Tillamook Headlight, December 22, 1011 JAPAN’S WOMEN DIVERS. In ths Water and Learn to Swim Al- most From Babyhood. CHANGING THE SEASONS. THEIR TOMBSTONE. ,n China It la Bummer When the Em- p»ror Says It la. lt Proved to Bo a Rich Find and Ba­ ATl'ORNEY 4 camo a Town’e Name. pearl divers of Japan are wo- ■ The emperor of China bas some There to a certain natural pride felt, men. Along the coast of the bay of strange duties. One of these Is the after success bas come. In wearing tbe Ago and the bay of Kowasho the tblr- ordering cf the seasons, It Is summer epithet given In contempt by those teen and fourteeu-year-old girls after In America when the sun warms the who prophesied failure. Instances are they have finished their primary school earth and not until then, but in China oot uncommon of triumphant sects work go to sea and learn to dive. It Is summer when the emperor Bays and parties and even nations retain They are in the water and learn to It Is summer. As soon as the emperor Ing the very tltl* first given them by swim almost from babyhood and spend declares that summer bas com* every­ their enemies. A case I d ' point is most of their time in the water except body In China puts off winter clothing Tombstone. Art». How did It come to In the coldest season, from the end of and arrays himself In summer garb, have such a name? It was Dot borrow December to the beginning of Febru- no matter what hls feelings on the sub- ed or stolen from any other place on nry. Even during the most Inclement ■ Ject may be. All domestic arrange- tbe globe nor even suggested by any of seasons they sometimes dive for I meats are made to suit the season as novel or romance. pearls. I proclaimed by the emperor, although The story Is that two young men. They wear a special dress, white un­ | they may not suit the Individual at all. j brothers, when about to start from derwear and the hair twisted up Into I The nearest approach to the Chinese Tucson on a prospecting tour into tbe a hard knot. The eyes are protected system of ordering the seasons Is the Dragoon mountains. Sonora, or some­ by glasses to prevent the entrance of practice observed tn France in all pub­ where else were advised to give up the water. Tubs are suspended from the lic buildings. There it is winter on undertaking, for if they perished they waist. A boat In command of a man and after Oct. 1. Fires are then light­ would find neither mine nor fortunes, is assigned to every five or ten women ed In all government offices, and the but their “tombstones" instead. The divers to carry them to and from the employees exchange their white Bum­ boys bravely bade goodby to their mer waistcoats for the thicker and I friends, though emphatically warned fishing grounds. When the divers arrive on the darker ones of winter. At that date I that they never would return alive grounds they leap Into the water nt the public libraries are closed at 4, and The prospectors set off and. following once and begin to gather oysters at in the streets the sellers of toasted tbe “blind trail.” came to the plain the bottom. The oysters are dropped chestnuts make their appearance. In nnd made their camp On examination Into tubs suspended from their waists. official France it is winter, no mat­ they found a ledge of ore cropping out When these vessels are filled the divers ter what the weather may say and no several feet, all marked and rich with tire raised to the surface and Jump ■matter what unofficial France may the precious metal. "We have found into the bonts. They dive to a depth think.—New York Press. our tombstone!" they exclaimed, and of from five to thirty fathoms without no other name would do to designate any special apparatus and retain their the camp. PAPER MADE BY WASPS. breath from one to three minutes. The town has kept the name, which, Tlielr ages vary from thirteen to The Way the Insects Gather Material if not poetical. Is certainly original. A forty years, and between twenty-five valuable tombstone, too. it must be and Form tho Product. and thirty-five they are nt their prime. Wasps are wonderful papermakers. confessed, for tbe Schieffelln brothers —Oriental Review. They make real paper, too. Just as sold their half interest in the mine and mill late tn the eighties for some truly as human paperiuakers. A wasp flies to a flower and covers I ihlng like a million dollars. —New York DO NOT BE A LEANER. the front of its body with