Tillamook Headlight, December 22, 1911 BEAVER Howard Bunn returned home ufter a short visit to Spokane. Wash. Joe Hollett, of Blaine, ia planning a trip through some of the Eastern states soon. Hurry back, Joe. Mr. Blazier and family from Bay- City, have moved to Beaver to make thia their future home. Mrs. McIntyre and daughter, f om Ranier, Ore., are visiting her I ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bays, the proprietor of Beaver Hotel. I POEMS WE MISS. SEPULCHERS OF WAX. •* FOUND AND LOST GOLD COMFORTJN CONGRESS, General Sutter Dieeovered the Precioue Free Baths and Shzv,, ,.d „ A Christinas tree at the U.B. . Tombs That Beas Sometimes Erect In Epica of the Great Even»» In Our Na­ Metal In California. and Cther ThiB£, Sl Church, Saturday evening was the Their Hives. tional History. “It is not generally known." said a | Every member of coa L attraction for a large number of i Bees have a very Ingenious and sani­ We have many volumea of commem­ mineralogist, "that the discoverer of fire use of the congr,.,.^* people. The house was filled to tary way of disposing of a mouse or a oration odea of quite respectable liter­ gold In California was a Pennsylvanian ami the barber shop» uader IhM ¡slug that may happen, by accident or o . flowing shortly after 7 o’clock, ary quality, but we look in vain for an and at one time a resident of Philadel­ tol. He cun take a nifty 7^3 design, to find its way into their hive. and the program was opened with epic of the war of the Revolution, ' When the intruder is killed the prob­ phia. This distinguished pioneer Iles a Russiau bath, a prayer by Rev. Dora Young, fol­ which might fill each one of us with lem arises bow to deal with the body, buried in the soil of Pennsylvania al­ needle shower or the p!l n ,,, • lowed by songs, dialogs, recita­ the heroic spirit and bind us ail in most forgotten. He was General John foiled Pike county «yle of b J that living union of great hearted hu­ if it Is Impossible to expel or dismem­ A. Sutter, a Swiss, who emigrated to down in a tub with both faa, tions. readings, etc. Miss Davie, ber it they will proceed methodically mility which ia the supreme national I to inclose It in a veritable sepulcher of Philadelphia in 1834 and became a citi­ ur rmist and it doesn't cost him a cent pride. We look in vain for an epic zen of the commonwealth. His grave Special mention should be made As often as he pleases he wax on the great civil war. with one of the Is in the Mennonite burying grounds a shave, a hair cut, a facia| a "’ of the reading of the “ Diamond in one of his hives a beekeeper dis ­ greatest of all life's soldiers as Its at Lititz. Lancaster county, in which and be manicured all around,T? Wedding,” by Mrs. Freeman Jack- 'A Good Position hero, nor do we find immortalized In covered three such tombs side by side, village he spent the last years of bls sny iu parts of Iowa wbea ihJ/ son. It was beautifully rendered, erected with party walls like the cell C*n be had by ambitious young Aenelds those wonderful expeditions borse. Every other dar be caao1 also recitations by Miss Bessie men and women in the field of across this continent—the travels of of the comb, so that uo wax should life. “General Sutter was born in 1803 in the back of his neck shared, jw Bays, Mies Anna Roads, Master ''Wireless" or Railway Telegraphy, Lewis and Clark, the settlement of be wasted. These tombs the prudent Baden. Germany, near the borders of Verne Jackson, vocal solo by Since the 8-hour law became effect­ the forty-niners, the opening up of "sextons" bad raised over the remains Switzerland. Upon his arrival in this if he were going to some large«J3 ive, and since the wireless com­ Master A. Sanders, aged 4 years, panies are establishing stations Alaska, the reclamation of the deserts of three snails that a child had Intro­ country he spent some time in Phila­ function back home. Uncle SaB '* for the attendants and prorija'?- accompanied by Mrs. Hiner on the throughout the country there is a and the founding of Texas. How other­ duced into the hive. As a rule, when delphia. subsequently removing to the whole outfit. dealing with snails, bees will be con ­ wise than through poetry are our chil ­ organ, and other songs and recita­ great shortage of telehraphers. vicinity of Lititz, where, in the midst We mustn't overlook the notions, Positions pay beginners from $70 dren to possess the beauty and the tent to seal up with wax the opening of relatives, he engaged in farming. tions that were rendered like old t. $90 per month, with good chances glory and the spiritual grandeur of the of the shell. But in this case the shells Possessed of a roving nature, however, ter nt the capital either. The n- time vaudeville a .tors, and all home of advancement. The National saga figures who founded this marvel­ were more or less cracked and broken, it was not long before he