R ates of subscription . (STRICTLY in advance .) One year......................................... 1.5o 75 Six month»...................................... 50 Three month?................................. Entered as second class mail mat­ ter July, 1888, at the post office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3, 1879. (Tbe ^illnmoob Ijeabligbt, Editorial Snap Shots All trains stop at Tillamook City—none go through. We think the city council did a wise thing when it ordered the marshal to have the city cleaned up.There is a whole raft of old dirty truck at the back of a number of buildings. T he railroad officials while in the city on Monday predicted that the P.R. & N. would bring 50,000 persons into Tillamook the coming Summer on a five hour schedule from Portland. This is a conservative estimate. Then the need of accommoda­ tions and a first class hotel will confront us as never before. We expect to hear some peo­ ple “knock” as soon as the city authorities commence to turn the dirty, filthy streets and de- lnpidated sidewalks into some­ thing that is modern, sanitary, durable and upto date. But we expect also, as soon as they see how these improvements en­ hance the value of property, that they will be amongst the first to shout for more improve­ ments. Cut out all personal or street sentiment and get together on a community of interest propo­ sition in the erection of a first- class, up-to-date hotel, a build ingthat will cover a block and with stores on either side. The city needs that kind of hotel to accommodate well-to-do and wealthy people who are willing t<> pay the price. Many of that class came to this city last year to stay and invest, but not find­ ing the comforts and conven­ iences here they Hud in other places pulled out the next day. With every business man own­ ing stock and nil boosting to make it a success there cannot beany doubt whatever but what it would I m * a good business stroke and financial success. So get together on a community of interest proposition and every­ body boost for a large, up-to- date hotel. A small hotel will not till the bill. Notice of Receiver's Sale Notice of Application for I icenae ] market, followed with a slum TO BOND THE STATE to Sell Spiritoua Malt and Vinons • Circuit Court of the State of to butt in. As tbe Grangers in in the price of products, wages Liquors and Hard Cider, Btc. ; , In the Oregon, for the County of this county have taken an inter­ and property. No one wants to Taxpayers to Pay $30,000,000 Tillamook. N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That est in road work, here is some­ see this, but those who are not Interest for the Use a petition presented in and to the Elmore Packing Com-' thing for them to discuss, and satisfied to let well enough alone puny, a corporation, County Court of Tillamook County, of $20,000,000. Plaintiff, although a number of them dis­ are. in our judgment, doing Oregon, for a liquor license, is in vs. letters and figures and a agreed with our view in regard more to bring about a slum in We print below a copy of the bill words Mary H. Elmore, to a 10 mill road levy, they] will business than they are aware of. which is to be submitted to a vote full, true and correct transcript Defendant. J and the whole thereof now agree with the Headlight. Perhaps they have never stop­ of the people and which Governor therefrom In , pursuance of _ and by of us lonuw «, to-wit: »w "... ’ - __ . •> virtue — is as follows, ‘ . „ ' . „ . . ... a decree and order of sale of th. ped to consider this phase of the West is endeavoring to make a State O%gZ? yfor° the^ounty of above ‘,ed co ”rt in the above above enti entitled court Owing to Senator law, and to create another political Publicity work of the Com­ situation. entitled cause, directing me a= the Tillamook. mercial Clubs was what trans­ La Follette’s glaring misstate­ machine at the taxpayers’ expense. • Receiver appointed in the above In the matter of the entitled cause by the above en- formed many of the XV illamette i ments in regard to the money This is done under the plea of good application of J. J j titled court, to sell the real property Valley towns into live, bustling interests it is only natural to roads, but is a scheme to "bleed” McCormick for a hereinafter described, under and by business centers. It proved to i suppose that confidence in the the people for interest, and it is safe Liquor License. virtue of said decree, which said Court To the Honorable County be money well spent, for it put | money and industrial world will to say that the taxpayers will pay decree was duly rendered and en­ above named : new life and energy into these be shattered, and most every­ $50,000,000 and will get less than W e , the undersigned , hereby tered of record in the above en­ towns as well as new people, body knows what to expect if $10,000,000 worth of road work if