Tillamook Headlight. February 15. 1012. LOW FARES WEST. Daily March 1st to April 15th, HARPER TO IO ________ PORTLAND and HILLSBORO wvnM FROM CHICAGO ........... $33.00 CINCINNATI... MILWAUKEE.. ST. LOVIS . ... NEW YORK ... DETROIT ......... 37.1» 31.50 32.00 saoo 38.00 ST. PAUL ....... $25.00 KANSAS CITY.. 25.00 OMAHA................ 25.00 DES MOINES.... 27.85 INDIANAPOLIS. 35 05 DENVER............. 25.00 points in proportion. From other eastern pointe Tell your friends in the East of thia opportunity of moving « eat at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, Great Northern and "North Bank" Lines. ;n You can deposit with me and ticket» will he furnished people in the East Detail« will be furnished on request. w K CO&IAN T. COOP-EK, Agent, Grandpa han travelled anil one he knows that the find whiskey which you HARPER everywhere la Supply yourself with this whiskey World Famous from Gen’l. Fn-ight and PasJ. Agent, Po.tland, Ore. Free ! Hillsboro, Ore. I Free ! SPECIAL 30 DAYS OFFER JOHNSON & MCLAUGHLIN To further introduce our high-grade photo­ graphs we will give FREE one handsome Bromide Photo Enlargement Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? You like a little salt and pep­ per—u little mustard—a little lemon extract—a little thin and thut to flavor your grub. Your cow, your steer, your hog under natural conditions would have a chance to get a bite of this, a bite of that and a bite of the other thing and so get a variety in its feed. But under the unnatural condition in ¿(which you keep them, they get every day about the aauie sort of stuff to eat. A h a natural conseauetice they get ‘‘off their feed.’’ Even if they do not, their digestive organs need the tonic effect which comes from a variety of feeding stuffs. Watkins' Stock Tonic Is a scientific preparation which not only improves the tlavor of the feed you feed, but also sup­ plies thst tonic element so needed to make your live stock do their best. There is no longer any doubt about the need of a tonic for the modern domestic animal kept under artificial conditions. Y'ou must give them something to help them digest their feed an"l get the greatest good from it. Watkins’ Stock Tonic supplies thia need. It makes the animal relish its feed more; it aids in the digestion and assimilation of the feed, and in addition to that, it has a tonic effect upon the whole system. Your Hnimals need a tonic of thia kind. Watkins' Stock Tonic is not a secret preparation. We tell you the actual me l eilli-nt« that are used in it. You know exactly what you are buying, and pounu for pound it will go farther ■ nd do more good than any other stock tonic or so called stock food ever made. The Watkins Man will be glad to leave you a pail on trial, backed by the Watkins guarantee, with each $2.00 order or better. CALL AND SEE OUR SAMPLES AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. The Tillamook Studio HEINS’ OLD GALLERY. I 4 MECCA THE SACREB OUR MOTHER TONGUE COROT SAVED THE TILE. A Shrine That Draws One-eaventi» St the Human Race. Although one of the moat lnaccesafbto attles ou earth. Mecca each year baa rtaltors in such numbers that It moat be ranked la this particular with Leo- tiuti and New York. Even the world’s toatro|H>lis on tbe Tbamee can boast eo each cosmopolitan character as Is ¡■■parted to this mysterious city tn tbe Wilderness of Arabia by the myriads «f pilgrims who. at the cost of la OBMllbie pains, annually crowd into its «■■fines. This city is the oldest place of re­ float In existence, yet of all the mil­ lions who have visited it not a score «■ Christians are known to have come •St alive. No Bag of citizenship would ■flSe a man's life were he known to ba a Christian within the sacred pre- ctocta of tbe city where the propbet Mxnself decreed that no unbeliever ■Ibould set foot. Of the 225.000.000 Moslems In the world only 15.500.000 live under the Turkish flag, yet most of them se­ tnowledge the sultan of Turkey as tflelr caliph, the successor of tbe proph­ et. As Mohammed shrewdly foresaw, the Mecca pilgrimage binds together Ids disciples Into a unity which could be effected in no other way. “Mecca." says Dr. Samuel M. Zwe- toer of Arabia, "has become tbe re- B a beurt.v laugh.y "1 will aoon put that all right." The painter brushed awnv the daub caused by the accldeut. mid In a few minutes the picture was com plete. and tbe owner of the hat left the studio with a much more valuable chapeau than that with which be en­ tered.