Tillamook Headlight, January II, 19l2. TOHN L- Th» UMful v«rb “To G«L* The Tillamook County Editor There 1» no word, long or short. In Boosters’ Association is respon­ the English language capable of per ATTORNEY sible for the recent agitation forming so muck labor In a clear. In­ over the road levy. As presi­ telligible sense as tbe rerb to get. And LûR-AT-Uw, 1 c dent of that association, we wish here is an old time specimen of its u Tillamook Block, to make a statement why the capabilities: It Entered as second class mail mat "I got on horseback within ten min­ a t ter Julv. ISbH, at the poet office at cbtors recommended a 10 mill utes after I got your letter When I Room No. 26i In going over the Tillamook. Ore., under the act of road levy. i got to Canterbury 1 got a chaise for county to ascertain the needs of March 3. 1®» I town, but 1 got wet through before I (CAPT P. SCHRADER)! t A bo ith - at .J I i the different sections the edi- got to Canterbury, and 1 have got such • ttorney i tors found that the burning a cold as I shall not be able to get rid t $bt (Tilhmaok Ijeaùligbt question was “Good Roads ! of In a burry. I got to tbe treasury Complete set of Abstract! I j As that was what the people de- »bout uoon; but. first of all. I got sbav- I ,-d and dressed. I soon got Into the se­ 1 manded. it was necessary 1 n office. Taxes paid to-J Editorial Snap Shots. define some plan or policy so cret of getting a memorial before the board, but I could not get an answer , as to bring results. The editors Residents. then. However. 1 got Intelligence from We welcome Messrs. Meyer : met and talked with citizens tbe messenger that I should most like­ Tillamook Block. and Conger, the new editors of who hold totally different views ly get one tbe next morning. As soon ¡of road work and how it should the BayCity Examiner, to Tilla as I got back to my inn 1 got my sup­ Both phones. j l>e done, tbe consensus of opi- per. When I got up in the morning I mook County. . nion was that they were willing got my breakfast and then got myself 1 to pay a 10 mill road tax if they dressed that 1 might get out in time Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday ^^/ARL HABERLACH, Strange to say. some of our obtained value fortheir money, h> get an answer to my memorial. As according to Tides. citizens oppose bonding for har­ the general opinion being that soon as I _ xvt lt I got into tbe first bor improvements but favor under otir svstem of road build- cbaIse and got to Canterbury by 3 attorney - at - law , - • ' ■*’eloc*; --» a time I got doing so for roads. ing there were many leakages *Q<1 in expenditure, caused by poor. onBe- T* • T illamook Bicci. B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE A CO, A little newspaper agitation material being used, poor grades Wsllingt.n’s Subtle Retort. Lamb's Dock, Tillamook. Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore helped some in reducing the and a poor day’s work for a good [ Wednesday. 19th October, 183'5—Lord • F. P. BAUMGARTNER, Agent, p: .re of fieer in this city, but we dav's pay. The editors could Fitzgerald made us laugh at dinner ^2^_EORGE WILLETT, Albers No. 3 Dock, Portland, Oregon. sl if» sed we will !»• accused of not help noticing that quite a today with a story about John Wilson helping to give two drinks for number of citizens, who had Croker, whose pertinacity of opinion A ttorney - at -L aw . 1(1« instead of one. Anyway, good roads themselves, were not Is well known. He was laying down it is one successful move to very enthusiastic about others the law after dinner to the Duke of Tillamook Commercial Bnildii ¡enjoying the same advantages, Wellington and, according to custom, bring down high taxation. i but those who had bought high asserting the superiority of his own information on all subjects, having T illamook 0 REGOS, priced farms with but a small Tillamook County will have even flatly contradicted the duke, who payment and had big interest had mentioned some Incident that had to pay $30, years to meet the growing de- General Freight & Pass. Agent, General ’ Agent, by healthy competion? We have I mands and needs of the county Th. Larch In Labrador. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,' Portland, Ore. Astoria, Ore. The toll and atmosphere are so cold This is the often heard the remark that the ' for good roads. ■*v needs the money from the road policy as recommended by and dry In faraway Labrador that TILLAMOOK. s It is all tonnyrot the Tillamook County Editor- scarcely any vegetation thrives at all. reputable saloon keep- j Boosters’ Association, which is The larcb Is a species of pine tree Tillamook Block. which Is found In all northern coun­ here. The city can worthy, we think, of a fair trial, tries. but Its grov-tb Is so stunted In (Honey by revoking and much more preferable to a Labrador that a specimen found on ■s and the bondsmen 1 btg bonded indebtedness, for if the most southern part of that dreary g M. KER RON, .heir bond, but break $15O,0lJU is judiciously expended laud was but nine inches In height and in monopoly and let J annually it will meet the grow­ the trunk was but three-eighths of an ¡¡rival of the fittest ing needs of the county and im- Inch in diameter. A careful examina­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON k‘m as to which can prove and build roads for the tion of tbe miniature tree revealed its 3e best saloons, but 1 benefit of the citizens. age to be at least thirty-two years, for Tillamook Block, there were that number of ring .