Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 25, 1912, Image 4

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Tillamook Headlight. January 25 1912
Tillamook County will Double in Population
the Next Twelve Months.
Send the Tillamook Headlight, the Pioneer
Newspaper of the County, to your Friends.
The Headlight is the Old, Reliable Newspaper
of Tillamook County.
and Weekly Oregonian,
The Booster Newspapers
We carry a Large Stock of
and China
Oils. Paint. Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw
l he Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities
Foley y Kidney
Pills are tonic in action, ouick
—y Pilla
quick in result*. Refuse suhstifntea.
Chas- I. Clough, Tillamook
the highest type of a pure straight
liiskey blend.
aged in wood
complying w uh both the United States and State
Pure Foo J Laws
traigkt whiskey
ail w niAev—old whisk
ranci ¡»co
• J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore
Or. Whitman Kept It From Being
A Verbal Dual in th* Hou** B*tw*«d
Traded to England.
th* Parliamentary Master*.
Rut for the foresight, it is said, of a
Following la nu interesting story of
encounter betweeu Reed and Car­ missionary this country would have
The Budding
the an
lisle as Senator l.a Follette reports it ’Traded off” to Great Britain that Im-
iu his autobiography lu the American ■Dense territory that now forms two
Terror of His
ef the greatest states of the northwest
"Reed was one ot the ablest men In -Oregon and Washington.
Marcus Whitman bad crossed the
either house ot cuugress Some of hi*
passages with Carlisle when Carlisle plains and the mountains to Oregon
was speaker were among the best ex­ •nd knew from a year's residence the
Fishing. amples ot close forensic reasoning I value of tbe country. He also knew
Cruising the Mississippi.
Swimming and Marauding Struck have ever heard. Bulb were as tine that the Hudson Bay company was
Him a* th. Ideal Life—The Stick He parliamentary athletes as were ever aaxlous to obtain possession of tbe
to tie found. I remember vividly a whole northwest and had circulated
Selected For Hi* Own Whipping.
characteristic passage between them, tbe report that it was impossible for
Mark Twain tbe boy was leader of
it was near the end ot the session and •migrants to cross the mountains io
a baud of young incorrigible*, accord­ 8 o'clock tn the morniug. Au appropri- «•gons.
At a dinner given tn 1842. at which
ing to Albert Bigelow Paine. Twain'* ailon bill was pending, Some one ot-
secretary and biographer, who In Har­ fered au amendment,
it It passed Dr Whitman and several of the com.
per « tells something of their juvenile some advantage would accrue to 1 he ’ pan.v's chief officers were present,
Democrats; it It failed, some advan­ ■ews was received that a band of
goings on:
His mother declared that be gave her tage to the Republicans. A point ot British emigrants bad crossed the
more trouble than all tbe other chil­ order was raised against it. and Car­ mountains. Toasts were drunk In bon-
lisle overruled the point. Reed was on •r of the event. ‘‘Now tbe Americans
dren put together.
I "He drives me crazy with his didoes bis feet—Reed. 300 pounds, six feet ' may whistle—the country is ours!" one
when tie Is in the house." she used to tall. He was ibe leader on the Re­ of the Englishmen is reported to have
I remember be bad eiclalnusl jubilantly.
say. "and when be Is out of It I am publican side.
expe< ting every minute that some one just two gestures, one tin impressive i But Whitman thought otherwise
downward movement with bls extend Tbe next day he started for Washing­
will bring him borne half dead."
He did. in fact, achieve tbe first of his ed Index finger, and In the other dur­ ton on horseback. He made tbe jour­
"nine narrow escapes from drowning” ing his higher flights tie held one ney in winter and with frozen limbs
about this time and was pulled out of great clinched list blgb above Ills head, called on Daniel Webster, tbeu secre­
the river one afternoon and brought like some colossus. He was a striking tary of state. Upon his presentation
of the situation Whitman was gruffly
home in a limp aud unpromising con­ figure.
dition When with mullein tea and cas­
"’I contend.' tie snld on the occasion toid by Webster that tbe country was
tor oil she bad restored him to activ­ to which 1 refer, that the speaker is worthless and that he, as secretary of
•fate, was about to trade that “worth­
ity she said:
"1 guess there wasn't much danger.
"Carlisle, standing there In the less region" for valuable concessions
People boru to be banged are safe in speaker's place, answered. T shall be with reference to the Newfoundland
glad to hear the gentleman from fisheries.
She declared she was willing to pay Maine.'
Finding that a treaty had already
somebody to take him off her bands
"Reed retorted. ‘The speaker is wrong been approved by tbe senate and was
for a part of each day and try to teach for this reason'—aud put it in a nut­ awaiting formal ratification and proc­
him manners.
lamation by President Tyler, Dr. Whit­
Besides bls mother, who had to con­
"•Ab. but the gentleman from Maine man sought the president. When the
tend with the bad boy. was bl* school­ Is tn error because'—and Carlisle stated missionary bad finished bis story the
teacher. a certain Miss Horr.
