/ I I Tillamook Headlight, January 11, 1912 _________________________________ - - - - 8 MILL ROAD LEVY. ' H. K. Thompson l.uio ui PATSY’S CLOSE CALL 10 25 School Superintendent . 1,000 00 5 lU County Treasurer •J. W. Thompson... ON BAR. . 2,500 00 5 CM» County Court............. George Baah........... 350 00 County Coroner ...... 3 75 18 Mills Levied—Big In­ J. S|iencer................ . 1.000 00 Engineer Washed Over­ 5 00 County Poor................. Clarence Doughney il crease in State Tax that Cleveland Allen 1 75 Books, stationery and print­ ■ k® ing ..................................... 2,500 00 board and then Saved. 3 00 Takes nearly $50,000. Ed. Womelsdorf 1 U) Public schools and library.20,400 00 William Crawford.. 2 50 To pay state tax ................. 49,238 50 A storia , O r ., Jan. 6.-Bringing NEW ELECTION BOARDS. Fred Zaddach 21 73 Court House, jail, lights and I A. Grasley.... a tale of a narrow escape from des- water........................................ 3,000 00 truction on the Tillamook Bay bar 75 1 J. 8[>encer Court Retains Three Road . D. S. Boyakin, meh 5 88 Assessor's office . ............... 2, 10t) 00 and a tale of the more narrow es­ Districts and Re-Appoints |ired ZHljJach', 7Up„ Dec. .. 20 00 Current expenses ............... 2.000 00 cape of Charles Deane, her chief en­ « 00 Payment of County Road Win. Hoskins deputy........ gineer and part owner, from drown­ the Road Supervisors. ■0 Warrants and interest . .109,571 04 ing, the gasoline schooner Patsy, 0 75 B. Batzner, meh..................... 93 48 Payment of County Gen- Jus« Kffenbergei, lumber ... Captain C. FI. Hanson, came into f The Board of County Commis-1 28 00 eral Fund Warrants and port this afternoon under her own sinners, composed of County Judge Fred Zaddach, sup., Nov Road District No. 2. interest ................................ 42,629.05 power. Homer Mason and Commissioners -LZtZ-Zt >TC. The Patsy sailed from Astoria 9 00 H. V. Alley and If. M. Farmer, con- J. E. Zimmerman.................. Total........................... $205,589.19 yesterday bound for Siletz with a 8 50 veneri Wednesday of last week and " I V. C. Knight.......... . .......... It was ordered that the following She arrived off transacted the following business, John Tucker............................ 8 50 rate of levy be made upon all tax­ general carago. -1 Tillamook Bay about 4 o’clock, and 17 50 A. G. Biggs ...... ..................... but the court did not adjourn until able property (excepting the road as a strong wind was coming up ó 00 C H. Bluckodor ................... to day. levy of 8 mills in Tillamook City Dr. Wendt was appointed County F. Landolf .............................. 9 50 and Hay City, which is tube ex-| and the glass falling, Captain Han­ son decided to run into Tillamook V 50 F. Ifedeger ............................ Health Office. empt) : li 50 until alter the gale was over. C. R. Funk .............................. The advanced Piano selling methods originated in In the matter of designating a .000020 For library..... 5 00 As the little craft headed in Tillamook by the store of Jones & Knudson makes a county offical paper, the Tillamook — Goldsworthy .................... .000015 Scalp bounty .... 1 00 through the breakers Frank Sweet Herald and the Tillamook Heid- L. Guchter........................... ,001400 00 I Schools .............. 5 was running the engine!, while big saving in the price of a Piano to each customer, be light were designated the same. , Nels Glad ................................ Roads ................. .008000 00 5 Chief Deane ami two of the sailors I cause we save them the Portland jobber’s prolit and In the matter of the application I W. Tinneratet ............ ........ General Fund ... .003505 5 00 were at the wheel, Captain Hanson the BIG AGENT’S COMMISSION. Besides there is of H. II. Hayward and others for a John Zurcher ....................... being on the bridge. county road, the same was cun 1.1 W. M. Arrance...................... 24 50 Total .O18UÜO Strong Ebb Tide Running, Fred Arrance........................... 21 50 tinned. The Clerk was instructed to ex A strong ebb tide was ruuning, In the matter of the petitiou of j A. G. Beals Lumber Co........ 13 44 tjnd on the tax roll a special levy 22 03 for the following C. R. Funk and others for a county­ Hiner 4 Son, meh .......... school districts : and when the vessel was crossing W. B. Aiderman, sup ...... . 30 00 road, the sume was continued. Dist No. Mills. I Dist. No. Mills. the inside line of breakers she In dealing with your own home merchant, whose 4 25 In tlie matter of the petition of I.. D. Rush, work .................. 43 .......... v2 struck the bottom hard, The helm 17 .......... H was put hard over to bring her to word regarding the quality of the Piano he is selling 31 .......... 3 45 . ....... 5 Fre ard work her engines were put Hay for Sale in quantities from i nto running order. A Fuel Copy., for $32.09, was con­ Clerks, Hugh Welch Walter Cason, usually sold by traveling agents. The much talked oj one to 100 tons, at ruling price. — In ­ tinued. C S, Arnold Crew Fails to Respond, quire at E. E. Goodspeed, 2V4 miles In the matter of the application Barnegat - Judges. John A. north of Tillamook City. As soon as possible, after Deane of J J. McCormick for a liquor li­ Biggs, 8. W. Grabe), M. J. O’Don- was thrown overboard signals were cense for Osrbahli precinct, the nell. Clerks, W. F. Richardson, F. set for the life-saving crew to go to Dairy Farm Wanted. sume wns denied. B. Mitchell, E. C. Lockwood. the man’s assistance, but the crew Are the envy of agents who are trying to compete Wanted by an experienced daily did not respond, evidently misun- tn the matter of tlie npplicstion Carmihnn -Judges. I. H. Moore, s®888 - of R. P. Vmk for n liquor license Elmer Hall, G. B Crane. Clerks. man, a dairy farm to rent, with it» derstonding with us, but on the other hand the S. W. MILLER tlie signals, and the at Wheeler, the sume was granted. Chas. Desmond. W. E. Anderson, 20 to 30 cows. Apply to this office. only thing those on board PIANO is the pride of every owner. the In the mutter of the application Jos Christensen. Brick. schooner could do was to wait for of II. K. Follett mid others for ii Dolph—Judges, Geo. Baxter, War. Lime, tlie man. who was supported by county road, the motion of D. J, Bkxter, Henry White. Clerks. P. Cement, the life buoy, to swim and drift Shingles, Dunn, was overruled, and U. G. H Messner. W F. Messner. P. G. close enough to be picked up. Coal Oil. Jackson, Forrest Ayer and |. M. Evans. Coal, $10 ton, The breakers were too high to I linker were appointed a board of Fairview-Judges, Dolph Tinner- Poultry Supplies, launch one of the schooner's small By paying more for any Piano than the price « road viewers. Potatoes, $1.50 per 100, •ttt M Abplanalp, John Morgan. boats, and Deane was in the water ask you for the S. W. MILLER, for there is no better in the mutter of the petition of C lerks, W. E. Noyes, Wm. Maxwell, “Best’’ hard wheat flour $1.40sk., tally three-fourths of an hour before Home Piano today on the market, and we kindly $5.50 bbl.. I I. < T.. -< mid others tor h county I Geo. Tinnerstef. Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kinds being rescued and hauled on board road, it was ordered that the loud Foley Judges, W. H. Hoskins, of feed at prices us low us uuy iu the vsssel, nearly frozen, but other invite you into our store to make us prove it to your be opened W. 8. Sales. A. C Daniels. Clerks, the city. entire satisfaction. wise uninjured. In the matter ol the bonds of the D. Thompson, E. H. I T illamook F eed C o . I.inclsev, As soon as the engines were re­ I County .Treasurer, the same was Chester Wilkes. ----------- -— I paired the Patsy headed dowu the I approved. Garibaldi—Judges, N. 1 McM illan, The Star has a drama and : Coast, arriving off Yaquina about In the matter of the bond of the Frank Hobson, J. M. comedy reel every night. midnight. She remained there until tax collector it was ordered that he Clerks, A. S. Bent, P. W Harrison, . Lingley, given u new I hiih I for $IO.tU>. 4 o'clock this morning, and as the August Shearer. The Danger of La Grippe seas were growing rougher and the Salaries. Ilebo—Judges. Frank Worthing­ la its fatal tendency to pneumonia. B I. Heals, treasurer . $83 33 ton. Chas. McKillip, J. J. McGinn. To cure your la grippe coughs take fuel Bupply running shorter, Captain Ilomer Mason, county judge ino 00 Clerks, Frank Taylor, G. W. Wor­ Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. Hanson concluded to return to the R. E Fisher, Washington, K ub ., Columbia River. No Bign of the I. M Smith, health officer,etc. M 00 thington. Frank Owens. “I was troubled with a severe revenue cutter Tahoma or any other W. S. Huel, sc I khi I supt . ., 83 33 Hoquarton -Judges, Thoe Coates, says: attack of la grippe that threatened vessel was seen. \\ in. Bodyfelt, janitor 45 00 Alex. Watt, F. S. Whitehouse. pneumonia. A friend advised Fol All Aboard Well, But Wcrn. K. Mills, deputy clerk ........ 75 00 Clerks, T. H. Handley, S. A. Brod­ ey’s Honey and Tur Compoundand 1 got relief after taking the first few All aboard are well, but thoroug- Pearl Phelps, assistant...... 30 00 head. H. F. Goodspeed. Second doses. 1 got three bottles and my ly worn out from constant work J. C. Holden, clerk................. 138 38 Hoard—Judges, C. W. Talmage. la grippe was cured.” Get the gen­ and loss of sleep and the vessel is 11 Crenshaw, sheriff 133 00 Curl Wallin, W. D. Bodyfelt. uine, in the yellow package. Sold by­ not damaged. Deane, in speaking Chas. 1 Clough Co. t A Johnson, deputy sheriff 75 00 Clerks, F. W. Christensen, 8. « of his experience, said: J. II. Johnson, deputy asses Whitehouse. John Aschiin. "It was a terrible hour and I •or ;,«.!»•........................ "*■ • 75 00 Little Nestucca-Judges, T. R. Foley’s Hcney and Tar Compound never want to put in another one “Cures in Every Case.” Expenses for Instructor« at Wilson, J. W. Hellettbrsnd, H._ E. Mr. Jas. McCaflery. Mgr. of the like it. although now, except being Teachers' Institute. Follett. Clerks, W. II. Christensen, Schiltz Hotel. Omaha, Neb., re­ tired and worn out, I feel no ill- Mmtdv l.nughen«l S. II. Rock. Chas. Fox. 44) ei commends Foley’s Honey and Tar effects from it. Fortunately, when Thomas II Gentle 41 QQ Nehalem—Judges, Fred Zaddach, Compound, because it cures in I was thrown over-board, I was Charles II. Jones . . ............ ■JO 00 V in.■Tubbesing, II. E. Effetiberger. every case. “I have ueed it myself not injured. I struck in one of tne Mrs. I . R. Alderman ........ KI 30 < lerks, P. E Allen, F. A. Rowe, D. nnd I have recommended it to many big coiners, aud it appeared an others who have since me VI of _ ------ — . told va%« Il»v S B.o.ikm General Fund, I its great curative power in diseases age before I came to the surface. ' of the thront and lungs." For all Netarts — Judges, Il O'Hara, A. A. rillmuovk llernhl, printing. 