Tillamook Headlight, February 1 1912. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ing their money with a lavish hand who are trying to defeat Taft so that they can get back into power and conserve and tie up this Western country for future generations. But Taft has made good and made an excellent president, and the peo­ ple should judge him in that light, not from the false insin­ uation of men of the Pinchot tvpe, who is active in La Fol­ lette’s behalf It is often well to let well enough alone, and this applies to President Taft who is entitled to and deserving of a second term. TAXES recommended by the consult- < WHY STATE ing engineer. If the Port of ■ ARE SO HIGH Tillamook is to appropriate the ; burn of $200,000 towards to bar. j Legislature and People then it is only right that it | should have something to sav­ Appropriate $3,063,815. in selecting the best channel j from this city to the bar, espe-, The lavish hand of appropriation, cially as the money is to be, not alone by the Btate legislature raised locally to make this im­ at its last biennial session, but provement. If the Port will through continuing appropriations grit its teeth, get busy and take of proceeding legislatures and a firm stand for the city's inter­ through appropriations made dir­ est and future development ectly by the people at general elec­ we will all feel glad, for we tions, has resulted in the state taxes want to see the dirt fly iu this of Oregon being piled up for the fiscal year ending iu 1912 to the most important project. honor a requisition for it, owing to faulty provisions of the law. Notice of Receiver s SalC In the Circuit Court of the St.. Burial Pict to Be Secured. Oregon, for the County The bureau of labor statistics rep­ Tillamook. y 01 75 Six months.... resents a levy of $4000 and another Elmore Packing Com­ 50 Three months pany, a corporation, $4000 is levied for a burial plot for Plaintiff, Spanish-American war veterans in vs. Entered as second class mail mat­ Portland. Desert land board ex ­ Mary H. Elmore ter July, 1888, at the post office at penses represent $3000 of the levy Defendant. J Tillamook. Ore., under the act of In pursuance of and by virtu, March 3, 187V. and the department of education about $6000. About ¿30,000 is re­ a decree and order of sale Of above entitled court in the ah» presented in the levy for the pay | entitled cause, directing me a. ti ment of back salaries and expenses I Receiver appointed in the abU of defunct normal schools left 1 entitled cause by the above J titled court, to sell the real pronen stranded by the session of 1909. hereinafter described, under and 1 Other expenses for which levies virtue of said decree, which J must be made are : About $11,000 decree was duly rendered and e for the blind school; $40,000 for the i tered of record in the above I amount of $3,063,815, to be paid by school for deaf mutes; $9,000 for the ¡titled court on the 16th day , December, 1911, and directing J the people of Oregon in this one baby home in Portland; $10,000 for as said receiver to sell the sam»i We want to take issue with The big ocean liner steamed up year alone — an amount never even the Board of Government Engi ­ to the Buy City dock and made the Boys’ and Girls’ Aid Society; the highest and best bidder titer fast. The pilot shoved his head out neers, composed of Lieut.-Col. approached during former years. $7500 for the Florence Crittendeu for at public auction, in the rna, When, in 1910, the levy was pre­ of the window and inquired of a John Biddle and Majors Jav J. Refuge home; $23,000 for the ner and form prescribed by lawfM lounger: “ Where’s Tillamook ?” sale of real property on exect The Supreme Court Ims de­ " Tillamook! why, 1-e t’-s s-e-e, er, Morrow and C. W. Kutz, in re­ pared for the year 1911 and the state Soldiers’ home at Roseburg; $25,000 the tion, cided that there is rio law where sure, Tillamook’s up the slough.’’ gard to one paragraph in their board of tax commissioners placed for orphans and foundlings and I will on the 20tli day of Februarr by a county can bond for road Mr. Webster says a slough is "u report on the Tillamook bar and the amount of state taxes to be col­ the various homes to take care of [1912, at the hour of ten o’clock u lected for that year at $1,351,820, ex ­ the forenoon of said day, at thi work, the court reversing the hollow filled with mud,” and he bay improvements. It is as this class of children; $35,000 for was a smart man. The passengers north entrance door of the Count clusive of the normal school ap­ J ack son cou n ty ease and the will came the state sanatoria for tuberculosis Court House, in Tillamook City, i ashore.