Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 28, 1911, Image 5

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    Tillamook Headlight, December
In Debate with the Nehalem
High School Over the Ques­
tion of Parcels Post.
i, 10IÏ
Naic« «nd Abul» • Part of tho Tran»-
■otion In Algiers.
Americans who travel In eastern
! lauds me umused as well us aggravat­
ed by (lie business methods wlileb pre­
vail theie A retene traveler in Algiers
concluded to buy a mule and Anally
found one for sale.
He went to the owner with nn inter­
preter. and a dialogue then ensued as
Tbe interpreter, with a yell: “I will
give you $10 for that mule.”
Tbe Arr.b: "Ten dollars! Murder!
Thief! Brigand!”
Tbe interpreter: ”1 will make It $11.
Do you hear, you scoundrel? 1 offer
you $11 for your old mule, which will
die In about a week. You are u robber
and a thief to take that much, but I
am a generous man. and 1 serve n
great man. so 1 offer you $11. you
scum of Africa!”
Then they both yelled and shook
tbeir fists at each other, and to the
American ft looked as If they were go­
ing for each other hnmmer and tongs.
The row they made was terrible, but
no one seemed to notice it
Finally a bargain was struck, and
then they fell upon each other’s neck
and embraced.
And the American got his mule for
$11.—St Louis Globe-Democrat
Notice of Receiver’« Sale.
Lightning Kill« few.
In 1906lightning killed only 1®
people in this whole country. One’s
chances of death by lightning are
less than two in a million. The
chance of death from liver, kidney
or stomach trouble is vastly greater,
but not if Electric Bitters be used,
as Robert Madsen, of West Burling­
ton. la., proved. Four do . tor« gave
him up after.t ight months of suffer­
ing from virulent liver trouble and
yellow jaundice. He was then com­
pletely cured by Electric Bitters.
They’re the best stomach, liver,
nerve and kidnej remedy and blood
purifier on earth.
Only 50c at
Chas. I. Clough’s.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of
Elmore Packing Com- |
pany, a corporation,
Mary H. Elmore
Defendant J
I In pursuance of and by virtue of
a decree and order of sale of the
above entitled court in the above
entitled cause, directing me as the
Receiver appointed in the above
entitled cause by tbe above en­
titled court, to sell the real property
hereinafter described, under and by
i virtue of said decree, which said
¡decree was duly rendered and en-
le above en-
I tered of record
16th day of
titled court on
directing me
December, 1911
as said receiver to sell the same to
the highest and best bidder there- '
for, at public auction, in the man- :
| ner and form prescribed by law for
; the sale of real property on execu­
You like a little salt and pep­
I will on the22nd day of January, per—a
little mustard—a little
- 1912, at the hour of ten o’clock in lemon extract—a little this and
the forenoon of said day, at the that to flavor your grub. Your
' north entrance door of the County cow, your steer, your hog under
Court House, in Tillamook City, in natural conditions would have a
Tillamook County, Oregon, sell at chance to get a bite of this, a bite
Cublic auction to the highest and of that and a bite of the other
est bidder therefor, for U.S. gold thing and so get a variety in its
coin in hand, tbe following des­ feed. But under the unnatural
cribed real property, to-wit :
condition in which you keep
Situate in the County of Tilla­ them, they get every day about
mook. State of Oregon :
the same sort of stuff to eat. As
The E. half of N.E. quarter, N.E.
a natural consequence they get
quarter of S. E. quarter and Lot 1 of “ off their feed.” Even if they
seetion 22, Tp. 3 N., R. 10 W., ex­ do not, their digestive organs
cept Town of Nehalem and one and need the tonic effect which comes
one half acre«, sold to School Dis­ from a variety of feeding stuffs.
trict No. 39.
Watkins’ Stock Tonic
Also tract commencing at a point
where section line between sections Is a scientific preparation which
22 and 23, Tp. 3 N,, R. 10 W,, inter­ not only improves the flavor of
sects lot 4 in block 5 of the Town of the feed you feed, but also sup­
Nehalem, then down line of blocks plies that tonic element so needed
4 and 5, 248 ft. to Nehalem river to a to make your live stock do theii
stake 2 ft. North of Wists Wharf, best.
then North 20 degrees E. 33 ft. to a
There is no longer any doubt
lot formerly owned by C. Pye, then about the need of a tonic for the
North 70 degrees West, along line modern domestic animal kept
of said lot to line between sections under artificial conditions. You
22 and 23, then south on said sec­ must give them something to
tion line to beginning, containing help them digest their feed and
3-16 acre« in Lot 5, Section 23. Tp. get the greatest good from it.