>e free open competi growths shown In its small trunk. The . in everv other line of Tillamook, Oregon ■K». Splendid Stock. very cold currents pouring down from the north and the fact that Labrador The dependable S. W. Miller is a has less sunshine than Alaska, to­ A C. Trombley is down nnut to that to flavor your grub. Your Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. the ambition of an Overbrook mother I commit, and forthat reason we cow. your steer, your hog under ''p S ARC HET, to marry her daughter to a young civil cannot help thinking that Ross natural conditions wuiihf have a engineer who Is on the road to bril­ 1» mentally weak, which mav chance to get a bite of this, a bite *■ • The Fashionable Tailor. ot that and a bite of the other liant success. But the young man. have been brought on bv dissi thing and so get a variety in its much in lov» with the daughter as be pation or tbe drug habit but he feed. But antler the unnatural Clearing, Pressing and Repair Is. has not fully decided whether to was 11 bad man setting a lot of condition in which you keep ssk her to marry him. ing a Specialty. bovs and \ «lung men a bad ex- them, they get every day about Visiting at the home the other even- ample, and tbev were in bad the same sort of stuff to eat. As lug. tbe young man encountered little < u.itural consequence they get company when thev associated S» *re in Heins Photographic off their teed.-- Even if they Bobble "Are you going to marry with him 1“ ris't thuir 'li*;vsti\L‘ organs aisterf asked tbe lad. Gallery. need the tonic effect which come« Much embarrassed, tbe visitor stam irotn a variety of feeding ¿tuffs. mere«! that be didn't know. The County Court is anxious Watkins' Stock Tonic Oil • i "WelL you are.” returned Bobble, J. CLAUSSEN, t<> see a county fair this yenr. Is a scientitic preparation which with emphasis.-Philadelphia Times W r do not know a more favors not only improves the flavor of • LAWYER, hie opportunity than this for a the teed you tee«l, but also sup­ *» Wl Speak le plies that tonic element so ne«*de«l fair, i » h«‘i> thousands of persons ....... A i.ermau wbo bad come to Amer­ Çentechrr ^bvohai- to make vour live stock d«> their will he v iaitiug —Lj ’ the county with beat. ica to master our language was being a view f locating <>r investing itmwo beblnd thè «cene« of a raude- aij Tillamook Block, There is no longer any doubt il-out the need ot a tonic for the »Hie theater by ooe of bis American in the ■ountv. To make the frisisi» T illamook - O bf / jor . fair a » •ve«M«. now is the time modern domesiic animal kept iindi-r artificial conditions You “That man. ' sald tbe American. In to de««!,- upon it a,„j atart mist give them -omettiing to 11- attug an actor wtth a w»v» of bis in t«» make preparation». The help them digest their feed and band, I» tastar off his makeup to get the greatest go«»! from it experience of previous fairs in aiake up tur u noe ber tal» off ' , ' ’ a M.afc lonu- supplies IMistng outsrder»" and allow Tbe Herman dei-art ed sputtering. - this need it makes the animal mg fakir» to reap a rich harvest relish its feed more, it aids in Success M »¿xtiDe ■hottM not be forgotton Make the die stion and assimilation up n suitable list of »wants and Ot tile feed, and in addition to He B« OWeeded. that, it lias a tonic effect upon lrt the mouev go to wants vulu See that dog. Kathl’ It has taken the wht»lr rs able prizes to those who make the flrst prise at ten shows and ts /> i Y.air annuals nee«l a turn« of »slued at LOW mark« “ «xhtlks. We have plentr of -kind Watkins - m ,* k Tonic j I wonder tf 1 dare offer him a bit not a secret preparation We attractions nght here in Till.,. fell ou the actual ingredients “f su usage ’“-Fliesende Platter m«Mik without paying outsiders I Just as vUr portraits of adults that ire i,ae«| i„ lt You know ¿1 t«> come here. A large number exaitli What you are buving. and .-i I strength and character, ‘V- * >¿&1 of the dairy men have been rai» t-ound tor v-ound it will go farther _ — igxw#- amido more g«>od than aav other n We are experts in lighting •• • and it wouki be. stuck I usk a, calWd stuck to «.-«•, texxt ever made - »rd pvsing, and our equipment • ''Id tie The Watkins Man will be glad RATES OF SUBSCRl'-TIO.X. t strictly in advancx .) One year.—.................... 1 5o Six month».-............ .. «u Three month».. .............. ............. Reliable Route Steamer The 4 C(jJ Sue H. Elmore” H . ’ . Tillamook & Portland. Leaves Portland, Albers No. 3 Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays. «PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. MORNING AND EVENING TRAINS, ASTORIA to PORTLAND , Posts the Farmer on Market Conditions. Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. U • UflMB-SCHRRDER CO “ _______ Incorporated. Warehouse and Commission Men I | Coal, Shingles. LimeJ i Cement and Brick, i J Dock and Warehouse. Front Street 0 . between 2nd and 3rd Avenue West. » z Child Portraits Made by I are Child-Like. 4. A to leave you a . becked by the « .thusa guarantee j Dellvetd by Waggon •mjl * J M £■> » Come in and