Tillamook Headlight, January 18, 1912 Notice of Receiver's Sale. ' JOHN L. HENDERSON, in the rain and »tore them away before they have been thoroly dried In the Circuit Court of tile State of RATÉS OF SUBSCRIPTION. is impossible to make first clAss this, Oregon, for the County of by the ¡sun, thus infecting the ATTORNEY & COUNSEL* (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. ) cheese with rank and tainted 1 have to be raised annually tor tubers which will all rot in a pile. Tillamook. One year........................................ 1 °« Packing Com- I There Six .. .. ................................. ' milje and a person cannot build road«. LOR-AT-LAW, The procedure would be: Choose Elmore pany, a corporation, | alight, warm house with poor away from that, whether there good smooth tubers, put them in a Three «ninths.......................................... Plaintiff, j Tillamook Block, Tillamook, 0« lumber. Neither can good roads i« a bond issue or not I vat, barrel or tub, then prepare a vs. Entered as second class mail mat­ lie built with poor material. As | the money raised in that way solution of 1 to 40U of Bichloride of Mary H. Elmore, Room No. 261 ter July, 188*. at the post office at Hlu»tratiun of tliis Tillarnook would stay at home^audI go into Defendant J mercury or a Bimiliar solution of Tillamook, Ore., under the act of of In pursuance of and by virtue enormous the pockets of the farmers, City has spent an ' formaldihyde Soak from 4 to 6 a decree and order of sale of the 1 March 3. 1879. t . bottm , amount of money the past .20;\\e are frank to admit that 1 hours. Cut or plant whole as above entitled court in the above make there are a large number of our entitled cause, directing me as the vears endeavoring to -------------------- _ • A ttorney - at -L aw . * ----------- • 1 citizens citizens who are demanding desired. v..— --- (Tillamook Ijeabligbt, good roads out of - decomposed Careful observance of the method Receiver appointed in the above | I better roads, and if they cannot entitled cause by the above en- . gravel, and the result is that of preparing the Bordeaux and titled court, to sell the real property Complete set of Abstract Books the city is the worse mud hole i obtain them by taxation they absolute accuracy in preportioning hereinafter described, under and by n office. Taxes paid for non- will by bonding. Under the Bditorial Snap Shots. in the county, A large amount the ingredients are essential to virtue of said decree, which said circumstances, which is best for decree was duly rendered and en ­ be saved in the Residents. of money can success. And the mode of apply­ 1 selection of proper material for the taxpayers and the county ? ing the spray is also a big factor. tered of record in the above en­ The levy in Clatsop County titled court on the 16th day of Tillamook Block. the county roads. This should If anyone will formulate a bet­ It should be put on with a high December, 1911 and directing me is 26.4 mills against 18 mills in not be left to every Tom, Dick ter plan for raising money to pressure to insure a fine mist rather as said receiver to sell the same to Both phones. Tillamook County. and Harry, but left to the judg­ build good roads to cope w'th than a coarse soaking. A bucket the highest and best bidder there­ the needs of the county than for, at public auction, in the man­ ment of a person who can test or hand sprayer will do for a small The long expected invitation and kuow for certain the rela­ that recommended by the edi­ patch. Fi'ty to sixty gallons of ner and form prescribed by law for the sale of real property on execu­ arl haberlacii to the business men of this city tive values of rock. Here is tors, we would like to see it. the spray are required to spray tion, to take a special trip to Port­ where the services of a practical I will on the 22nd day of January, one acre in heavy foliage. Spray 1912, at the hour of ten o’clock in land over the P. R. & X. never I . road builder would save thou­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, COMMUNICATIONS. according to the season, from two the forenoon of said day, at the materialized, notwithstanding sands of dollars. 1 he editor to five applications will do under north entrance door of the County that the business men of Tilla­ believes that before we can have Poor Baker Again Made the Tillamook Block ordinary conditions. Do not hesi­ Court House, in Tillamook City, in mook City raised a subsidy, good summer and winter roads I tate to spray because itis raining, Tillamook County, Oregon, sell at Scapegoat. obtained rights of way anil did I in this county some kind of public auction to the highest and D ear S ir ,—By reading the county instead it in evidence that protec­ best bidder therefor, for U.S. gold Q.EGRGE WILLETT, what they could for thy railroad crude oil or cement will have tion is needed, coin in hand, the following des­ company. 