■M Meabliöljt Vol. XXIV No. 39 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 1925. >1.50 per year , to this city, where she lias been Young or middle aged cared for. man, residing in or near F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., some good town in Tillamook has located next door to Lamar's County, , and who has a wide acquaintance and good variety store, and is prepared to do acquaia all kinds of shoe repairing at standing, can have position reasonable rates. All work guran for one year, or more, worth 9150.00 per month. Must teed. Give him a call. Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. be able to invest 9250.00 Smith, speaks German. Surgery, Address in own handwriting SURE, EVERYONE DOES, but you never ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Ever}’ dollar you carry about or keep the Commercial Building, opposite Commerce, Portland, Ore. . can unless you start in young to prepare for it. the Todd Hotel. All calls answered at home is being deprived of its power The sentiment of the entire popu. day or night. Both phones. • Have you opened a bank account, have you lation of the county is expressed by to earn for you. Wedding invitations are out for wisely invested your savings and are you steadily the Headlight in boosting for a the marriage of Mr. Carl C. Hunt county fair this year. If there is Alice Wheeler, and surely making headway, or are you and Miss Bertha One thing in which complete har­ And is in constant danger of loss daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank mony can be had and in which all Drifting From One Speculation to Another ? Wlieeler, for Wednesday evening, the people are interested it is a fair. or impulsive spending. February 7th, at the Christian Yes Tillamook county should have Drop in and talk this problem over with us. Church. a fair and Jnow is the time to start. The first arrests to be made under A fair is the only practical way in We Believe We Can Help. Make it your rule to deposit regu­ the vagrancy law of the new city which to show the outside world charter resulted in Lyle Ross and what we have here, and it is some­ larly in the savings department of this H. B. Hilton being found guilty and thing for which every man, woman Recorder Handley imposed a fine and child who has an interest in bank, and you will add greatly to your FIRST NATIONAL BANK of $25 each or until evening to leave i tlie county will boost for.—Bay City i moral fibre and your worldly pos- the town. They left. TILLAMOOK, Examiner. Now that the automobile rush is The Meyers Company will show The Only Government Examined Bank in the i sessions. over we are repairing any and at the Lyric next week commencing County. everything. Guns, locks and keys, Sunday night. They come here typwriters, cash registers and directly from Portland and all who complicated machinery a specialty. have seen them say that they are CAPITAL OLDES At Ed's Garage, 2nd Ave. Any­ among the beet Vaudeville Com­ thing that we can’t repair we will panies. Mr. Evans is only allow­ LOOKS BRIGHT FOR BAR to the Tillamook Port, as that may COUNTY TILLÄMOOK^CIT YL ORE-X___ SUPERVISION have some bearing on the situation. COUNTY buy. , ing such performers in his theater AND BAY PROJECTS. 1 will continue to do till 1 possibly i Simmons Brothers and Golds­ as the people can attend without worthy’s mill is now running and feeling disgusted that they went >150,000 to be Expended on can in the matter. ” ■ TRAPPERS. Furs are high. ready for orders. Dressed lumber and any company not coming upto Report from Washi-gKn. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Traps 15th. ataudard will not be allowed to show Tillamook City Water Front are way down at our store. furnished after February Representative Hawley today ap­ and Channel to the Bay. peared before the House rivers and Mrs. Groat returned from Port­ Twenty per cent off for cash. Rough lumber $8 per M. Dressed again. Tlie Meyers Company con­ Think of that. King & Smith Co. . lumber will be sold at correspond sists of trained dogs, trapeze and land on Saturday. i Prospects look bright for bar and harbors committee and made an The kingdom of heaven is at hand! i inglv low prices. Mill situated 8 wire performers and have over harbor improvements thia year, hour’s argument in favor of liberal Two or four office rooms to iet.