—London Globe. WONDERFUL ECHOES. ■Pact Produced by a Pistol Shot at a Lake In Bavaria. Probably the finest echo which the world knows is In tbe cathedral at Pisa, where tbe leaning tower is. Sing two notes and there is no reverbera­ tion. Sing three and they are at once token up by tbe walls of the edifice, ■welled, prolonged and varied till they see tn a a a divine harmony from some Majestic organ. There la a cavern In Finland in which. If you test your lungs to tbe top of their capacity, there will answer you such horrible roarings, moanlngs aud mutterings that you will be glad to rush out in absolute terror. Tbe cutting down of trees in a cer­ tain locality on tbe Hudson river spoiled ■ splendid echo. A word shouted there WM repeated forty-two times. Undoubtedly the most extraordinary ■atural echo tn tbe world is to be beard by the side of a small lake tn Bavaria. On one band rises a perpen­ dicular cliff several thousand feet high, while on tbe other side is a dense for- eat. If a pistol Is tired on tbe lake tbe woods send back a faint echo that gradually dies away, but presently it 1 he advanced Piano selling methods originated in ti beard from the cliff, continually in- ¡Ti llamook by the store of Jones & Knudson makes a Cleaning tn power till' it bursts over bead like n deafening peal of big saving in the price of a Piano to each customer, be­ ette's (bander.—Pearson s Weekly. SINGSONG GIRLS. They Ara to China What ths Gaishas CORAL REEFS. Are to Japan. “Singsong" girls of China are first cousins to the getshils of Japan. These young ladies vary in age from sixteen to thirty and are chosen for their physical nud their artistic attrac­ tiveness. Tbe singsong girls are hab­ ited in coat and trousers of tbe finest silk, satin or brocade. The former la cut very much tn tbe style of a French ouvrier’a blouse, and the latter are cylindrical, falling to tbe ankles and disclosing the Snest silk hosiery and the daintiest embroidered shoes. At an understood interval one of the singsong girls comes forward to play an Instrumental solo, It Is more or less a fantasia on two notes, the pitch lying Ht about E tn the treble clef, with squeaky high excursions. No sheet of music is unfolded, tile Chl- nese professional singer being expect­ ed to know the words as well as the music of at least 500 ballads. There are sure to be solos, duets and trios, and here the male orchestra comes in I with tine eutbuslasm In accompanying the singers. Sometimes there is a tremendous racket In rhe midst of a most pathetic cause we save them the Portland jobber's profit and episode, which prevents von entirely Making lip His Mind. the BIG AGENT’S COMMISSION. Besides there is Drltberateness. it quality generally from gathering the meaning of the Bur custom has sanctioned Mrritied to the Scots, must reach h song kind of quintessence among tbe Shet­ these outbreaks, which are understood landers. If this story from the Chris­ of the t'elestl.ils. though It is certain tian World may tie held to represent ao western star singer would mil up them fairly: j w.th them at any price.—Chicago News The Rev. lames Hamilton, minister the Church of Scotland. Rodney • When Rhymes Come Hard. Iii dealing with your own home merchant, whose •f Matt now Arnold <*oniplHinw1 of the atreet Liverpm-ernlng Egypayans." which recitaw ikat "afore Ibis tytne dyverae and Siam’s Amazon Guard. •tony oiitlandysshe People, callynge Siam Is one of tbe few countries tbetn aelfes Egyptians, using no erafte which boast of a corps of women po­ For their manufacturers, distributors and pur­ ■or fblcte of marcbaundyae. have lice The members of tbi- amazon into this Itealme and gone fTOto guard are all old Hnd ugly. Tbev wear chasers, as like a good violin they mellow and improve rocien ■blre to Shire and Place to Place, a«ti uniforms, though they are not armed with age and there is a complete absence of that tinnv. ■ard great* subtyll and crafty meanea Their chief duty la to act as gate metallic tone so often found in the class of Pianos to deceyve the people that they by keepers of the Inner, or women's, pal- could tell men no aud van usually sold by traveling agents. The much talked of flalmestr* ace at Bangkok. They follow any fortunes, and have by erafte aati stranger who enters the palace and ■flbtyltle deceyved tbe people of (Mr remain with him until he takas his departure Men who have bwalataa Inside the palace—doctors, architects, Ths Giant Petrel. carpenters, electric light Utters, etc. We giant petrel of tbe arctic regions Are the envy of agents who are trying to compete •tl feed on offal until It Is so absolute enter the palace freely, bat are al- waya accompanied by some of tbe Am­ with us, but on the other hand the S. \V. MILLER CF Korgixl as to be unable to rise off tbe i azon guard The palace has some ten tn Bight. Then It runs along the PIANO is the pride of every owner. tee If ebnsed. spreading Its wings onk difficulty In recruiting these guards, SB satis Refer* being captured, bow as the work Is hard and tbe pay poor, over, tbe petrel will suddenly stop and and the qnaltfication - an—mgllnra iBnaora* u quantity of semidigeet«« Vary.