1 to be used to keep them water papers our hope is inspired or The spray: Dissolve 5 pounds of cribed real property, to-wit : killed to a greater or lesser degree. the long proof, on account of Situate in the County of Tilla A ttorney - at -L aw . In view of thiB it behooves us as copper sulphate Cu. S. O. in 23 gal­ mook. State of Oregon : The two boys who were sent spell of wet weather, In pav- lons of water then slake 5 pounds The E. half of N.E. quarter, N.E. to jail for nine months by Jus­ ing the streets of this city. im­ honest citizens to give the best of lime until it is the consistency of quarter of S. E. quarter and Lot 1 of Tillamook Commercial Bnilding, tice Warren for stealing chicken less some water proof material thought we have to the support cream, add 25 gallons of water, seetion 22, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 VV., ex­ will cost the taxpayers the sum and rock of a certain standard and strengthening of the character then take two vessels and pour in cept Town of Nehalem and one and T illamook - O regon . of $150. We mention this case are used, it will prove a failure and individuality of our local one half acres, sold to School Dis equal quanities of each liquid into trict No. 39. simply as an illustration in the here, but in a dry climate it Editors, Also tract commencing at a point We in ------------ Brother Baker’s paper a large receptical, stir thoroly and ’_ - saw -------- matter of indirect taxation, for might prove successful. This j V. where section line between sections it is ready for use. it appears that some taxpayers is a wet climate and it is neces-'of January 11 the linking of a H. GOYNE, 22 and 23, Tp. 3 N,, R. 10 W,, inter­ Respectfully, cobbler’s crime with Socialism. balk when it comes to a direct sarytohave proper material to cobbler's sects lot 4 in block 5 of the Town of H. M. C ross . Nehalem, then down line of blocks tax but not so with indirect tax­ cope with local conditions so as We have seen this thing happen 4 and 5, 248 ft. to .Nehalem river to a A ttorney - at L aw . ation. If the editor had his way to have water proof streets and many times before. We have seen Notice of Sheriff’s Sale stake 2 ft. North of Wists Wharf, many crimes since our sojourn in he would tax the boys parents roads. then North 20 degrees E. 33 ft. to a Office : Opposite Court House, Tillamook, but we have never yet N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That lot formerly owned by C. Pye, then for the above amount and not The church people of Tilla­ seen a “Republican crime.” in puraunce of a decree of foreclo­ North 70 degrees West, along line the taxpayers. mook City paid a fitting tribute 1 cannot for one see a plausable sure and order of sale duly render of said lot to line between sections T illamook , O regon , to the memory of the late Rev. excuse for a “ supposed leader ” to ed and entered by the Circuit 22 and 23, then south on said sec­ Court of the State of Oregon, for tion line to beginning, containing Not withstanding that Tilla­ S. G. Finney, who was pastor sum up the thirty odd years of an Tillamook County on the 11th day mook County was one of the of the Presbyterian church of' individual life of apparently petty of November, 1911, in a certain suit 3-16 acres in Lot 5, Section 23, Tp 3 N., R. 10 W. first counties to discuss the this city. T. BO ALS, M.D., Also the following lots in the This was a young theft, lying, sin,—and condemn the then pending in said ¡court, where­ a man who came amongst us well honest effort of thousands of noble in Lewis ¡Sondheim is plaintiff and Town of Nehalem : All of Blocks 1, proposition of employing practical engineer and experi educated,refined and with many anil generous men and women who Srethna S. Phelps is defendant, in 2, 3, 4 ; Lots 3, 4 and the W. one enced rigid builder to plan out admirable characteristic which have united their forces under the favor of said plaintiff and against half of Lots 7 and 8, in Block 5 ; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, said defendant, and in pursuance Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, in Block 6 ; anil supervise the road work, we fitted him for the ministry, and ! of an execution and order of sale caption of “ Socialism.” all of Blocks 7, 8, 9 and 10 : Lots 1 notice that other counties have to all appearances he had a fine TILLAMOOK. issued out of said court upon 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 11 ; Lots 1, There is certainly a call to action. duly said decree and order of sale bear­ caught the idea and nre adopt­ physique. After years of study If the fundamental principle of ing date December 30th, 1911, and 2, 7 and 8. in Block 12 ; Lots 3, 4, 5, Tillamook Block. 