.*•1 Sillainook I / J Vol. XXIV y TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 1£ 1912, No. 38 > J 1 §t d M ir- ive iy, IOS °f jete ,ER F we ?tter ndlv your I. ilia- .♦ * 11 h 1 fl.50 per year. W, M. Owen was in the city this Young or middle aged week from Cloverdale. He will KO man, residing in or near to Portland with Mr. Ray and see some good town in Tiilamook what can be done to expediate the County, and who has a wide mail for the Nestucca couutry. At acquaintance Our calenders, which have been delayed by a and good present it remains at Hebo for standing, can have position number of unfortunate circumstances, will be here nearly 24 hours. for one year, or more, worth Rev. Dora M. Young, of Beaver, $150.00 per month. Must within a few days, whereupon we will promptly »* —'•••• is expected to fill the pulpit at the be able to invest $250.00 distribute them to those who have asked forthem. U. B. Church morning and eveniug Address in own handwriting next Sunday, who will also take J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of SAFE CRACKERS AND PETTY THIEVES part in the Young People’s Christ­ Commerce, Portland, Ore. . ARE IN THE COUNTY ian Endeavor Society meeting at 6.45 p. m. Improved and unimproved realty And leaving money in the house and in the store, is Now that the automobile rush is in Portland and Hood River and almost inviting robbery. Don’t do it, especially over we are repairing any and improved anil unimproved farm when you can have it put in our burglar proof safe, everything. Guns, locks and keys, lands near Lyle. Washington, and l L, typwriters, cash registers and Batiks, Oregon, for sale, or ex­ where it will be away from all chance of loss. Valu­ complicated machinery a specialty. change for improved or unimprov­ able papers also received and cared for. At Ed’s Garage, 2nd Ave. Any­ ed realty in Tillamook City or Val­ Are of vast importance now, as bearing upon ley-. Enquire of Attorney John Le ­ If you are in the country and can’t call at the thing that we can’t repair we will the next generation. Teach your children to save land Henderson, Room 216, Tilla­ buy. bank, write tons for you will receive a prompt an mook Block. their pennies and nickels now, and they will Professor H. H. Parsons, county swer and careful consideration of your wants. . Walter Smith and Jap Perry were know how to value a dollar by and bye Children school supervisor, has returned sentenced to serve nine months in from a short visit to Tillamook should be taught to be thrifty and they will then county, where he went to recuperate the county jail by- Justice of the know how to be independent X Present savings FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF from a very severe attack of pneu­ Peace Miles, of Bay City, for steal­ makes future riches. Be a depositor with us. ing- chicken belonging to Frank I ’ . monia. He is feeling much better TILLAMOOK, Have your children deposit here too. You won’t and has already resumed his duties. Hobson. Smith has been in trouble several times and served two sen­ The Only Government Examined Bank in the —Polk County Observer. regret. tences in the county jail. He cut County. The Fairview Literary Society Approved Depository for Postal Savings Funds. the bars in the window of the jail will give a play at the Grange Hall and was on the point of making bis on Saturday evening when “Tomp­ OLDEST CAPITA L escape when he was detected, ft kins's Hired Man ” will be played, $30.000.00 BANK will cost the taxpayers $450 to keep tery. The deceased was g peculiar A Snap. the proceeds of which will be used STATE IN THE SUPERVISION COUNTY to purchase lamps for the hall, these two boys in idleness the next woman in many way s, and was a For sale cheap. 2 5 acres six persistent talker, although it was blocks ftom High School. Good 11 The Fairviewites promise a good nine months. The heavy- rain storm on Thurs. hard sometimes to understand her room house. with bath, toilet, evening’s entertainment. broken English. She used to pester electric lights and all other modern In justice to Neil Hiner, we want day, which was accompanied by The Tillamook Feed Co. will make Also good barn, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS you extra low prices on alfalfa hay to say that he was not one oí those considerable wind, caused another the county officials over hertioubles conveniences. chicken pack and $75.1X1 