Tillamook Headlight, February 1, 1ÔI2 ■.... FOREST FIRES.'“HB How Cold Affects the Kidniya. Avoid taking cold if your kidnevs re sensitive Cold congests the kidneys, throws too much upon them, arid weakens their action. Serious kidney trouble and even Bright's disease may result. Strengthen your kidneys, get rid of tlie pain and soreness, build them up by the timely use of Foley Kid­ ney Pills. Tonic in action, quick in results.—Chas. I Clough Co. Ships That Are a Constant Men ace to All on Board. I I DEATH LURKS IN THE CARGO. Foley Kidney Pillis will cure any rase of kidney or bladder trouble Baaidai (tea Constant Danger of the Oil not beyond the reach of medicine. Hosting and Exploding and Instantly No medicine can do more.—Chaa. I. Destroying the Vessel Thar« I. Alao Clough Co. ths Peril of “Fuming.” - - --ie - —s*( Bftt—1 i - '1 ‘ r - 5 j- j I Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? You like a little salt and pep­ per—a liitle mustard—a little iemon extract—a little thin and tlr.it to flavor your grub. Your cow, your steer, your hog under natural conditions would have a chance to get a bite of this, a bite of that and a bite of tlie other thing and so get a variety in its feed. But under tlie unnatura condition in (which ycu keep them, they get every day about tlie same sort of stuff to eat. As a natural consequence they get “ off their feed." Even if they do not, their digestive organs need the tonic effect which comes from a variety of feeding stuffs. 111 An Actual Added Advantage never Watkins’ Stock Tonic We Is a scientific preparation which not only improves the ilavor of the feed you feed, but also sup­ plies that tonic element so needed to make your live stock do their best. There is no longer any doubt about the need of a tonic for the modern domestic animal kept under artificial conditions. Y'ou must give them something to lielp them digest their feed and get the greatest good from it. Watkins' Stock Tonic supplies this need. It makes the animal relish its feed more; it aids in the digestion and assimilation of the feed, and in addition to that, it lias a tonic effect upon the whole system. Your animals need a tonic of this kind. Watkins’ Stock Tonic is not a secret preparation. We tell you the actual ingredients that are used in it. Y’ou know exactly what you are buying, and pound for pound it will go farther and do more good than any other stock tonic or so called stock food ever made. The Watkins Man will be glad to leave you a pail on trial, backed by the Watkins guarantee, FROM FACTORY TO HOME FROM ( MAKER TO USER. rown of tlx* world’s best MILLER, the most desired The S. W. Miller Pianos Typical Tone Triumph For their manufacturers, distributors and pur­ chasers, as like a good violin they mellow and improve with age and there is a complete absence of that tinny, metallic tone so often found in the class of Pianos usually sold by traveling agents. The much talked of S. W. Miller Pianos Deliverd by Waggon. R. R. ROBERTS pride of every owner. DON’T FOOL YOURSELF Jones & Knudson TILLAMOOK, ORE Direct Factory Distributors for Tilla inook County Be sure yen lune the correct time. Buy your watch here and you will have the best time nlway— ever ac­ curate and dependable. Our stock I of Gold and Silver Watches for I.allies nini Gentlemen includes I some of the best time pieces ever I made. Ail kinds of Jewelry of the ■ best gra tes at tlie lowest inaikc : prices. Jewelry repaired while you wait. • I Free ! 1 SPECIAL 30 DAYS OFFER EUGENE JENKINS, Reliable Jeuuelen, Next to the Post Office I o further introduce our higli-grutle photo graphs we will give FREE one handsome Bromide They Are Sometimes a Gain to TkkW Simple Village Funeral of the Qr««t Artist and Poet. Who Own the Timber. FAMILY RECIPES. Photo Enlargement with each $‘J (X) order or better .1. AND SI I. (H R SAMPLES \\l> JI D<; k k > r Yol RSK1.K he Tillamook Studio HEINS’ ol.D GAI LERI ONE WEAK SPOT Will n >t mar the appearauce of new Hatuess but it will make it very unsafe. If you buy your HARNESS may test assured that on are getting not only Har­ uess that pre ms the verv finest i»J>pc.iiance, but Harness that is hi • a • • c The valued family te cipes tor cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Right ptices assured. « te * a»e also I • « • •• Reliable Druggist. Bakery <#POSIfE THE ALIEN HOUSE. Corner Stillwell Ave. anti Firat St. Weal, anti both Plvme« •FECIALTY IN ALL KINO Of CAKE* ALL KIND nt au. AU WANTED MORE ACTION And the Lioness Kindly Obliged the Motion Picture Hunters. Paul J. Rainey writes in tbe Outing EQUAL TO THE TEST Magazine: "Tbe lioness was a picture to