yearned to bers don't, so why should we. a» talent too. lelegraph Institute of Portland. ous union of states, of those heroes and they had considered It simpler, explore the great unknown land be­ clally as the said notion counter^, Mrs. Goldsworthy and daughter Oregon operates under the super­ who "highly resolved" and so highly therefore, to bury the entire snail. yond the Rockies. After many priva­ gracious and euduring boon to««* Mary rendered a beautiful vocal vision of R. R. and Wireless officials 'They had further contrived, in order tion« he reached California some time men. their wives, families, heirs and places all graduates into posi­ achieved? It is true Walt Whitman solo, entitled “ The Star of the, tions. chanted the song of democracy, but that traffic might not be Impeded in In the early forties and staked a claim. assigns. East.” It will pay you to write them for bls chant Is a magnificent prophecy of the entrance ball of the hive, a number It was in the fall of 1848. after a heavy It contains everything you can thia r • ‘‘God Be With You Till We Meet i full details. an Ideal—it Is an exhortation, not a of galleries exactly proportionate, not rain. that, attracted by yellowish de­ of that would properly come rajj Again” was sung, closing that part poetic manifestation. The spirit that to their girth, but to that of the male posits In a small stream, he made bls the head of notions and a great fa M E. Church. strove and Is striving toward a realize bees, which are almost twice as large great discovery of the precious metal. besides—all kinds of stationery, a of the program. Then in came tlon of this democracy is best caught as the workers.—London Standard. The news of his find spread rapidly, kinds of typewriter and desk supplte 10 a. tn.—Sunday school. Santa Claus right from the north, 11 a. m. — Sermon. when exemplified In the lives and and the following spring the great pocket knives, scissors, fountain 3 possibly stopping in Tillamook a 6.30 p.m.—Epworth League. deeds of the men who lived and fought, card cases, purses, wrist bags. riA rush from the east began. STRAIT OF MAGELLAN. few minutes on his way, although 7.30 p.tn.—Song and Sermon. who conquered and died fighting, mov­ “General Sutter amassed a consider­ cards, business cards and-sk+B he seemed to very cold a.nd was The music is a distinctive feature ed by this spirit This Is the creative of able fortune through his gold diggings. , even the kind of cards whi<-b ran ffl swinging his arms around in an of the services. Strangers especially work of the poet we await—Temple Place Names That Dot It Breathe but lost most of It through unfortu­ two to a set and may be used for pit Its Tragedies. invited to all the services. effort to get up circulation. He pro­ Scott in Forum. He returned to ing old maid and other banal The history ot the toll of the strait of nate speculations. ceeded to dish'out surprises, prizes, Magellan began when the first primi­ Pennsylvania In 1871 and spent his games.—Munsey’s Magazine. Notice. premiums, gifts, and an endless tive canoe capsized and fatally spilled declining years in retirement, living CITIES HARD TO KILL. variety of articles, right away. All Persons owing Dr. I. M. Smith its dark skinned Amerinds Into the Icy on the pension of $250 a month voted FAKED PAINTINGS. of a sudden the worthy scribe of are respectfully requested to call What Roma, Parla, Conatantlnopla and waters of this southern archipelago. him by the California legislature, He at his office before Jan. 1, 1912, and this missive, sat up and began to died June 18, 1880. Two of his pall- The first white man's toll was paid on London Have Suffered. An American Who Was Fooled ini adjust their accounts, as he has take notice, forSanta in thunderous disposed of his practice. It is a difficult thing to kill a city, bls maiden passage through the strait bearers were Generals John C. Fre- Artist Who Was Insulted. tones cried out hie name, and Dr. I. M. S mith . tnd there are some well known places by the mau whose name the strait now mont and Ambrose E. Burnside, who Ji. Henri Rochefort was being ini bears, and the price exacted was one had been his friends In California. ” — '.hat have so much vitality that they marches right down to the front of viewed one day ou bogus picture i will survive any number of disasters. of the flower of his fleet and the deser­ Philadelphia Record. the stage, with a wonderful looking lections, says the Paris correspond For Sale. tion of others, which turned tall for Take Rome as a first example. No of the Kansas City Journal. Heli creature in his mita. It was a home before the bitter blasts from the good an expert as any on the quest Heavy, well matched team aud fewer than ten times has she been potato or "spud” naturally formed FATTED SHEEP. swept by pestilence. She has been western unknown. I The subject always interests