the dust of I Press. ! Learn to Be Self Reliant and Strong the blossom. This Is moistened and PORK AS FOOD mixed with the wax which is secreted | and Original. Power Is the goal of every worthy on the surface of the wasp's body. ambition, nnd only weakness comes Then the Insect repairs to an old fence Scandinavian» Believe It 1» Eaten Even In Heaven. from Imitation or dependence on or other piece of weather worn wood In the aacred books of the Scandi others, says Orison Swett Marden in that teas a loose, fuzzy, fibrous surface. The wasp rubs Itself on this fibrous 1 navlans pork is represented as the Success Magazine. Power Is self de­ veloped. self generated. We cannot matter Just as It did on the dust of ! principal food even in heaven. It was increase the strength of our muscles the flower, and a layer of such matter ■ the chief food of the Irish In the by sitting In n gymnasium and letting adheres to the insect's body and be­ twelfth century and also of the Anglo ÛXPORT BEER, comes mingled with wax in the same , Saxons at an earlier period. another exercise for us. way. In France it was equally common, Nothing else so destroys the power KAISER BLUME. Then away goes the wasp to the and Charlemagne kept tn bls forests to stand alone ns the habit of leaning upon others. If you lean you will nest which it is building, places itself ' Immense droves of pigs. Late in the Unsurpassed. Non-Intoxicating never be strong or original. Stand Just on the spot where It wants the sixteenth century there was a partlcu layer of paper to lie and then works lar disease said to be caused by the alone or bury your ambition to be MALT TEA. itself into a heat by a furious motion quantity of pork eaten In Hungary, somebody In t-he world. of the wings, so that the wax is mois ­ and even at present the barbarous The man who tries to give his chil­ dren a atari tn the world so that they tened next to the body, when the pa­ Lettes are passionately fond of it In will not have so hard a time us bo per drops off in the right place, where the middle of the sixteenth century hail Is unknowingly bringing disaster It may be adjusted properly and fas­ Phillip 11. when in England generally dined on bacon, of which he ate so upon them. What he calls giving them tened. The paper of the wasp is as much much as frequently to make himself a start will probably give them a set­ back In the world. Young people need paper as the product of the paper mill. very ill. By a singular contradiction the Afri­ nil the motive power they can get. —Harper’s Weekly. MOTTLED BY THE can Mohammedans now “believe that They are naturally leaner*. Imitators, a great enmity exists between bogs Trichromlo Vision. copiers, and It Is easy for them to de In a recent discussion before the and Christians" (Mungo Parki. Many velop Into echoes or Imitations. They British Royal society of the pbenome- medical authors have supposed that will not walk alone while you furnish crutches: they will lean upon you Just non of “trichromlc vision” the case of pork is particularly unwholesome In ■ scientist known for his researches hot countries, hut this requires confir­ as long ns you will let them. One of the greatest delusions that a in electrical science was deserbed. mation. and It Is certain that It Is rec­ human being could ever have Is tlint When looking at the bright spectrum ommended by Arabian physicians and Soda Waters. Sipthons, Bartlett Mineral Water he Is permanently benefited by con of sunlight this scientist sees only I Is more generally eaten both In Asia three colors — red. green and violet. and Africa thnn Is usually believed. tinued assistance from others. For him there is no definite color In The North American Indians are the part of the spectrum that appears said to have "a disgust for pork.” Do­ Napoleon at Waterloo, question, “Was Nupoleon him to i>ersous with normal vision pure bell believes there Is more pork eaten self at the battle of Waterloo?” docs Mile. lie can distinguish nothing of In China than all the rest of the world Child Portraits Made by ix t ndtnlt of a fiat, answer. He was tke nature of pure yellow In the spec­ put together. — Buckle’s "History ot not lilnise'f physically. The dread ills trum. Iteddisli green would describe Civilization.” Us are Child-Like. the orange and yellcw parts and ease of which six years later lie died The Word “Píenlo." was nt work upon him. and the phys­ greenish