6, 7 and 8, in Block 13 ; Lots 1, 2, 5, ing the plan, notwithstanding and expense, he started out as Socialism ( Hope ) is wrong, then to me directed as Sheriff of Tilla­ 6, "and 8, in Block 14; all of Blocks that they are cumbered with a young man with bright pros­ Republicanism and Democracy are mook County. Oregon, I, H. Cren­ 15 and 16. Also all the tide land the present obsolete road laws. pects as a minister of the gos­ shaw, Sherili of Tillamook County, fronting and abutting above des­ a thousand times wrong. Oregon, will expose for sale, and cribed property. The Lune County Court has de­ pel, although it is safe to say g M. KERRON, I am not prepared to say that sell nt public auction to the highest cided to employ an experienced that in preparing himself for Also beginning at the corner of1 the fundamental fabric of the banner bidder for cash in hand on Saturday sections 4, 5, 32 and 33, Tps. 2 and I road builder, and it is to be this work he was such a close “Socialism ” is wrong, — nor do I the 10th day of February, 1912, at 10 hoped that the next State Leg­ student after knowledge that he believe any other individual is o’clock A.M., all the following des 3 N., R. 10 W. ; thence W. on line ! PHYSICIAN & SURGEON between sections 5 and 32, 6.13 islature will pass a law chang­ failed to obtain the fresh air and i called to do so. cribed real property situated in chains; thence south 16.22 chains Tillamook Block, Tillamook County, to-wit: ing present methods. physical exercise so necce-sary But let us admit that there has I All of Blocks 4 and 17 in the town to Bay shore ; thence north 61 degrees East 7 chains ; thence north to health, Man proposes and ¡ been stitches dropped in the atna- of Netarts Bay Park, according to 55 degrees East 2.65 chains ; thence Tillamcok, Oregon Why not auction off the five God disposes is an axiom of the teur workmanship on the ideal ban­ the map and plat thereof on file in north 34 degrees east 5,13 chains ; saloon licenses to the highest good old book. A victim of the j ner, and by the thong of fair the office of the County Clerk of thence north 24 degrees East 5.25' County, State of Oregon. chains ; thence North 58 degrees | bidders ? The fact that one white plague, the young, strong judgment catch them up and hold Tillamook For the purpose of satisfying said 0. HAWK, saloon license has been battered young mini's ambitions were ; them fast that no pure thought in decree, and wherein it is decreed East 1.75 chains; thence North 30' degrees West 1.50 chains to line away at a profit—not to the suddenly thwarted and a small ¡embryo shall be lost or disfigured that the plaintiff have judgment between sections 4 and 33 ; thence city - is plain proof that the mound indicates his resting ¡in the course of its development, against the defendant for the sum we9t 7.51 chains to the place of be­ 1 of $313.52, with interest tlieron at the city is not getting the revenue place, It is hard to account iccouut . The sooner our long-fingered rate of ten | er cent per annum ginning 15.21 acres. Variation 21 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, ICT muri kill, m i»l n Lora «« mz I tvaz* 1* • re* . I re.-» it should. The only way now why such a useful young man shoemakers and his kind are held from April 15th, 1911, for the further degrees East. Also all the frontage, wharfing for n person to get into the should be taken away when I personally responsible for their sum of $35.00 attorney’s fees, and rights and privileges north and in BAY CITY, OREGON. saloon business is to pay a big there are so many who are not I conduct the better. Also the sooner for the costs and disbursements of front of lot two (2), in section four premium for one of the licenses. helping to make the world bet­ I our Brother Baker is held respon­ the suits taxed at $41 80. (4), in township two (2), North of Dated this January 11th, 1912. range ten (10) West of the Willam­ The city lost $800 this week ter. Mr. Einney was a Chsistian I sible for till the rottenness of the H. C renshaw , ette Meridian, extending from the R. BEALS, and a saloon keeper made good gentlemen in the truest sense Republican body politic in Tilla Sheriff of Tillamook County liue of ordinary low tide to the profit beenuse the licenses are of the word, and this was the mook Ccunty the sooner he will Oregon. channel of the Nehalem river. limited to only five. Great reason why he was so well liked wake up. Also beginning at the south west REAL ESTATE, is the saloon monopoly in this by all classes of persons during corner of Lot numbered one (1), of Every man's conduct must vin, Splendid Stock. section four (4), Township two (2) city. Let us all godown on our his twelve months' residence in dicate or condemn him, and not F inancial A gent , of range ten (10) West of the qiarrow bones mid make our this city. He was broad minded the political banner under which The dependable S. W. Miller ia a North Willamette Meridian, and running obeisance to it. Wonder whe­ and head and shoulders above he is pleased to labor or float. Piano of today. Every stick of thence north on the line between Tillamook, Oregon. ther beer will go buck to 10c. petty sectarianism which often Remember, J" The greatest good to timber in its construction shows lots one and two of said section and 11 