Tillamook —-d INSPECTING THE DAIRY FARMS IN TILLAMOOK i with clean Notice of Receiver's Sale. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. ! In the Circuit Court of the State of N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That Oregon, for the County of in pursuance of a decree of fore Tillamook. ie milkers closure and sale duly rendered mid Elmore Packing Com-] entered by the Circuit Court of the t-handed. puny, n corporation, State of Oregon, for Tillamook •y way to Plaintiff, County, on the 18th day of Novem­ vs. | are first ber. 1911, and of an execution and Most of Mary II. Elmore I order of sale, duly issued by the Defendant J Clerk ot saiil Court, in pursuance them wet the cows' udders or teats In pursuance of and by virtue of i with milk, and when teats and a decree and order of sale of the thereof, dated November 27ih, 1911, and to me directed I have 1 , ird , hands are not clean we can easily above eutitled court in the above upon all ot the right, title and in­ entitled cause, directing me as the | imagine what the result will be. terest of Albert II. Malmiev, Lulu Receiver appointed in the above condemned two cans of milk for entitled Cause by the above en­ E. Maluney, I). T. Edmunds, John II. Dunstan anil Mary F. Dunstan, filthy milking ; also the milk of titled court, to seil the real property defendants iu the saiil foreclosure two dairymen who refused to cool hereinafter described, under and bv proceedings, in and to the following their milk in a proper place and in [ virtue of said decree, which said described real property, situate in Condition of Dairies Not as Good turn the dairy-men condemned i decree was duly rendered and en- Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit : ! tered of record in the above en- The Southeast quarter of the As We Expected. me for visiting their places late in titled court on the 16th day of Southwest quarter, mid Lot f of In the Valley most of the the evening and early in the morn­ December. 1911 anil directing me Section 19, mid the Northeast quar­ as saiil receiver to sell the same to dairying is a side issue aud ing. Out of the six dairies con­ ter of the Northwest quarter mid highest mul best bidder there­ lots 9 .nut in of Sei tion 30, conta it- We Rive below the report of Deputy State and Food Com­ naturally the operators may become demned only one is still out of coin­ the for, at public auction, in the man­ ing 123.to acres (except 21.82 acres missioner W. B. Duncan, which was sent to the Headlight by­ careless, but as the Tillamook mission ; the others soon cleaned ner and form prescribed by law for deeded to Albert 11. Malaney.) sale of real property on execu­ Also the West half of the North­ special request. The report is interesting in many particulars, dairymen make it their exclusive up. I a'so condemned 120 milk the business we had expected to find cans. Cheesemakers will find this tion, east quarter, mid Lots 6, 7 and S of and offers a good many suggestions, which, if carried out, will better conditions. 1 will on the 22nd day of January, Section 30, mid Lot 7 of Section 31. mark(X) under the handle of each 1912, at the hour of ten o'clock in Also the tide land fronting and be a step in the right direction. We have given the report in I mn not going to dwell on the condemned can. the forenoon of said day, at the abutting on Lots 3, 4 and 5 ot Sec­ unsanitary conditions that we found full, which is as follows : north entrance door of the County tion 19. (Except the tide lands front­ The Cheese Factories. Court House, in Tillamook City, in ing and abutting on because of the cheerful response Maloney's Of the 31 cheese factories I in­ Tillamook County. Oregon, sell at addition to Ocean Park) and the DEAR S ir ,—I submit to you the 1 I have before me some factory­ that we had from the dairymen in public auction to the highest and spected, most of the large ones following report of inv work as De- records showing that Mr. D. Fitz- correcting the existing conditions. tide lands fronting anil abutting on best bidder therefor, for L’.S. gold puty Food and Dairy Commissioner Patrick has the banner herd of the Manure piles against barns have were iu good condition. There were coin in hand, the following des­ Lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 anil 10 of Section 30, and the tide lands fronting and especially the cribed real property, to-wit : in Tillamook County, which I have county. Last year his 25 cowsaver-1 been removed: many hog pens some, however, abutting on Lots 6 mid 7 of Sec­ smaller ones in remote places, just completed. j aged $115.00 per head and this year I near barns (and _________ that Situate in the County of Tilla­ tion 19. some inside) have mook. State of Oregon : I first went to Tillamook City, his 23 cows averaged $106.00 each. [ been located elsewhere and also needed attention. All in Tcwnahip 4 South of Range The E. half of N.E. quarter, N.E. 10 West of Willamette Meridian. There are many factories that where I met Mr. F. W. Christensen, Among others Mr. Charles Kuntz'many milk houses ________ moved ___ to more __ ,_____________ quarter of S. E. quarter and Lot 1 of Also Lots 1 and 2, of Block 2, the Cheese Inspector for the Tilla- has ' 30 cows averaging$99.52J& each; ‘ sanitary places, while 300 dairymen need repairing in different ways section 22, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 \\ .. ex­ Maluney’a addition to Ocean Park. mook Co-operative Dairy Associa­ i Mr. William Maxwell with 22 cows are cooling their milk in far better before the season opens in the cept Town of Nehalem and one and Except that portion of the pre­ Some floors and small one half acres, sold to School Dis mises aforesaid contained within tion, comprising twenty of the larg­ averaging over $95.00 each. Mrs ' places than formerly- ; barns have spring, trict No. .'19. the limits of Pacific City. with larger est cheese factories in the county, j T. M. Rose, a widow, is keeping been whitewashed; windows put in drains connecting Also tract commencing at a point And in pursuance of said decree and of which Mr. Carl Haberlach is nine cows on 18 acres, each of which and old rusty- cans discarded for d-ains are in a leaking condition where section line between sections and order of sale I will on Monday, and should be made perfectly tight, 22 and 23, Tp. 3 N,, R. 10 W„ inter­ tlie 15th day of January, 1912, at the secretary. My object in calling on averaged $90.00. I have the names ' new ones. lot 4 in block 5 of the Town of hour of 10 o’clock a.m., lit the fumi Mr. Christensen was to ascertain of '25 dairymen who ill six months I During the past two years I have and large drains that do not flow sects Nehalem, then down line of blocks dairy conditions and needs as he averaged $2650,00 each; the highest inspected over 4000 dairies in the freely should be opened up and 4 and5, 218 It. to Nehalem river to a door ct the Court House, in Tilla­ mook City. Tillamook County, ('re- found them. He not only very .receiving $4<50.00 and the lowest: Valley, and never before have I seen properly covered, Many need coats stake 2 ft. North of Wists Wharf, gon, sell nt public auction, subject then North 20 degrees E. '33 It to a of paint inside and to have the Tillamook so many changes made for the kindly favored me with this infor­ I$2000.00 for this period. to redemption, to the highest bid­ lot formerly owned by (,'. I’ve, then mation, but also offered some sug­ ¡county last year received for her( better in such a limited time. We windows provided with screens, Nortn 70 degrees West, along line der, for cash iti limili, all ol the 11 : lit, title and interest of the aboil* gestions which I found of very- , dairy products $5.10,000.00, three- wish to thank these dairymen and Some of the factories are suffering of said lot to I ne between sections n<> iiiim I defendants, or either of great benfit to me. He also co­ i fourths of which was produced by- fo say to them that great credit is from a shortage of water and this 22 anil 23, then south on sai l s c i ilieiii, in mid to the above desi rii ed operated with me very heartily in the Cooperative Association anil due them for this loyal support matter must receive proper atten­ tion line to beginning, cout iiain^ . re I property to satislv saiil exeiu- tion. I think that between one- 3-16 acre I in Lot 5. Section 21. tp ti< n and order of sale, interest mid the work, as did also the cheese­ the total being $50,000 00 more than ! and