- Bay City Examiner. follows ; propriation, it was just prior to the of the people, who voted to bond Much of this work is not essen­ opening of legislative session of poor; $60,000 for the state school Tillamook County, Oregon, seli i And after the passengers went that county for $1,500,1X10 for public auction to the highest an tial to the Commercial development ashore they found a whole raft of Tillamook Bay. It is believed 1911. That legislative session pass­ for the feeble-minded; $10,000 for best bidder therefor, for U.S. go! special road work. the executive department; $9000 for coin in hand, the following dei- of loungers, an extensive ex­ that deep water across the bar and ed appropriation bills exceeding panse of mud fronting on Bay a channel of good depth to some $5,347,000, including the appropria­ the fisheries department; $40,000 for cribed real property, to-wit : Situate in the County of Tills, The buuine»» manager of the City, __ ., ___ _____ __ eating _ up . the point within the bay, reasonably tions for the University of Oregon salmon hatcheries and numerous mook. the toredo State of Oregon : Buv City Examiner turned up dock and the south west gales close to the entrance, would provide small terns for indigent veterans, and for the Monmouth Normal The E. half of N.E. quarter, N.I iriif-nirijx last week, anil it is sup­ making it hard to navigate. The all necessary facilities for market­ capturing fugitives from justice quarter of S.E. quarter and Lot 1 of ing the greater lumber resources posed he took the "bumbers” passengers, after finding that which are tributary to the bay. school dormitory. and others of kindred nature. seetion 22, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 W., ex.j All Will Be Collected. on the train. Bro. Conger says: they had been dumped down in Further, it is believed that the cept Town of Nehalem and one 'and] Bridges to Be Built. While these appropriations were one half acres, sold to School Dis. “But this is what hurts. Be the wrong pew, took the first proposed straightening of Hoquar- for Appropriations for $20,000 won our confidence and friend­ train for Tillamook, the center ton Slough would not result in made subject to referendum, the bridges across the Snake river are trict No. 39. Also tract commencing at a point benefits commensurate with the cost quashing of the referendum peti­ ship and departed owing us a of the greatest dairying section as even were this work accomplish­ included in the levy, as well as a where section line between sections tions by the lower court has ¡result ­ goodly stack of hard earned in Oregon,with the bright pros­ ed mills for lumber manufacture number of large items covering the 22 and 23, Tp. 3 N,, R. 10 W.. inter ! ducats.” Open confession is pect of its also becoming the would locate below the slough. ed in the state board of tax com­ cost of the office of the attorney-gen­ sects lot 4 in block 5 of the Town of I good for the soul, but we hope greatest lumbering center on Between Hoquarton Slough and missioners including them in the eral and the judicial department. Nehalem, then down line of blocks! 4 and 5, 248 ft. to Nehalem river to a| Bad City, a distance of about 4% levy for 1912 as a portion of the that Bro. Conger will not allow the Pacific Coast. If the Bay miles, the channel lies largely at a A levy of $108 000 is made for pay­ stake 2 ft. North of Wiats Wharf,| himself to lie in such bad com' City Examiner needs any more distance from the shore line and is $3,063,815 to be collected during 1912. then North 20 degrees E. 33 ft. to al At the same time the people them­ ment of salaries of circuit judges. lot formerly owned by C. Pye. then! by low mud fiats sub panv again. boomerang it can have all it bordered The levy for salaries of district attor ­ North 70 degrees West, along line merged at high water, and several selves have aided iu pushing this wants. of the tributary streams enter and amount up to its present magnifi­ neys is more than $60,000 and for the of said lot to line ocriveen section» The Government Engineers discharge heavy deposits of sedi­ cent prorortions. A few years ago supreme court about $60,000. The 22 and 23, then south on said sec- ] are of the opinion that it will Governor West has issued a ment throughout the freshet season. the people decided to furnish the cost of the commission to investi­ tion line to beginning, containing! Though this reach maintenance acres in Lot 5, Section 23, Tp require two jetties for the im­ proclamation fora “Good Roads charges would be heavy, and few Univerisity of Oregon with an an­ gate the judicial system of the state 3-16 3 N„ R. 10 W. provement of Tillamook bar. Week, “begin ni ng February4th, opportunities are offered for es nual continuing appropriation of is placed at $3800 and the Oregon Also the following lots in the! But what is going to cause o discuss good roads. It is a tablishment of sawmills. ” $125,000 for maintenance. This is a National Guard levy is more than Town of Nehalem : All of Blocks 1. 