glass ? splendid standard stock, value and a prolongation thereof, to low water does so much to injure thecause the greatest number. ” i up to date features never mark of Nehalem Bay ; thence found in easterly of religion. The large attend Your friend, following said low water j~y. p. j. sharp piatioes of a lower grade. The people have heard a great anee nt his farewell service and mark to a point on said low water C. J. C rook . The S. W. Miller Piano* ii sea for mark line ten chains east of the deal the last few years about nt the memorial service on Sun­ its strings the celebrated Poelinan line between said lots number one Statement No. 1, the sovereign day showed how he had won the RESIDENT DENTIST, Spray for Potato Blight and two prolonged ; thence south German imporied wire, which _____ ___ will of the people, the insur­ admiration und respect of the is on a line parallel with said line D ear S ir , — I wish to submit an the highest priced piano wire in gents and the progressives, also people of this city. between lots one and two and ten Office across the street frotr the A piano with such chains article on potato blight in Tillamook the world. the Oregon system and our new distant therefrom to the Court House. County, the effect of this particular strong, superior staple wire never south line of said lot one ; thence t mgled methods of legislation. points, but stays steadily in climate on the fungus and the The Headlight will adhere to west on said south line to lot one to Dr. Wise’s office. I tom all iiccounts the people tune, where a cheaply made piano means necessary to successfully would go wrong. We invite you the south west corner thereof and are paying an enormous amount the policy as recommended by combat it, without going into detail. to our store to see and hear this place of beginning, containing of money for being humbugged the editors of the county for pro­ __ twenty-five acres more or less, and If you should receive inquiries from piano. Jones and Knudson ori- viding money for road work, also all riparian rights and wharf SARCHET, by the isiliticiuns. But they ginators of the direct selling plan your readers refer them to Bulletin seem to like it, for every elec­ viz., a 10 mill road levy in pre­ in Tillamook from factory to home privileges of whatever nature per­ K . The Fashionable Tailor. taining to said described lands, less 109. of the Agricultural Experiment distributors. tion in recent years in Oregon ference to iHitiding the county. right of way heretofore conveyed Station of Orono, Maine. For this reason : Suppose, for tile p»*ople fall head over heels to the Pacific Railway A Navigation Potato blight ia a parasitic fungus A Good Position Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­ Company. after these new isms which are instance, that $1,000,000 was of the low order of plant life, and expended on roads this year by Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, Can bt* had by ambitious young oobbing up in quick succession ing a Specialty. this27th day of December, 1911, one after the other. The proof bonding the county, in another ma> be us successfully combated as men and women in the field of < W ebster H olmes , "Wireless ’ or Railway Telegraphy of the pudding is in the eating, few years there will be jmgUos I apple scab or any other fungus Since the 8-hour law became effect­ St we in Heins Photographic Receiver. disease; providing, nt the proper so we want to show our renders much demand for more roads ive, and since the wireless com- time, through spraying, of the pro ­ Gallery. The Danger of La Grippe panies nre establishing stations how all these new tangled ideas and better roads as there is to­ per solution of Bordeaux is used throughout the country there is a Is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. Mri eating up taxes. The day. \\ ith the interest on the Rain, dew, wind and insects are great shortage of telehrnphers. To cure your la grimie coughs take to fol bonds and a sinking fund to pay Positions pay beginners from $70 ! ” ei s Honey and Tar Compound. J. CLAUSSEN, off the principal, will take con the chief agencies for distributing IpJ ’*• more than the $90 per month, with good chances K E' Fi’her, Washington, Kas., J the disease. So far us ia known the to siileruble of a levy to meet these LAWYER, of advancement. The National says: I was troubled with a severe tinte# Cól ¡feted altogether in only way that the crop of any one Telegraph Institute of Portland, attack of la grippe that threatened and 1908. The state charges, and as it will bt* neces­ ¡year is first infected, is from plant- Oregon operates under the super­ pneumonia A friend advised Fol­ £)ritte«ltcr tuxes for 1912 total $3,063,815, I sary to huve a big road levy ns vision of R. R. and Wireless officials ey s Honey and Tar Compoundand while in the three years men- well to maintain and build new ; ing diseased tubers, in which the nnd places all graduates into posi­ I got relief after taking the first few I roads, anyone can see if they fungus litis remained semi-dormant tions. 