violet the blue parts as he Just as our portraits of adults Few people know the original mean- ical decay, while It In no way affected sees them. In testing with colored possess strength and character. Ills mind, told heavily upon Ills will yarns the wool changed color to hitn Ing of the word "picnic." It Is to be It was, for Instance, observed that when contrasted, although a normal found set out tn the London Times or We are experts in lighting during hls Inst campaign he was of­ sighted person saw no difference. n hundred years ago: "A picnic sup­ and posing, and our equipment ten found to be In a sleepy mood, that These facts show how different colors per consists of a variety of dishes. he talked Instend of acting, that lie nay possibly appear to those about us. The subscribers to this entertainment is complete. Come in and see have a bill of fare presented to them, frequently asked for Hie opinions of our line. Hardieappsd Hi« Humor. with a number against ench dish. The others, a thing that ho had rarely been The staff humorist approached the lot which he draws obliges him to fur­ known to do before, nnd that lie seem ed qultg open to waver In Ills resoTu editor with a lugubrious face and bla nish the dish marked against It. which he either takes with him In his car tlon. whereas he hud always been not resignation. “Why. you are doing all right.” said riage or sends by a servant. The ed for the rapidity of Ids decisions Next to the Post Office. proi>er variety Is preserved by the tai Mentally It was the same old Napo­ the editor. “What’s the trouble?” "Well, you see, sir." replied the staff euts of the mnitre d’hotel, who forms leon. but the great Intellect was sorely handicapped by the stomach trouble humorist, “ft's this way. 1 got mar­ the bill of fare. As the cookery Is that was so soon to kill him -New ried a few weeks ago. and now if 1 furnished by so many people ot fash print a Joke about wives my wife Ion. each strives to excel, and thus a York American. thinks 1 mean her. and if 1 mention a picnic anpiier not only gives rise to mother In-law her mother comes around much pleasant mirth, hut generally can Raisin Bread. Begin Jan. 3rd, Continue FOUR WEEKS. Incorporated with bread raisins con and raises the roof Then. too. one of boast of the refinement of the art." rtltute a valuable diet and help out my wife’s brothers is a plumber, an­ attendI the -h» . f °regon'8 cordially invited to the meat problem. It Is stated that other an Iceman, and the third to a Tho Imm.nsity of Nature. tor .7 » courses of the Oregon Agricul­ the raisin contains nearly 5 per cent coal dealer. More than that, she ha* They were on a trip In Switzerland tural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven distine- protein and over <11 per ceut carbohy­ a half brother who Is a book ageut. and had that day braved all dangers live courses will be offered in Agriculture Me­ drates nnd therefore Is n very Im­ and they are all big. husky fellow» and ascended one of the highest points chanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art Com portant energizing food For Invalids with ugly tempers. If you don't mind In the Alps. He was very fat and us SS SffiT ".T- ~ '■ S- nnd children rnlalti bread Is Invalu­ I'd like to retire from the humorous be stood panting and mopping bts brow department and take a position as able. say* Life and Health. The slm at the top ot th* mountain he turned to bls wife and aald. with pathos :•» nls pllclty of the loaf makes It nn Ideal obituary editor."—Boston Transcript. voice: substitute for the lard, butter, sugar, What It Would Mean. _ _ 2 l _2*_Z^ANT. _Regi*trar, Corvalis. Ore. ’’See. dear, how small one is in the egg. cream mid citron Inden cake. It <2tw till 12-31). I* ■ secluded nook they sat. sur­ face of the immensity ot nature Is therefore mi lni|>ortunt addition to FARNEK’ s Bt’StXESS COU»SE~^COMMPni>KKWr; "Small, indeed.” answered fits net the domestic menu, and the woman rounded with palma. He had tieen ter half "Why. you're staud.ug in who has her children’s health at heart buzzing softly for ten minutes. "Rut do you understand what it front of me. Hiding the whole ot Mont will see Hint nt each linking two or three loaves ar* well filled with ral would menn If I were to give you such Blanc and the best part or the valley sins, kneading them In Just before the • beautiful solitaire ring?" he asked l»f Chamonixr'-Excbange. Will not mar the appearance of •oftly. loaves are put Into the pans. Rhe thought sh* did. but she wanted Sh* Knew It, new Harness but it will make to hear him aay the blessed words. How Kaffir» Treat Children. ”1 have decided to quit this company it very unsafe. If you buy your All travelers nnd magistrates testify “What?" sh* cooed. tonight.” snld tb* prims donna ai she to the unlsiunded klndaess to children “It would mean that I should have flounced Into rhe manager's office harness shown by the Kaffirs In their own to wear old clotboa for a year and lira "But my dear Miss Rlvlngton.'