this ALLEGE AND SHOtt’TO YOU THE FOL­ titled court on the 16th day of 1911 and directing me new money and new industries. that happens Our advice is to becomes a law under our new tan­ LOWING FACTS AND PETITION YOU December, as said receiver to sell the same to This city and county must get unload as quickly as possible if gled method of legislation, and it is AS FOLLOWS : — highest and best bidder tliere- That we and each of us are resi- . the for at public auction, in the nian- into publicity work if they ex­ La Follette is liable to be nomi- j liable to do so, dente and legal voters within Gari- ner and form prescribed by law for pect to attract home seekers nated.but pity those—especially AN ACT. Entilted “ An Act and investors. Unfortunately, those iu Tillamook County who Creating a Bond Issue and Pledg­ there are no funds available for are encumbered with big mort­ ing the Credit of the State Thereto, more than thirty days next pre-, ’ I will on the 26th day of February, date and signing of this work, and it looks as if the gages—who cannot unload. A for the Building and Maintenance ceeding-the at the hour of ten o’clock in this petition, and the filing thereof, 1912, the forenoon of said day, at the work will again fall on the edi­ slum will prove disasterous to of Permanent Roads in the State of having been and now are "----------- j north entrance door of * the County tors, who have all tM?en over­ them, with a loss of a good deal Oregon. ” residents and legal voters within Court Coilrt House, Houap in in Tillamook cm- ;2 Tillamook City, in worked in this respect. The of money and labor, for values Be it Enacted by the People of the said Precinct for more than thirty Tillamook County, Oregon, sell at days next preceeding February Tillamook Commercial Club will dropout.of the high priced State of Oregon: , public auction to the highest and Ix.drlri»- therefor, Inaeiifn»- for U.S. T T GJ gold ... I J ■"'I’,, 1912. 1. t. m best bidder lias reached that stage of im­ dairy land as readily as it will Section 1. That the State of Ore­ 1st, That we hereby p Mn?Htoll9 coin in hand, tbe following des- portance when it should have a the price of butter fat if there gon hypothecate, pledge and loan grant a license to e , I 1 cribed real property, to-wit : vinous eJ^ liquors booster attending to this work, is a prolonged loss of confidence its credit for the building and main­ malt, fermented and ^rinen Situate in the County of Till.- rmented cider k State of Oregon : for a few thousands dollars In proof of this, the last finan­ tenance of permanent roads in this and hard cider or f f< ....... called hard cider, ’of° for^ a 1 The E* half °f NE" fron/date the N.E. spent in that direction for the cial flutter, which was only of state to the limit, and not in excess, commonly period of one year f.—.. 'l'“ a^Tp^Ne^’roW* next few years would be a good short duration, “knocked” the of twenty million dollars in gold granting granting ot of sucn such license, license, within ' Sfa.d Garibaldi Precinct, and in and ^ep‘‘^o/n’Ahtlem and°one’and investment. The Booster Edi­ price of Tillamook cheese seve­ tors will meet in the near future ral cents and caused a slum in bonds for the term of thirty years, at The Town of Garibaldi, therein to , one half acres, sold to School Dis- above named J. J. McCormick. trict No. 39. and consider this matter, but the market. These maybe hard carrying interest at five per cent, the Dated this 1st day of February, payable semi-annually, and issued Also tract commencing at a point who amongst our business men and stubborn facts for the edi­ at the rate of two million dollars 1912. where section line between sections and citizens in all parts of the tors of this county to swallow Peter Byrom, Garibaldi. 22 and 23, Tp. 3 N„ R. 10 W„ inter­ county who are willing to raise who are trying to force La Fol­ each year for the period of ten Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. sects lot 4 in block 5 of the Town of years, said bonds to lun for the full Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. a “pot” of several thousand lette down the throats of the Nehalem, then down line of blocks term of thirty years from the date C. H. Sutton, Garibaldi. 4 and 5, 248 ft. to Nehalem river to a dollars to pay a County Booster dairymen, but we-do not believe Wm. Campbell, Garibaldi. stake 2 ft. North of Wists Wharf, and for publicity work. A Com­ that the men who produce the of their issuance respectively. Ben Tillotson, Garibaldi. then North 20 degrees E. 33 ft. to a mercial Club does not accom­ milk and cheese are going to Section 2. That the Governor, II. B. Karr, Garibaldi. ' lot formerly owned by C. Pye. then plish much if it is not engaged vote to bring on a slum in the Secretary of State and State Treas­ J. Jackson, Garidaldi. ; North 70 degrees West, along line urer be and they are hereby em ­ H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. of said lot to line between sections in publicity work. cheese market. They will be Henry Champhe, Garibaldi. powered, authorized and directed I 22 and 23, then south on said sec- foolish to do so. Ask any con­ Thomas Quinn Garibaldi. ' tion line to beginning, containing level headed banker as the bonding committee of the Carl Loll, Garibaldi. 