Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 28, 1911, Image 3

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Easy Jeb of the Man Who Was Ap­
I. ?•*"
Wi,h th* Originality Net Con«id*r*d a Virtu* In
pointed Buoy Tander.
th* Mikado’s Land.
Some years ago it was resolved to
i Kind »* Sc.n.ry,
The position of literary men In Ja­ buoy tbe eboals tn tbe sea of Mar­
I Cf“
L iok of <be pageant
I*» tt'
.nd miracle plays pan differs in many especial respects mora. some of which extend to a mile
„.„rufY to the eiabo- from that which is accorded writers or more from tbe shore. An English
Fw t’r‘lW irtUtk productions ot of prominence in tbe western world, naval officer was lent by the English
writes Paul 8. Relnscb in the North to tbe Turkish government in order to
F‘"‘1Hb UlildevdU far<?r>' N°'
American Review. The individuality
carry out this and other measures.
He laid down tbe buoys and was sur­
b »*’the -odern histrionic stand- of literary fam* and literary person­
lftti*o,a~L Atting, although ality In its various aspects have not prised to find that tbe Turks thought
been developed in the orieDt to nearly that thereupon tbe whole bjiBluess was
k W '“ ..„nested
'„ne.ted effects
effect» were
were at
H «’"^rudest
’J tae crudest The mys- the same extent as in tbe west. The concluded. He pointed out. however,
great books to which men return again that buoys require care, that it is
Sonued tu •i the
the town
and again for guidance and Inspiration necessary to repaint them from time to
L were *0 »tory scaffoldings.
have been written thousands of years, time, to pump the water out of them
Lres x" lwv
;ugei, descended from
and those men who earned fame there­ r-nd to see that they remain duly an­
L »nJ "
risible ropes. 1 be flood
after won their laurels by writing com
chored in their right position. To con
■a were represented by
No merit vince tbe Turks of this took a consld
| tbe K*l i me square and tilled mentarles upon tbe classics.
bus 1“ '
attached to originality.
Moreover, erable time; but. being at length con­
j ,,UU|I that a row
most writings were anonymous.
t water a"11
vinced. they appointed a man espe­
with difficulty turn
t might only "
pecially if they were original was it
cially to take charge of tbe buoys.
gere sea voyages
iaU tbcreib.
advisable that the author should not
Some months later, however, the
Marseilles to Pales
( made fro“
make his personality too prominent English officer beard shocking reports
snore of tbe oar. These
' irrepressible me
of these buoys and many complaints
authorship never bad the position in
of them, and on going out to Inspect
Japan and other oriental countries them be found the paint worn off and
"ere dramnriza
that It has enjoyed in tbe west from most of tbe buoys waterlogged.. Here­
Lot die Blble Performed by tbe
Lot trade guilds ot tbe town. the Greeks down to tbe present.
upon be wrathfully found the man In
Tbe Japanese mind will excel tn the
charge and demanded an explanation.
d giving tbe part ot tbe story
future in many directions, but tbe
Tbe man Informed him that be had
I’ j as its own by immemorial
greatest development may be expected
never been supplied with a boat and
abe fishwives and prentices
f .I,
country round thronged
bad therefore never been able to visit
sud social experience has best prepar
tbe buoys since he had been in charge
L lark or Chester whenever a pag-
ed tbe intellect. A strong but selective
[ wm to be given. Royalty fre-
of them!—London Family Herald.
L, graced the pertormances.-
painting, the successful search for
L ¡is Four Seas.
mastery over the forces of nature, a
grasp of social and political relation­
ships—these are among the things we On* Way of Determining a Veeeel’e
may expect from the Japan of tbe
Cour** on an Ocoan Voyage.
Iwi> Miry Stuart Who Sit
Dead reckoning simply means the
B Fuhion For Thit Color.
computation of a ship’s longitude and
By majority or brides choose white
latitude from her movements as re­
Ba selecting tbelr wedding dress be-
corded in tbe log and without having
E it is the conventional color, and
recourse to astronomical observations.
E persons are of tbe opinion that Sotharn’* Happy Thought and the Un­
Tbe chief elements from which the
ruly Gallery Gods.
