Tillamook Headlight. February 1. 1012 JOHN DEMONSTRATION FARM THF ROAD QUESTION w,ien they cou1^ profit by so doing? ** Is there a reason ? FOR TILLAMOOK. Favors the Bonding Plan To Show the Dairymen How and Good Road Through to K«ep Three Cows on the County. One Acre of Land. After the excellent address by Professor Scudder at the late State Dairy Convention on "The $100 Crop for the $100 Cow, ” Chas. Kuntz and Wm. Maxwell, two prominent dairymen from Tillamook County, expressed themselves privately as strongly impressed with the address but deplored the fact that so few heard it, and, in addition, they said the people of Tillamook “want to be show. ” Professor Scudder used charts to illustrate a crop rotation for a soiling system by which he said it was possible in the Willa­ mette Valley to maintain, so farj as green feed and roughage are con­ cerned, three cows to the acre with only a little grain or concentrates. Thia in contrast with two or three acres required to pasture a cow. In this soiling system leguminous crops ar’ used largely, which, he cited, improve the soil more than other crops, aud the manure can be applied more properly and better results attained. He 'showed that the cost of producing a proper ration under the soiling system is one-third less than producing it in the dry form. Much valuable in­ formation was contained in the ad­ dress, which was delivered without notes, but a bulletin on the subject was promised very soon. Mr. Kuntz called attention to the ¡fact that even the bulletins are read by comparatively few, and not fully understood by all who read. Why can we not, he asked, have an actual demonstration in Tillamook County of what Professor Scudder has told us ? He believed a farm of this kind could be made self-supporting, and that many farmers would be found willing and glad to rent land for?such purposes. If Professor Scudder's system could be made e success, and the profits shown actually’ made, the farm is the way to show it Hence, he wished the Rural Spirit would suggest a Coast demonstration farm, to be located in Tillamook Valley. People outside of Tillamook have for many years looked to that region as a source of information, rather thana learner; as an exemplerjhat had worked out all its own prohlems. and was on the pinnacle of success. And while Tillamosk 'chesjk»- has made a world-wide reputation, and the Tillamook dairymen have prov­ ed the value of co-operation, yet the fact remains that only a small pro­ portion of the farmers do winter dairying, and not only Tillamook, but the entire Coast country—that west of the Coast range has many­ problems of crops and care of stock all its own ; many of its dairymen are operating in the most primitive manner, aud it has had practically no help and no suggestions from our agricultural writers or pro­ fessors. The dry farming and irrigated regions of Oregon, not nearly so well developed, northickly populated, now have experiment or demonstration farms. Is it not the Coast’s turn next ? The writer later talked of this matter to Dr. Withycombe. He does not favor an experiment farm, but is heartily in favor of a demonstra­ tion farm in Tillamook County. Dr Withycombe favors a number of demonstration farms in different parts of the State, where the scien­ tific knowledge and proved theories of the college can be demonstrated in actual practice. Often, he says, local men can be put in charge of the farm, and as Mr. Kuntz sug­ gests, it can be made self-support­ ing, or even possibly produce a profit. The suggestion then is more reasonable Let a demontitration farm be located in Tillamook, and let this wonderful Coast region show what is possibleto accomplish when the best methods of crop raising and feeding are adopted. And when these demonstrations are made—-when Tillamook is “ shown, " and her dairymen use the knowledge thus gained, its out put will be increased, its fame spread, and its people still more greatly prosper.—H. A., Rural Spirit. D ear S ir ,— The strongest incen­ It is no justification to say in defence of a non-bonding proposi- tion that the money raised by taxa­ tion and turned into a sinking fund for the liquidation of the bonds or the payment of interest on the same, is going out of the county, for before a dollar of the sinking fund need be collected and dis­ bursed. the entire proceeds of the bonds would have been expended on the roads and our toilers, and our merchants and other business men would be revelling in its bless­ ings, while at the same time, en- : joying the glorious benefits of as fine" roads as the country could produce, Hence, the money under a bond- ing scheme, comes in before it goes out ; comes in in a lump and goes out in easy stages—more or less easy according as the wisdom of the proper officers in charge of the administration of our county affairs may dictate the redemption of the bonds distributed over a series of years more or less ex­ tended—and as for the interest, it need not be any great bug-a-boo, for if the scheme is manipulated right, the bonds had ought to sell about par and to that extent reduce the rate ; and as to the residue, the enhanced value of property, good roads and a better country, popu- lated with a more prosperous and progressive people, would many, many times more than offset it. I hold that under the bonding plan a main thoroughfare from the north to the south end of the county would be eminently practi­ cal without greatly burdening any one and would insist that it be built without fear or favor upon a permanent right of way, es­ tablished on an even grade, over the most direct and practical route. After this was accomplished, I would favor the improvement of all roads to the beach resorts on the same general plan ; if the country had sufficiently developed through the building of more railroads or otherwise, so as to provide addi­ tional sources of taxation to justify such a course, I would favor the improvement of the Dolpli road from Hebo to Sheridan. Suffice it to say that any under­ taking for the permanent improve­ ment of our public roads at the pre­ sent time should be studied and comprehensive one or else a great mistake will have been made. These are my sentiments. L. M. K raner . The Reliable Route Steamer it Sue H. Elmore” ■arr.