Tillamook Headlight, February 8. 1912 A WINDOWS IN MANILA. I LUMBER PRICES SLAUGHTERED Wmmiucent Sh«ll« Are Used In Piaos ef Ordinary Glass. I Fvrbaps In no otber country but tbe FMUpplnes ars conchas used as a sub- ■Utute for window glass. These shells are flat nearly round, and average four todies In diameter. The edges are trim­ toed off so as to leave pane« about tore« Inches square, and these are set to narrow strips of wood. Tbe shells are. of course, translucent gather than transparent, and tbe result to a soft, opalescent light, very agree­ able In a country where tbe glare of tbe sky would be intolerable If ordi­ nary glasa were used. Ts obtain tbe maximum window «toenlugs the sashes are made to «Udq barizontally on wide sills of bard wood i to a manner similar to tbat adopted by toe Japanese. By this means openings M wide as twelve feet are obtained. To realize tbe splendid resources of | toe Philippines, says a writer In tbe i OMtury. one has ouly to see tbe bard­ : wood floorings in tbe public buildings ■bd the residences of tbe better class. These consist of large slabs of mahog- aay. or. to use tbe local names, too- lave, narra. tlndalo and acle. these be- lag of various colors and graining. Frequently the pieces, occasionally as much as forty luebes In width and for­ ty feet In length, are laid alternately In dark and light shades. Polished by tbe household muchachos (house boys) till they reflect like mirrors, they produce i ■ magnificent effect. Shiplap $13.50 No. Í Kiln Dried Lap Siding $20. Other Prices in Proportion. In order to clean up our yard and make room for our great sum­ mer stock of lumber, during the month of February we will sell at greatly reduced prices Quality in Lumber counts for much more than its initial That is proven by the fact that cost when you buy lumber here, you wonlt have to buy more for a long time to come, Sound and thoroughly seasoned as it is once it is put up it is there to stay without the need of repair or re­ placement. DODGED THE ROUNKMAN Tired Policeman Cleverly Get Himself Out of a Holo. A police sergeant was going tbo rounds when be saw a policeman, whom we'll call Mullaney, go Into an undertaker's shop where there is gen­ erally a pinochle game In tbe back room. He knew there was no back way out for Mullaney, ao "rounds'* planted himself by tbe door and wait­ ed. After a time be sent In word by one of tbe men working In tbe shop tbat he knew Mullaney was In there and that be had better come back on post because tbe longer he waited the worse the complaint against him would read. There was mueb commotion in tbe back room, and as there were a num­ ber of coffins being loaded Into a wag­ on outside they put Mullaney in a cof­ fin and loaded him on tbe wagon. Then they drove him down tbe street a couple of blocks, and Mullaney climb­ ed out. He strolled back up to where the sergeant was doggedly watching the door and saluted. “Hello, rounds! Pleasant evening. Isn't it?” he Bald. And the sergeant stared for a moment and then stamped away too mad to speak.—New York Sun. Th« We are the only mill hav ing a pay roll in Tillamook City, thereby supporting Why twenty families. not give us a chance at your business beforegoing to outside institutions | , A. G. Beals Lumber Company i FOLEY SIDNEY PILLS H fflL for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes, Chas- I. Clough, Tillamook , , An Iconoclast. “All over Europe my wife made ene- mies by boldly doubting cherished tra­ ditions," said tbe traveler, “but ber skepticism respecting Alfred tbe Great embroiled ber in tbe most serious dlffi- culty. An old gentleman wbo sat with thin, blue fingers spread above tbe feeble blaze from which my wife, red nosed and sbiveriug, endeavored to extract a little warmth, expatiated ou tbe cake burning episode. Said my wife abruptly: 'Don't tell me tbat old yarn again, please. I don't believe a word of it.’ “ 'Why not?' be demanded, “ ‘Because,’ said she, 'there never was a fire in England hot enough to burn cakes.' “Her retort did for the old gentle- man what tbe fire bad failed to do­ lt made him hot—but. even so. be never forgave ber.”—New York Press. Queer Looking Worms. New Zealand, Australia, tbe Samoan and tbe Solomon Islands, as well as portions of tbe Hawaiian group, are tbe homes of various species of worms with thick, heavy bodies and with a well defined neck connecting tbe body with a bead that la a startling remind­ er of that of tbe monkey. In the Sand- wii b Islands they are called "me-ta-lu- kl,’ which means "creeper with a child's head.” An old New Zealand leg­ sod says tbat at one time they were of Immense proportions and threatened tbe extinction of all human life on tbe Muds Principles of Action. are five good principles of se­ be adopted—to benefit others being lavish, to encourage la- bar without being harsh, to add to your resources Without being covetous, tn bo dignified without being supor­ tas and to Inspire awe without bo- suet ere -Confucius. Just the Other Way. Tbdsrstsnd you bare just done En- you misunderstand.** n't you just returned the highest type of a pure straight aged in wood whiskey blend, from A Good Cause. complying with both the United States and State AM tbe schoolteachers at Lugano gone on strike owing to a dlffer- wltb tbe educational authorities, splendid loyalty tbe little pupils standing by tbe teachers and erg- sot to give way.-London Pure Food Laws straight whiskey ----- — ail whiskey ...... Id whiskey ■ s Distributers BLOOD MONEY IN PERSIA. Astoria Distributer for Tillamook, Ore. Th« Natural Traed. ! of one place which should • pafvdl-e for real estate men, the ■bd rents show Mcb activity.” WtaM to that?” th tbs earthquake region."-Balt*- re Asterlcaa. NAVAL NICKNAMES. Curious Laws In That Country Gov­ erning the Crime of Murder. A Persian murderer may pay blood money tn lieu of bls own life. The inujner tn which this Is calculated Is one of tbe most complicated tblngs about Perslau law. A woman Is worth only half a man, and so a man cannot be executed for tbe murder of a mere woman. A busband whose wife bad been killed by hl« steward was obliged first to pay half tbe steward's blood price to tbe man's relations, and tbus the steward, bavlng been reduced to tbe value of half a man, equal to one whole woman, was legally executed. From this principle it follows tbat a man wbo has killed two women can be condemned to death, as equality la not Infringed. If the murder of a woman be committed by several men tbe friends, upon whose Initiative alone any proceedings can take place, can de­ mand tbe deatb of but one of tbe mur­ derers and always by paying tbe dif­ ference in tbe price of blood. On tbe same ground If two women murder a man the deatb of both can be demand­ ed. Evidently one could make a consid­ erable fortuue In Persia by getting one's men folk murdered by a woman apiece Much the same plan Is carried out In tbe case of minor Injuries, with this curious addition—that tbe part of tbe body paid for Is considered to be tbe property of tbe one wbo pays tbe blood money—London Times. •W ao th« Hills, U««d In All CountotoB • nJ Never Altar. la tbe American and English navlMk M well as In tbe merchant marines, ars found ulckuames tbat have been to use since before men dreamed tbat there was land on tbe other side of tbe western ocean. Tradition, most toflexlble of all rule«, governs them, ■nd they never alter, whether tbe ship clears from tbe Golden Gate or from London docks. Rome of tbe nicknames •re of obvious origin; others seem to gain force by tbelr apparent lack of reason. For instance, wby should all men Mined Wright be called "Sbiner?” Clark Is Invariably "Nobby.” Green to “Jimmy,” and a White is a “Knock­ er." “Spud" Murphy explains Itself, as does "Dusty" Miller. "Lofty” and “Bborty" do not need to present