213 Tillamook Block, tinned the sum was $2,800,(MX*. doses. I got three bottles and my I will take the time to figure it all winter. Hence the first blow to It will pay you to write them The state tuxes Io lie collected for . la grippe was cured." Get the gen­ T illamook - O regon . I out that the taxpayers instead l>e struck is to plant healthy tubers. full details. • i uine. in the yellow package. Sold bv f<>r 1912 are more Hum the com <- has. I Clougb Co. I of having to pay one road tax Late blight revels in moist, cloudy blued taxes for 1910 mid 1911, i will have Charles Durham. Lovington, Ill . pay two, for the weather, between 50 and 73 dg. F. when the) totaled $2,914,0111 for 1 wear anil to tear of the roads in The spores are produced in multi- has found a positive cure for bed Foley’« Honey and Tar Compound the two tears. We have always wetting. “My little boy wet the bed “Cure« in Every Case.” had an impression that when this wet climate w ill always en- tudea in rainy or cloudy weather ever? night clear thro’ on the floor. Mr. Jas. McCaffery, Mgr. of the I | tail a large annual expenditure. 1 and ure extremely Suceptible to dry ­ I tried several kinds of kidney the Oregon system chicken TOUtC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULT« ctiine home to roost there would 1 1 rue it is by bonding the coun­ ing and hence you need never fear medicine and I was in the drug Schiltx Hotel, Omaha. Neb., re commends Foley’s Honey and Tar •tore looking for something different ty for a large amount that the Giro prompt relief from BACKACHE, an outbreak in dry, hot, sunshiny lx* a big bill for the people to to help him when I heard of holey's Compound, because it cures in l>u> for trying to upset the con , citizens would be enjoying the weather. While spraying operations Kidney Pills. After he had taken every case. “I have used it myself KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, stitutional form of government twnetits of a number of good should not be delayed until favor t hetu two days we could see a change and I have recommended it to many RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the I roads, ami the contention is able conditions forblight to appear, and when he hud taken two thirds others who have since told me of: with a lot of vagaries. But the a bottle he was cured. That ia its great curative power in diseases KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the yiiil b^not in sight yet, nor is I maile that the next generation how thoroly they are followed up of For all BLADDER and all annoying URINARY about six weeks ago and he lias not of the throat and lung’*».” the agony of high state taxation or the-increased valuation of uiay well tie governed by weather wet tn bed since. Sold by Chas. I. coughs an<1 colds it is speedily ef the county will pay for __ them. ( conditions, if the significance of the Clough Co. fective. Chas. I. Clough Co. I IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to over as long as we k«*ep finding ' Let us refute that fallacy'' -------- if If latter is thoroly understood. MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY with new isms taken up by the In this section blight may occur Foley Kidncj P.lla politicians for tin* purpose of ¡the county was bonded for one Do not allow your kidney and PEOPLE and for WOMEN. million dollars thia year next ..w„, "• ^a’ly «• the last of July, depend- bladder trouble to develope Iwyond always give satisfaction because gi tting into office. UAVK HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION January tlieCounty Court would -- the __ rains. the reach of medicine. Take Koley's O,e>’ nlways do the work. - ( ing on the earliness - of I. T R A. Dstl«. C7 WasMiurtoa St., Coaasmlllai , -------------------- have to raise $50,(W for interest ’he main fight must be > con- Kidney Pills. They give quick re- Bl*’*'*n* G“- -- «ays; **I , 11Hve have ma., u in hl« Klih year. Tls «rite« as: “I have We tuuy keep on building and $>"k'.iKXi to g,, into a sinking ducted throughout August and suits and stop irregularities with ,"”’J Foley Kidney Pills’ with irrrat 7 ••«•red mnch troai my kido«y« ead biad surprising promptness. Chas. I • satisfaction ---- • found* - and more relief fcr t ba l rev.r« backarl.«« «ud n>> kidBeyacSMA r*>am Bow tread all tToeblaaadageieaMetf but we can never have good of money would go out of th,. _ _ ____ ________ *. . «inns. moat all kinds. I can cheerfully .¡.C **rr killed by trust. A very diaas ba •• sad areaad Folay 1idasyrfflahem«j> ine star has a drama and recommend road* until proper material is county and not one cent would . . .,------- them —to all sufferers ki«b—t reoom »«a iatlna.* practice, is to dig the potato«« comedy reel every night. for kidney and bladder trouble. ’ ,Chaa. I. Clough Co. c. i. ciouqh, DFuqoiob, used in their construction. It' be left here In H , C , Foley Kidney Pills