Mr. his contention without a superfluous president said:
Paine tells bow unlike to a bed of roses word.
"Sir. your frozen limbs attest your
was her lot.
••’Yes,’ answered Reed, 'but Mr sincerity. Can you take emigrants
Miss Horr received 25 cent* a week Speaker.' and for ten or fifteen min­ across the mountains in wagons?”
for each pupil and opened her school utes it was parry aud thrust, thrust
"Give me six months and I will take
with prayer, after which came a chap­ and parry. Reed pressing Carlisle from 1,000 across,” answered the doctor.
ter of the Bible, with explanations and position to position until finally the
“If you can take them across," add­
tbe rules of conduct. Then tbe ABO speaker said:
ed Tyler, “tbe treaty shall not be rati­
class was called, because it* recital
"•The gentleman from Maine ia fied
was a band to hand struggle, requir­ clearly right. The speaker is wrong
In 1843 a band of emigrants undfer
ing no preparation.
aud reverses his ruling”’
the guidance of tbe doctor started from
The rules of conduct that first day
Missouri for Oregon.
A deputation
interested little Sam. He calculated
from the Hudson Bay company met
bow much be would need to trim in to
them on the plains, advising them that
sail close to tbe danger line and still
It was Impossible for them to cross the
avoid disaster. However, lie made a
mountains in their wagons. Tbe emi­
miscalculation during tbe forenoon and
grants decided to leave their wagons
received warning. A second offense
and finish the Journey on horseback.
would mean punishment. He did uot certain element of the criminal world.
As this course would have ruined
mean to be caught the second time,
Whitman’s plan of saving the country
but he bad not learned Miss Horr yet
to the United States, he labored with
and was presently startled by being eyed bank teller, but always when th* tbe leaders of the band until they con­
commanded to go out aud bring a stick
possible to detect the fraud, or, if not sented to follow tbe doctor's advice
for his own correction.
and guidance. The band did cross the
This was certainly disturbing. It the microscope, then more modern mountains in their wagons, the treaty
was sudden, and then be did not know
Here is a secret divulged by a man was not ratified, and tbe fertile north­
much about the selection of sticks
has made a study of bandwriting: west was saved to the United States.—
Jane Clemens had usually used her
New York Herald.
It required a second command No person ever yet wrote his name
to get him headed in the right direc­ twice alike. In some small or big de­
An Odd Superstition.
tion. aud be was a trifle dazed when tail one signature always differs from
Therefore when the same
A strange superstition is that of an
be got outside. He bad the forests of another
Missouri to select from, but choice was man's name appears twice alike—as It otherwise perfectly normal western
difficult. Everything looked too big does In the course of business events, man who as a buyer for a very large
and competent.
Even tbe smallest when the forger gets after a little department store of the country has
nis talent
switch had a wiry, discouraging look I easy coin-there must be a matter of had marvelous success.
Across the way was a cooper shop tracing. I It stands to reason that the seems to lie In reading the hidden
with a good many shavings outside exact fac simile ot the one has been thoughts of men and In that way se­
One had blown across and lay Just in gained by the overlay or tracing pruc- curing bargains few others can ever
seem to get. To a few of his intimates,
front of him. It was an Inspiration ess
When ■ man undertakes to write not his trade friends, be gives a weird
He picked It up and. solemnly enter­
ing tbe schoolroom, meekly handed it anot her man's name In the free band explanation of this power. Wherever
style of Jim the Penman there Is al- he can he says he drinks water from
to Miss Horr.
Perhaps Miss Horr’s sense of humor ways uoticenble to the practiced eye a the same glass as the person with-
prompted forgiveness, but discipline crumping movement or a radical de­ whom he is about to do business, tak­
must be maintained.
I parture from the way iu which the ing care to drink after him. There 1»
"Samuel Langhorne Clemens," she name should be written Such a small not a doubt in his mind that there is
said (he had never heard it all strung thing ns the particular position of the truth iu the old belief that if two
together In that ominous wayl. “1 am dot above the “I,” for Instance, will drink water out of one glass the last
ashamed of you! Jimmy Dunlap, go reveal forgery or the crossing of the to drink will know the other’s secrets.
bring tn a switch for Sammy." And , "t" or the shading of up or down At all events this man says the test
Jimmy Dunlap went, and the switch strokes A man will overlook the fact never fails —New York Sun.
was of a sort to give tbe little boy an ' tbnt the name he Is writing when
immediate and permanent distaste for written by Its owner always leaves
Amulets of the Burman.