— forty vaudeville acts. There are three attitudes toward miles south of Tillamook Apply to W. A. WillianiB. The project now before the Rivera appropriations for commercial wat­ this proportion ; 1st, for; 2nd, I The new schedule on the P. R. & and Harbors Committee calls for an erways in Western Oregon. While Mr. and Mrs. Carl Patzlaf return­ against ; and 3rd, neutral. See N., which went into effect last week Port Flashes. expenditure of $814,000 for the im­ the committee held out no promises. i ed from Portland on Monday. on the through train service tie page 3. J C. Gove. i provement of the liar, half of which Mr. Hawlcs received iiuotlical assur­ Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Clough return­ The Tillamook Feed Co. will make tween this city and Portland, is as i So they did not expect to win in amount is to be raised loca'ly. The ance that if the river and harbor ed from Portland on Tuesday. you extra low prices on alfalfa hay follows : Leaves Tillamook at 7.00 the circuit court. That’s consoling. project was approved by the Board bill is reported, all amounts recom­ Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ if taken from the car. either in ton a. in. and arrives at Portland 2.45 But don't stake too much money on of Engineers and recommended by mended by the chief of engineers mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. lots or car loads. See them at once.* p.m. Leaves Portland 8:45 a.m. the decision being reversed. the Secretary of War and an initial for projects now under construction and arrives at Tillamook 4:35. p.m. It is perfectly in order for Attor­ appropriation of $2>*),000 is incor­ would be incorporated, and this per pound. • Miss Margaret, (laughter of Mr. Are you looking for something neys Botts and Duniway to invite porated in the pending Rivers and will hold good with regard to Co­ Frank Unger and the daughter of and Mrs. Kasper Schlappi, nr.d Mr. Vogl were married at Hillsboro Mr. A. G. Wilhelem of Portland, new? Well, here you are. Guaran­ their friends to a Port (wine) ban­ Harbors Bill. With the Port o! lumbia River projects not in Mr on Tuesday. were married at South Prairie teed fire safe cement blocks. Plain ! quet We will guarantee this, if the Tillamook case disposed of, the Hawley's district, as well as those and rock face building blocks, e’c. Booster Editors are invited, they sum of $150,000 will immediately be­ along the Coast. Lo9t,—A wedding ring marked to-day (Thursday). The aggregate amout of appropri­ Can oe seen on lot accross from will do justice to Bro. Duniway'a old come available for the improve­ B. B. A reward of $3 to the finder Died at Bay City, on the 18th inst., Tillamook Feed Co. All kindB of port, for it has been corked up a ment of the water front and lloqu ations that will be allowed for new at this office. Mrs. Helen White, aged 27 years, cement work also done. A. E. Doerge, long time and become crusted. art on Slough, so that any vessel projects has not been determined, Sheriff Crenshaw and wife went the cause of death iicing appendi­ but in view of Hawley’s showing Box 446, Tillamook. Telephone to that can cross Tillamook bar will out on the train Wednesday morn­ citis. She leaves ci husband and Dick, the drayman. that local communities in Oregon Scores in Chess Tournament. be able to reach Tillamook City. four children. ing to Portland. A heavy rain, which started Tues­ Percentage. The Port of Tillamook expects to nre pledged to raise $1,700,000 to aid Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed FREE. Get one of those hand­ in defraying the cost of various Botts, H. T............. . day evening, continued for twenty- .. 676 connect the channel from thia city some Bromide Photo Enlargements ing purposes. Permit for trapping four hours, and in consequence proposed improvements which have Chase, WO............. .. 176 with the Sturgeon channel, in the furnished. Address ’Gene M. Edmunds, G A... been approved by the engineers, at Tillamook Studio. there were several slides on the P. R. Port of Bayocean district, as it will Kerron, Dr. 3. M. memliers of the committee intimated Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Simpson, Sup't State Game Farm, 4 N. on Wednesday. Both passen­ be a saving of $20,000 annually in Edmunds, H. R.'