22, 1912. Fathers Teach your boys and girls the value of money. Let each child have its own savings ac­ count, and cultivate an interest in seeing it grow. There is no better w'ay to lay the foundation for lives of thrift. A good start and an early one will have a great in­ fluence on the child’s future. This bank has a Savings Department. oldest ] BANK IN TH L COUNTY 1 TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. ILI/AMOOK JOTTINGS Smelt 5c. at the Fish Market. Coal $10. a ton, delivered. Tillamook Feed Co. . Cement, Lamb-Schrader Co., Tel. 1. 1771. Chas. Ray was in from Clover- lale to day. Pigs for sale. E. G. Anderson, lemlock, Oregon. Sheriff Crenshaw has collected iver $50,000 in taxes. Horse, buggy and harness for pie or trade.—J. R. Harter. Geo. R. McKimens was down rom Nehalem on Thursday Ladies’ $20.00 Rain Coat at $12.50, It Mason Pennington & Co.’s. * IShelby Electric Lamps will please Lu. Try them. King A Smith Co. ■Outing flannel, 12 yards for one pilar, at Mason, Pennington 4 Co.* 13 Heifers, 3 years old, fresh in larcii. For sale. See Frank Tone, lit will pay you to look at Mason, knningtonA Co.’ebargain counter Bis week. * ■Live chickens wanted at the Tills- look Meat Company’s Market, 13c. Mr pound. • ER. Robinson left for Portland ■ednesday morning after a week’s ■sit in town. Kott,—A wedding ring marked I B. A reward of $3 to the finder ■ this office. Keep your eye on Tillamook City ■ a large railroad center in the Mr future. BVe «are sorry to say that Mrs. Bverance, wife of Frank Severance »till quite sick. Bring your chickens to the Tilla- Kok Meat Company’s Market. We By 13c. per pound. Klark Whitestone and family in from Portland on Friday to Bk in the saw mill. ■pring stock has arrived at Patz- fls. You are cordially asked to Hpect the new 1912 line. ■»»on, Pennington A Co. are ^Bring ladies’ winter under gar- ^Lts at a great reduction. ^Bie Tillamook Feed Company (my 2W cents each for good bearing their brand. Mhlamook Meat Company Lard ^Llutely pure; $1.40, 10 lb. pail; & 51b. pail ; 50 lb. can 12c. lb. . ^fcedles. Bobbins and Shuttles for ^B Sewing Machine manufactured i^Lnd Belts. King A Smith Co. infant’s Crib, a Baby Go-cart, as new, and Quick Meal Range Ml nhort time. See Ira C. Smith. .Hear load of high grade Jersey l^kk was shipped into Tillamook l^| week by F. R Beals and Ernest ^Lht. CAPITA L $30.000 00 STATE SUPERVISION When shopping remember Patz- laf's, as they have their new spring stock in. W. O. W. members may pay their dues to Mr. E. J. Claussen during the absence of Mr. Carl Haberlach from the city. When the stump is full of water, use Stumping Powder on those stumps. It does better work. See King & Smith Co. Miss Lena and Harold and Frankie Eppelett left for Demos Springe on Monday to visit their mother who is taking treatment there. A young man, Swiss, wishes a position on dairy ranch, or will rent with stock.—Address Albert Pfiff- ner, Grand Ronde, Oregon. I will pay 8c., 10c. and lie. for call hides at my shop. Try me out and see. The Old Reliable Hide and Fur Dealer. N. E. Melchoir. • Thos. Harris, the cleverest color­ ed comedian since the days of the old Minstrel King, Billy Kenands, is with the Nashville Students. . The Tillamook Feed Co. will make you extra low prices on alfalfa hay if taken from the car, either in ton lots or car loads. See them at once. * To rent, a -farm near Hemlock, of 245 acres, which will support 12 to 15 cows, on a three years leaae. Apply E. B. O’Neel, Bayocean, Ore.. Don’t buy Tons ; Buy Heat Unite, Aberdare (Australian) Coal is sold on its merits as a Heat producer, Lamb-Schrader Co., Telephone Main 1771. TheC. C. C. Q.,—sometimes called the Colored Church City Quartette is along with the NaahvilleStudente. They get ¿harmony out of any old song, any old way. Two pure bred Holstein bulls for sale, one three years old and the other four months old. Prices are reasonable.—J. A. Hazlitt, Forest Grove, Ore. R. No. 1. . Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed- ing purposes. Permit fortrapping furnished. Address ’Gene M. Simpson, Sup't State Game Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. Slab wood for sale, 16in. lengths, $2.75 a load, delivered. Over five loads $2 .50 a load. Leave orders at the A. G. Beale Lumber Co.’s office or with the teamster. George Washington, the man who never telle a lie, is to be seen with the Nashville Students this year. He is so funny that his clothes won’t fit him. • Csrl Haberlach left on Tuesday morning for Portland and Loe Angeles to interview the buyers and become better acquainted with those who handle Tillamook cheese. Nay Bros., wooden and soft shoe dancers, twins, and as much alike as two peas, will entertain with some new spring lines for 1912 have up-to-date songs and do clever red at PatzlaFs. Call and look stunts in dancing, and are among i over. You will not be asked the feature acts of the Nashville Students. •ged to buy. IiAMHR’S VARIETY STORE TILLAMOOK, OREGON. •• DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” A full line of 1912 styles and Pat­ advised that he can receive taxes, terns in Ginghams at Patzlaf s. A lees the Port tax. full range Of prices. Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, of the The Tillamook Hose Company Anti-Saloon League, will preach and will give its annual dance at the lecture at M. E. church in this city Tillamook Commercial Club this on Sunday morning and evening, (Thursday) evening. the evening service being a union H. S. Soule, the piano tuner from meeting. Portland, is now in Tillamook for a The property owners on Main short time only. Orders for tuning street who pre arguing for three may be left at Lamar’s or Clough’s railroad tracks on Front street are drug stores. , blind to property rights, Why not For Trade, Salem Resident pro­ allow three tracks on Main street or perty for dairy land in Tillamook some other street ? Somehow we County. Eor particulars write feel that the property owners on C. B. Measor, Salem, Oregon. Also Front street will have a just cause give description and location of for complaint, and they should peti­ tion the city council to give the place. For sale, a good work team, har railroad forty feet on Main street ness and wagon. Also two black and not on tneir street. Why not ? colts, full eistery, from the Nehalem Some opposition developed at horse, one two year old and one Garibaldi to C. F. Alexander be­ yearling colt. Enquire at the Head coming postmaster of that place. It light office. seems that no one with the ex­ I F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., ception Mr. Alexander could be I has located next door to Lamar’s induced to take the office until Sun­ variety store, and is prepared to do day, when Mrs. Sarah J. McMillan all kinds of shoe repairing at finally consented, and a petition reasonable rates. All work guran. was circulated in her behalf and sent to Washington, and it is tho­ teed. Give him a call. * Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. ught the person having the most Smith, speaks German. Surgery, names on their petition will be ap­ ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in pointed. the Commercial Building, opposite- - Died, nn Sunday morning, Mies Eichinger, daughter of Mr. the Todd Hotel. All calle answered Clara ' day or night Both phones. * ; and Mrs. Eichinger, at the home George Benson met with an acci- of ' her sister, Mrs. L Harrison, The deceased dent last week while doing the 1 near Hobsonville. bachelor’s act He was frying, had been quite seriously sick for when a scale of iron flew into his 1 several weeks, and underwent an but she continued to get eye, causing considerable pain, operation, 1 worse, until death claimed her on which was removed by a doctor. Sunday. This is another sad be C. L. Shirreff, district manager of ' reavement to the parents and fam­ the Woodmen of the World, is in ily, for they lost another daughter thecity in behalf of that order, and a last year. They have the sympathy special meeting of Alder Camp is of their friends and neighbors. called for-tomorrow (Friday) eve­ Mayor Harter returned from Port­ ning in the K. P. hall, over the Gem land last week where he had been Theatre. looking ovei^and investigating the Now that the automobile rush is different hard surface pavements. over we are repairing any and While there he called upon General everything. Guns, locks and keys, Manager Campbell, of the Southern typwriters, cash registers and Pacific, in regard to the application complicated machinery a specialty. of the P. R. A N. for three tracks At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any­ on Front street. The Mayor is not thing that we can’t repair we will in favor of allowing any railroad buy. company to monopolize that street, Everything indicates there will be and should the city council pass an an early spring. There is no snow ordiuauce to that effect, it would be in the mountains, it all disappear­ in his power to veto it or the people ing several weeks ago. Trees are could take a referendum vote on