Tillamook Headlight. February 8, 1012 WORKED THE DIPLOMAT. LOW FARES WEST. Daily March 1st to April 15th, . '«■A THE LOST SPECTACLES. T - ---------- CAUGHT_A TARTAR. What Happened Whan th« Old G«ntle- Retort of ■ Wit neat That Broke Up « man Triad t« Find Th«m. Cross Examination. a man from “up atate" who was In “The purpose of • cross e\amlnx • ,» New York city on business was taken in a law case," said u Judge. '.a p, ;ry TO by a nephew whom be was visiting to to break down tbe testimony u a dine at a Broadway restaurant the witness, but sometimes even tbe smart­ evening of bis arrival. Tbe next day est lawyer catches u tartar and Instead FROM ho said to tbe younger man: of breaking down tbe wituess be him­ ST. PAUL ........ $25.00 CHICAGO ....... $33.00 “Where is that restaurant we dined self is all broken up. 1 will never for­ KANSAS CITY . 25.00 CINCINNATI .. 37.00 at last night? I left my gold specta­ get an answer made to me by a He­ OMAHA................ 25.00 MILWAUKEE.. 31.50 cles there. I’m pretty sure. I've got brew witness who was tbe complain­ 27.85 DES MOINES ... ST. LOUIS . ... 32.00 another pair with me. but I don’t want ant iu a burglary case In a county 35 65 INDIANAPOLIS. NEW YORK. .. 50.00 to lose tbe others.” court, ne charged the young gentle­ DENVER ............. 25.00 DETROIT ......... 38.00 "I’ll stop in and get them for you on man whom 1 was defending with my way dowu town," replied tbe uepb breaking opeu tbe door of bis apart­ From other eastern points in proportion. Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving West at •w. ment above bls tailor shop. Un dir« t low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, He went to tbe restaurant, explained examination be testified that tbe alleg. Great Northern and "North Bank” Lines. the circumstances and received a pair 3d burglar had broken the chain on Youjcan deposit with me and tickets will be furnished people in of gold rimmed spectacles that had tbe inside of tbe door. 1 started iu to the East. Details will be furnished on request. been left on a table the previous even- cross examine with that ease of man­ W E CO j .AN, T. COOPER, Agent, ; Ing. On his return home in the after­ ner which characterizes every lawyer Gen’l. Freight and Pas». Agent, Hillsboro, Ore. noon he banded them to his uncle. Portland, Ore. who has a good point up his sleeve. Iu “Where in thunder did you get my sweetest tones 1 asked: •1 those?" Inquired tbe elder man. " ’Now. m.v dear sir. you say this boy was goiug down Broadway today and ■ broke In your door?’ recognized the place we dined at—at ' " ’Yes. sir.' least I thought 1 did. Anyway I went “'And you say he broke the chain in and asked if I left my spectacles that was fastened on the inside?' SPECIAL 30 DAYS OFFER last night, and they gave me this pair." “ ‘Yes. sir.' He produced another pair of gold rim­ “'Now will you tell me how any To further introduce our high-grade photo­ med spectacles. I man on the outside of a door could Upon the uncle describing the restau­ possibly unfasten a chain that was on graph» we will give FREE one handsome I rant whence be bad retrieved the glass- tlie inside?' Bromide Photo Enlargement i es tbe nephew assured him It was sev­ “Quick as a flash he blurted out: I eral blocks from the one they bad pat 'How should 1 know? Vy don't you with each $2.00 order or better. I ronized the day before. While the two ask him? Dot’s Ills business I’m a CALL AND SEE OUR SAMPLES AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. were discussing the situation the post­ tailor. He's a tiefE man delivered a package for tbe un­ "That cross examination came to a ela. it contained n pair of gold rim full stop then and there."—Brooklyn IIEINS’ OLD .GALLERY. med spectacles, with a note from Ills Eagle. You like a little salt and pep- wife saying that she had found them i>er—a little mustard—a little IRISH FOX HUNTERS. on bis writing desk at home and was emon extract—a little tiffs and WANTED AN EXCHANGE. that to flavor your grub. Your I Their Horses Are Said to Bo Wonders sending them to New York tn tbe event that be might need them —New cow, your steer, your hog under For Endurance. A Curious Advantur« In Which th« natural conditions would have a York Herald. Czar Nichol«« Figured. “Fox hunting has thrived for centu­ chance to get a bite nf this, a bite ries In Ireland." said a Belfast man. The Czar Nicholas was very fond of of that and a bite of the other thing and so get a variety iu its “It is the great sport among those who masquerade balls and one night ap­ MOROCCO CITY. feed. But under tlie unnatural can afford It. and it hardly becomes u peared at one in the character of his condition in^fwhich you keep gentleman in our country not to have Magnificent In Its Sits and In Its His­ Satanic majesty, with grinning face, them, they get every day about toric Ruins. ridden to tbe bounds and been in at horus and tail, and seemed to enjoy the same sort of stuff to eat. As the