2, 3, 4 ; Lots 3, 4 and the W. one perplexity is that after the Ports happy idea, but coming from With all due respect to these portion of the $3,000,000 to be collect­ $150,000, this including the levy for half of Lots 7 and 8, iti Block 5; have gone the limit fortlie north the Governor who vetoed all the the erection of proposed armories. gentlemen, it is plain that they ed. In 1910 the people voted |to Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, in Block 6: jetty and harbor improvements, good road bills passed at the are not hb conversant with local appropriate $200,000 for the new The state penitentiary comes into all of Blocks 7, 8, 9 and 10 : Lots 1 Colonel W. T. Russell says the last State legislature it looks as 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 11 ; Lots! conditions as they should have eastern Oregon branch insane [asy­ the levy for more than $100,000. and 2, 2, 7 and 8. in Block 12 ; Lots 3, 4, 5. division engineer “believes that though the governor is playing been. How does these gentle­ lum. The last legislature voted tc the state training school for about 6, 7 and 8, in Block 13 ; Lots 1, 2, 5, the effect of one jetty will be politics Any effort to appro­ that the lumber appropriate $330,000 additional for $35,000. The state board of forestry, 6, 7and 8, in Block 14; all of Blocks temporary, and that the second priate tax money for a State men know Also all the tide land manufacture will be located the branch insane asylum. The created by the last legislature, helps 15 and 16. one will liecotne necessary,” Highway Commission should | $200,000 was levied for 1911. This to pad the levy by more than $60,000, fronting and abutting above des­ below and not above the slough? I and then concluded his report be strenuously opposed, for it cribed property. year the levy includes $330,000, as and the state board of health by Also beginning at the corner of by saving : “While it may be will only help to swell the State We will say, without fear of mare than $26,000. The department sections 4, 5, 32 and 33, Tps. 2 and voted for by the legislature. contradition, that the best sites impracticable nt this time to tax, and as the taxpayers will of state represents a levy of mote 3 N., R. 10 W. ; thence W. on line The University of Oregon appro­ bind tin* locality to participate be “pinched” a goodly sum for for lumber manufacture are priations in themselves total more than $23,000 for the year, in addition between sections 5 and 32, 6.13 on Hoquarton Slough and the in the cost of the second jetty State tax this year, we see no to numerous other minor depait- chains; thence south 16.22 chains [ to Bay shore ; thence north 611 should its necessity become ap­ use paying a few more politi­ Tillamook river, with the ex­ than $528,000, as voted by the last ments which swell the total to $3,063, - degrees East 7 chains ; thence north parent, the board lielieves that cians big salaries and expenses ception of the south side of legislature, in addition to the $125,- 815. 55 degrees East 2.65 chains ; thence it should also pay one-half the for looking wise whole holding Tillamook bay, which is pro­ (XX) continuing maintenance appro­ A recapitulation of the situation north 34 degrees east 5,13 chains; tected from the southwest gales priation. With the L T niversity ap ­ cost thereof.” down soft jobs. Let each coun­ thence north 24 degrees East 5.25 and the advantage of the south propriation ; with $150,000 appro shows that the total amount requir­ chains ; thence North 58 degrees ty look after its own road work. ed for the two years, including pay ­ East 1.75 chains; thence North 30 The only way to obtain good And as far as Tillamook county channel, which is the best on priated for a new capitol building West 1.50 chains to line roads is by making the road is concerned it does not need the bay and would cost least to and site in Salem, and with the ment of specified claims, was $5,670,- degrees between sections 4 and 33 ; thence lew large enough to do the State officials to come here and maintain. Let us inform these $330,000 for the Eastern Oregon asy­ 071. The total expense which the west 7.51 chains to the place of be­ necessary work, for there is no advise us how or where we gentlemen that all the lumber lum, these three items alone reach state will be subject to for the fiscal ginning 15.21 acres. Variation 21 law whereby money can ’be should build roads. We have manufactories erected on the to more than $1,000,000, which is a year ending December 31, 1912, is degrees East. Also all the frontage, wharfing raised other than from the road plenty of brains to attend to our north side of the bay have portion of the $3,000,000 to be raised $3,«21,007. The total receipts fortlie rights and privileges north and in proved failures on account of year 1912 were $403,742. The excess this year. tax or special tax for road pur­ own road work, but if Governor front of lot two (2), in section four toredos and the heavy winter of miscellaneous receipts for 1911 Lock Levy is ¿100,000. poses. All the controversy over West can devise some plan to (4), in township two (2), North of Then there is another $100,000 to over the estimated levy was $35 644. range ten (10) West of the Willam­ good roads in Tillamook County raise money to build roads with­ gales. The Cooperage Co.’s and comes right back to what the out “pinching” the taxpayers, the Williams mills collapsed as be levied for the free locks and The estimated receipts for 1912 are ette Meridian, extending from the In addition placed at $437,153. The estimated line of ordinary low tide to the Booster Editors recommended then we would be glad to hear a result of the ravages of the canal at Oregon City. channel of the Nehalem river. toredo and the storms. The about $425,000 is included for the unexpended balances for 1909-1910 last summer after their junket­ how it is to tie worked out. Also beginning at the south west Miami Lumber Co. ’ s saw mill will be $40,000 and estimated unex ­ central insane asylum at Salem. corner of Lot numbered one (1), of ing trips through the county, at Hobsonville is going to rack, On top of this comes appropriations pended balances for the years in­ section four (4), Township two (2) s iz . $.