-London Standard. fond sad then go off on a mu again. If It DanawUati overtaken n second time It will repeat "Do you believe m capital pamab- By paving more for any Piano than the price we the performance and when once It baa ment F' asked tbe lawyer wbo was ek- ask von for the S. W. MILLER, for there is no better ffM rid of its dinner files away. • mlnlng the candtdlaira Par tbn for, I "Well, that depantit" Home Piano today on the market, and we kindly Ao "Moms Sweet Home" Is Sung. “Iiepeixla on wbatF* She hail s voice like a siren, and invite yon into onr store to make ns prove it to vour “Oh. the defendant. It aba to that When she «ang Mid plat spree, sand entire satisfaction. •■Iacea, th« beam a marne, be It c«<“l looking yonng woman wbo tita at I everse oh hum bull, there anew play rour left,' 1 don t"—Cbteage BnrorA Baratti. tty i-uuib. ami so on to the couclnotoa. thera wasn't a dry eye tn the roopt.— (Jolted ITeabyterlan. Wtefa They Cannot Form In th. Lin. of a Fresh Water Flow. Coral reefs surround many of the is­ lands in the Pacific. They protect tbe lowlands from the washing of the waves, and tbe still waters Inclosed by them are the only harbors of refuge for ships. Tbe reefs themselves fur­ nish the greatest peril to navigation, and If there were no Inlet through which a vessel could enter their pro­ tected circle they would be a danger aud nothing else. But almost every reef has such nn in­ let It Is a necessary result of the laws under which the forces of nature work. To understnnd this we must see how these reefs are formed. Chemically the reef corals are almost pure carbonate of lime, the substance of ordinary limestone and marble The reef grows as the shell of the oyater or of uny other shellfish grows. It is Itself the common and undivided sheil of innumerable polypi, or minute in­ sects. which are being reproduced and are riving In successive generations. These tiny beings get all their living front the waters of the sea. It is from this so:trc<> also that they derive the salts of lime from which they secrete the bony structure that remains after the animal Is dead. Tbe coral polypi cannot live In fresh water Their food supply is brought to them b.v the waves and currents of the sea As a result, it Is found that directly op,Hisite the mouth of it stream from the island tbe reef does not grow. There will lie tbe Inlet to tbe inclosed waters.—Harper's Weekly. An Actual Added Advantage Deliverd by Waggon. R. R. ROBERTS Th. Match.. We Burn. It has been estimated thut for eack minute of time the civilized nations of tbe world strike 3.000.000 matches. Thia is snid to lx- the average for every minute of tile twenty-four hours of tbe day. Fifteen hundred billion is the number for the entire year, and those persons who lire under tbe American flag ore charged with the consumption of one-half of this amount. Small and Insignificant aa it Is. tbe match de­ mands as much attention In tbe ebuiee of woods Involved us any other forest product Only the choicest portions of tbe beat trees are suitable Sapwood and knotty or cross grained wd will not do instead of being h byproduct tbe tittle match is turned out in mills where the byproducts are bulky ob­ jects like doors, sash, shingles, sidings, posts and cord wo al. Tbe pines, liu- den. aapen. white cedar, poplar, birch and willow are tbe most suitable match Umbers.-Chicago News. FROM J factory to home u ( MAKER TO USER. Typical Tone Triumph Be auro you have the correct time. Buy your watch here and you will have the beat time alway —ever uc curate and dependable Our stock of«Gold and Silver Watches for l.adiea and Gentlemen inchidea aome of the bent time pieces ever maile. Ail kinda ot Jewelry of the beat grades nt the lowest mark e prices. Jewelry repaired while you wait. EUGENE JENKINS, Reliablti J«uu«l«r, Nwxt to th« Post Offic« Tillamook Bakery, DON’T FOOL YOURSELF OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. Curner Stillwell Ave and First St. West, and both Phones SPECIALTY IN ALL KINO OF CAKES ALL KINO ft» l«i»u Jones & Knudson. R A WAHLEN. DO. Eye SightSpeoialist. TILLAMOOK, ORE. Prices for lings Light hogs 150 Ilia.. 8V(c. IS) II». to »U It». Sc ÄU lbs to 250 It» 7Hc. SU Iba. and over. 7c. Tillamook Neal Com put. y Preparing His Spssch. A reply very characteristic of the Watesmsn and diplomat who made It tn given In the “Autogtograpbv of Al- find Austin' Lord and Ladv Saib bnry were among the guests at Tiewell Grange Iswd Salisbury bad come to speak at a public meeting. On tbe morning of tbe day when tbe spec; a was to he delivered, seeing Lord Falta bnry passing Into the study. I raid to S. W. Miller Pianos Direct Factory Distributors for Tilla i 1 euppoae you are going ro tbtnk over what yon will say tonightP* "No," he »aid in bis Ironical way: “ralber to think over what I must rot M.l.sdins, “Well. well.' vi. isiuo-d Nagget over **• paper, that's ■ queer heeding foe ibis srth-te It says 'Woman's Talk.'" "What's *■ queer about that!" de- Otondr taarfnlty enrs !t*e a almi abe'a getting hetter. I «to Enpee ree gnedlyt-My r-lfa (g «. ways In robwt Health -Stray