death at some time. Morocco city, the capital of the the character very much. a natural consequence they get “To follow the dogs on their hunt southern half of tbe Moroccan king­ About 3 o’clock tn tbe morning he " off .their feed.” Even if they for tbe wily reynard is not child's play. dom, is a far more Interesting city went out and. throwing over him Some do not, their digestive organs It brings into play the most consum­ than Fez. Architecturally Its monu­ furs, called a cab and ordered the need the tonic effect which comes from a variety of feeding stuffs. mate skill ns a rider, for one has to be ments, Including tbe famous Kutubia coachman to take him to the Quai An­ able to stick to his horse through all tower, the counterpart of tbe Giralds glais. Being very tired, he fell asleep. Watkins' Stock Tonic kinds of going. Some of tbe fences tn Seville; the famous mosque of Mil- When be awoke be found the coach­ Is a scientific preparation which are high, the jump being much more ley Abdallah and a hundred other ruin man had taken tbe wrong direction, not only improves the flavor of severe tliau those In tbe bunts in this ed or semtrulned edifices surviving for tlie Qua! Anglais was in tbe most the feed you feed, but also sup­ plies that tonic element so needed country, but our horses are up to it. from tbe days when tbe city had 700. fashionable part of tbe city, a bile to make your live stock do their There is no finer horse in the world 000 Inhabitants and was one of tbe around him were only miserable hov­ best. than tbe Irish hunter, In fact, men great capitals of Islam, are the most els. There is no longer any doubt who incline to the thoroughbred and considerable and magnificent in Mo Nicholas I egnn to remoustriite. but about the need of a tonic for the the standard bred horse give us credit rocco. Equally beautiful.is the site of the driver paying no heed to him. modern domestic animal kept for having produced a wouderful this city in the upper valley of tbe drove through n stone archway into a under artificial conditions. You must give them something to equine. He can run and jump and Tenesift river, surrounded in a half cemetery Then, taking a long knife pack a great loud, and bis endurance circle by the great wall of the grand from ills girdle, he opened the door of help them digest their feed and get the greatest good from it. is beyond that of any other breed Atlas mountains, whose snowclad tlie cult mid said: Watkins' Stock Tonic supplies “The supply of foxes seems to bold peaks are seen beyond a foreground of "Give me your money and vour tn»s this need. It makes the animal out all right. There ure plenty of them large farms and fertile fields or I will kill you." relish its feed more; it aids in iu Ireland. Among the peasants there A city far less given over to war. "And <1<> you give me your sot.:” the digestion and assimilation is a superstition that tbe fox knows with a population less ferocious, less cried Nicholas us lie threw <>., bls fu. t of the feed, and in addition to bls end and rather enjoys it. for be fanatical than that of Fez or Mekinez. ami disclosed his personification of toe that, it has a tonic effect upon likes to be hunted and to double on his Morocco city lias been much mole fre evil one the whole system. Your animals need a tonic of tru ks and watch his pursuers go Lay quently visited by Europeans than it; Overcome with terror, the couehmau tiffs kind. Watkins’ Stock Tonic —Detroit Free Press. northern rivals, Geograptiicall.v Mo fell senseless on the ground, while iri is not a secret preparation. We rocco city is tbe real gatewuy to the emperor himself drove the er.L, lank io tell you the actual ingredients Sahara. By tbe Glav.i pass one rond town nml afterward used more elire ill John Fslt Secure. that are used in it. You know There was a knock on the door lti climbs over the Atlas mountnllis to the selection of a coachman exactly what you are buying, and the midst of the packing, and the little Tafilet. and the caravan route eoutlu pound for pound it will go farther I and do more good than any other globe trotter opened it to behold .lohu ues to Timbuktu. A second road de An Easy Medical Degree. stock tonic or so called stock Chinaman with tier laundry bundle scends to the Draa. crossing tbe Atlas l'lme was when medical degrees food ever made. "i'll not need you again. John. I’m chain, while u third leads to Tarudant were obtained nt St. Andrews without The Watkins Man will be glad going away to China." was the srntl and the Sus country. Close commtinl all the difficulties of today, and tha to leave you r. pail on trial, Ing explanation “Me go back some cation with tbe south has left Its mark story Is told concerning a learned pro­ backed by the Watkins guarantee, day. too." he replied. “Got wife an upon tbe people, who are darker and fessor of old. who hud udvlseil a par­ Deliverd by Waggon. 