him. ' to resemble somewhat a human wagon fur sale cheap or will trade Since that long 300 years ago these as part payment on town property. burned twice and starved out on six Tails of th» Syrian Breed Weigh Ten down, my friend," he said to the jo... being, it weighed 4*6 pounds, with­ F rank H anenkratt . occasions. Seven times she has been wild and forbidding regions have ex­ nalist. "I will tell you a good siotj. to Fifteen Pounde. out the hat and necktie, and the acted their heavy toll of life and besieged or bombarded. But she still It happened not long ago either u It has been suggested that in the worthy scribe was flattered by the flourishes. Perhaps that is why she property from every maritime nation American one day rushed In and tq BULB VER. sheep fattening process, which is com ­ remarks of several young ladies of the globe which has sought to use is called the Eternal City. ged me to say what I thought of mon in the vicinity of Damascus, one remarking to each other that they A Paris has had eight sieges, ten fam­ these "ends of the earth” as a high­ Perenial Clover Dis might be able to trace the original pictures he bad Just bought 'Tlieym believed they could see a little re­ ines, two plagues and one fire which way. The very names given by explor­ covered Tillamook County. meaning of the Biblical phrase, “the here at your door.' be said. ‘1 brougB; ers to these parts are a clew to Its his devastated it We make no reference semblance between him and the fatted calf.” Mrs. McIntosh thus de­ them along In a cab.' A new perenial clover, a native of to the number of revolutions, as they tory and character—Mount Darwin. "They were carried into the rooi. ‘‘spud.” The “spud” was grown i scribes the process in her book, "Da- But Beagle channel. Mount Sarmiento. There were Rembrandts, Corots «4. or Mr Saling'8 farm and put on the . the Nestucca, is a specie of alsike, are too numerous to mention. mascus: ” , with the alsike food value, perpetu- Desolation island. Thieves bay. Port Harpignies. tree by him. The special efforts of . ates itself from node buds and bulbs, Paris still flourishes. “The sheep differ from ours. When Constantinople has been burned out Famine. Mount Misery. Unfit bay. Last . " . he Rembrandts are false,' 1 ssiL the working committees should be .having- no bloom, flower, seed or we show pictures of the latter to the Hope inlet, in many cases spelling trag ­ •the Corots ditto, the Harpignies ditto.'! nine times and has suffered from four commended for their faithful efforts i sex. It may be run through a feed natives they ask wbat animals they plagues and flve sieges. There are edy in its worst forms.—Outing. The American was horror struck. Bi are. They miss the enormous tails of in making the tree a success, and cutter and sown on meadow, pas- some people who think that many of said they had cost him $1*X).OCO. : ture or prepared ground, and will the Syrian sheep, in which the fat of everybody was having a good time yield 30 tons and up per acre. It the sultans have been as bad for the Stevenson's Name. " 'Then.' I said, 'let us leave the Rs until late in the evening. An im­ thrives on any land red clover will city as any pestilence. And yet she No modern writer is better known the body seems to concentrate and brandts and Corots nside. These m by his initials than Robert Louis Ste­ which, after skinning and preparing, ters are dead, but Harpignies is o mense doll, life size, was carried in grow and on land too wet and cold goes on. often weigh ten to fifteen pounds. and presented to little Miss Hiner, to grow red clover. May planting Here Is a note for him from me A Lastly there is the English metropo­ venson. but "R. L. S." was arrived at will yield a crop in July. One plant “Early in the summer the head of him yourself if he signed these p from her friends and admirers of produces from 200 to several thou lis. London began as a kind of mound after considerable experiment. Ste­ each family buys or sets apart one. turns.’ My American disappeared, Beaver. After bidding Santa sand plants. Grows in the winter In a swamp, in her early history she venson's baptismal names were Robert two or three sheep, according to his W me was sacked, burned and all her inhab­ Lewis Balfour, and the third name rank In Ufe or his wealth. The wom­ never beard from him again, but 1i Claus good bye for another year, and frost does not affect it. a letter from Ilarplgnies some di; itants butchered. She has been deci­ ( caused the difficulty. Until he was we departed to our homes thaukful ior methods of cultivation. Those who desire starters of this mated by plague flve times, exclusive about fifteen be signed himself "R. en and children devote themselves later. lie said: 'My dear friend-it that we live in such a good county bulb clover can do so by w riting to of typhus, cholera and such maladies. Stevenson." After that he