co-operation with this office. osta, mid nil accruing costs. Tint third and one-half of the factories 3 N.. R. 10 W. makers as we met and became ac- either Marion or Linn counties re-! The climatic condition^ in Tilla- Also the following lots in the have the whey tanks within a few Town of Nehalem : All of Blocks 1. decree of foreclosure and order of ceived tor butterfat. If we were to ' quainted. ■saie referred t?Nwns entered by said mook are nearly perfect and if feet of the buildings, or adjoining 2, 3, 4 ; Lots 3, 4 and the W. - ne comi in a emise Kherein Rutiliceli Number of Cheese Factories and add to this $100,000.00 for fish it ' right methods are employed that ! them, halt ot Lots 7 mid 8, in Block 5 ; Mills was |>l.iintifi,'^ ; timl’es above named ’«’ere 'di - ’ not washed for several months at a all of Blocks 7, 8. 9 and 10 : Lots I fend.Hits, mid by the terms ol .«iiid In this county I inspected 31 lated in a comparatively small com­ richest milk and cream possible. time. Last August theodor arising 2 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 11 ; Lots 1, cheese factories and 441 dairies, munity'. A i airy Commissioner Has All from these tanks was very strong •» 7 mul 8. in Block 12 ; Lots 3, I, 5, leene of lotci'JiiHiifc thi (ilninVlT was decreed to have mid r covei Yf Many- of the dairymen have fine which includes nearly every dairy­ Kinds of Experiences and the whey still stronger with A 7 and 8, in Block 13 ; Lots 1, 2, 5, mid from the defendants Albert 11\ in the county. With each dairyman homes and good dairy barns. On I Of course, we occasionally find a 6, o, land 8. ill Block 11; all ot Blocks Malmiev mi l Imiti E. Malmiev, tbe ■ acid which we believe is thecause 15 anil 16. Also all the tide land sinn of $3060.0). with interest there­ I left some literature pertaining to Wilson River they own their own dairymen who rebels. I have one i for so much rust in the cans, ns the fronting and I abutting above des on at the ate of eight per cent per his business, also a copy of the water system, costing $20,000.00. | in mind who doubted very much cribed property. whey is hauled back in the milk Several drive their own autos and I annum from July 1st. 1910, for the dairy law. ! whether we had any right to come cans. We believe the fact that many Also beginning at the corner ol sinn of $350.00 as attorney's tees, In these dairies are 7497 cows, or we should not forget to say a good | : into his barn, and no wonder, for I sections 4, 5. 32 and 33, I ps. 2 and and for the costs unii disimi sementa times when the milk is “ off” it 3 N., R. 10 W ; thence W. on line an average of 17 cows to the dairy. word about the roads they drive '■ found his barn unclean, and con the suit taxed at $19.95. may be attributed to the cans not between sections 5 and 32, 6.13 of D.ited them on. The main road from the this December 7th. 1911. What Are We To Do For Cows ? southern to the northern end of the | tained two pig pens with several being properly cleansed after con chains; «lienee south 16.22 chains II. C renshaw , to Bay shore ; theme north 61 The pitiful number of calves raised county, a distance of 75 miles, is pigs in each, from.which came a taining this strong whey. Sheriff of Tillamook County, degrees East 7 chains ; thence north very strong odor ; manure pile ( »regoli. this year was only 1155, Granting gravel or crushed rock, with many Another tiling that I would men­ 55 degrees East 2.65 chains ; thence that three-fourth of this number are side roads equally as good. Of was at the right of his barn door, tion is the fact that all the cheese north 34 degrees east 5,13 chains ; Notice of Sheriff’s Sale heifers, it will leave but two heifers course, there are many dairymen in and cans of milk at the left. I have makers are not as cleanly attired thence north 24 degrees East 5.25 for each dairy of 17 cows. The this county as in all others, who are reason to believe that this is the as they should be, which also ap­ chains ; thence North 58 degrees N otice isllmnv G iven ,—That East 1.75 chains ; thence North 30 same condition prevails in the val- in debt for their homes and are man who wrote a little article for plied to some o< the butter makers degrees West 1.50 chains to line in