3-16 acres in Lot 5, Section 23, Tp. The following is what at least servative, i State of Oregon to arrange for and Beu Center, Garibaldi. what will happen in the money [3N„ R. 10 W. one banker of the country thinks provide the terms of said bonds, William Dowd, Garbaldi. I Also the following lots iu the of legislation and legislators : I and industrial world should the preparation, issuance and market­ J. A. Smith, Garibaldi. ; Town of Nehalem : All of Blocks 1, of La nomination and election Frank Buckles, Garibaldi. According to theory we hold an i2. S, 4 ; Lota 3, 4 and the W. one ing of the same to the highest bid ­ confi- Frank K.Strueby, Garibaldi. election once a year for the purpose Follette cause a want of . half of Lots 7 and 8, in Block 5 ; der in lots as the same may be of­ of sending men to the legislatures , dence. C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, in Block 6 ; who are supposed to represent the voters and do what iB best for them, Then the states eend legislators to Washington also on the supposition that they represent the public, but they immediately take turns seeing who can do the most damage to business enterprises. 1 heir invest­ igation antics are more criminal than the doings of any so called trust as far as damage to the country is concerned. What we need is an usbestos cage to put over Congressmen as soon as they are to take the toga. Then, perhaps, we could have n rest from these ill- advised publicity seekers. The P. R. & N. applied to the i city council for a franchise to lay three railroad tracks on Front street, which is now be­ fore that body to decide. It is, no doubt, fresh in the minds of many persons when the railroad people first came to Tillamook City to arrange for rights of way they insisted and demanded a large tract of land East of town for a depot, freight sheds and terminal grounds. This was There is a great deal of truth in procured for them and partly these remarks, but there are a paid for out of the money raised good many expections, for all by public subscription. When legislators are not tarred with it was seen by a number of our the same brush. The muck­ citizens that a switch to the rake magazines and the crafty | J water front would be an acqui­ politicians who tire continually sition to industries, the railroad causing commotion by their applied for and was granted a inflamatory utterances against franchise to use Front street, certain industries only tend to! Not one word was broached as damage business. So what to turning the street into depot with the muck-rake magazines, grounds and freight yards. It the mouthy legislators and the was with the understanding, It is business folly and court­ politician of La Follette stripe, when the city council granted ing a big conflagration in this coupled with this the dynamite the franchise and the mill com­ city to nllow any more frame outrages perpetrated by the pany granted a free right of way buildings to I m ? erected in the trades unions, business enter­ through their property that the business section. Everyliodv prises are having a tough time. track was to be used for indus­ knows that whenever a tire gets We have long come to the con­ trial purposes and to enable the started when conditions are clusion that the politician, or railroad, should it require to do right, every frame budding and anyone else for that matter, who so nt any time, to build to the their valuable stocks will be thinks that a lot of our business Tillamook river or the beach licked out of existence by the enterprises are dishonestly con­ resorts. Since then the railroad lire fiend, which wuuld place ducted is the very person who company has undertaken to quite tt nutnlrer of business men needs to lx.* watched closest. It maintain a passenger and on their uppers. We have fre is the same tacts La Follette freight yard with the single quently called attention to this resorted to when he accused the track, with the result that it is great risk. It is true that the newspiqiers of being controlled badly stuck for the want of city has been unusually fortu- by the money power. No one more room and trackage. This lunate, but more frame build­ who is posted believe it, but to is no surprise to us, for it was ings there art* erected and closer n large number of persons who predicted that there was not they arc together make the risk are not well informed they be­ sufficient room on Front street that much greater. Under the lieve it ns gospel truth and shout