-'a.R ATTORNEY HENDERSON & COUN8EL- LOR-AT-LAW, Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. Room No. 261. tive that induced the writer to locate in Tillamook county was the be­ (CAPT P. SCHRADERfl t t T. Borre, ginning of scientific road building A As A ttorney - at -L aw . in conjunction with the fact that he was lead to believe that it would Complete set of Abstract Books continue at a rapid pace. n office. Taxes paid lor uou- Three years will soon have elapsed since my tour of inspection prior to Residents. locating, and some progress has been made, but accomplishments i Tillamook Block. Leaves Portland, Albers No. 3 Dock in that line have not come entirely Both phones. Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook up to my most sanguine expecta­ tions. Wednesdays, Roads are more to the farmer Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday CARL HABERLACH, than paved [streets are to the city according to Tides. man, and the conditions of life in any community are no better than ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, its roads, and Tilamook county is right now in a pressing need of Tillamook Block B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. EI.MORK 4 CO, better roads, for I believe that her Lamb's Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore farm and village life have reached F. P. BAUMGARTNER, Agent, a point in their development wheie (J>EORGE WILLETT, Albers No. 3 Dock, Portland, Oregon. they cannot go much further until better highways are provided. Pos­ A ttorney - at -L aw . sibly this fact is more potent in the southern than the northern end MORNING AND EVENING TRAINS. Tillamook Commercial Building. of the county, for in the former place some of the so O regon . T illamook called roads are located in such impossible places and make such unnecessary long contours of the Tickets and Baggage through to Puget H. GOVNE county, thereby entailing great and Sound poiuts, Spokane, St. Paul, Chicago, unnecessary expense, not only in their original construction, but in Denver, Kansas, City, Omaha, St. Ixiuis and A ttorney - at -L aw . their maintenance and also add all points East. greatly to the disccomfiture and in­ < »ilice : Opposite Court House, convenience of the traveling public. Atlantic Steamship Agency. This lack of roads and the proper Agents of The Oregon Electric Ry. at Forest Grove aud Hills­ T illamook , O regon location of some which now require boro sell through tickets to ail points east. an apology for tlieir existence in that region is true to such an extent Fares and train schedules will be forwarded on request. that the telephone lines in not a T. BO ALS, N.J)., W. E. C oman . G. B. J ohnson , few instances have to depend upon General Freight & Pass. Agent, General Agent, private right-of-ways because there PHYSICIAN & SURGEON are no suitable highways upon Portland, Ore. Astoria, Ore. which to build them. TILLAMOOK. The most encouraging feature in connection with road building to­ Tillamook Block day is the fact that there appears to be a universal spirit of improve­ ment abroad in the land, a spirit M. KER RON, which seems to effect every factor of utility in the scale of importance from the outlying township and ob­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON scure municipality to the state and federal governments. Tillamook Block, These agencies appear at present, each to be acting independently Oregon. Tillamook, of the other, but a little close ob­ servation suggests that it may only be a question of a very short time C. HAWK, until there will be established a plan of union and co-operation that [We may inform our correspon­ will pave the way for the intro­ dent that by a recent ruling of the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, duction of an era of roadbuilding, Supreme Court a county cannot such as the world never saw. We bond itself for the purpose of build­ shall rejoice if such an era shall ing roads until a general law is HAY CITY, OREGON come, but in the meantime it be­ passed to that effect. Governor West vetoed the good roads bills hooves every possible factor in such which were passed at the last legis­ a consumation to do its part in lature.—En. J. , R. BEALS, ushering it in, and to that end the writer is willing and glad to cast The Independent Church. his lot with the public spirited inen Child Portraits Made by REAL ESTATE, of Tillamook county who are push­ 1st Cor., 9-12.—Woe is unto me. if Us are Child-Like. F inancial A gent , ing for good roads, and push, I preach not the gospel ? push, in his limited way for their Just as our portraits of adults The preaching of the gospel was Tillamook, Oiegou. ultimate building, fully cognizant the origin of the Christian religion. possess strength and character. of the fact that our brains, though All cliristiandom dates back to this We are experts in lighting similarly formed, are as different one event. Mark 1, 14 and 15.