wateb. ■be kept turning up her lip and growl­ Daniel Webster, the Boy, at His En­ trance to Exeter Academy. Almost a year passed, however, be­ fore tbe plan so long cherished was fulrly started and Daniel, dressed In a brnud new homemade suit and astride a sidesuddle. rode with bis father to Exeter to be entered at tbe fatuous acedemy founded by John Phillips. Tbe principal then and forty years thereafter was Dr. Benjamin Abbot, one of tbe greatest teachers our eoun try bas yet produced. As tbe doctor was ill tbe duty of examining tbe new pupil fell to Joseph 8. Buckminster, tbeu au usher at tbe academy, but destined to Influence strongly tbe rvil- glous life of New England. It was tbe custom of the doctor, we are told, to conduct tbe examination of applicants with pompous ceremouy. mid that. Imitating him. young Ruck- mluster summoued Webster to his presence, put ou bis hat and said. "Well. sir. what Is your age?" “Four­ teen," was the reply. "Take this Bi­ ble. my Ind. aud read that chapter." The passage give# him was St Luke's dramatic description of the con­ spiring ot Judas with tbe priests and scribes, of the last supper, of the be­ trayal by Judas, of the three denials of Peter and the scene In tbe house of the high priest. Rut young Webster was equal to the test and read the whole passage to tbe end In 11 vole» mid with 11 fervor such ns Master Buckminster had never listened to be­ fore. "Young man." said he. "you are qualified to enter this Institution." and no more questions were put to him - Jobu Bach McMaster. "Ihiniel Web- ster." ing savagely and once or twice made This lasted four or five minutes and then Hetnment said be wanted more action and told one ot bls camera boys to throw a stone at her. Tbe boy threw the stone, and we also got tbe action. She watched the stone roll past her and then, witbnut even looking back and without warn­ ing whatsoever, she charged straight In. “Never before in my life have I seen anything come so fast. It was all over in the twinkling ot nn eye. It seem­ ed to me that when she first started she bad tier eye directly on me. tiut caught sight or the camera two or three yards to m.v left and cbnrgeu straight Tor that. I shot tier full In the chest when she nad come probably fifteen yards, but without any appar­ ent effect. She came on with her low. quick glide until she was wltliin fif­ teen feet from tile camera, when slie arose to strike It with her paw. I think flemuient. almost up to this time, had been turning tbe crank, nut now tie convulsively pulled the ruin- era over on to blmselt for protection. "It was a terrible moment. I knew she would have him tiefore I could get another cartridge into uiy gun. nut 1 had uot reckoned on Itlack. who was sitting on the ground nt my right, and jnst as she was about to strike lie shot her over tfie left eye with nis 170 The rate at which she was traveling carried her to within six feet of the muchiue when she fell dead On ex amination we foutid that m.v bullet bad passed square through her lungs from left to right and bad lodged un­ der Hie skin over tier right ribo." A Word to Study. Snellpsardelooszoomh-t-rspoorwespit roolrijtung-that's the technical and locally accepted name of the automo­ bile In Flanders "Snell" (note that tbe secund letter Is 11. nut m> men us "rapid." "pnaideloos" means "horse less.' "icondeersfxiorweg" Is tbe rec agnized way of describing a thing "without rails." and. finally, "pttrnol rtjtung" Implies a thing "driven by petroleum " So you have It. quite «tin ply. and mere white ntilzzers and drab devils are outclassed But liow d yon like to be hit l»y a rani "snell|>nurde loosx**—etc. ? St. ixxils Republic. Music Kills Men Young. Painting and sculpt nr»- are condu rtve to long life, let music kills me.i young Sclinlivrt. with all tils wenlili of nong. diisl ar thirty one; Mutairt u ho dancot and lauglted hi« melodics Into luring. tiled nt thirty five, the same age as Bellini; Bizet. the com poser (J "Carmen." died, like Purcell, hi tblrtjr- aev»*u; Mmdelssniiti survived to thirty- eight; Chopin. who loved life so well bad done with ¡t at thirty nine, while Weber expired at the age of rort> lead Ncbumatin nt forty-six. Bnt Vcrtil lived and nourished as a nonugeuaruiti. —Louden Standard Evolutions of Custom. "My son. said Mrs McGtidiev. "be­ fore I married your rather I made him promise that be would oot smoke or play cards ror money " "Year "Times hare changed If you deetda to pru|Kw tv a woman I waut yon tv exact a similar assurance vv »«ai»y tou Star. The Word “Wait*.” lao't there sn English phllvlogtot with genius enough to find a new word for wniter? Walting Is only a very amali txirtion of his durlee. functions and qualities In fact, the waiting part la most of the time done by the gueat. We think the waiter la. above all. a salesmen Comparing the Engllah waiter with those characteristic, ap­ propriate and therefore beautiful words the f'rencb -sommelier." tbe German “kellner." tbe Swedish "kypare" and Italian "mmerlere." the English laa- innige seems miles behind.