3 N., R. 10 W.
Watkins’ Stock Tonic supplies
Also the following lots in the this need. It makes the animal
Town of Nehalem : z\ll of Blocks 1,
relish its feed more ; it aids in
2 3. 4 ; Lots 3, 4 end the W. "tie the digestion and assimilation
half of Lots 7 and 8, in Block 5 ; <>t the leed, and in addition to
Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8. in Block 6 ;
that, it has a tonic effect upon
all of Blocks 7 8. 9 and 10 : Lots 1
the whole system.
2, .«,
5, «,.
6. 7 < rm.«
and o,
8, in Block 11 ; Lots 1,
Your animals need a tonic of
2 3 ;;......
rt in ' Block
...... .. 12 ; Lots 3, -t, 5, this kind. Watkins’ Stock Tonic
and _ 8.
6, 7 and 8, in Block ' 13 ; Lots 1. 2. 5,
is not a sec- et preparation. We
6. 7and 8, in Block 14; all of Blocks tell you the actual ingredier.ts
Also all the tide land that are used in it. You know
15 and 16.
fronting and abutting above des
exactly what you art buying, an I
cribed property.
pound for pound it will go farther
Also beginning at the corner of and do more good than any other
sections 4, 5, 32 and 33, Tps. 2 and stock tonic or so called stock
3 N., R. 10 W. ; thence VV. on line food ever made.
between sections 5 and 32, 6.13
The Watkins Man will be glad
chains; thence south 16.22 chains to leave you a pail on trial
to Bay shore ; thence north 61 backed by the Watkins guarantee’
degrees East 7 chains ; thence north
Deliverd by Waggon.
55 degrees East 2.65 chains ; thence
north 34 degrees east 5,13 chains ;
thence north 24 degrees East 5.25
chains ; thence North 58 degrees
East 1.75 chains ; thence North 30
degrees West 1.50 chains to line
between sections 4 and 33 ; thence
west 7.51 chains to the place of be­
ginning 15.21 acres. Variation 21
degrees East.
Also all the frontage, wharfing
rights and privilege« north and in
front of lot two (2), in section four
(4), in township two (2), North of
range ten (10) West of the Willam­
ette Meridian, extending iron) the
liue of ordinary low tide to the
channel of the Nehalem river.
AI bo beginning at the south west
corner of Lot numbered one (1), of
section four (4), Township two (2)
North of range ten (10) West of the
Willamette Meridian, and running
thence north on the line between
lots one and two of said section and
a prolongation thereof, to low water Be sure you have the correct time
mark of Nehalem Bay ; thence Buy your watch here and you will
easterly following said low water
mark to a point on said-low water have the best time always—ever
mark line ten chains east of the accurate and dependable. Our stock
line between aaid lota number one of Gold and Silver Watches for
and two prolonged ; thence south Ladies and Gentlemen includes
on a line parallel with said line
between lots one and two and ten some of the best time pieces ever
chains distant therefrom to the made. All kinds of Jewelry of the
south line of said lot one ; thence best grades at the lowest market
west on said south line to lot one to prices, Jewelry repaired while you
the south west corner thereof and
place of beginning, containing wait.
twenty-five acres more or less, and
also all riparian rights and wharf
privileges of whatever nature per­
taining to said described lands, less
right of waj’ heretofore conveved
to the Pacific Railway & Navigation
Coin pany.
Reliable Jetueler,
Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon,
this 27th day of December, 1911,
Last Friday morning the Tilla­
mook High School debating team,
composed of Reed Bain, Elbert
Ginn and Benley .Stem, left on the
8:55 train for Nehalem, to meet the
Nehalem debating team in debate.
The trip to Wheeler was very
pleasant. However, it would have
been more pleasant had it not been
for the crowded condition of the
Ijj Billig?v. tJ'
train and the delay caused by a
h lldlü
r À 1
slide a short distance the other side
of Bay City.
Upon reaching Wheeler the team,
together with Prof. Ralph Moore,
the coach and chaperon, an 1 Elsie
Lamb and Lena Epplett and E. J.
Claussen, special friends of the
i ,PP(i pi
elling methods originated in debaters, [took the Juanita for Ne­
Tbe S ore of Jone» 4 Knudson makes a halem, arriving at that place at
r k„fle orice of a Piano to each customer, be eleven o’clock.
ke^ve them the Portland jobber's profit and Most of the crowd had missed
their breakfast in order to meet the
LG AGENT’S COMMISSION. Besides there is train, and as a result when the
dinner call was made a hungry
troupe made their way to the dining
room of the Tohl Hotel and did
[dealing with your own home merchant, whose justice to the roast pork and goose­
King the quality of the Piano he is selling berry pie The fair waitress was KINGS TALKED OF A DUEL
made to blush repeatedly by the
Lfbe safely taken in perference to an agent s orders
sent in from the lips of Joe But George II. and Frederick of Prus­
sia Didn’t Fight.
tent, who perhaps you will never see again. We Bain, who seemed to have an im-
The personal enmity which existed
measurable capacity and an un-
between George II. and Frederick,
bate direct
controlable appetite.
king of Prussia, reached at one time
After luncheon a guide was en- to such a height that as Baron Byfield
gaged and the sights seen. Central was Informed on good authority, the
Park was visited first, them the monarchs conceived the very singular
Skating Rink, the Enterprise build­ design of gratifying It In a duel.