20 50 As I came up I saw the crew throw­ and colds it is speedily ef­ M. F. l.em-|i. county |MHir I 50 Y iger. Jus. A, lliggs. Clerks. J. coughs ing life buoys to me, bul they were fective. Chas. I. Clough Co. anni^ -12.- •--- — I. C Bewley, truant officer 10 22 M Liislwrg M. J. Cone. Chas. Lee some distance away, being carried I illaiiiook Headlight, printing 91 83 Smidliike -Judges. Peter Newberg. by the strong tide, and I struggled . A C. S. Eduards, E. R. Haye*. \\ F linker, ctampa for supt Foley Kidnei Pills hard for about 20 ininn tes before 1 office . .............................. 1 (11 Clerks, H. J. Total, John Whalen, always give satisfaction because reached one of them. Lee N. Wilson. they always do the work. J. T I. M. Huel, services as assis­ “Once 1 almost gave up, but I J 4 Shelnut, Bremen. Ga .says; "I have South Prairie—Judges. tant rxaniinei ................... 12 finally mrde it. TI __ schooner .„.wuci kept aept / used Foley Kidney Pills with great The II Crenshaw, board •> 23 Patrick. H B Johnson, % satisfaction and found more relief drifting out and to the south, dut I J. 1. Holden, «tamps fur Vaughn Clerks, Thus. ___ ... W from their use than from any other was caught in a current and carried • upsrintendent* office kidney medicine, and I’ve tried al­ 3 no E J. Gienger. F. 1. Huel!. most all kinds. I can cheerfully aotue distance to the north, and J C. Ilolden. azpreaa ---------- —Judges Tillsmook—First Board. once she was nearly a mile away. P. ----- Wilt. “ M. V. recommend them to all autferers II. T. Botts. P-"— Geo. •• L.irl Rice, work on lUyoceaa for kidney and bladder trouble.” I feared the boys would lose sight rood Stillwell. Clerks, P. W. Todd. A. Chua. I. Clough Co. Ä» of me in the darkness. Suddenly Plante. J & Stephens. Second G1 h « m 4 Prudhomuie Co., I was caught in a strong southerly nuli Hoard—Judges, R F Zacliuian, 73 Do not allow your kidney and set which took me toward the ves­ Geo Laiub. K. "•viffi Tel 4 Tele Co. .. D. Hoag. Clerks, bladder trouble to develooe beyond sel. M 31 .n reach of medicine. Take Foley's J3 23 W. G. Dwight, C. A.t McGhee, the “I have had some hard swims Kidney Pills. They give quick re­ Frank Fitzpatrick. sults and atop irregularities with before, bul I never worked harder a- Judges. H. , A Mile», R surprising promptness. Chas 1. in my lite than I did until I reached W R Roliedee Clerks. D. Clough Co. the side of ttie Patsy and was hauled muds C. C. Murphy. Clyde _ — I I———»« on deck. While iu the water 1 did n not feel the cold greatly, but after­ i Tax Levy for 1911. Tillamook Bakery, wards I was nearly frozen. How­ Count) Court tinda that it ever. I am thankful it was no worse." OPPOSITE THE ALIEN HOUSE. quin- F2X\.Vai 1 v to defray the •eatrr lut¿ ui Corner Stillwell Ave. and First Wsnted^for Cash Cheap Farm Supervisors and Land la Tillamook County if*« ... ............ St. Went, and both Phones. i fs.av a» 1 and J uatwe Court a 3.0*1 0.4 ' We have a customer who will buy • oWIcr 3.101 oi •PfCIlLTY IN All KINO OF CAKS9 lor spot cash a cheap farm in Tilla- asook Couutv Anwesss at one«. ** • »‘Hu e ...., A»**> UU Ralph Ackley Land C«.. 170 Fiftk t 'n/ F 0 I An Actual Added Advantage /FACTORY TO HOME FROM ( MA ER TO USER. Typical Tone Triumph S. W. Miller Pianos DON’T FOOL YOURSELF < Jones & Knudson. TILLAMOOK, ORE. Direct Factory Distributors for Till* mook County 1 I t r h I <1 I I* / III lit li elul Wa He • ut» .. u V"Z’ I / I I Use BEAVER STATE Hard Wheat Patent Flour A TRIAL CONVINCES J I All KINO OF IMÄM 9t.. Fortlnnd.^Ors. Every Sack Guarant to Give Satisfaction s