-> o , oim > for each of the three of range ten (1C) West of the road districts for the next four When it comes to improving and it will not be a great while for the Oregon Agricultural college cluded in the present biennial period North Willamette Meridian, and running or five years. It is safe to pre­ the water front of Tillamook before the dock will collapse as for 1912 amounting to more than $80,000. This is a total of $592,817, or thence north on the line between dict, however, that the next City and the channel to Tilla­ the toredo have undermined $400,000. These three items in them­ the amount required to opperate the lots one and two of said section and State legislature will pass a mook bay, this should be taken and eaten away the piling. And selves total nearly $1,000,000 and in state, less thecontinuingappropria- a prolongation theree* to low water mark of Nehalem Bay ; thence general law so that if tin- peo­ hold of with a view of giving it is safe to say these gentlemen the six items outlined practically tion for the Monmouth Normal easterly following said low water never stood on that dock when school is $36,625, or a grand total two-thirds of the appropriations ple of any county desiring to this city ns deep a channel as mark to a point on ¿aid low water for 1912 of $3,063,815. bond for roud work will have any part of the bay. No one the wind was catching up the for the year are included. mark line ten chains east of the line between said lots number one the right to do so. The continuing appropriations need suggest anything short of lumber from off the piles and and two prolonged ; thence south this, for that is what this city hurling it around like so much reach a total of $605,150. When the Notice of Sheriff’s Sale, on a line parallel with said line paper and when it was danger­ legislature met the total amount of between lots one and two and ten Don't “beef” because the demands and is going to have. ous for lumber schooners to tie N otice is H ereby G iven , — That continuing appropriations that had chains distant therefrom to the State tux comes high. As a It is now only a matter of a com­ in puraunce of a decree of foreclo ­ up there. There is the Fox line of said lot one ; thence result of the political mix up in paratively short time when the mill, another monument of been handed down as heritages sure and order of sale duly render south west on said south line to lot one to < )regon there are two legislative improvement of the bar will be folly building a saw mill with from proceeding legislatures was ed and entered by the Circuit the south west corner thereof and Indies the State legislature commenced, and as soon as the these conditions to contend with $418,450. The session of 1911 in­ Court of the State of Oregon, for place of beginning, containing creased this amount by practically Tillamook County on the 11th day twenty-five acres more or less, and and the people. Ami by the Port of Tillamook case is dis­ gradually going to decay and $200,000, or a greater increase for of November, 1911, in a certain suit also all riparian rights and wharf posed of $150,1X10 will lx* avail ­ look ot things another legisla- pending in said |court, where­ ruin. Yet with these facts and continuing appropriations than ever then in Lewis Sondheim is plaintiff and privileges of whatever nature per­ lut.ve body is needed to restrain able for this work. In view of experiences known for many attempted by any proceeding law- Srethna S. Phelps is defendant, in taining to said described lands, less its great importance to this city the two others in order to put a right of way heretofore conveyed years, it is remarkably strange making body in Oregon. favor of said plaintiff and against to the Pacific Railway & Navigation stop to the extravagant methods mid that no time should lx* lost, said defendant, and in pursuance Company. that these gentlemen should be the Port ot Tillamook would be Consequently, in themselves, of passing laws with appropria­ of an execution and order of sale so ignorant of the advantages Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, the continuing appropriations go duly issued out of said court upon tions for nil manner of things. justified iu getting busy mid I this 25th day of January, 1911. and the disadvantages as to well past the $500,000 mark, and, said decree and ______ prepare to commence work at ______ ____ order of sale bear- iv But don’t beef,” for we* have W ebster H olmes , 8Ld.a,e,._De.ceflber „ætll:_191.1L.and had several State