King George made a choice of Briga­
and last, but not least, Union
new pearl in the crown of the world’s best ing
Hall. A tour of inspection was dier Sutton for his second and the
Listlie reliable S. W. MILLER, the most desired also made through Abe’s bargain king of Prussia of Colonel Dcrschati
¡good home Pianos. The S. W. Miller Pianos store and Harley Morton’s jewelry The territory of Hllderschelm was
After everything picked on for the meeting. Ills Bri­
iano Players represent a
tannic majesty was then nt Hanover,
had been seen, as well as a person
and his Prussian majesty had come ns
could expect to see it in a half day, far ns SalzdahL near Brunswick.
the party returned to their apart Baron Borck, the Prussian minister nt
ments in the Tohl Hotel to await London and lately dismissed from tha
or their manufacturers, distributors and pur- their doom. At dinner, the coach court
in a very abrupt manner.’having
is, as like a good violin they mellow and im prove said that every thing should l>e repaired to tbe king, bis master, at
ge and there is a complete absence of that tinny, light and it was, all except Joe, Salzdabl. found him tn such a violent
passion that he did not think It ad­
lie tone so often found in the class of Pianos who was as heavy as usual.
visable directly to oppose his design,
v sold by traveling agents. The much talked of
visited, this time with fear and but to gain time feigned to npprove
of the extraordinary combat which bls
trembling. Everyone seemed per­ majesty meditated, and he even of­
fectly satisfied with the judges, fered to carry the challenge.
Professor Tosh, Mr. E. J. Claussen
The challenge was not sent. Minis­
e the envy of agents who are trying to compete and Mr. James Townsend, but ters on both sides gained time, tbe
us, but on the other hand the S. W. MILLER some of the debaters were in doubt choler of both parties evaporated, and
as to whether they would be able to the following year tbe quarrel was
0 is the pride of every owner.
convince them of their superiority made up.—“The Percy Anecdotes.”
or not.
The Scolding Love Bird.
Things started to move with new
“Those love birdsaid a keeper In
life at 9:05. when Emil Scholltneyer,
Hilary nt the Bronx zoo. “are more
r paying more for any Piano than the price we the leader of the affirmative team, rhe
like human beings in their actions nnd
u for the S. W. MILLER, for there is no better gave his excellent speech in favor charn< ters than anv birds we have In
parcel’s post, Everything- went tbe place. The male, which, you see.
| Piano today' on the market, and we kindly of
as well as could be hoped througli- has n little blue spot on Its beak, is <is
you into our store to make us prove it to your out the debate, After the last echo gentle and affectionate as a pet dog,
had died away from the final ap- but the female is n regular shrew, and
plause, the
1 Nehalem orchestra that’s the only word by which to de­
gave a lullaby selection, to sooth scribe her. She pecks and scolds at
the contestants’ nerves for the final her mate, and often I have seen her
lower her bead and shove him off the
As soon as the orchestra had perch. Sometimes she will chase him
about the cage. Jabbering at him like
ceased Mies McMillon, principle of an old hag. The male seems to put up
the Nehalem school, read the de­ with it as patiently as a henpecked
cision of the judges, which was busband. He never tries to retaliate,
unanimous in favor of the Tillamook and It isn't on account of fear either.
team. After the debate Benley Tbe old lady acts the same way with
Stam, the Tillamook star, was so me. When I speak to her she scolds
excited that he danced with joy; at me. The mate seems to appreciate
Joe Bain had said all that he knew any attention I pay to him and twlt-
te?s to me like an old friend."—New
and had sat down on the bench try­ York Sun.
ing to see something funny; and
Elbert Ginn, who had yelled him­
An Early Arab Aviator.
self hoarse giving Nehalem a cheer,
A French oriental student has dls-
was so overcome when it was not covered a surprisingly early record of
returned that he made his way to experiments In aviation. The hero of
the central office to phone the re­ the enterprise was one I bn Fima*. an
sult of the debate to his home town. Arab of Spain and physician to the
The membersof the N H. S. team Kiiallf Abdurrahman 11.. who flourish­
were Emil Schollineyer, R. Tohb ed in the ninth century. Renowned
and Herman Schollmeyer, while as an inventor ns well as a doctor, be
devised :i clockwork apparatus by
those on the T. H. S. team we re
means of which be "flattered himself
Reed Bain, Elbert Ginn and Benley that be would lie able to rise into the
Stain. The question debated was, air like a bird." and n crowd assem­
“Resolved: That the Federal gov bled near ‘Cordova to see him try.