school He informed Ills mother when the straight line nt a certain letter
Highly prized by the Burman are the
he went home nt noon that he did not and returns on another certain letter. following gems:
Ruby, diamond or
care fol- school; that be had no desire Some business men place nfter their crystal, pearl, coral, topaz, sapphire,
to be a great man; that be preferred signatures on checks a period, some a catseye. amethyst and emerald. Col­
to be a pirate or an tudian and scalp ■ '•oimuu. some a rough star, others a lectively they ward off sickness or dan­
or drown such people as Miss Horr
short or a long dash, making the genu­ ger
The catseye is supposed to se­
Young Sam conceived the notion that ineness of the signature depend more cure invulnerability In war Incanta­
a pirate's life would be joyous and. niton this slight characteristic than the tions are muttered over some or all
with a couple of pals, cruised tbe Mis name itself —New York Tribune
of these stones, and the water in which
i sissfppf
they nre immersed is drunk In order to
Some of their expeditions were inno !
Beau 8rummel’i Impudence.
secure Immunity from all evil. Kpells
cent enough They often cruised up to
Reau Rrunimel's favorite dish was are uttered over rubles, and tb«y are
Turtle island, about two miles above roasted iiipou stuffed with truffles
Inserted as amulets In the flesh of men
Hannibal, and spent the day feasting When lie was living almost on the
who desire to be Immune from wound*
You conld have loaded a cur with tur bounty of Mr. Marshall be attended •
ties and their eggs up there and there dinner party at that gentlemun'a Inflicted by sword, spear or gun.
were quantities of mussels and plenty house, i taking with him. according to
One of Tom Hood’s.
of flsh
Fishing and swimming were his most impertlneut custom, one of
There was a noted brand of tobacco
their chief pnstlmes. with general ma his favorite dogs. The Beau wus help­
raudlng for adventure Where the rail ed to a wing of roast capou; but. which the sailors of England chewed
road bridge now ends on the Missouri -boosing to fancy that the wing was In the early years of the nineteenth
side was their favorite swimming hole tough, he delicately seized the end of century—"pigtail.” And ft is commem­
-that and along Bear creek, a seclud­ it with a napkin covered Hager and orated in one of the most Ingenious of
ed. limpid water with s|si-lul interest* thumb and |>assed It under the table Thomas Hood's punning verses. In
of Its own. Sometimes at evening they to Id* dog with the remark. "Here. which he recounts the life, love and
swam across to Glasscock's island, the Atout. try If you can get your teeth •orrow of a sailor, a Rrltisb sailor:
rendezvous of Tom Sawyer's "Black through tills, for I'll be — it 1 can!”
Hl* bead was turned, and so h* chewed
His pigtail till he died
Aveugi-rs" and the hiding place of
Huck and Nigger Jim Once, though
The lower deck today would be put-
Mor* Likely.
this was considerably later, when be
'•They say she fell in love with him ■Jed to see the joke of that!—London
was sixteen Sam Clemens swam across while be was tilling Iwr teeth."
to tbe Illinois «Ide and then turned
"No; that's a mistake. She wont to
«nd «warn back again without land him to hare some of her teeth tilled,
Brought the Wrinkle*.
Ing. a distance of st least two mile* as but It was when he Informed her none
On one occasion an actress grew tem-
he had to go He was seized with a of them required tilling she fell In love geatnous with Perrin.the Parisian man-
cramp on tbe return trip
Hi* legs with him.”—Judge.
•ger and gave him a stormy quarter
became useless. aud be was obliged to
M an hour.
make tbe remaining distance with hl«
"And what did you do. my dear rer­
Meeting Sorrow.
It was a hardy life they led.
Courage for tlie great sorrows of life un T’ asked Febvre.
and It Is not recorded that they ever
“I said nothing and watched her
tnd patience fur th* small ones, and
did any serious damage, though the,
grow old."
narrowly missed It sometime*
daily malt go sleep In peace. God I«
He Knew.
awake.— Vk-toi Hugo.
A Cl**« R*lat>ea
Tbe Malays have a queer marriage
Re«« What do you think? Her aunt
rsutom.” remarked the traveler. "The
N aturally.
brought Teas only a string of cheap
"A friend of mine has invented * gwoni holds his noae against a small
beads from Europe Jeaa-Well. what sew etectrk button '•
Cylindrical object.
I couldn't quite
more could «be expect from a cloae re­
make out what it was"—
"I* he lolng anything with It*”
lation ?- Lippincott'*
“A grindstone probably." interpoaed
"Oh ia pushing it"- Baltimore
Mr Grouch.-Exchange.
Mbvru an
Rlessednesa consists In the accani
plishment of our desire* and In our
Tear I* far more painful to cawardir*
having only reputar desire*-8t An­ •"»an death to true courage.-Sir r thd
Mke« men happy and caa mate the«»
Wreti hed.—Feltbani.
Humorist Was