legislatures as early date as possible,as there where the lumber manufac­ exclusive of the $125,0'40 already'i? Receiver. to me directed as Sheriff of Tilla claimed to lie nominated and is not the least doubt but what tories will be located. It is.safe mentioned as maintenance for the niook County, Oregon, I, H Cren­ elected by the will of the peo the supreme court will sustain to say that lumtier manufactur­ I niversity of Oregon, are well shaw. Sheriff of Tillamook County, Splendid Stock. pie. I he politicians who got Judge Benson. Anyway it is ers are not going to erect saw within the neighborhood of $500,000. Oregon, will expose for sale, and sell at public auction to the highest The dependable S. W. Miller is a into office ls*caiisc they shouted time tor the Port to get a move mills where the toredo and the Monmouth Gets Share. bidder for cash in hand on Saturday Piano of today. Every stick of tor the Ore-gon system or called on, decide upon some course of winter storms are a menace to The people voted a 1-25 of a mill the loth day of February, 1912, at 10 timber in its construction shows tl.- iuse l\cs "progressives" or action mid make all prelimi­ them, buttbey will build where tax as a continuing appropriation o clock A.M., all the following des­ splendid standard stock, value and insurgents," have proved a nary preparations right away, they are protected from the for the Monmouth Normal school. cribed real property situated in I up to date features never found in pianoes of a lower grade. ; ind success in piling on tax lithe Port decides to let the storms with safe anchorage for This was voted at the general élec­ Tillamook County, to-wit: of Blocks 4 and 17 in the town The S. W. Miller Piano uses for uiion. and now that it touches work by contract or intends to vessels. We have not noticed tion in 1910 and consequently there of All Netarts Bay Park, according to • its strings the celebrated Poelman even taxpayers' pocket ls*ok, build a combination dredge, it any lumber manufactories just ’ will be no more than $35,000 raised the map and plat thereof on file in I German imporied wire, which ia it vv ill not take long now tor is going to take some time to inside of the Columbia river, for that school in 1912. This, accord­ the office of the County Clerk of the highest priced piano wire in Why not do so but we do know that the big ing to the opinion of the attorney­ Tillamook County, State of Oregon. the world. A piano with auch the |H-ople to admit that they call for bids. For the purpose of satisfying said strong, superior staple wire never liiive l>een tooled and mislead bv now and save time ? There is bulk of them are located away general. ia to be raised among the decree, and wherein it is decreed but stays steadily in, the shuffling of the political no use delaving longer, for it is up the Columbia river and on counties the same as any other that the plaintiff have judgment I disappoints, tune, where a cheaply made pianXU the A illatnette river. So it will action, and quick action, now cards in < )reg<»n. state revenue and so goes into the against the defendant for the sum would go wrong. We invite you demanded With $150,000 to be in Tillamook, the manufac­ levy in the same manner. of $313.52, with interest theron at the to our store to see and hear this expend on the water front and turers will locate their factory» nite of ten yer cent, per annum [ piano. Jones and Knudson e priated by the Port of Tillamook Sepia or black and white, on any board of control is set down for 130 lb* to 200 lbs. Sc. great shortage of telehraphera. controlled, dictated to by men for the bar until it is assured of style card mount on hand for ¿2.00 iio.om for salaries and expenaea 200 lbs. to 250 lbs. TSc. Positions pay beginners from $70 like Pincliot, who has a foolish ■ he right chanuel on the bay. per duten. while they last. Theae and for $13,8X1) for anrveya and other 300 )b* and over, 7c. to $90 per month, with good chance» | expense* Bounty on wild animals are all staples up to date mount* Tillamook Meat Company. conservation theory and would 1 he Port ha. had some ex peri-, of advancement. The National is levied at SiauUl very choice style* (Telegraph Institute of Portland. bottle up this Western country cnce a. to the annual co*t of some Regulsr price, $4.00 to $7.00. A fund of $10.000 ia levied to aid Oregon operate, uuder the super Hxjfor 9*1« instead of opening it up. That maintaining the middlechannel Drop in and look them over. vision of R. R. and Wireless officials in fighting bubonic plague, but thia is the kind of men, with their which will lx* obviated if the MONK'S STUDIO. ™ in quantiti«* from and places all graduate, into posi­ amount wdl probbbly revert, aa « inherited wealth,whunre spend Sturgeon chauuel is used. tion.. r one to 100 ton. .st ruling price.-In- NEXT TO POST OFFICE. ,be ••cretary of state baa refused to 2v* mile, fidl dataj*? y°” *° WTlte ,hem .tor north of Tillamook City. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year......................................... 150 ftbe Cillaniooh ^eabligbt. Editorial Snap Shots. .ÚL, .