Tillamook Headlight. January 25. 1912 i The Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? Reliable Route Steamer Sue-H. Elmore As this is, or soon will be, the season of the year when our readers are called upon to pay taxes, and as this subject is always one of earnest discussion, we present below the amount the several counties will be called upon to pay at state taxes. For further comparison we give the population of the county as shown by the 1910 census as well as the county seat, which is, in most instances, the largest city in the county, thus giving our readers an opporunity to fully consider this important subject. Population Name of County. of County. County Seat. State Taxes Baker ................... .. 18,070 Baker City.............. ...$ 77,199.00 .. 10,661 Corvallis................ Benton ................. .. 40,543.50 Clackamas.......... .. 29,931 Oregon City.......... .. 105,603.75 Clatsop................... .. 16. 106 Astoria .............. ... 72,272.25 •Columbia .......... . 10,580 St Helens............. .. 51,515.00 •Coos....................... .. 17,959 Coquille.................. 68 663.25 Crook ..................... 9,315 Prineville............. .. 39,599.74 Curry ..................... .. 2,044 Gold Beach.......... 12.095.75 Douglas ............... 19,674 Roseburg............... . . 105,611.00 Gillam...."............ 3,701 Condon ................. 30,834 25 Grant ..................... 5,607 Canyon City ... . .. 25,497.00 Harney ............... 4,059 Burns ..................... 25,972. IX) Hood River . .... 8,016 Hood River......... 35,430.00 'Jackson............... 25.756 Jacksonville ........ .. 11X1,331.00 Josephine............. . 9,567 Grants Pass ........ . . 38,193.50 Kalaniath............. 8,554 Klamath Falls... 47.464.75 Lake ..................... 4.658 Lake View.......... . . 25,800 TO Lane .................. . 33,783 Eugene ................. 124,679.00 •Lincoln................. . 5,587 Toledo ................... 21.501.50 Linn................... ... . . 22.662 Albany ................... 102,117.00 Malheur ............... 8,601 Vale......................... .. 33 791.00 Marion................... . 89,780 Salem ..................... . 142,712.50 Morrow................... . 4,357 Heppner ................ 34 207.50 Multnomah ... . 226.261 Portland............... . 1,093,751.25 Polk ............... ... 13,469 Dallas............. 59,101.00 Sherman............... 4,242 Moro ................... ............ 28,953.00 Tillamook............ 6,266 Tillamook......... 49,238.50 Umatilla ............. 26 3(9 Pendleton.......... 137,1X16.75 Union................... 16,191 La Grande . 71 57X75 Wallowa ............... 8,364 Enterprise. . . . 36,548 25 Wasco ................... 16.336 I he Dalles 53,181.75 Washington 76^2011.50 21.522 Hillsboro . .. Wheeler................. 2,484 Fossil ................. 11,078.25 Yamhill................. 18.285 McMinnville ... 70,372.75 like a little salt »ind pep- per—a little mustard—a little lemon extract—a little this and that to flavor your grub, Your cow, your steer, your hog under natural conditions would have a chance to get a bite of this, a bite of that and a bite of the other thing and so get a variety in its feed. But under the unnatural condition inQwhich you keep them, they get every day about the same sort of stuff to eat. As a natural consequence^ they get “off their feed." Even if they do not. their digestive organs need the Ionic effect which comes from a variety of feeding stuffs. (CAPT P. SCHRADER), Tillamook & Portland Leaves Portland, Albers No. 3 Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays, Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. Watkins’ Stock Tonic Is a scientific preparation which not only improves the flavor of the feed you feed, but also sup­ plies that tonic element so needed io make your live stock do their best. There is no longer any doubt about the need of a tonic for the modern domestic animal kept under artificial conditions. You must give them something to help them digest their feed and get the greatest good from it. Watkins' Stock Tonic supplies this need. It makes the animal relish its feed more; it aids in the digestion and assimilation of the feed, and in addition to that, it has a tonic effect upon the whole system. Your animals need a tonic of Total taxes to be this kind. Watkins' Stock Tonic Total Population of state.. .. 