—Interna­ tional Hotel Work. Mads the Sale. "Mr. Whllker. I haw seen It stated that women « tret are becoming tar rar How about that?*’ There map i* some truth In It. law among all my costumers I don t tuow a single one that It applies to. madam." -Chicago I'm>11 ne as if to charge. His Planeta. A younc gentleman was passing an examination in physics. He was ask- Knewe He Pity. "Is he very bitter against the maa who ran away with Ma wife?" "Alm»i«t ion Hltrr Hr ln«'«t« nt«»a gel Hue a dlvnrvr an that she caa aarry him "—Houston Fuat. •n "l\ teat planets were known to n Me seats in tbe porch, and rsJ au- tamn leaves hung from tbe pillars. Tbe coffin was of plain, unpolished oak. Tbe handles were of Iron, fasb- tooed by the blacksmith. There was ■o Inscription but name and dates. It was altsply a village funeral, jnst as he wished it to be. e « CLOUGH, In bls death William Morris, who practiced tbe ideal Industry that Uu*. »CS «CA A W.A. Williams&Cc. Sound aleep of Good Health ut tur thoae «iilTeting Irutn kiwer • it The captain of Hie Hellos order •d all the crew on deck, and four In 1 loir turn w» nt below every five min uti-s to work at the pumps. file tight they made for their Ilves wus uue of the most desperate that has ever been waged on the s. and It became certalu that, unless help arrived lu another hour, the sblp. with every living soul 011 board, would perish It abould be UHUtluiied that every lifeboat ou tbe Hellos had lieen damaged during the storm Half an hour passed, end by then only the captain and tbe mate were working et th« pumps The des true Ion of the reset was bow only a met • er of mluutee. Il was al thia critical | m< ture that tbe oil tauk was sighted ay the Majeetk- of the White Star line, and twenty mluutea later tbe crew of th« doomed ship were safely on board the liner I A« Hie last man acranibled on t>onrrf the M.i)»s>tic from th* tarar whk-h had les-n *rt»t to the help of lb* Holloa a mountain wf Dama apra., frvoi It»« • !«• k< <»f tbe oil tank, and a tew mtn ■tea Inter tbe bleslng vraael sank ba low the water A ltiM«t.sa oil taak named the Hadi mlr eonw years ego «xptoded la mid nreau. wbeu every oo« of bee crew twrtsbed Tble disaster took place In th« evuib«ru I'audc.- People who have rad accooaM tt great forest fires may be surprlaat Sb learu that. In place of loss, such kN* ure sometimes a gain to tbe «•■*. Tbe loss In lumber if cut within a fow years is small. aDd tbe removal st aa- derbrusb reduces tbe cost of laaaMt- ing. That n forest Ore could in say way I m » h henetit and not an injury seem.-« so novel that some proof la necessary. The statement has been made that more timber is destroyed by fire every year than Is converted into lumber. As a matter of fact, the report of tbe forest service declares the actual fire Iona In national reserves for the last three years has amounted to only one- tenth of 1 |H*r cent. From some fifty lumber companies the highest admit­ ted loss from fire Is 2 per cent in twen­ ty years. Another company estimates its tire loss for fifty two years at 1 per cent, and another, during sixty, has bad au annual loss of one-sixteenth of I pet cent. Twenty-eight companies re- port their loss since organization as "hardly worth mentioning.** Tbe point of these reports, so sur prising to those unacquainted with tbe lumber business Is that the fires, while they kill the trees, do not consume the trunk. The less severe fires do not uecessarily kill the trees. Worse fires do this by burning the underbrush around the trees and perhaps the tops of the trees. But the trunk of the tree, the log from which tbe boards are to be cut. is seldom touched. Tbe killed timber makes as good lumber as tbe other, tbe only difference being that It Is necessary to cut it within a limited time. White pine or hemlock in tbe upper Mississippi valley must be cut tbe first or tbe second winter following tbe fire or worms will injure tbe lumber. The two year period applies in tbe “inland empire” and to tbe hemlock on the slopes of the Cascades. Western spruce need not be cut for three years and western fir for four years. Bed cedar bas no limit, and trees burned fifty years ago are now being turned into shingles.— Jonas Howard In Chi- cage Tribune.