budding and some are in leaf, and the question. grass has been growing so fast that the meadows now afford good A Quanit Social. pastures. With the quaint, bright costumes Simmons Brothers and Golds­ worthy’s mill is now running and of the days before the Revolution, ready for orders. Dressed lumber the powered hair and curls, the furnished after February 15th. stately bearing andjtheslow deliber. Rough lumber $8 per M. Dressed ate tread, ladies of the Guild and lumber will be sold at correspond­ young people of the Presbyterian ingly low prices. Mill situated 8 Church presented scenes from the Colonial days at the Church last miles south of Tillamook. evening. The affair showed consid­ The first car load of wire products erable thought and skill and the ever shipped into Tillamook County participants are to be commended has been received by King A Smith for the excellence and accuracy of Company. Car consisted of Woven the production. Wire, Barbed Wire and Nails. Par­ Tableaux and a drill were used to ties wanting any of these items illustrate incidents with which we should see this firm before they buy. have becomefamiliar. Washington They will save you money. and the cherry tree, his giving up The Tillamook High School debat­ the thought of entering the Navy, ing team, composed of Benley the spirit of '76, the making of the Stem, Reyd Bain and Elbert Ginn, first flag, events such as these were will debate with The Dalles High represented. School team on the 8th of March, | The drill was presented by twelve and the former will have the affir­ young ladies in costume and was mative side of the question on the particularly well received. Music parcels post issue. ’ was rendered between the tableaux Are you looking for something by an orchestra composed of Mrs. new? Well, here you are. Guaran­ Campbell, Miss Ruby and Chester teed fire safe cement blocks. Plain McGhee. A reading by Mrs. L. L. and rock face building blocks, e c. Baker and a vocal solo by Miss Can oe seen on lot accross from Edith Alger completed the program. After the performance light re­ Tillamook Feed Co. All kinds of cement work also done. A. E. Doerge, freshments were served; the social Box 446, Tillamook. Telephone to being a decided success in every Dick, the drayman. way. __________ Improved and unimproved realty Billiard Tournament. in Portland and Hood River and The billiard tourament at the improved and unimproved farm lands near Lyle, Washington, and Tillamook Commercial Club has Banks. Oregon, for sale, or ex­ created a good deal of interest. change for improved or unimprov­ Thus far M. F. Leach and T. B. ed realty in Tillamook City or Val­ Handley have the highest scores : 731 ley. Enquire of Attorney John Le­ T B. Handley. land Henderson, Room 216, Tilla­ 543 W. F. Baker .......... 750 mook Block. M. I Leach......... 514 W. M. Gordon ... Brick. 3S3 W. H. Holley .... Lime, 417 Cement, E. Jenkins............. Shingle«, 4i» tPiawker............... Coal Oil, 37» rank Fitzpatrick Coal, $10 ton, 375 Carl Haberlach ... Poultry Supplies. :« m Webster Holmes . Potatoes. $150 per 100 571 S. M. Kerron ........ •’Best’’ hard wheat flour $1.40 ah., 533 Bert King............... $450 bbl.. 2K3 lohn Latimer ... Alfalfa meal, hay and st! kinds «00 Boyd Menenhall.. i of feed at prices as low a" any in 3MI James Walton .... ! the city. 52H H. T. Botts........... TILLAMOOK FKRD CO. «15 F. I. Sappington . 323 A. K. Caae............. I A nnmber of the farmers who are «21 Ira Smith............... ■ opposed to the Port of Tillamook i met st the Court House on Satur- Prices for Hogs I day, and it was decided to circulate ' a petition so as to ascertain how I.ight hog" 150 lbs SViT- many would agree not to |>ay the 150 lbs. to Jin lbs. Sc. 200 lbs. to 250 Um 7 Sc [Port tax They will have another 300 lbs. and over, 7c. meeting and then decide what they Tillamook Meat Company. will do. Sheriff Crenshaw baa been Stepping Stones to Wealth Are the steps leading to the savings bank. Every num, woman and child ought to travel up these steps often. It spells success and independence in the future. Thrift in youth means wealth in old age. Deposit your savings with us and you will find them accumulating at a 'rapid rate, and earning good interest while accumulating. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, TILLAMOOK, ORE. S.P. PLANNING LINE Tillamook Commercial Club. A smoker will follow the regular ON COAST. Engineers Examine the Country from Siuslaw to Tillamook. business meeting of the Tillamook Commercial Club to be held next Monday evening, when matters of importance will be considered It is desired that there be a full atten­ dance. Engineers Hoey and Fontaine, who have been engaged in super­ Lady Evangelist Coming. vising most of the construction On March 20th, Mien Anna Glea­ work of the Natron end of the new main line cutoff of the Southern son, Evangelist, and Miss Elizabeth Pacific, have been doing reconnoi- Merritt, soloiat, will begin a revival sance work for the Harriman inter­ meeting at the M. E. Church. These ests for what appears to be u 200- ladies are consecrated workers, who tuile extension right down the Ore­ have been very successful in their gon coast line from Tillamook Bay work. They come with the very 153 con to Coos bay. The line as reconnoit­ highest endorsements. ered would connect the recently verts in the recent meeting at Slieri completed Pacific Railway & Navi­ dan. They are at present having gation company’s road from Port­ large results in a meeting at Dallas. land to Tillamook «titli the proposed Plan to begin with first service and Willamette Pacific line from Eugene continue throughout. J. T. M ookk , Pastor. to Coos bay, which is now under construction. This line would give the Hurri- M.R. Church Servicen. man interests a continuous belt line with Portland, Eugene, Tillamook 10.1X) a. m.—Sunday School, and Coos bay points as the import­ tide is rising. The impulse of the ant terminals. The ground covered Convention will abide in greater by Hoey and Fontaine is a richly efficiency of the school. productive one, which has not had 11. a. m.- Rev. Mr. Z.immermsn the proper industrial or agricultu­ of the Anti-Saloon League will ral development simply because preach. He is a live wire. Hear liim. the territory lacked suitable trans­ 0 30 p. in.— Epworth League. The portation facilities. young people arc cordially invited. The engineers started their pre­ 7 80 p. m.- Anti-Saloon represent­ liminary work at Gardiner, which ative, Mr. Zimmerman,of Portland, is at the mouth of Umpqua river will give an illustrated lecture at a and one of the important points on Union Meeting of all the Churches. the Eugene-Coos bay extension. Come-enjoy and profit by this ser­ From there they went over the vice. country northward and touched at J ames T. M cxikk . pastor. Florence, the first point to lie touch ed by the Eugene extension on the Dairy Farm Wanted. Pacific coast, and located at the * mouth of the Siuslaw river. Thence Wanted by an experienced dair going northward, the locators struck man, a dairy farm to rent, wit toward Yakima bay points, Toledo, 20 to 30 cow,. Apply to thia office. Newport, Elk City, and traversed the fruitful Siletz and Grand Ronde Indian reservations on the way to Tillamook. AT They were at Tillamook looking over the terminal situation for sev- eral days before their identity was discovered. Their reconnoitering work seems to indicate that the Southern Pa­ cific is contemplating early con­ struction of a line down the Oregon shore. Such a line lias been talk­ ed of for years, and many railroad location engineers have gone over the route, and from reports they have made there will not be a very large amount of heavy construction or difficult engineering problems to be overcome.—Telegram. Nashville Students LYRIC Spelling and Letter Contest The First National Bank, of Tilla­ mook City, is at present conducting an educational contest in the county, the schools of Nehalem, Bay City, Clover­ dale and Tillamook City taking part. The contest will be in spelling and letter writing. The principals of the school* will conduct the contests in their respective schools and the First National Bank will submit the words and letters. The judging will be done by the board of directors of the bank. A first prise of 110, second prise of $6, and a third prise of 12.60 will be given in each contest. The contest will take place on Friday, March 1. COY HERNDON ANI) EDUCATED TROUPE. Sometimes called the wizard of hoopville, |>erforming wonderful aod seeming impoaaible feats with hiahemps. Thia young man 1« un­ doubtedly the greatest negro hoop roller in the world, carrying special scenery for his act, which would be Wood Wanted a credit to the largest vaudeville Wanted 30 cords of wood, alder house in the country He ia with or hemlock. Half to lie delivered the Nashville Students, at the Lyric by March 15th, balance l>j Theatre. Saturday and Sunday, 15th. Bida to be in by Marc! February 24th and 25th. A real treat Joa DoNALLaox, that no one can afford .o miss. President Elmore Creamery.