eminent should adopt a Parcels He did. It seems, actually get off the
Post in connection with the Postal ground, but fell again with a great
thud amid the derisive cheers <if the
W ebster H olmes ,
Next to the Post Offies
It is expected that the home team populace. The story has tieen found
«ves Portland, Albers No. 3 Dock
will met some team from the Valle}
ery Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook
A Terrible Blunder
in the near future on the »a in e a certain El Makknri—Westminster
to neglect liver trouble. Never do
it. Take Dr. King’s New
»'ling for Portland, every Thursday or Friday
on the first sign of constip
To what extent the nutomobile has biliousness or inactive bowels and Cornei- Stillwell
according to Tides.
and FI/
A New Perenial Clover Dis- Invaded the preparatory school may dice or gall stones. They regulate
St. VV’ABt,
be Judged from the following occur­ liver, stomach and bowels and
covered in Tillamook County. rence:
build up your health. Only 25c at
Teacher (to beginners’ class In Latin) Chas. I. Clough’s.
A new perenial clover, a native of
U LAMB, Agent.
i8.a 8Pecie of alsike, —Can any of you boys give the rule«
•bw-k, Tillamook. Ore
with the alsike food value, perpetu- for accentuation of T^atin words?
When your feet are wet and cold
ates itself from node buds and bulbs
and your body chilled through and
Only one hand was raised.
having no bloom, "flower,
flower, seed or
Albers No. 3 Dock, Portland, Oregon.
through from exposure, take a big
sex. . I- _2
---- ay
y ■ be ___
run ;; through
H fee<j
dose of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­
cutter and sown on meadow, , pas-
edy, bathe your feet in hot water
ture or prepared gr round, and will first cylinder, and words of three cylin­ before going to bed, and you
yield 30 tons ana up pi >er acre. It der« accent the antepenult.”— Life.
almost certain to ward - off a j severe
thrives on any land red clover will
cold. For sale by Lamar's Drug
grow and on land too • wet and cold
A Natural Question.
to grow red clover. U,
May planting
will yield a crop in July.
< me plant
“ t . One
”f had been troubled with
produces from 200 to several thou When he gave his arm a sudden shove, stipation for two years ami con­
«plash, down went Ills glass of
sand plants. Grows
C.„..„ _in
;.. the
.... winter
all of the best physicians in Bri
and frost does not affect it
tai, Tenn,, and they could do
,e,h°ds of
cultivati’ "
of cultivation
“1 knew you were going to spill ing for me,” writes Thos. E noti
I treat successfully all Chronic Diseases of both
bmb0MLw.!!0..^e_",antr8.<?< ‘bis that.” said mamma angrily.
inni«, Middleboro, Kv, "Twopn.
“Two pad
clover <
"“'by writing to
with Imported H^anlw.t.myhmd. hulb
"Well, if you knew." queried Walter, ages of Chamberlain’a 1 Stornat
li < j
M. Thompson?
Tho"’P8on' Bia'i„7.
,,lnin<‘- "<
Plants “wby didn’t you tall me?"
Liver Tablets cured me
For /
each. Orders will not be re
1 -‘'I cure the c 10c.
by Lamar's Drug Store,
—”—» e__
f„r « ieHS than K) or llloreth.,n
tubborn cases without the use of the knife.
100 plants.
*«lvii»g th« Pr,bl.m.
The quicker u cold is gntt
What can I do for my little boy,”
yOU. ha.V8 " col*l
a iK.t
Iked mamma, “so that lie won’t want of the less-the danger from i
monia and other serious diL"’
e<lvOf <it,,i’r’i,i',erli’ir,’R C,,"-b Re»’ tn ent between meala T’
; Mr. B. W, L. Hall, of Wu
e<K. It will noon fix you up all _MR,T8
tagetliar." m-
nrht and will ward off any tend
| says: “I firmly belie
OPfflCE HOURS 9 TO 12 A.M. TO 8 P.M.
-hun’s Cough Remedy
Thi- | P***i tbe yonng
_ ency
- . toward
-----. pneumonia.
lutely the best preps
na'rf*o»i«-COn3ains no
or other
narcotic ’ and
may be given ’ is ^duH.'
innrket for coia«. R
° a »'-b^sVan
mended it to my fr0
•n «vorythlng are famon« tor i.fw
sold bj Lamar's Drug Store.
all agree with m
W tbamwiv«« nothlf .-r^i. HnM.
Lumar's Drug Stc
Ss ili
Actual Added Advantage
Typical Tone Triumph
S. W. Miller Pianos
nes & Knudson
:t Factory Distributors for Tilla
mook County.
The Reliable Route
Sue H. Elmore”
llamook & Portland.
Are You Giving
Your Live Stock
a Fair Deal ?
Tillamook Bakery
French Specialist.
Office over Star Theatre.