111’ boy in Canton. No. see now fi show more patently the Infusion of ticular student whom tie luul never year." The Manhattan glri who was African blood than the Berbers and seen In the flesh mid of whose work R. R. ROBERTS to nccomputiy tbe little globe trotter Arabs of the north— London Stnud he knew but little, to call upon him nt on the oriental tour became Interested a rd. bis house so that he might lie examin­ at this Juncture “Aren’t you afraid ed for bis degree. The morning was your wife will run off with some other Quran Ants. a brilliant one. and the learned gentle­ The queen ant bas apparently not man found it impossible to resist the Chinese while you are away. John?" she asked Without so much ns vouch­ bad justice done to her by naturalists attractions of the links. Before set­ safing a glance at his Inquisitor be Dr. W. M. Wheeler's view is that by ting out. however, he had left a mes­ picked up bis bundle and when be comparison with tbe queen bee tbe sage with one of the maidservants, reached the door retorted. “My wife queen ant is by far tbe more admirable and a conversation like tbe following she uo Mellcau woman; she Chinese creature. In many important respects ensued on the nrrival of the student nt lady." they are diametrically opposite. The the appointed time: "Are you tbe queen bee is. it is pointed out. a de­ gentleman who was to cull this morn­ Th« Minister’s Usefulness. generate creature, unable to nourish ing about a degree?" asked the girl on Among tbe members of n fashionable either herself or her young, to visit opening tbe door. “I am.” was the country club of Washington ure a doc flowers, to build combs or to store reply. “Well.” said the maid. "1 was tor and a minister, who delight in tbe them with honey. With the queen ant to tell you that It was all right. You exchange of repartee touching their quite tbe reverse is tbe case She is have passed!"—Scotsman respective professions. As they met held to be a perfect exemplar and em­ Be sure you have the correct time. one day the minister observed that be bodiment of her species, and the work Not Just What He Said. Buy your watch here and you will was "going to read to old Cunuiug- er ants suffer from incomplete and re A well known parson, preaching to a have the best time niway—ever ac­ ham," adding (as he was aware that tarded development The queen ant Is crowded congregation at a church curate and dependable. ’ Our stock the old man was a patient of bis a very Industrious and Intelligent where In Ills younger days lie had lieeii of (Gold and Silver Watches for friend the doctori, “Ik he much worker. She forms iin exceedingly In- rilllE Bell telephone Service lightens Ladies and Gentlemen includes worse?" foresting subject for study —London curate, alluded to the many ctrnftgrs | the domestic tusks of the* farmer’s wife. that had taken ploce He < entrusted some of the beat time pieces ever With tbe gravest of expressions tbe Globe the attendance with thai of dijy«/¡one made. Ail kinds of Jewelry of the physician replied: best grades at the lowest maike by anil renuirk«!. "At on* titw It» ttfis Iri th« family circle, the Hell Service ia indiapennablt. It "He needs your help more than I Odd Signs. prices. Jewelry repaired while ion church there was not a soul—er—(•<•*♦ mtue " Placard at ■ moving picture show: *» .1 constant household companion. It stops for her when wait. Off his guard, the minister exclaim- "Young children must have parents." son in the gallery." a he in too busy to go to town. It brings her in close touch Next day. in a report of tbe service ed anxiously: "l*oor fellow’ la It as In a barber'« shop window: "During which ifopcared in one of the I al with the social life of the community. l«oved ones far away bad as that?" alterations patrons will be shaved in newspnisTs. tlie minister wits ie|»ort? "Yes He Is suffering from lusom the back." may be reached, for the Hell field is almost limitless. It re­ ed to time said. "At one time l:i ILI« ■la."—Lippincott'« Reliable Jeuueler, in a tailor's shop: "We dye for oth ebun-h there was not n sober pereou lieves the monotony of life. She <<>nn<>r be lonesome with era. Why not let us dye for you?" Next to the Post Office. the gallery Exchange. the Bell Service at her command. It ia a constant source of Keeping Track of Ships. In a clothing store: "These pants will pleasure and profit in the home circle. In the course of n year more ttian a look better on your legs than on our Seizing Hi« Opportunity. Tillamook Bakery. dozen fsinderous laxiks are filled at' bands " Talk it over with our local manager. Wife—Mrs Bowen's house is «trictlv Lloyd's with nothing but tbe name« of A silversmith has a place next door OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. ships, their captains and the dates on , to a restaurant The former having UP to date, with eiei-tric appliances throughout All she has to do Is t<» which they touch aud leave port. Ev Corner Stillwell Ave. and First cry known vessel In the world of more ! put up a placard. "Jewelry of all kinds touch a button and almost any desired a?!'