ilmiwk lleahliflb TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 11, 1912. #1.50 per year evening next Sunday, when the Rev. THE SOCIALIST COBBLER J- V. Milligan, D. D., will be present and announce that arrangements George Ross Jailed for Bur have been made for services to oe glary and Safe Cracking. resumed in this church and a pastor Our calenders, which have been delayed by a to fill the vacancy, which was caused Some little surprise was caused in number of unfortunate circumstances, will be here by the resignation» ot Rev. S. G. the city on Monday when it became Finney, Who died in the Mentone known that Sheriff Crenshaw had within a few davs, whereupon we will promptly Sanitarium, California. arrested George Roes, the cobbler distribute them to those who have asked forthem. Peter Byrom vs. The Garibaldi who had a shop in the building be­ SAFE CRACKERS AND PETTY THIEVES Beach Company is a suit fited in the longing to the I.O.O.F., who was circuit court to recover >10,000 on a implicated in a number of robberies ARE IN THE COUNTY promissory note given by the com­ in this city, but what caused the most sut prise was the fact that sev ­ And leaving money in the house and in the store, ■ pany for certain property belonging to the plaintiff at Garibaldi. A situ eral young men have known for almost inviting robbery. Don’t do it, especially ilar suit, and for $10,000, lias been months that Rose was the guilty when you can have it put in our burglar proof safe, filed by Bengtha Byrom against the party but failed to notify the sheriff. same company. The notes were Roes, it seems, is an ex-convict who where it will be away from all chance of loss. Valu­ signed by A. L. Finley, secretary, served time in the state penitentiary. able papers also received and eared for. aua W. W. Ridehalgh, manager, in He is a rabid Socialist, a devotee to Are of vast importance now, as bearing upon the Appeal to Reason, and a drug If you are in the country and can’t call at the bejialf of the Garibaldi Beach Co. the next generation. Teach your children to save fiend. It was on account of Ross ’ Owing to the heavy rain storm bank, write to us for you will receive a prompt an­ their pennies and nickels now, and they will on Saturday the railroad was put intimacy with Mrs. Asp which swer and careful consideration of your wants. caused Peter Aep to commit suicide. know how to value a dollar by and bye Children out of commission oil Sunday, should be taught to be thrifty and they will then Monday and Tuesday, caused by From information given by James several bad slides on the road. No Smith and Neil Hiner, it appears know how to be independent. Present savings FIRST NATIONAL BANK mail arrived over the railroad Mon- that Ross had told the boys that he makes future riches. Be a depositor with us. was going to break into certain day and Tuesday, and it was late TILLAMOOK, Have your children deposit here too. You won’t [Wednesday afternoon before tlie places and had threatened to do them bodily ‘ barm if they sqealed The Only Government Examined Bank iu the regret. ' delayed mail arrived. As there Approved Depository for Postal Savings Funds. County l were no trains, the postmaster sent ou him, but Hitler li-id told his I out the Tillamook City mail by way j father that die heard that Elmer of Sheridan on Monday evening, 1 Hoag’s safe in bis machine shop F CAPITAL was to be broken into, but Mr. Hiner $30.000.00 which did not delay mail from here did not pay any attention to it. A k STAT E. A number of the;,Junior-Senior consulted with Prof Baker with only a short while, COUNTY I _ J~ I L. L. A MO OK C IT Y. OgE^. _ SUPERVISION week ago last Saturday night the LUA The Young People of the United Tillamook Feed Company’s store boys have been absent from the regard to the trouble last fail, Brethren Church formed a Christ­ was broken into and the combina­ literature class the past week, as thought that they could let things ian Endeavor Society and held their tion of the safe was worked and $58 the result of a disregard for the go withuiitobsei x ing the agreement request from their instructor to into with the faculty by ILLAMOOK JOTTINGS The Star Theater expects to open first meeting last Sunday evening [ taken. Saturday night an attempt have a short poem committed entered them. According to the agreei r t Friday evening if possible instead and enjoyed a most 'pleasant and • was made to open Hoag's safe with of Wednesday as announced The i prosperous hour and closed with a i a chisel, but it seems that the bur­ Stubbornness as a penerai thing things were to remain the same ih M. F. Leach is on the sick list. reason for th“ postponement was membership of 27. A fraud start glar was scared away. On Monday 1 does not have the most pleasant they had been, except for certain Found, a broach with the letter the delay of the train service. ,, for 1912. All young people whu are the boys were questioned as to how results. We hope the gentlemen resignations; but lately it has will retrace their steps and not made known that certain ‘B” on it. not connected with other Christian For Sale, Ten Head Good Milch ( and from whom they 'obtained *n Sunday, to the wife of Cow», fresh between now and April . societies are cordially invited to | their information, which caused make this little action the cause i changes were made not on for their failure to graduate when the agreement but agai Ditli, a girl. 1st Will sell one or more. Also ■ coine and join us for a better Tilla­ ■ Sheriff Crenshaw to place Ross be- they should. sure of the faculty. T mook. Come promptly at 6.45 every I fou seen the windows at Poland China and Berkshire ' • hind the bars in the county jail. __ _____ Supt. L. __ I.. ______________ Baker has been having result: Liberty is < Variety Store ? boats.—Apply at Headlight office. ‘ Sunday eveningatths United Breth­ A search of Rose shop by the