occasional­ with great zeal to fattening these were not ninety-two years of age where generosity is so free. M. Thompson, Blaine, Ore. Plants She has been more or less burned sev­ ly used Stevenson. “R. L. B.” In 1868 sheep. The children fill large baskets would have sent you my seconds! ltd Gilbert and wife will return to 10c. each. Orders will not be re­ en times. She la thriving in spite of he asked bls mother to address him as with mulberry leaves and carry them sending that American to me to ask B -.er, from Ohio, about the 1st of ceived for less than 10 or more than ■IL "Robert Lewis,” but a year or two to their mothers. These several times those worthless daubs were mil 100 plants. tl yea,, Ed has been away from Inter, as he expressed It in n letter to a day and also In the night take lit­ Yours, Ilenri Harpignies.’” Mr. Baxter, "after several years of tle wooden stools and sit by the sheep. Leaver about two months visiting Y.t Ha Loved ths Sea. The a drama is said that Bryan Waller Proc- feeble aud Ineffectual endeavor with With oue hand they keep the sheep's It the home folks there. Kept His Head. 1 comedy reel night. I ter, known as Barry Cornwall, who regard to my third initial ia thing 1 mouth open; with the other they cram An ambassador of the great Chart wrote the well known poem— loatbet," he finally abandoned It alto- in the leaves, forcing them down the magne while vlsfeiiig a court in tL I'm on the sea! I'm on the sea! . gether. Stevenson when about eight­ throat. east. Ignorant of a law of the king “Twice a days the sheep are led to that condemned to death any one vW I am where I would ever be! een changed the «iielling of bis second the village fqpMain to drink, and their was the very worst of sailors. When name from "Lewis" to "Louis." but moved a dish nt table before the tj we read that be was so seasick that Lewis he remained at all times in the coats are -frequently washed. About rant was served, committed this at- the end pf September the work of the fenae. “Great king.' said the anib» he could scarcely bear the sound of a mouth of his furnlly and friends. women and children comes to an end. sador. “1 die without n murmur; bit voice It becomes apparent that Tickets and Baggage through to Puget human The sheep have grown so fat they I d the name of the great empiffi bis wife's conduct during bis affliction Origin of the Moss Rose. Sound points, Spokane, St. Paul, Chicago, could scarcely have been reassuring. The reputed origin of the moss rose, cannot stand up. They are then killed. whose servnnt I am. 1 beg of I***! As be lay on the deck of a channel to the Persian legend, is so Their flesh is boiled with spices and majigty one favor before 1 die.” Ik* Denver, Kansas, City, Omaha, St. Louis ant boat, covered with shawls und a tar­ accordlug pretty n tale that it will have a ro­ put Into pots for winter use. This reqdest was granted "Give me tte paulin, she bad the pleasing habit of mantic luterest for all who love that mincemeat is eaten as a relish at fes­ eyes of every man who saw me co» all points East. bumming a strain of his jovial sea old world and delightful member of tivities.” mit the crime." "It Is well." said it* Atlantic Steamship Agency. song. The poet who loved the sea. but the great rose family. It appears that king. “Their eyes shall lie plucked out, 1t Was Hi« Mistake. it best at a distance, had very in the long ago the angel whose task for thee" But no one admitted Agents of The Oregon Electric Ry. at Forest Grove and Hills­ loved Mr. Newed (the week before hfs had seen the ambassador more tb*. little life just then, but wbat force be it was to tend the flowers, wearied boro sell through tickets to all points east. bad waa used in the entreaty: with his labors, fell asleep beneath a birthday)—Good gracious, here are six dish, not even the king. “Then “Don't, my dear! Oh, don't!" rosebush and on waking, refreshed boxes of cheap cigars my wife has evi­ should 1 die, grent king?” asked th Fares and train schedules will be forwarded on request. 1 ambassador. Yet no doubt be loved the sea. . “The deed cannot Its with Its perfume and the shade It had dently bought me for a present! W. E. C oman . G. B. J ohnson , afforded him. hade It ask for any boon couldn't possibly smoke such vile proved agaiust me The king ffu Origin of Panic. It wished. "Give us,” said the roses, things, and still I wouldn’t like to hurt pleased and forthwith pardoned tb* General Freight & Pass. Agent, GeneralJ,’Agent, No word baa moved with the times “some further charm." and the nngel. her feelings by refusing. I'll just sub­ ambassador. Portland, Ore. Astoria, Ore. more than “panic.” Long ago in an­ stooping, picked up some of the mosa stitute six boxes of my best Havanas cient Greece it waa a mild fear in­ on which be had been lying and en and throw these cheap ones away be­ Might Is Right spired by mysterious sights