. 544 that such projects would probably mook Meat Company’s Market. We Corvallis, Oregon. ger trains were stalled over night Walton, James, Jr .. 866 maintenance, which Major Morrow be given preferential recognition. Slab wood for sale, 16in. lengths, and the incoming train had not ar­ Willett, Geo. ..... . 577 pay 13c. per pound. * estimated would be the» cost to keep Oregon, in this respect, has taken The Tillamook Feed Company $2.75 a load, delivered. Over five rived when we went to press Thurs­ open the middle channel. a position in advance of most other will pay 2*4 cents each for good loads $2.50 a load. Leave orders at day afternoon. Prohibition Convention. The Oregon delegation has been states, and the committee is dispos­ the A. G. Beals Lumber Co.’s office sacks bearing their brand. Improved and unimproved realty active in advocating the Tillamook ed to aid these communities which or with the teamster. The Prohibition State Committee in Portland and Hood River and W. C. King and wife left on projects, and should the Rivers and are interested to the extent of con Frank Hanenkratt and Charley improved and unimproved farm announce a County Convention at Harbors Bill be passed, both Tilla­ Saturday for Ashland, where they tributing materially to the coat of Reynolds have rented the Star The» lands near Lyle, Washington, and Tillamook, Friday, Jan. 38th, at the mook and Nehalem will receive good will remain until next April. improvements. M. E. Church, 2.30 p. m. Also a Clyde Craver will leave the first of ater and will open it as a motion Banks, Oregon, for sale, or ex­ meeting Sunday, Jan. 28th, at 2.30 appropriations. Rushing Nehalem Report. next month for Cilifornia and picture show as soon as their chairs change for improved or unimprov­ p.m. Representative Hawley writes: "I ed realty in Tillamook City or Val­ arrive from Portland. Delay in receiving the engineers’ Arizona, where he will locate. was before the Committee on Rivera Their representative, Mr. George report on the Nehalem project and F. W. Talbot was arrested for ley. Enquire of Attorney John Le­ L. Carr, an eloquent apeaker, and Harbors yesterday!Wednesday) Attorney J. L. Henderson left on «ill land Henderson, Room 216, Tilla­ morning in tahalf of the appropria­ the possibility of its being delayed Monday for Portland and Hood hunting without a license, but as mook Block. have charge of the meetings. . Deputy District Attorney Willett tion for Tillamcok, in accordance too long to get the item in the tu­ River, to be gone about ten days. The interscholasticdebate between did not think the evidence was suf. with th* report of the engineers, a pmprintion biti, led Congressman M.E. Church Services Marriage licenses were issued to ficent, had the case dismissed. McMinnville and Tillamook High copy of which I enclose. The Com­ Hawley to take the matter up A. G. Wilhelem a nd Margaret Schlap­ 10 a. m.—Sunday School, Thia mittee has not yet decided na to the by wire last week. It is understood Found—On Dec 26. between Hem­ Schools will take place at the Pres­ pi ; R. B. Kennedy and Clara Buck­ lock and Tillamook, a suit case byterian Church in this city on Fri­ school is all acquirer with life and acope of the bill they will present, the report is being held in the San le*. The owner describing same and day evening, upon the question: interest. There ia a place for every as I am informed. I earnestly Francisco office, and the board of Look at this. Ten Per Cent off on paying for advertising may have Resolved : That the Federal govern, one. All ages, whether old re- urged your claim and the co-opera­ engineers has promised to hurry HEATING STOVES and give you it—Herbert Porter, Oretown, Ore. . inent should adopt a parcels {»oat sidenta of the city or strangers, all tion you promise, as well as the the matter, so the item will not be in connection with the postal system. thrice welcome. the necessary pipe and set the stove needs of commerce. I believe the leit out of the next appropriations. For Sale, Ten Head Good Milch up. King & Smith Co. ■ McMinnville will be represented by 11 a. m.