puraunce of ti decree of lorcclo- ley. I know of three prominent clearing their land, knowing that if publication in one of the papers, in the valley. between sections 4 mid 33 ; thence sure and order of sale duly render west 7.51 chains to the place of be­ ed and entered by the Circuit dairymen from this county who they can hold out until the land is signing it " Dairyman,” stating If tlie co-operative Association Court of the State of Oregon, for only a few weeks ago came to the sufficiently cleared they can depend among other things that an In­ were to cal) a meeting for the dis­ ginning 15.21 acres. Variation 21 Tillamook County on the lltli day degrees East. spector was in the county and at Valley to purchase heifers, but upon the old cow to do the rest. Also all the frontage, whaiTing of November, 1911, in n certain suit one place it was one thing and at cussion of these matters, inviting then pending in said (comt, where could find none for sale. We con­ We found more sanitary milk another something else. It chanced all owners and managers of factories righto and privileges north aud in in Lewis ¡Sondheim is plaintiff and (rout of lot two (2), in section four sider this a very grave mistake and buckets in this county than we have to be in attendance, I am quite cer­ Sretlimi S. Phelps is defendant, in believe the heifer calves should be seen in the valleyjin over two years’ t to be “something else” at liis place, tain the State Department would (4), in township two (2), North ot favor of said plaintiff mid against range ten (10) West of the Willam­ hence the protest. saved from all the choice cows. We work ette Meridian, extending from the said defendant, anil in pursuance The buckets are very easily I found another dairyman in arrange, if requested, to have a line of ordinary low tide to the of an execution anil order of sale are not raising enough heifers to cleaned as all seams, both inside representative on hand to assist in duly issued out of said court upon replace the old cows that we must and outside, are flushed with solder, great distress because the Fire every way possible in the improve­ channel of the Nehalem river. Also beginning at the south west said decree and order of sale hear neecessarily cull from our herds also around the ears where the bail Warden would not permit him to ment of the dairies and factories. corner of Lot numbered one (1). of ing date December flOtli. 1911, and burn his brush; the Fish and Game t:> me direc ed as Sheriff of Tilla­ each year. is attached. The most of these Warden would not allow him to kill Amongthe subjects for discussion section four (I), Township two (2) mook County. Oregon, I. II I ren Great Need ot Registered Stock. were distributed by Mr. Ray, of North of range ten (10) West of the diaw, Sheriff of Tillamook County, The dairymen of this county have Cloverdale, and there are also a any birds or catch any fish, and might be enumerated "The causes Willamette Meridian, mid running Oregon, will expose fol sale, . "I of tainted or gaseous milk;......... Die thence north on the line between then along came tbe Dairy In ­ some choice registered sires, but good many around Tillamook. sell at public-miction to the highest absorbtion of odors;” "The secur­ lots one and twoof said section and bidder for cash in hand on Saturday spector and requested him to wash not many. There are only 20 re­ a prolongation thereof, to low water' Abortion In The Herds. his separator each time after being ing of better sanitary conditions mmk of Nehalem Bay ; thence the 10th day of February, 1912. at Hl gistered cows and 40 registered around factories; ” "The keeping I found several dairymen who had used, as he was selling butter. easterly following said low water o’clock \.M., all the followin'. I sires, of one sire to every 185 cows. real property silunle.l As I went to the premises of one of flies out of factories;” "The mark to a point on said low waler cribed abortion in their herds. One man Sires. Cows. mark line ten chains east of the Tillamook County, to-wit: cleaning of wliey tanks; ” "Abun ­ dairyman I saw two nten near the had 42 cows about last spring and All of Blocks 4 and 17 in the town 16 . ... 6 Jersey............ line Between said lots number one is very anxious aboht them now. barn, and as I drew near one said dant supply of pure water;” "Pro­ and two prolonged ; thence south of Netarts Buy Park, according t.» 15 . ... 12 Holstein ...... As on a line parallel with said line the map anil plat thereof on tile in Mr. F. H. Scribner, of Rosedale, to the other " Get the rope.’’ I in­ per places to cool milk;” etc. 5 . Guernsey .... first class cheese cannot be'm de between lots one anil two and ten the office of the County Clerk of Wis., in the employment of the De ­ quisitively said “ What for, gentle ­ 2 2 . Red Poll....... Tillamook County, State of Oregon. partment of the Bureau of Animal men?” Pointing to a well not yet from over ripe or tainted milk the chains distant therefrom to the For the purpose of satisfying said 1 . Shorthorn ... south line of said lot one ; thence Industry, says that the best treat­ finished, they said " That’s where active co-operation of the dairyman west on said south line to lot one to decree, and wherein it is decreed 1 . Ayreshire ... ment he has ever found is one tea­ we put all book agents.” Of course with the cheese factory and the in­ the south west corner thereof and that the plaintiff have judgment spoonful of carbolic acid givenonce it was up to me to convince them stallation of proper methods at the place of beginning, containing against the defendant for the sum 20 40 of $313.52, with interest theron at the I should judge that three fourths each day-. Mr. H. C. Davis, of Gran-' that I was not a book agent. After factory will BOlve the all-impartant twenty-five acres more or Jess, ami rate of ten per cent, per aunum also all riparian rigtits mid wharf if the cows owned in this county ger,Wash., has cured a badly in*! meditating a moment and glancing problem._________________ privileges of whatever nature per­ from April 15tli, 1911, for the further ire low grade Durham; but this fected herd by nearly doubling the to see how far my horse and buggy taining to said described lands, leas sum of $36.(1) attorney's fees, and Dr. J. T. Work, M.T., right of way heretofore conveyed for the costs and disbursements of loes not necessarily imply that dose. I get this information from was away, I ventured to tell them to the Pacific Railway & Navigation the suits taxed at $41.60. here are no good cows among the Pacific Homestead report of the my business, and it was only by Dated this January ilth, 1912. Company. Wishes to announce that lie will tieni, for many are heavy milkers, Dairy Meeting in Washington. Mr. : being able to persuade them that H. C renshaw , Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, Sheriff of Tillamook County iving a high test in butter fat, Scribner is Government Organizer! the business of our office was to aid be open for practise after the first this27th day of December, 1911, Oregon. W ebster H olmes , id if the dairymen would breed of Dairy and Cow Testing Associa­ them, to advise and as far as possi­ of the year, on 1st Street, three Receiver. lese choice cows to a registered tions. He says that the milk record , ble assist them in using the very blocks west of Allen bakery., cor. A Good Position re with a record for producing sheet in the barn is the best piece ' beet methods that they might be 3rd ave. West. The Danger of Da Grippe I specialise for nervous and ■ifers that fill the pail with rich of machinery, if properly used, and able to deliver r to their cheese Can be had by ambitious young Is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. men and women in the field of ilk it would be but a short while that it is not so much science as' factory the purest and sweetest of chronic diseases generally, »y To cure vottr la grippe coughs take dietetics and hand manipulation of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. "Wireless'- or Railway Telegraphy, ifore the output would be increased common sense that makes the sue-1 milk, that I escaped the pit. Since the H-hour law became effect­ ie half without increasing the cessful dairyman. ' As I was taking notes on our the nerves affected principally at R. E. Fisher, Washington, Kas.. ive and since the wireless com­ says: "I was troubled with a severe the spinal column. By electricity imber of cows We