and sounds veloped the flowers with it. telling fore she returns. “Effie." said the timid hlgblxM * Mrs. Newed (the day after)«-Oh, er, "1 wad kiss ye, but I'm feart F among the mountains and valleys by them that this green covering, being night, which were attributed to the the emblem of modesty and humility, Tom. I bought six boxes of cheap ci­ wadna let me." god Pan. Nowadays it has a by no would make the moss rose the fairest gars yesterday for my dear Uncle Jo­ 81:e blushed as red as the sunset"* means supernatural significance on the of its species and its queen for all time. nas. the sea captain, who lives in did not answer. Wales. I hare Just posted them to stock exchange. “Panic fear" was th« —Pal) Mall Gazette. “Effie." he repeated timidly. * him. They only cost me 5 shillings a i inter. “I said I wad kiss ye. but 1« original expression, and in shortening box. but I ’ m sore he won ’ t be able to I it to “panic" we have all really been Queen Elizabeth’s Jester. feart ye wadnn let me ' as slipshod as the small boy who calls Pace. Jester to Queen Elizabeth, was tell them from good ones. Why, how I At the third repetition sb“ asked his “comic paper” a “comic.” Shaftes­ so bitter In bis retorts on her that be funny you look, «tear! Are you 111?— “Dae ye mln'. Itnvld. vesteriM^. bury 200 years ago would bare used was once forbidden her presence London Tit-Bits. couldna lift a bag ' f potatoes in’ the word for any contagious feeling After be had been absent for some the calrt an' ye lifted tbeui for •* that seized upon masses of men. time a few of his friends entreated her Too Much Appreciation. “Oh. aye!" he replied “There are many Pannicks tn Man­ majesty to receive him back Into favor, A biography of Huxley dwells on the "Weel. that shows. Oavld." sbe « f kind besides merely that of Fear. And engaging for him that be would be annoyance wtslch be suffered from aured. "that ye're far stronger t three los--- 1 ■ ■ thus is Religion also Pannick."—Lon­ more guarded in future On bls return, bore«. But the plague bad Ito funny «In.«, kneadüs, ne!”— London Answers. don Mall. aide. Huxley once wrote to a friend: however. Pace was as bad as ever. loaves are put fntb » “Come on. Pace.” said the queen tn I had a letter from a fellow yester­ On th» Right Ro»d- Elastio Tim. Table. a gracious humor. "Now we shall near day morning who must be a lunatic to How Kaffir» Treat Chil ______ “Our daughter pnt« on to® In its early days railway traveling of our faults " the effect that be had been reading my All travelers and magistrate« airs." observed Mr. Spillikin» waa a much lean formal affair than ~Ko. madam." said Pace. “I never eesay«, thought I waa the man to “She does, does she?" sneer»® t.» the unlmunded kindness to chll<> now. One night back in the sixties, talk of what ia discussed by all the ■pend a month with and waa coming shown l>y the Kaffirs In their ox. -,, S. "What's the trouble?'' . the guard of the last train leaving world!" down by the 5 o'clock train attended kraals. Such a thing as a desert«? LK may not be as “She seetus to be too ar.stocr*® Banff waa reminded by an irate pas- by hla seven children and his mother- Kaffir child Is unknown, and the elder haughty" to be, but she is in aenger that It waa some mlnutea past Th. Planet Mercury. in-law!” l«*ople pot up with all the little annoy “What do yon want her to t*- a the starting time. "Ob. aye." replied ‘ •r world for all that. Mercury is so close to the sun that ___ "I'd rather have ter to b» * ” ctires of children with exemplary good the man. "but Maester T has a dinner it st times receives nine times the Dsfunot, Arithmetically. humor. Actual cruelty to Kaffir chil­ ■> make as many calls cook." -J t> party the nlcht and I'm Jist geln* him tmount of heat received by the earth. Poor Dinny is a dead man.” dren is practically unknown. — Dia­ "And did you ever know New weather. two or three meeults' preevilege."— It would be much too hot on Mercury "O1 didn't aay that. O1 tould you be haughty as a cook Cleveland mond Field Advertiser Fasten London Chronicle. to permit life at all similar to wbat *as half kilt from a blast In the Milk mai. P***ce- bn* ** •• 'be Dealer. we have on our own planet, and there quarry.” f kin tastahe telephone that Good Cooks. has never been any discussion regard "Well, an' wasn't he half kilt only “Tf all sick people bad good coots." Hl band His Usual Prefers««* - Ing the habitability of Mercury. last month failin' down an elevator? “What kind of meat b*T; Ertalo* la unworth; « that looked real cheap? NaU—Tea; “D.s’j roar cour«« al f boms several men watting foe their wlr way« the Intimate of e< liclud« the profane nu’ -orsF 5|'-r»r Balzac I'Ulladelphla T edger “No. I don't need eu> • t*’*’ I poll < iub"-4.'tevetaiiJ i”aM> W»* CLO New in Star has every and MORNING AND EVENING TRAINS. ASTORIA to PORTLAND IN TOUCH WITH IRIIADS and RELATIVES