—Now from one another as our faces, and after that John was put in prison, R. 1*. J. SHARI’, and posing, and ottr equipment that it is a tempermental impossi­ Jesus came into Galilee, preaching is complete. Come in and see bility for all men to agree at all the gospel of the kingdom of God, RESIDENT DENTIST ottr line. times upon all questions, for our and saying. The time is fulfilled, Creator never intended it that way, and the kingdom of God is at hand: Office across the street from the and acting upon this theory, I am repent ye, and believe the gospel. Court House. now going to take issue with some We undertake one thing and no Next to the Post Office. of those whom I know are just as more. One thing accomplished is Dr. Wise’s office. sincere as I on the all important better than a thousand undertaken. n questions of road building in our There are three things necessary to county. HARCHET, fool membership. 1st.-To sub­ I emphatically believe in good scribe within one’s own self to the A . The Fashionable Tailor. roads and have always encouraged sovereign will of God 2nd —The them, and also believe that to get assent of the mind to the doctrine Cleaning, Pressing and Repair them in the shortest order, cover­ of the attonement ; and 3rd.—The ing a region of any considerable reverence of the Spirit, or in modern ing a Specialty. magnitude, the only rational and terms to follow the dictates of con­ EXPORT BEER. business-like way is through the science S» we in Heins Photographic bond-issuing plan. There is no public demonstration KAISER BLUME. Gallery I believe that fully 90 per cent of required, nor is any person pro­ the improved roads of the country hibited from belonging to any other Unsurpassed, Non-Intoxicating. are built that way, hence it is the church, or of performing any re­ J. CLAUSSEN universal way, the popular way. ligious rites er ceremonies of be­ MALT TEA. • LAWYER. If it is good business for a dairy­ lieving or disbelieving any dogmas man to borrow money (and how or doctrines that does not conflict ! many are they who do not) in order with the Gospel of God’s kingdom. gkutesltcr jlbvohat. to buy a ranch and a home, rather The sacrament of the Lord’s supper I ' 213 Tillamook Block, than never own a home at all, why and of baptism, and the keeping of Special Brew. should it not be good business for days, the saying of prayers and T illamook - O regon . a county to borrow money and build singing of psalms are left to other roads for the benefit of the present churches entirely, for upon all BOTTLED Hl generation, and all generations to these points there is a general dis­ follow, rather than have no im­ agreement amongst other churches, Dairy Farm Wanted. proved roads at all ? but the gospel of the kingdom is Wanted by an experienced dairy If it is good business for business the vital part of Christianity, it is, man, a dairy farm to rent, with VMIQ IN ACTION . QUICK IN nksulis 20 to 30 cows. Apply to thia office. men to borrow money (and how ■ ' it always has lieen and ever will tie Otva pifl relief from BACKACHE, easily you can count on your I a unit. KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, fingers those who do not) where­ Brick. When I see the crumb of bread Soda Waters. Siptbons, Bartlett Mineral Water. RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of he Lime, with to carry on the business and and drop of grape juice, and then Cement, KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of ths commerce of the country, why is it look back to the feast oi the pass- Shingles. not good business for a county to over> when Christ instituted the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY Coal Oil. do so in order to conduct her muni-1 sacrament, and the different ideas Coal. $10 ton, IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to Poultry Supplies, cipal affaire in a more rapid, up-to-* of baptism, that one man has as MIDDLE AOED and ELDERLY Potatoes. $1.50 per 100, date and advantageous manner, much right to entertain ii < another. The Best Hotel •‘Best’’ hard wheat flour $1.40 sk , FBOPLE and for WOMEN. and therby facilitate commerce. ' The difference of days, that no man $5.50 bbl.. NAVI NICHSST NSCOfIMINOATIO« Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kir.de Do out* banking and similar insti-l could tell except he had a calendar. of feed at prices as low as any in tution refuse to borrow millions of The hypocrites prayer that Christ A. b»»h. 0? Waahiogfon St., Cona»'1’1110. Uh yser. ■«orlisaa«i "1 haw the city. niarh froai m, hldnoii sad blad dollars where they have a chance ’ condemned, The tem|>erament of T illamook F kko C o . ••a at, aisaa, a.diue J. P. ALLEN. Proprietor. to loans it and realize on the trans- j music that has distroycd every. action ? ' bass voice, snd the popular revival Headquarters for Travelling Men Horses for Sale. Banks are generally conceded to : that culminates in a blackslide. 1 be the most conservative business am contented to revert back to the I hare 24 head of Horwsa for sale, Special Attention paid to Tourists. _ should counties original _ gospel of Thy kingdom al! in good condition.—Apply to institutions. Why A First Class Tabic. Comfortable Beds and Accumiuodaltuit O. I. Clough, Druag1** J. C. Gova. I then refrain from borrowing mooey. * Come Geo W. Grayson. Tillamook & Portland. ¡PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. ASTORIA to PORTLAND r LAMB-SCHRADER co Incorporated. % Warehouse and Commission Men. I Coal, Shingles, Lime, i Cement and Brick. * Dock and Warehouse. Front Street, & between 2nd and 3rd Avenue West. Monk's Studio, Beer, Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon * • ’ * * ■ 8 8 L. THE ALLEN HOUSE Foley Kidney Pills