* be Here you may rest assured that I.reals Such a thing ns a deserted on free lunches." protested, ”*r* have nobody to tak* you are Retting not only Har­ Kaffir child Is unknown, nnd the elder Then tiler returned to th* reception your plac*.” ness that presents the very finest iwopl* put up with nil the little annoy room —Lippincott’s. "Tbat’a why I have declrt.-d to quit iHices of children with exemplary good tonight"—Chicago Record Herald appearance, but Harness that is humor Actual cruelty to Kaffir chil­ Didn’t Have to Be. ell made in every detail. New Suburbanite—I suppose this la dren Is practically unknown. — Ida Largar Coming Pasteurised milk, my friend’: t illage tiond Field Advertiser Irish Boatman (surveying the solitary Milkman iwltberlnglyi — Not no’s ye result ot tb* dayt-lt’* a to«** fish tor kin taste It. I reckon, mister In fact. th* size av ut 'Riem h run about Good Cook*. Next Door to Tillamook Count,- Rank "If all sick i»*ople had good cooks," i I’ll hand ye a five dollar note if 7» three to the pound. Angier—Hardly says the D’ndon hbspltal. "how much kin prove any uv my cows svt rear that I should any Boatmsa-WeU. greater might t* th* proportion* of re- bit by a mad dog.-l'nek maybe tb* other two* be a tilt tKgger cover!**!*’ The value of th* patent — Ixjodon I' ubc * foods which are advertised so much RMeurceful. I Iles largely. It says. In the ease with One Idea of a resourceful w.ynan la Isampi*. which they are prepared for th* tab!*. one who can atand her family al eleton If you want year child to k>v* tb* In a corner of the parlor and make troth for* it yo«ra*lf; If you wa*t your folks boiler* It la brlc-a brae Gale**- child to love Jostle* and purity a ad Misfits st th* Bargain Sals. Nell I stopped In at a bargw'n sal* ton New*. simplicity and honesty and rswage today. Belle Did you see anything loe* them yooraatf. Kraal»* la unworthy of us and la al­ that looked real cheap? Nell Yes; several men waiting for their wire*.- ways the Intimate of equivocati;»* - Special Attention paid to Tourists "Mirth to GoT» Baliac. ITilladelpbla I edger Ol!v*r W*nd*ll BEAVER STATE Hard Wheat Patent Flour A TRIAL CONVINCES : : j_r : : : Tillamook Block, TilkJ _____ R°omNo. 261 A ttorney .^ Complete set of Abstrict n office. attorney - at - law , 4 Tillamook Block. Ì Ç^EORGE WILLETT I A ttorney - at . law I Tillamook Commercial Baili T illamook H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at L a «. Office : Opposite Court H T illamook , O regoh T. BO ALS, MJ), PHYSICIAN &. SURffl TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. g M. KER RON, PHYSICIAN & SURG Tillamook Block, Tillamook, w. A. Williams & Co The Best Hotel. Oi R. I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGÍ Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook. Ore. yy c. HAWK, PHYSICIAN & SUBGE( I BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, Monk's Studio ONE WEAK SPOT Tillamook Block. C arl haberlach , Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, Oregon You Are Invited. Residents. Roth phonti Every Sack Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction O A C Short Courses Taxes F inancial A gi Tillamook, Oregon. J-y. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street fror Court Howe. Dr. Wise’s office- sarchet , . The Fashionable T T Cl^auing, Pressing and ing a Specialty- S? »re in Heins Phot' Gallery. J. * CLAUSSEN, lawyer , £kut««her a 13 Tillamook Block» T illamook OU** AUSTIN. A. M CIVIL ENGINEER AîiD SURVEYOR, THE ALLEN HOUSE, T illamook . - • • aoi Tillamook B»» 5 Main 44r- J. P. AUUEN. Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Wanted for C**h. Ch«tf Land in TilUm«’k ' „ a Ki,« c,». T.Nc. Comfort.bk Beds „;Acro We have a customer .g tor spot cash a cheap D . , monk County. iT I Ralph Ackley I-and Co­ st., Portland, Ort.