. 'plated." tbe restaurant keeper follow«, Husband-- than a hundred tons register baa its . with this: “Oysters and little neck result Is accomplished St. West, and both Pitones. Well, you would never tie able to get record In them, and the uudvrwrltaen ' clams plated "—Rostoa Transcript results In that way. m.v dear Wife can easily turn to tbe uame of any •FEOIALYY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES Why not? Huslwind-Bei-nuse you British or foreign ship and tall ap Dodging tha Dun. Every Bell Telephone ia the Center of the System. seem to have a horror of touching but­ proximately where she la at the ate- ALL KINO Ot n> > s«i "Why did you come way downtown tons Just look nt my clothes. ment.—London Tit Bit« to buy thia when you could have bought It from your neighbor?" A Warning Against Wet Feet. An Epidemic of Coughing Bern Lucky. Considerate "I’ve exhausted my credit with him. Wet and chilled feet usually affect Is sweeping over the town. Old and "Some men just can't help bein' "You seem cnxts. Hl bey " the intintoti« membrance of the young alike are affected and the and If I went la there and paid cash "So I am. A fellow calk'd me a born for something he’d think I bare money Acky ?" nose throat and lunga, und la »tram ia particularly hard on little "Why-wbat’n happened now?" bilot today " grippe. bronchitis or pneumonia children and on elderly |»eople. and start to dun me."-Detroit Free fiiay result. Watch carefully. ¡str- holey’s Honey and Tar Compbgnd "Nothing but ibi« Eiirlhipnke swal "That's nothing to worry about- I Frees Mciilnrly the children, nml lor the is a quick, sale and reliable cure for lowed the meanest itimi in town, met think it was very considerate indeed racking stnbborn cough give all cough- and Colds. Contains nc when they found Mm lie wux «live an' him tn blame It aa your nncretora' Just t« Cheer. Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. opiates Chas. I. Clough Co. ! we't nn' stakin' off « gold 01111«!" - R A. WAHLEN. D O of -Louden Eiprvaa It sturtha the inflame I membranes, Votto« Hub-Thews no need of for Atlanta Consiltiitlou. and heals the cough quickly. lake Eye SightSpecialist. I (her parley Tbe next war that cames Ail He OK no substitute. —Chaa I Clough Co Wanted for Cask. Cheap Farm along fluds me joining- Toong Wlfe- Answ«e«d th« Ooctar. Prices for Hogs "And you actually consented to M Ob. George. George, don't! Young Bab Land in Tillamook County ! our wife run for officer* A pBrsletan. fiudlng a lady rcadtrg -la tbe cheers of victory - Lotio« TR Dairy Farm Wasted " e have a customer who arili buy "Twelfth Night." said. "When Sbake- "Consented? Certataty noi. | ec«te Bita. Iù«ht hogs LIO Iba., ÍUc. tor spot cash a cheap farm in Tilla* ■|>e«re wrote about imriene« nn a mon­ Wanted try an ei|>erivncvd dairy miH.k County raced "-Cleveland Fiala Dealer. U0 Iba. to JUB Iba. 8c. Answer st once. AM Ibe to 230 Iba 7V»c. man. a dairy farm to rent with Halph Ackley Land Co, 1» Flftte ument did l.c mean doctors' patient»** People who never bare any time an Iba. and over, 7c. ;0 to SO cows. Apply to this office St-, I orlland. Ore. "No." rof'lb*d th« lady; "yon don't Tillamook Meat Company. And them -m monument«, but undn PORTLAND and HILLSBORO Free ! I I The Tillamook Studio Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? BEAVER STATE Hard Wheat Patent Flour A TRIAL CONVINCES Every Sack Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction A Blessing to the Farmer’s Wife. EUGENE JENKINS, THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. The Part a Chine«« Mlnl«t«r Played M ■ Pr««« Agent. When Wu Ting Fang was mintofot from China at Washington be waa tbe most curious man in the diplomatic I corps. He would go any place to «ee anything. Thera was a rundow» eob- l urbau resort near tbe capital In bard luck. Everybody would go of evealng» to a rival resort on the same trolley line a mile or two beyond it. Tbe re­ sort hired a publicity agent and fold him to drum up trade. The press gen­ ius got a private car and luvlted Mr. Wu mid bls family and suit to spend an evening at tbe resort. which was painted In marvelous colors. Wu ac­ cepted and took the whole legation out, and they were entertained at din­ ner. While the Chinese guests were dining the publicity man put a leather lunged barker, with a megaphone, on tbe platform, and when the trolley 1 cars, loaded to the guards with people for the rival place stopped, tbe barker bawled out: "Come in and see Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister, and bls suit! They are in oriental costumes. TTiey are eating with chopsticks." The people piled off tbe cars, and that night Mr. Wu was tbe center of tbe biggest crowd in the history of the resort. The scheme turned the tide for the rundown resort, and It has been prosperous ever since. But%Mr. Wu went back to China without ever discovering the part be had played as a press agent.—New York World.