are confront- panies are establishing stations I saw something in Mr. Joseph score card in a large dairy barn attack of la grippe that threatened with the fact that if we want Donaldson's barn that should go and had about completed my work in its various forms required I spe­ pneumonia A friend advised Fol­ throughout the country there is a recommend the Electro- ey’s Honey anil Tur Compound mid great shortage of telehraphera. txl cows we must raise them, along with the milk record eheet. I was suddenly confronted by a cially Positions pay beginners from $70 an improved form I got relief after taking the first few to $rii per month, with good chances we cannot buy them. large black l»ear with no rope chain, Radiator as It was a large motto or sign: doses. I got three bottles mid my bath and electric of Turkish or muzzle on. He was very close of advancement. Tlie National ‘he papers and discussions at "Cows in this Barn must lieing the la grippe was cured.” Get tin- gen Telegraph Institute of Portland, Receive Kind Treatment.” to me before I saw him. Whether treatment combined, i late State Diiry and Cheese- nine, in the yellow package. Sold by Oregon operates under the super |kers' Convention in Portland It appealed to me as a splendid re­ it was his intention to embrace or best; and only device that gives Chas. I Clough Co. vision of R. R. and Wireless officials once thus invigorating both at minder and warning to the herds- congratulate me as he reared up 1 Ing the lines of breeding and and places all graduates into|K>si' ling should inspire us for more men and should be in every barn. I did not wait to see, but hurriedly instead of weakening the system as Foley’S H-.ney and Tar Compound lions. It will pay you to write them for "Cures in Every Case." igressiveand better work I was Special Mention of a Few Dairymen. made my exite through an opening hot water or steam baths. full details. • I have references from many Mr. Jas McCaffery, Mgr. of tlie d to note the presence of several Mr. D. Fitzpatrick is a practical I about three by three, not intended for that purpOM. When I return _____ Schiltz „ . Hotel, _ Omaha, Neb., re- leading physicians and hospitals he leading dairymen andcheese- dairyman. He is a good feedeL, comim nds Foley*« Honey and Tar ters of Tillamook there; also raises plenty of clover and feeds ’ to see ii the contract has lieen com­ where it is used most effectively for Compound, bei aiiec it eures in F. W. Christensen, the Cheese some mill stuff besides; alsohaving plied with which tbe dairyman all kinds of rheumatism in <1 mu every ca»e "I havr ased it myself Rector. with .’trill pounds of the the kind of cows which it pays to signed all lie need« to do to keep rslgia. It quickly di»|>ele grippe and I Itave recommemied it toutany me from entering (he barn is to put and colds setting into lung troubles othera who linve since told nie of ous Tillamook cheeseon exhibi- feed some grain. ‘ up a sign on the door ” Bear loose ordropsy and all such effusions For its great curative isiwt-r in ili-c.iacs , some scoring as high as 91. I'or Mil Mr. Charles Kuntz is a prosperous inside.” I found later tli.it the liear stomach and nervous disorders it of tbe thro.it and lungs." irymen Are Making Money. dairyman and knows what each of in a |«la nil is turned loose in the proves very satisfactory and I couglis and colda it ts »pecdily <1 < liarle. |u fective. < it is. I. < l.ughCo. e chniatic conditions, together Itis cows is doing I found him l»atn for exercise. has I ni’V r<-»|»e all sntfcri < teach them to I m - clej ly in their Is indnatry, allof which I found herd bronchitis {and ^pneumonia. Sold lor kidney and bladder trouble.* CUaa. I. Clough Co. Chas. 1. Clough Co. I •»Mkolutriv rnrT-,-1 T I»* mention of Mr Andrew An.ler- work ; to hare a tuoia cloth to wipe ‘ Interesting Report of Deputy State Dairy and Food Com missioner W. B. Duncan I son. a prom( son River, ot many improv many- dairy I had been doii we visited hi tain changes, i give him a be the cheerful a gave us was an inspiration to his neighbors and gratifying to this I office. Mr. Anderson put his barn floor in a good condition; white washed the inside of the barn, put in windows and built a neat tnilk- house. 1 ends.