to crowd the industrial, freight conditions we have mentioned, for the men who make these mid passenger business onto Give the it is iilmut time to prohibit the glaring falsehoods. one street ot only a few blocks erection of any more frame great industries mid railroads a in length. These are the facts in buildings in and what is liable rest from the attacks of the poli-1 the case, and if the railroad is to become the business section. ticians and the State legislators cramped for room it is their own Do not wait until tire have and legislatures and they will fault from switching from swept through the city liefore thrive anil prosper. Men who taking these precautions. have never engaged in or in­ where they had plenty of room. vested money in business enter­ One of the largest crowds ever prises are not competent critics, assembled in this county was at the turning of the first sod at Governor West is endeavoring but tieing politicians they must to create a State Highway De­ have something to do to enable what was to be the depot and the freight yards Enst of town. partment and a bonded indebt­ them to shoot off their “hot has alwavs edness of $20,(««),(««) for road air,” even if it does injure busi­ Tillamook City shown a friendly disposition to­ and bridge improvements. |'he ness enterprises. wards the I’ R. & N., and will Headlight is opposed to such a continue to do so on account of scheme. First, because we do All must admit tlmt under the not think it necessary to fool Taft ml ininistnition tbe country its be*ng the pioneer railroad nway nny more tax money on has enjoyed an era of prosperity into Tillamook County, but if com missions, for Oregon has and confidence in tbe money the railroad has been indiscreet alrvady t many tax eating and industrial world, but still enough to bottle itself up in politicians holding f «town soft for ’all that then* are u great a small space to do a large and job* ; and, second, in bonding many republicans who are ad­ . increasing business that is their [own fault, not the city's. We for $2l’,(«»>,(««I for thirty years vocating a change. We want to do uot want to influence tile nt five per cent., the interest nsk our renders to consider well would amount to $£>.(«10.1 MIO, before they vote to oust a suc­ J city council one way or the other, but the property owners or. in other wools. the _____ taxpay- cessful administration and to er« would I m * “soaked" $5O,6(>6,- replace* it with those who are are entitled to a side walk nnd wagon road to get to their pro- ’«<> for the use of $20,(««•,(«X). untried. The money market Flint is not al), for we want our and the induatriul world are in­ lierty, the same ns any other property owner in the city, but lender* to do a little figuring fluenced by confidence Re it seems that the railroad can­ >hemselves How much will it move that confidence and then take out of the 000,000 to money is witlidmwn and Indus not get along successfully un tun thedv|Mirtment for the next tries curtail and close down, as less it has the whole mid thirty years and how much of everybody must admit. JSup- exclusive right to three tracks the money will go into pcrnin- l«>se that 1-a Follette is nomi­ on the street. Even if the rail­ n»nt road work $ As we have nated, it is safe to say that these road is granted that right we previously stated, we believe large and all important interests question whether there is suf- that each county should attend would bare no confidence in ficent room in the confined space to own alloué road work that I him, consequently there would for the railroad to do the large the its State U9t be and «ïlowvd amount of business which is follow a lightning in thv mouey sure to increase from now on fered, but always at a price not less than par and at such premium in addition thereto as may be offered. Section 3. That the proceeds of said bonds to the extent of each two million as issued annually here­ under shall, as required, be paid to and immediately covered into the State Highway Fund for the build­ ing and maintenance of permanent roads, as provided for under the laws of this state. Section 4, All acts, or parts of actB, in any way inconsistent or .in conflict with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed. John Alleig, Garibaldi. I all of Blocks 7, 8. 9 and 10 : Lots 1. J. J McCormick, Garibaldi. : 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 11 ; Lots 1, C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. 2, 7 and 8. in Block 12 ; Lots 3, 4, 5, A. F. Goff, Garibaldi. 1 6, 7 and 8, in Block 13 ; Lots 1. 2, 5, Wm. Keys, Garibaldi. I 6, 7 and 8, in Block 14; all of Blocks E. Beelitz, Garibaidi. i 15 and 16. Also all the tide land B. S. Thompson, Garibaldi fronting and abutting above des­ E. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. cribed property. J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. Also beginning at the corner of W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. sections 4, 5, 32 and 33, Tps. 2 and H. J. Robison, Garibaldi. 3 N., R. 10 W. ; thence W. on line Fred Hart. Garibaldi. ‘between sections 5 and 32, 6.13 t Wm Esty. GaribaldiJ ¡chains; thence south 16.22 chains Lee Mead, Garibaldi. to Bay shore ; thence north 61 J. N. Robinson, Garibaldi. ¡degrees East 7 chains ; thence north A. Longonbaker, Garibaldi. ,55 degrees East 2.65 chains ; thence S. C. Frost, Rockaway. north 34 degrees east 5,13 chains ; S. G. Frost. Rockaway. | thence north 24 degrees East 5.25 P. L. Frost, Rockaway. , chains ; thence North 58 degrees C. H, Frost, Garibaldi. ~ East 1.75 chains ; thence North 30 Martin Hart, Garibaldi. ¡degrees West 1.50 chains to line G. M. Gunderson, Rockaway. , between sections 4 and 33 ; thence Boosting for Tillamook. M. M. Mead, Rockaway. ( west 7.51 chains to the place of be­ Chas. Fonger, Garibaldi. ginning 15.21 acres. Variation 21 A. N. Bolfing, Garibaldi. M y D ear O ld H eadlight . 1 degrees East. D. W. Johnston, Garibaldi. A b I am thinking of home and . Also all the frontage, wharfing G. Marshall, Garibaldi ' rights and privileges north and in friends, I will write you. I closed a A. G. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. I front of lot two (2), in section four good meeting the 5th, and on the Clyde Miller, Garibaldi. (4), in township two (2), North of Beney Johnson, Garibaldi. 6th I went to Ashland, as I wanted range ten (10) West of the Willain- Andy Hayden, Garibaldi. to see the Rogue River country : ette Meridian, extending from the Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. . liue of ordinary low tide to the before I[cauie back. This truly is a J. E, Mason, Garibaldi. ¡channel of the Nehalem river. fine section of country. The climate Chas. R. Gatchet. Garibaldi. Also beginning at the south west Loyd C. Smith, Rockaway. is wonderfully attractive, and if corner of Lot numbered one (1), of R. E. Jackson, Garibaldi. they had the white clover carpet section four (4), Township two (2) H, A. Wampler, Garibaldi. North of range ten (10) West oi the that we have in Tillamook, I would Chas. Bowers, Garibaldi. Willamette Meridian, and running really want to stay here, but the JaB. H. Snydow, Garibaldi, [thence north on the line between r. C. Robison Garibaldi. ground is bare. At Ashland 1 met lots one and two of said section and Victor Brener1 Garibaldi. A. C. Gienger, a former Tilla- ! a prolongation thereof, to low xvater Oscar C. Hawthorne, Garibaldir [ mark of Nehalem Bay* ; thence inooker. He was telling me he had M. Adamson, Garibaldi. . easterly following said low water a fine fruit ranch, and he has 1500 Clark Smith, Garibaldi, ’; mark to a point on said low water Alfred Johnson, Garibaldi. apple trees, 2000 pears, also a fine . mark line ten chains east of the Joe Snetsinger, Garibaldi, home. He can look dotvn over line between said lotB number one M. Morony, Garibaldi. ’ and two prolonged ; thence south Ashland across to his farm up to Henry Jennings, Garibaldi. ¡on a line parallel with said line snow peaks, and in short, if it was A. Davis, Garibalbi. ; between lots one and fwo and ten E. H. Best, Garibaldi. possible for a man to be happy on ’ chains distant therefrom to the Geo. Perry, Garibaldi. fine scenery, mountain air, good 1 south line of said lot one ; thence A. C. Jennings, Garibaldi. ’west on said south line to lot one to water and a fine prospect to become G. M. Loosley, Jr., Garibaldi. , the south west corner thereof and a capitalist, Mr. Gienger is that Fred Gatchet, Grribaldi. place of beginning, containing P. H. Dirks. Garibaldi. fellow. But when I made a few j twenty-five acres more or lees, and L. L. Smith, Garibaldi. ramarks about Tillamook, as I also all riparian rights and wharf Mark Hobson, Garibaldi. I privileges of whatever nature per- never fail to do. he became thought­ H. M. Davis, Garibaldi. ' taining to said described lands, less ful. He was thinking. He soon ohn Paquet, Garibaldi, ! right of way heretofore conveyed ohn Hobson, Garibaldi. came to himself and gave us a talk ' to the Pacific Railway e dried up. When they quit year from the date of said license great shortage of telehraphers. thi " >•» »i«y of February^ laughing I told them of our future Positions pay beginners from $71) pro»|>ect as 1 Mw them. Am hav- to $90 per month, with good chances J. J. M c C ormick . of advancement. The National ing a good time. Regards tu all Telegraph Institute of Portland, my friends. Well «riebe« to a]| Oregon operates under the super­ Hay for Sale. others. 1 am. truly. . .'Ll Sale in Quantities from vision of R. R and Wireless officials places all graduates into posi­ C. H. W aymirk one to lit) tons, at ruling price. —In- and tions. Woodville. Ore.. Jan. ». Goodaoeed, 2H miles tidl detail*/ y°U *° ***** ‘h*”1 north of Tillamook City. j