cow. Rea­ oil the Miami, and she was nick blockade on the railroad. The train son for selling', poor health. Found, a broach with the letter if taken from the car, either iu ton who had associated with George named and better known in this Cily­ Call on or write to J. IL Hatha­ which left this city Friday morning Ross, the cobbler who broke into lots or car loads. See them at once. • “B” on it. way, Tillamook, Oregon. did not get as far as Hobsonville as the Miami Belle. P. W. Todd is having the hall the Tillamook Feed'Co.’s store, and and returned later in the day, owing Mrs. Alex. McNair left on Tues­ over Mason, Pennington & Co.’s to him credit is due for giving the to slides. There was a wash out on for Cash. Cheap Farm day for Eugene. Firemen Have Annual Elec­ Wanted first clue which lead the officers to Land n Tillamook County. Born, on Tuesday, to the wife of store turned into bed rooms, which arrest Ross as the guilty party. the Sahnonbury. and it was Tuesday- tion of Officers. will be used in connection with the I Wo have a customer who will buy Ike Shortridge, a sou. I Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bodyfelt re­ before train service was resumed, hotel. spot cash a cheap farm in Tilla­ when the through train service to The Tillamook Hose Company for Two or four office rooms to let.— turned to the county on Wednes ­ mook County. Answer at once. Wanted, Oregon Quail, for breed ­ Portland went into effect. The en ­ held their annual meeting last Ralph Ackley L ul l Co,, 170 Fifth Apply to W. A. Williams. ing purposes. Permit fortrapping day, after several weeks visit to tire county- was without mail from Thursday evening at which occurred St., Portland, Ore. Born, on Saturday, to the wife of furnished. Address ’Gene M. Portland, McMinnville aud the Thursday until late Tuesday after the regular election of officers. M. Krumlauff, a daughter. Simpson, Sup’t State Game Farm, Cascades. They were glad to get noon. Hay for t ale. The work for the past year was re­ back to Tillamook on account of A marriage license was issued to Corvallis, Oregon. JohnS. Randolph was bound over viewed and an outline made for the the cold weather. This was the W, F. Strand and Lydia Lois, of Slab wood for sale, 16in. lengths, first time that Mr. and Mrs. Body­ to the grand jury by Justice Stan ley- new year's work. Bay City. $2.75 a load, delivered. Over five felt had been outside for 40 years. miles charged with assault upon a young The officers for the ensiling year Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ loads $2.50 a load. Leave orders at women in her home in this city, the are: Allen Page, President: John The Young People's Christian mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. the A. G. Beals Lumber Co.’s office bail being placed at $1UO. It seems Aschitn, Chief; Elbert Ginn, Secre­ Endeavor Society of the U. B. per pound. • or with the teamster. D.ity Farm Wanted. that Randolph is from Portland tary; Dr. Monk, Treasurer; Albert Church will hold its first social Lost,—A wedding ring marked Married, Dec. 20th, Mrs Eva L, on Friday evening at the home of canvassing some kind of art pillow. Plank, Captain Hose Curt No. 1; Wanted by ail experienced di.iry A reward of $3 to the finder Kessler, of Estacada, Ore., to Mr. B. B. Having obtained admittance to the Thus. Coates Captain Hose Cart man, a dairy farm to rent, with Rev. B. E. Emerick. All members at this office. house it is alleged he made himself Norman A. Ely, of Portland. The of the Society are invited to attend No. 2; Drew Dawson. Captain Hook 20 to 30 cows. Apply to this office. Fred Weber, having rented his bride was formerly Miss Eva I.. and bring a friend with them, also obnoxious, but persisted in going and Ladders'; Ben Vantresw, Cap- Brick, there, when the young woman’s tain East Divison; and Art Case, farm, is going to visit his old home Lawrence, of Tillamook. bring something for refreshments. Lime, father scared him off with a gun. Captain cf West Division. in Switzerland. A case was filed in the Circuit Don’t forget to bring pennies as it Cement, The Justice thougiit he had made During the past year the Company Mies Lottie Price will leave on Court by W. G. Dwight vs. Anna is a penny social. Shingles, himself too fresh with an unpro ­ Coal Oil, Friday on a visit to friends at Carl­ M. Whitcomb (formerly Anna M. At a meeting of the City Council tected young