cards to tbelr mates when they sign on, and It is not worth while for tbe bru­ nette sailor to resent it wbeu a friend­ ly chap halls him as “Nigger." He can't whip the entire crew, one after ' tbe other. Tbe rigid forms of the quarterdeck do not hold during the watch below, and the captain Is tbe “Skipper," and , the first lieutenant Is familiarly "Jim- [ my tbe One.” On fighting ships the gunnery lieutenant is "Gunnery Jack,” or, more briefly, "Guns," the tor- pedo lieutenant Torpedo Jack” or “Sparks" and tbe navigatlug ofleer "Tbe Navy." Even a landlubber would know tbat “Tommy Pipes" wns the boatswain, BY A “Chips" tbe carpenter. "Jimmy Bungs” the cooper and "Sails" tbe suilmaker. When Santley and His Party Faced —New York Tribune. Death In Mexico. Few people are aware tbat on one RUSKIN HATED. occasion a timely song saved Sir Charles Sa nt ley’s life. Tbe famous baritone was one of a party traveling 8ome Wagner Compositions Filled Him With Blind Fury. under military escort through a bandit It Is of course well known that Infested region tn Mexico when the guards suddenly bolted, leaving the when tbe great litterateur and philoso­ travelers to tbe mercy of a band of pher. Ruskin, disliked any one or any­ booty hunters. These desperadoes, find­ thing be did not hesitate to say no tn ing tbe spoil less valuable than they the most forcible lauguage tbe oecaatoa expected, decided to slay their captives might require. It Is doubtful, however. If any denunciation Ruskin ever pen­ and fare forth on another foray. Au inspiration came to Santley. Sur­ ned or uttered equaled his outburst rounded by friends and foes, he com­ over some of Wagner's music, whk'b, menced an aria and sang in bls own according to Mr. E. T. Cook In "Tbe iulmltahle way. As tbe notes rippled Life of Ruskin," tilled him with blind forth on tbe clear mountain air tbe fury. Thus tc Mrs. Burne-Jones “Of all the bete, clumsy, blundering, bandits' faces lighted up with pleasure, and at the finish tbe leader expressed boggling, baboon blooded stuff I ever bls delight and asked tbe senor to slug saw on a human stage that thing last night ('The Melstersluger') beat, as far again. Santley saw bls chance and seized it. I ns the story and the acting went, and He Inquired If be might sing for tbe of all the affected, sapless, soulless, be- liberty of tbe little party, and a reluc­ glnnlugless, endless, topless, bottom­ tant consent was given. For several less, topsyturvies!, tuneless, scranMi hours during that never to be forgot­ plplest, tongs and boldest doggerel of ten night he enthralled bls captors sounds 1 ever eudured the deadltMM with a generous program of exquisite of, that eternity of nothing was tbs melodics. The next day tbe bandits deadliest, us far as the Bound wont. tendered payment by taking the whole • * • As for the 'Lied,' I never made party down the mountain side and set­ out where It liegan or where It ended, ting them free Notwithstanding later except by the fellow’s coming off the triumphs Sir Charles Santley never sur­ horse block," passed tbat one.—London Graphic. What on amazing prodigy, by tbe way, Ruskin was! lie recited tbe One Helpful Anyhow. Hundred and Nineteenth Psalm before They were discussing an absentee, be was three, at seven he had written and not all tbelr remarks were favor­ a work eutltled "Hurry and Lucy Cto- able One. however, spoke In his de­ cluded. Printed and Composed by a fense. "Whatever bls failings may bo.” il Little Boy and Also Drawn.” at eight be said, "he thinks of more little ways he had turned Scott's "Monastery” Into of being helpful than any other per­ 400 lines of verse, and ut eleven bo son I know. One day I was with him wrote 2.000 Hues calk'd the “Iterlad," at u ferryliouse where a ctowd was describing a tour In tbe lake«.