— Sermon Subject: “Paul’s Tillamook project was favorably Cows, fresh between now and April received upon my presentation. Attorney G. Willett will leave for let. Will sell one or more. Also Harry Stuart and Homer Stuart ; God. ” Do not allow your kidney an Tillamook by Benly Stam and Reed 6 39 p. m.— Epworth League. Do Our Democratic friends control the bladder trouble to develope beyond Portland on Saturday, where he will Poland China and Berkshire ■ not miss the League. matter, of course, and whether they th«- reach of medfa In* Take Fol meet his wife who is returning from choats.—Apply at Headlight office. Bain. Kidney Pills. They give quick 7.30 p. m. — Song and Sermon sub ­ plan an economical bill has not. yet a visit to Kansas City. J. R. Gladden returned from i suits and stop irregularities with S. Blumauer and Eugene Hoch, ject: “ Paul’s Religon, ” been stated. Please advise me an surprising promptness. Chas If you fuse Electric Lampe, try partners in business under the firm Portland on Friday, where he had J ames J. M ooke . pastor. to the outcome of the suit in regard Clough Co. SHEI.BY LAMPS. They Last Long name of Blumauer and Hoch, vs. gone to make arrangements for er, Give More Light and Cost Less. Kile Patterson, ia a suit filed in the leasing the Golden Gate. As he could not obtain satisfactory terms King A Smith Co. circuit court for the sum of $749.65 I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for call for goods, ware and merchandise. the vessel will not l>c put on tlie Portland-Tillamook run. Mr. Glad­ hides at my shop. Try me out and There will be the usual services see.^MMie Old Reliable Hide and at the Presbyterian Church, when den thinks there is some prospects of obtaining another steamer of 400 Fnr^^Vniw N . E. Melchoir. * the pulpit will t>e ----- filled morning • « I *•»*■ ---- --- — ...... n tons capacity, and he will leave for Bert King and wife left on Satur- antj evening by the Rev. Dr. Bleak­ Portland again next week. day for Portland, where Mr. King ney. An invitation is extended to Rev. Dr. Bleakney, the new pas­ will attend the Hardware and Im­ all to attend these services. tor of the Presbyterian church, plement Dealers' Convention. William Hoskins, of Foley, has occupied the pulpit for the first Registered Jersey Cow. with call bought J. W. O’Neel’s place of ten time on Sunday and made a good by registered Jersey bull, yearling acres, which sold for $600 an acre. impression, for he ia a fluent and Jersey bull eligible to registry for Frank Barnes, of Portland, has No. 2 Cold Blast, Copper Front Reg $1.50 .SPECIAL 95c. scholarly apeaker. There was a sale cheap. Inquire at this office. bought the Hoskins' place, the con­ good congregation and under Dr. No. 2 Tin Fount „ 1.00 ,, 85c. » • 9 9 Mrs. B. C. Lamb gave a whist sideration being $6,500. Bleakney'a management the mein- i No. 1 ,, 75c. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Mrs. Livina Crawford, mother of bership of thia church will increase, l>arty to a numtier of her lady friends at her home in this city on Tuesday George Higginbcttom, died in this for he has a reputation of drawing No. 1 All Bra** 125 ., $1.00 9 9 9 9 afternoon, when a very pleasant city on Monday, at the advanc^i a large congregation to hear him. No. 0 Tubelar Tin -75 5Oc. tune was participated in. A dainty age of 96 years. She was tiro ugh t He will occupy the pulpit again from Nehalem after the Easom fire next Sunday. Briving Lantern* Red and White ,, 1.50 lunch'was served bv the hostess. .. $115 News has reached us from E. C. Boy Bra** Lantern* 25c. 40 Clements, poetoffice inspector, ' We guarantee every lantern to lx* perfect. Nothing- cheap about them Seattle diviaion, at S|«>kane, Wash­ but the price. ington, to the effect that Cloverdale and Tillamook are to l>e terminal You can afford to replace the |M>ints for the mail ; that the mail arriving at Tillamook on the after­ SEE THEM TO-DAY. noon train will lie forwarded direct and reach here the same evening. Thia will give us a mail irom Port­ land to Cloverdale in one day, the best mail service we have ever had Next Door to Post Office in this end of the county. -Clover­ dale Courier. Pocket Money Doesn’t Draw Interest i I Intend to Retire on In Life and Live Without Having to Work." BANK ttllamook COUNTY BANK Can you beat this ? Lanterns at about half the Regular Prices You need lanterns, we want the money. Our loss, your gain See them in our window