woman and for that with the aid of the City Council Coal, $10 toil, purchased an up to-date Hook and ton and Portland. Hanson, now Anna M. Burkinbine), on Monday, the ordinance to in­ Poultry Supplies, reason bound him over. Ladder Truck, have installed a to recover $275 on a promissory note. Lyle Ross added $40 to the city Potatoes, $1.50 per 100, crease the number of saloons was There was a meeting of the Ports sirene fire whistle at the electric “Best’’ hard wheat flour $J.40ek., treasury for being drunk and using Found—On Dec 26, between Hem­ voted upon, when all the council lock and Tillamook, a suit case. men present voted against it. The of Tillamook, Bay City and Bay­ light plant with an alarm system !&■> bbl., profane language. Alfalfa meal, hay and till kinds ocean at the Commercial Club on connected with the Pacific Teiphone Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ The owner describing same and saloon license of K. Patterson was of feed at prices as low as any in Thursday for the purpose of taking ofi'-'e; and had on hand at the dose the city. mook Meat'Company’s Market. We paying for advertising may have revoked and a license granted to T illamook F mu > C o . it.—Herbert Porter, Oretown, Ore. . W. H. Wilson. Councilman Sap­ joint action for procuring harbor of the year $138 63. The company pay 13c. per pound. lights for Tillamook bay. These has been called out four times to pington was made chairman of the Captain John Groat returned from For Sale, Ten Head Good Milch lights were once recommended by fires and three times on false alarms. Horses for Sale. Portland oti Tuesday, after making Cows, fresh between now and April council and Dr. R. T. Boa Is was the inspector, but were turned down There has been but a few regular appointed city physician. 1st. Will sell one or more. Also several attempts to do so. I have 24 head of Horses for snle, at Washington. Engineer Lock­ drills because of the absence of the China and Berkshire Mr. John Weber and Miss Katie wood, of the Port of Ba yocean, Chief, but it is planned to have a all in |{>>od condition.—Apply to Wanted, a position as cook or Poland Geo. W. Grayson. helper Address X. Y. Z., care of choats.- Apply at Headlight office. Strueby were married on Wednes- will make a plat Bhowing where number of them during the follow­ day, in the Catholic Churcli by ing season. Headlight, Tillamook, Ore. Pacific Northwest Adjustment lights should be located, and this DONT MISS THIS I The matter was brought before The Tillamook Feed Company Company vs. L. M. Denniss, doing Father Chabot. John Weber is a will be forwarded to Washington wealthy farmer on South Prairie of people ringing the business under the name and style with the request for the establish ­ the Company will pay 216 cents each for good Photographs at Greatly Re of the Cloverdale Lumber Company and the young brine is the daughter ment of lights. The Porta discussed fire bell and blowing the whistle sacks bearing their brand. duced PrlceB. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strueby, of other matters pertaining to the when there is no fire, attention Look at this. Ten Per Cent off on is a suit filed in the County Court Hobsonville. The happy couple In order to reduce our over sup­ |M>rt, but took no action as to send­ being called to New Year’s eve, HEATING STOVFS and give you for $222.26. are well known and much respected ing a delagation to Washington. ply of Photographs Card Mounts, anyone and it was decided that F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash , the necessary pipe and set the stove and their many friends wish them we will make Cabinets or smaller . j has located next door to Lamar’s up. King A Smith Co. Died on Saturday-, at her home on luring in an alarm would be pun­ much happiness and success irT 8-1 >ia or black and white, on any any other law ished the same as the Miami, Mrs. Mary Alleg, wife of A. G. 1 Beals ____ and Dave Martiny variety store, and is prepared to do their future life. style card mount on hand for |2.00 .... I all kinds of 8hoe repairing at John Alleg, aged 68 years. About breaker. returned on Monday Ironi Nehalem per doxen, while they last These Dr. Bleakney will occupy the made for the Preparations were ' - . All work guran« a year ago she was stricken with where they they have been looking reasonable rates. are all staples up to date mounts, pulpit of the Presbyterian Church Dance which ( 9 I | A teed. S Give -L« «TA I, him ■ , a call. annual Firemen ’ s * paralysis, and the doctors said that over timber. next Sunday. He comes here as the whenever she had another stroke it occurs on the 22nd of February. some very choice styles. Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. Rev. R. E. Jope. the new pastor Regular price, $1 00 to $7.00. new pastor of the church, which The committee appointed to make of the Christian Church, will be Smith, speaks German. Surgery, was made vacant by the illness of would prove fatal. She was stricken arraTjinents for this event is Irvie ( Drop in and look them over. again last week and she died from here and preach Sunday morning ear, eye, nose and throat Office in the late Rev. S. G. Finney. Dr. MONK’S STUDIO. the effects. The remains were buried Keldson, Elbert Ginn ami Joe III- < the Commercial Building, opposite and evening. Bleakney comes from Freewater, on Monday in the Bay View cerne- ingsworth. NEXT TO POST OFFICE. the Todd Hotel. All calls answered and the Board of Home Missions If you (use Electric Lampe, try day or night. Both phones. • I SHELBY LAMPS. They Last Long consider him a very superior man, er. Give More Light and Cost Less. . Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Christenson and is greatly pleased to find so King & Smith Co. • ' and son left on Friday to spend a good a man for the work in '1 ilia short vacation in California, but tnook. I will pay 8c , 10c. and 11c. for calf, returned on the train, as it could Mayor Harter lias notified the hides at my shop. Try’ me out and not get through that day. They left saloon keepers to stop gambling in see. The Old Reliable Hide and . on Tuesday. their places of business. Another Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. By a typographical error in the thing the city officials have started Registered Jersey Cow. with call County Court’s proceedings, the by registered Jersey bull, yearling | levy for the general fund should in to do is to arrest the vagrants who hang around the saloons. Jersey bull eligible to registry for have been 8.565 mills. The Courty Warrants were issued this morning sale cheap. Inquire at this office. i Treasurer was also instructed to for the arrest of Lyle Roe-« and IL TRAPPERS. Furs are high. furnish an additional bond of $20,000 B. Hilton on vagrancy charges, and No. •> Cold Blast, Copper Front Reg $150 SPECIAL 95c Traps are way down at our store. Simmons Brothers and Golds­ as there are quite a number of per­ 1.00 85c.1 Tin I'on nt » » No. 9 * • Twenty per cent off for cash. worthy's mill is now running and sons who are hanging around the .90 Think of that. King A Smith Co. . ready for orders. Dressed lumber city with no occupation, it is pro- » » » » No. 1 * * * * « ♦ » I 15th. |K»sed to arrest them later. •%1.00 Brann 1 .25 Fred Wheeler ve. Ella B. Osburn furnished after Febrnary All « t ♦ ♦ No. I » I » » Dressed At a meeting of the citizens of et al is a suit filed in the circuit Rough lumber $8 jier M. 50c. . G) Tin » » No. 0 Tubular court for the possession of cer­ lumber will tie sold at correspond­ New|»ort, indorsed by the Newport 1 5o ingly low prices. Mill situated 8 $1.15 ami White ,, Commercial Club. Wednes lay night, Red • » Briving Lantern» tain property upon which a lien miles south of Tillamook at which attractions for tne coming had been filed. 25c. . 10 Boy Brass Lanterns summer season were discussed, it □ n about them We guarantee every lantern was decided to secure an ocean­ going boat and to make an excur­ but the price. sion to Tillamook as soon as the You can afford to replace the old lautem» with new ones at these prices. weather will permit. A committee of two was appointed to make the SEE THEM TO-DAY. arrangements. The object of the Located two Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store. excursion is to bring the citizens of St -the two Summer-resort towns in *■/ “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” closer communication. The Child and Money f Hraiiliijljt, I 1 Notice About Calenders. ! f 'I I 4 I V Can you beat this ? Lanterns at about half the Regular Prices You need lanterns, we want the money. Our loss, your gain. See them in our window. t ir ,s n UAJWAR’S VARIETY Rest Room for Ladies. 1 i ■ ' > » » e 1- *• at f F STORE The Star has a drama and comedy reel every night. Next Door to Post Office 1 i I