672,765 paid to the state. $3,083,815.76 is not a secret preparation. We •—Columbia County, Rainier larg-st city ; Coos county, Marshfield tell you the actual ingredients largest county, Medford and . ---------- , city j ; Jackson w —......... ...... Ashland principal cities ; that are used in it. You know exactly what you are buying, and I Lincoln county, Newport largest city. The analytical reader will find abundant matter for reflection in tin- pound for pound it will go farther above table. It has long been thought that Yamhill county has been and do more good than any other currying a heavy burden in the matter of state taxes,compared with some stock tonic or so called stock of her neighbors. Take, tor instance, our county compared with Marion food ever made. —it is almost two to one. Tillamook county also has a high per capita The Watkins Man will be glad compared with many others. There is irregularity and disparity nil to leave you a pail on trial, along the line. We note one tiling—the smaller the population tin- backed by the Watkins guarantee, greater the per capita of tax, Does this prove that the greater tlie popu­ Deliyerd by Waggon. lation the lees our taxes will become ?—Telephone-Register. «PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Iamb's Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore F. P. BAUMGARTNER. Agent, Albers No. 3 Dock, Portland, Oregon. MORNING AND EVENING TRAINS. STORIA to PORTLAND Tickets and Baggage through to Puget Sound points, Spokane, St. Paul, Chicago, Denver, Kansas, City, Omaha, St. Louis and all points East. I Atlantic Steamship Agency. Agents of The Oregon Electric Ry. at Forest Grove and Hills« boro sell through tickets tc all points east. Fares and train schedules will be forwarded on request. W. E. C oman . G. B. J ohnson , [General Freight & Pass. Agent, General Agent, Portland, Ore. Astoria, Ore. ü HIWB-SCHRADER co Incorporated. Warehouse and. Commission Men. ) Coal, Shingles, Lime, Cement and Brick. Dock and Warehouse. Front Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue West. Just as our portraits of adults possess strength and character. We are experts in lighting and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see our line. Next to the Post Office. II I S alem , O r ., ‘ : Î : ■ i BEAVER STATE : : I ; -J : :I * I I / i very Sack Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction Nehalem Wins Water Eights. Jan. 22,—Decidin'?- in favor of the City ol Nehalem in I its contest with II. Schollmeyer over water of Bobbs Creek, to be used i as a city water supply; reaching a determination as to_what its final construction of the 1909 water power tax will be and starting in on its last lap toward tlie adjudication of R. R. ROBERTS water rights on North Powder Alt the sea on the S.P.R.R., elevation house, Cottonwood. COMMUNICATIONS. Butter and 10,000 teef. This is the home of the Sucker Creeks, tlie State Board of TAXING UNMATURBD TIMBER peach and fine apple, I am tokl Control is holding one of its most corn and water melons are also a important sessions of the year. Writer Believes it Should be Ex­ good crop here, but in addition to Before the Board adjourns in the empted to Aid its Conservation. all tlie troubles such as roads, next few days it will complete the The system of taxing timber schools, politics, church affairs, etc, ' final adjudication of the water rights should be modified. Growing tim­ they have a long string of difficulties on the creeks mentioned ami enter ber should not be taxed. All ma­ called the irrigaton ditch. All land its final orders. tured or merchantable timber should here without water is almost worth­ The Nehalem controversy be taxed. If this plan was followed less and water here costs more than it would force the cutting of ma­ our road tax there. So all the Tilla- been hsnging fire for some On February 25, 1911, H. S tured timber only. mookers who would like to make a Laws should be enacted designat­ change can probably do so as ' ineyer tiled an application with the State Engineer for a permit to ap­ ing age or size that timber should many are making inquiries about propriate eight second feet of the reach before it should be classed as the land of white clover. This is a , waters of Boobs Creek, in Tillamook merchantable. The State Forester fine country, a good people with I ■' _____ _ _ ' ■ the correct time. Be sure yon have Buy your watch here and you will should