—Pear­ waiting for the bout. Suddenly be left son's Weekly. me and walked toward a womnn wbo was struggling with a tbree-year-old The Wood Pile Philosopher. and a number of parcels. Our friend Mr. Erastus Johnson, the only coler- raised his lint, spoke to tbe woman, and then I saw him grapple her par­ ed man In Wobrook-in-the-IIlIls. baa cels. Roon he returned to my side, and thought out many of tbe secrets of Ma- I asked hint, 'Whst was It?' 'Oh. Ing the toll that he knows best and in nothing,' he Mid carelessly. 'Rhe had ever ready to Impart them to others. "When they comes to me fer advice.” too many parcels. I put a rubber band around them and bunched them into be said to one of the campers, "I alwea one.' I wns disgusted with myself tbat tell ’em it depends on wbnt their per- I bad not thought of tbat simple little fesslou is. If they've arrived at tbe ex|>edient for helping the woman, and dignity o' sawln' wood 1 alwus tnU ever since tbat time I bave bad much 'em to saw the biggest fust. If Htojt respect for our friend, altbougb I can't t asks why, an' they mostly does, I ssy. Indorse all of bla ways.”—New York 'So's you'll only have the little sticks to saw when you gets tuckered owt.’ Press. I "An' I tell ye now,” concluded Ernn- i tus graciously, quite as if tbe camped War Time Coffee. This was the formula of a coffee mix­ had asked for “pointers" on a treed ture tbat sold freely tn the days of yard Job, "It's Jes’ the snme with pUla*. Put tbe big sticks to the bottom. It'S gross adulteration during and Immedi alely subsequent to tbe war between mighty bilious exercloe n liftin' of 'eon the states before matters began to right to the top."—Youth's Compantom themselves: Best Java coffee, one pound; rye, Wh«n Butter Was Soaroo. three pounds, Carefully dean the rye Butter, which Is almost Indlsjieambto from all bad grains, wash to remove nowadays, was almost unknown tn tbe dust, drain off tbe water and put tbe ancients. Herodotus is the eartlMt grain Into tbe roaster, carefully stir writer to mention IL Tho R|«rtaan ring to brown It evenly. Roost the eof used butter, but ns an ointment, a»d fee separately. Grind tbo mixture and Plutarch tells bow tbe wife of DetoM- pack In air tight containers. An es rous once received n visit from a Bfraf- sence of coffee was prepared by boiling tan lady whose presence was InMar­ down molasses until bard and tbeu able because she was smMrrd with grinding It to a powder and mixing It butter. The Greeks learned of butter with half a pound of good ground Java from tbe Hcytlilans. and the Germans coffwe. using four pound« of tbe pow showed the Homans how It was made dered molasses.—Ideal Grocer. The Romans, however, did not Ms It fur food, but for anointing tbrtr kodtoa. Pspa’e Pee«. -BL Louis Globe-Democrat. Little Helen’s mamma was discuss Ing tbe drink question wttb a visitor, Right In Hie Litts. and tbe child listened (ratalj to tba "Wb.v don't you have a spowg conversation moisten your stampsf” qnsstsd -rape used man from across the street wbs teered suddenly. The visitor turned ber bead to con- dropped In to real a smile, end mamma frowned and phone. "Good Idea.” answered the dtorlpls shook ber bead at the little one. “l>o you want the "Well, then," demanded Helen, "what of Blackstone, job T'—Chicago Neers. was It be used to do?”—Lippincott's. SAVED SONG. MUSIC Literary Chat — AMERICAN IMPORTING CO San Francisco ' Young Author-Ah. 1 can read you like a book Aoctety Miss—Well. If you can read me tbe way your book ba« been read I have nothing to fear.— Judge. Th« Wharofero. •Why are you so «oro on that nent millionaire? Ile bsa doue some good things." "I was one of thons."-Pittsburgh vast During the Spat. Wife icomplalninglyi— You're ant like Mr. Knagg They've beM married twenty years and Mrs Knagg says ber huslmnd Is so tender flab—Tender! Well, he ought to be after being In b"t water that long —Boston rraaacrtpL A Mattar «4 Petlay. “There'« only < oe thing ! ever do for policy's sake.*' “Whal's tbatr “ray my premiums "-toman det