Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 25, 1912, Image 6

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The Drama at Fairview
Death of Wm. Zimmerman.
Nehalem Enterprise,
The sad news of the death of Wm.
Zimmerman in the Good Samaritan
Hospital in Portland, Monday, reaehed
Nehalem Tuesday.
Deceased has been ailing for some
time but his condition was not consid­
ered critical until two week, ago when
he was taken to the hospital for treat­
ment. Mr. Zimmerman has been a
resident of this valley for the past
twenty-five years, coming here from
California where he had lived several
years after coming to this country
from Germany with his wife. The
family has lived on the old hemestead
on the south side of the bay since they
came to Nehalem, having but recently
sold it, with the exception of a few
acres which he retained for his home.
Seven children were born to them,
three of whom are still living to mourn
their father’s death. Mrs. Sam Lund­
berg is now living at Seaside with her
husband and family. Mrs. Anna Forbes
resides in Portland, ar.d their son Al­
bert is a resident of this valley.
Funeral services were held in Neha­
lem Friday and the body interred in '
the local cemetery.
The Mends of the fumily extend'
their heart-felt sympathy In their be-
Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal CrapeCreamofTartar
Free I
To further introduce our high-grade photo­
graphs we will give FREE one handsome
Photo Enlargement
with each $2.00 order or better.
The Tillamook Studio
t. -iverricht.
C ming Saturday Evening.
On Saturday evening, January 27,
James R, Hinkley, the fauioua Cray-1
on Lecturer and Clay Modeler, will I
give the second number in the I
Menelly lecture course at the I' B.
< liuri li. Doors open ut 7.30.
Mr. Barkley has a national repul I
ation as an expert in his work. If
you have the blues come out into
the social sunlight and laugh care
away. While his work is highly
. ntertaining and mirth-provoking
it is also educational and refining.
Buy your ticket curly mid secure
reserved sent. Tickets on sale ut
store of A. Finley A Co.
To the house built with cur lum­
ber. Not immediately after it is
finished, for any new house may
look attractive.
But after the
house has stood some time after
it lias been subject to wind and
weather is the time we point with
pride to it. Good as the day it
was finished. Every board just
where it was nailed, no warping
cracking or shrinking.
If you
wish to have good work on your
home, see that all finish, flooring,
etc., is thoroughly kilndried. All
our finish is kilndried. Ask us why.
A. G. BEADS Dumber Company.
To Correspondent.
I.. M. K kamek , Cloverdale, —Your
letter on the road question will ap­
pear next week.
“Wluit's the matter 'f " Received
loo late for this issue. Look for it
next week.
Will not tnar the appearance of
new Harness but it will make
it very unsafe. If you buy your
Wanted for Cash. Cheap Farm
Land in Tillamook County
We have a customer who will buy
tor spot cash a cheap farm in Tilla­
mook County. Answer ut once.
Ralph Ackley Land Co., 170 Fifth
St., Portland, Ore.
Here you may rest assured that
you are getting not only Har­
ness that presents the very finest
appearance, but Harness that is
well made in every detail.
Prices for Hogs
Light hogs LTO Iba., H'jc.
150 lbs. to 200 Iba. 8c.
W.A, Williams & Cc.
200 H im to 250 ll>s 7'iiC.
Next Door to Tillamook County Bank
300 lbs. and over, 7c.
lillauiook Meal Company.
Janies R. Barkley
Lecture and Illustrations in Clay at
Saturday Evening, January 27
T^lllS is the second of the season’s lecture
course and comes highly recommended.
Our jK-opIc will miss a great treat if they do
not attend this entertainment.
The follow­
ing comment speaks well of Mr. Barkley’s
Mr. Harkk v is at all times interesting. The
first ¡Mtit pl the entertainment ia devoted to car­
toonist work and the second to clay modeling.
He presented clay models representing the typical
American, Theodore Roosevelt, and last, bnt not
least, a typical old maid. He recited and illus­
trated several of Riley's favorite poems, “When
the Frost Is On the Pumpkin“ being especially
well received, as was* the illustration of the
"Sinner and the Song ” He jaissessea the knack
ol making his statements forceful.—Dowigiac
(Mich I Daily News.
Typical Tone Triumph
S. W. Miller Pianos
'heS W. MILLER, for there is no better
home talent of Fairview are able to
J 131)0 toddy On the m3rl£6t, 3F)d WC
do, and also have the pleasure of invite you into our store to make us prove it
seeing and hearing something that entire Satisfaction.
is real good.
Hay for Sale.
Hay for Sale in quantities from
one to 100 tons, at ruling price.—In­
quire at E. E. Goodspeed,
north of Tillamook City.
to your
Jones & Knudson.
Daily Farm Wanted.
Wanted by- an experienced dairy
man, a dairy farm to rent, with
20 to 30 cows. Apply- to thia office.
Coal Oil,
Coal, $10 ton,
Poultry Supplies,
Potatoes, $1.50 per 100,
"Best’’ hard wheat flour $1.40sk.,
$5.50 bbl..
Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kinds
of feed at prices as low as any in
the city.
T illamook F red Co.
Direct Factory Distributors for Tilla­
mook County.
Horses for Sale.
I have 24 head of Horses for sale,
all in good condition.—Apply to
Geo. W. Grayson.
The dependable S. W. Miller ia a 1
Piano of today. Every stick of
timber in its construction shows
splendid standard stock, value and
up to date features never found in
pianoes of a lower grade.
The S. W. Miller Piano uses for
its strings the celebrated Poelman
German imported wire, which is
the highest priced piano wire in
the world.
A piano with such
strong, superior staple wire never
disappoints, but stays steadily- in
tune, where a cheaply made piano
would go wrong. We invite you
to our store to see and hear this
piano. Jones and Knudson ori­
ginators of the direct selling plan
in Tillamook from factory to home
Foley’s Hcney and Tar Compound
"Cures in Every Case."
• ?r, J“?. NcCaffery. Mgr. of the
Schilts Hotel. Omaha. Neb., re
commends Foley’s Honey and Tar
Compound. l>ecause it cures in
every case "I have need it myself
and I have recommended it to many
others who have since told me of
Seats Are Reserved There
its great curative power in diseases
jj o( the tliront and lungs." For all
coughs and colds it is speedily ef­
fective. Chas. I. Clough Co.
Next Three Numbers, Including Reserved Seats. $1.25
Single Seats, 50c
Tickets On Sale at FINLEY & COMPANY’S Store.
------ g—=
---------------- -------- ■
Splendid Stock.
An Excellent Number
An Actual Added Advantage
The drama which was given last
Saturday evening by the Fairview
Literary Society, was much enjoyed
by those who heard it. The play is
an unusual goodjiuinber. It has a
plot that secures and holds the
audience spell bound from be­
ginning to the close. It is full of
fun and yet there is a pathetic side
. I
that draws out ones sympathies in
a very effective way.
The characters had been well
chosen and the respective parts
were ably and effectively acted.
Mr. F E. Norton, as " M”. Thomp­
kins,” naturally displayed hie die
like for sham and deceit, and hia
willingness to give credit for in­
dustry and honesty, carried hia
part out perfectly.
.Mr. Morrison Mills, as " Hired
Man,” kept the audience in a fit of
The advanced Piano selling methods originated in
constant glee, bringing die house
down many times by the natural Tillamook by the store of Jones & Knudson makes a
and effective way he would give hia big saving in the price of a Piano to each customer, be­
funny expressions.
His actions
cause we save them the Portland jobber’s profit and
were homelike. He was in every­
Besides there is
way a handy and useful fellow. He the BIG AGENT’S COMMISSION.
succeeded in turning the play and
accomplishing hia aim in a way
that makes the play end a manner
entiiely satisfactorily to the audi­
em ,U11 ”
I” dealing with your own home merchant, whose
Mr. Bidgood, "John Remington,
,-ri ~
word regarding the quality of the Piano he is selling
rendered his part
so xatureily'and
that one could you can be safely taken in perference to an agent’s
so confidentially
hardly realize
that it was only a t statement, who perhaps you will never see again. We
play that he was seeing.
distribute direct
Kenneth Cater,
as “ Jerry-,”
brought a rousing cheer for each
Mrs. Bidgood, as “Louise,” be­
lieved by Mr. Thompkins to be his
own daughter, appeared perfectly
A new pearl in the crown of the world’s best;
easy in expressing her love for
“ John Remington,’’ carried out Pianos is the reliable S. W. MILLER, the most desired
het part in a manner that could not of all good home Pianos.
The S. W. Miller Pianos
have been equaled. She secured and Piano Players represent a
the sympathies of the entire aud­
ience, and every one was overjoyed
when “ The Hired man” helped
her to secure her sights.
Mrs. ArthurjBealsf as “Julia, ” I
the only child born to Mr. and Mrs. [
For their manufacturers, distributors and pur-
Thompkins, acted her part, as a
oi,ui.vui overeducated,
.............. .........
un chasers, as like a good violin they mellow and improve
” -----------UMOV1JVV
happy, yet very accomplished young with
age and ML
is I 4 a 11 LI complete
absence of that tinny,
lady in a very credible way.
metallic tone so often found in the class of Piano«
Mrs. Hoover, as *' Ruth,’’ j
usually sold by traveling agents. The much talked of
a heroine in the play and carried
her part in a way that is deserving
of much credit.
Mrs. Crawford, as "Mrs. Thom-:
kins,” labored so naturally under
Are the envy of agents who are trying to compete
sorrowful andembarrassingcircum
stances that she secured the sym­ with us, but on the other hand the S. W. MILLER
pathies of all. Men could be seen PIANO is the pride of every owner.
turning their heads aside to bide
the tears which they could not be
kept back.
It is hoped by the people who
were in attendance from Tillamook
By paying more for any Piano than the price we
-i... * .... —■..........
The Best Hotel.
J. P. AUUBN. Proprietor.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Attention paid to Tourist?.
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.