have authority to regulate good prospects ahead, but they have ' County He wished the water for power ami domestic uses. have the best time alway—ever ac­ the cutting of i 11 timber in the difficulties to overcome that you ' A. C. Andtrson filed an applica­ curate and dependable. Our stock of Gold and Silver Watches for state, public or private. The tim­ don't have. They have fine ground 1 tion on March fl. 1911 for three sec­ Ladies and Gentlemen includes ber counties, in estimating the tim­ to construct roads of, but we are ' ond feet for municipal purposes for some of the best time pieces ever ber of the county for purposes of far ahead of them. They climb ! the City of Nehalem water supply. made. Ail kinds of Jewelry’ of the taxation, should estimate the ma­ hills only to put on tlie break and As this is but a small creek, the best graces at the lowest marke tured timber only. The estimators come down again. Irrigation is the two applications seemed to conflict, prices. Jewelry’ repaired while you doing this work should be men theme here, and it is very expensive, wait. for the reason that the State Engine, l. pialitied to classify tlie land, de­ costing from $.3 to $5 per acre tax I er believed the granting of tlie signating that which should be s annually, besides the labor ¡to con­ Schollmeyer application would C j lassed as forest land, best adapted duct the water over the land. So I menace the safety and welfare of that which culture, and for tree take off my hat and say hurrah for the public by depriving Nehalem Reliable Jetueler, be classed as agricultural Tillamook ! of a water supply. A hearing was N»sXt to the Post Offiee should land. I am well. Ain holding revival had, but in file meantime Nehalem agricultural suited for All land meetings here and am having suc­ had constructed its water works. will give cess. Some are starting out to lead purposes and which The Board finds that there would f greater returns for such purposes Christian lives. Some are renewing lie ii'i doubt that the Schollmeyer than for tree culture, should be so their vows in God. Some inquiring application would deprive Nehalem classed, and when the timber is the way, and all seem interested. <>t an adequate ninout of water and removed settlement should be en­ We have two services each day. i • • »4 courage I so ns to get the greatest They want me to hold two mon­ even though the Scliolluieycr ap­ plication was prior in time, the city returns tlie soil will yield. This meetings before I go North. My I is lielieved io be entitled to the The valued family ie- would be practical conservation, wife is at Kalama, Wash. She is I water and the recommendation, it cires for jeottgh and cold and would give iu ell the people well and I trust having a good time. , is announced, does not prevent cure, liniments, tonics and the greatest returns tlie lam! would J hit amid all this press of gospel j I ttrlinlliiwyn from making inri her other remedies have as » produce. laoor 1 find lots of time to think of >ippli< ation for securing 1 he greatest problem that will Tillamook Ccrtinty nnl its affairs careful attention here as I water he might need confront the American jieople in and people, and truthfully compar the most intricate prescrip­ i the next century, ik not how to ing Tillamook's advantages witli tions. Successful Teachers. shelter the people, but how to feed other localities we are ahead as I Our fresh, high grade The following named teachers were and clothe the multitude sec it. So let me urge you to do There is no crop that the soil,pro­ your tiest to beautify your homes awarded Slate Certificates at the recent drugs will help to make duces that is so terribly slaughter­ and to make a united pull to build examination; these remedies more effec- ~ ed, that there is so much waste in up one of the best counties in the Mrs. Harriet M. Ford, Tillamook. tive than ever. Kathryn Burge, Tillamook. an the tree crop. There i* no more grand old state ef Oregon. Wishing Right prices are also - reason or necessity in harvesting all health and prosperity with hap- Luella Sweeney, Tillamook. an unmatured tree crop than there pines* that comes by doing the will Mrs. Elsie Jennings, Tillamook. assured. would be for the farmer to cut his of our Heavenly Father. W. L. Bryan, Tillamook. wheat, corn, oats or hay before Mra. Agnes Randle, Nehalem. I am as ever a common old Tilla- maturity. Whj should all growing mooker, Alice Brooking«, Nehalem. timber be allowed to be cut, when C. H.W aymike . H. 8. Brimhall, Cloverdale. there is so much matured timber Ruth Owen, Cloverdale. Reliable Druggist. in our forests deteriorating? The PREACHER GOVE AGAIN. Ixiuise Bergenroth, Orctown. first reason for the cutting of the Hazel Scherxinger. Oretown. young, unmatured timber is acces­ On the One Horse, Independent Elise Ixinderahauaen. Hobsonvllto. Church. sibility. The timber that is easy Lydia R. Crane, Hobsonville. Mark 13—10, “ And the gospel of access, that will cost the least Ruby Shepard, Balm. must first Is- published among all to operate (at least 80 per cent of Clarence Johnaon, Beaver. ALLEN HOUSE. OPPOSITE THE the cost of lumber is labor ) is cut. nations ” Ruth Sutton, Neakowin. There never was a time in the Those who were «ueccasful in earning Corner Stillwell Ave. an 1 First The second reason is there is no history of the world when tlie pub- standings but did not apply for certifi­ inducement, no encouragement St. West, and both Phone*. given for protecting the unmatured lising of the gospel of the Kingdom cates: Mabel Noyes. Helena Schlappi, of God could lie accomplished a* Jennie Blanchard and Agnes L. Mor- I timber. SPECIALTY IN ALL KINO OF CAKES Young, unmatured timber should well as now. A modern press will 1 riasey. not tie taxed; neither should it lie print enough literature to supply The one securing highest average in ALL KINO O« HO*u allowed to be cut, but it should tie every individual a copy in the the cmnty, Mr«. Ague* Rundle, 96 per protected until it has a value. Tax known world in the least time, and I cent. DONT MISS THIS ! the matured t'mber only, as in any our mail service is the most com Second highest, Mrs. Harriet M. Photograph» at Greatly Re ’ other crop produced from the soil. píete. It is n stubborn fact that Ford, 95 per cent. the prophec ies of God are to be A SUBBCKIBEK. Third highest, Miss Alice Brookings, duced Pricer. liilfiled. and when the time comes 91 per cent. In order to reduce our over sup there is always someone to Iultill W. H HU Eb. TILLAMOOK IS O.K. ply of Photographs Card Mounts, them, that is, protided with the we will make Cabinets or smaller Former Resident Writes Letter ways and means. The < liristian troni Rogue River. Sepia or black and white. on any religion originated l>y preaching For sale cheap, 2.5 acre« six style rard mount on hand for ti mk and $75J>> r«»w. Rea­ Regular price, $4 Ob to $7.CO. unit, filie «I from the four quarters son for selling, poor health. to publish it. Woodville is . <*> ; Drop in and look them o.er. Callon or write to J. II. Ilalha- miles south of Portland on the) of the earth. Matt. 13 30. “ And MONK’S STUDIO. f amous Rouge River, t*i miles from |,ey ni,ai| come front the east, »nil way, Tillamook, Oregon. NEXT TO POST OFFICE. FAMILY RECIPES. Monk's Studio A TRIAL CONVINCES froth the West, and from tlie north, and from the souih, and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God. ” We are either within or without the kingdom of God. If a subject of Hia kingdom, we have every reason to expect Hia providential care, and to enjoy the atmosphere of Hia kingdom and to comply with the rules and regulations that are best adapted to tlie welfare of the children of the kingdom. Light, love, peace and plenty, permeates every part of God’s kingdom, while all that is false, oppressive, unjust and unkind are without. No person is barred because of his or her church relation, nor does any church monopolize the way to heaven. I believe that there are members of every church who are I and members who are not, children of the kingdom. God himself is the judge of who does and who does not belong to his fold and re veals the fact by the consciousness within anil not by tlie countenance of men. The greater obstacle that confronts a person in search of the kingdom of God, is the advice of men who themselves are devoid of the light and kdowledge of God's kingdom, yet assume to be teachers and preachers Mark 4—11. “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. ” It is use­ less forme to wast 1 my time and energy to preach or publish the kingdom of 1 eaven at hand except to those to whom it is given, to understand. J C. GOVE. EUGENE JENKINS, Child Portraits Made by ~~ Us are Child-Like. ard Wheat atent Flour Amounts That Will Be Paid in Taxes By Counties. I 4 CLOUGH, Tillamook Bakery y