Eraya has been favored. As a mat­
It was in the year 1803 or 1864. Dur­ reckoning is made are these:
lot fact. It is of comparatively mod
Tbe point of departure—that is, tbe
ing the summer months Sotbern. with
■ origin, and in most eastern coun
John T. Raymond and several other latitude and longitude sailed from or
L pink 1» tbe bridal color.
Kring tbe middle ages and in tbe well known actors, occupied tbe local last determined—the course or direc­
Kissance period brides wore crim- theater of a seaside summer resort, to tion sailed In as ascertained by tbe
compass, the rate of sailing, measured
Ito tbe exclusion of all other colors. which he and his company drew a
from time to time by the log, and the
Lt of tbe Plantagenet and Tudor houseful of people several nights in
tens were married in that vivid hue. tbe week to bear and see them act— time elapsed.
The various principles or methods
L’H ia «till popular in parts of Brit- rehearse it really was in preparation
followed In arriving at the reckoning
ly, where the bride is usuuily for their next winter’s New York sea
are known among navigators as “plain
son—tbe most Important of their pluys
lasetl in crimson brocade.
Tbe little building had. of course, a sailing” and “middle latitude sailing.”
It was Mary Stuart who drst changed
I color of tbe bridal garments. At gallery, and in the gallery the "gods” However, tbe data thus obtained are
r marriage with Francis 11. of became so obstreperous on occasions always liable to considerable errors by
lore In 1558. which took place not that it was with great difficulty the reason of currents, leeway, fluctuations
tore tbe altar, but before tbe great play could be proceeded with. The of tbe wind and changes in tbe decli­
Tbe results
Lr- of Notre Ha me. she was gowned ringleader, a well known rough of tbe nation of tbe compass.
arrived at by dead reckoning, there­
wnite brocade, with a train of pale town, was a man named Bill Hanra
han. One night a happy inspiration fore. must of necessity be corrected as
le Persian velvet six yards in length
Having lenrned the often as possible by observation of the
ibis Innovation caused a great stir seized Botbern.
[tbe fashionable world of that time ' name of this prominent member of the heavenly bodies. No navigator would
was not. however, until quite tbe I rowdy element, be addressed him Io risk relying wholly on this method of
d of tbe seventeenth century that I tbe midst of the most unearthly noises determining bls position on an ocean
re whlte-the color worn by royal i as follows: “Mr. Hanrahan, will you voyage.—New York Times.
dow-s-be'nme popular for bridal ' be good enough to take charge of tile
gallery and keep order for me? 1 shall
rtneats-l.ondon Sketch.
Pointing th* Point.
I feel very grateful.”
“1 think,” remarked Biggs, “one of
I Jefferson end th* Patent Office.
tbe funniest signs I ever saw was
■The first patron of our patent system . came at once an official of tbe theater this: Teeth Extracted While You
Thomae Jefferson, who during ' and as such cracked the beads of a
In*Jeers gave his personal attention • few of his erstwhile fellow rioters
Higgs laughed long and loudly at
I rrerj application for a patent He I with such good effect that it was only
this, and shortly afterward he tried it
lei to call the secretary of war and a little time before tbe best of order on Jlggs.
lr attorney general to examine and prevailed
“A friend of mine,” he said, “told
Irutinlze wltb him. and they did It so
me of a funny sign he bad seen—
■»roughly that In one year-the first—
A Matter of Business.
Teeth Extracted While You Wait.’"
kr graoted only three patents. Tbe | There is a reason for everything,
Jlggs reflected.
hr first patent of all was given to i even a train news agent's reluctance
“What is there funny about that?”
Innel Hopkin« in 1790 for pearl ash- to pass through tbe cars with h<s
“1 don't quite catch the
I Mr Jefferson held that tbe patent packet of newspapers first. A woman he asked.
I- **to was not one for creating rev- who bad traveled fifty miles out of
“Can’t you see? The man who put
Lv. but for encouraging a production New York before she had a chance to
I that wblcb is to be of benefit to the buy the afternoon paper she had neg­ up that sign used five words when one
would have been enough. The word
r1'1' People. In the first twelve years lected to provide herself with said to
plrifle clerk in tbe state department tbe boy who finally appeared with pa­ 'dentist* coven the whole round Ev­
ery dentist is supposed to pull teeth,
K a. few pigeonholes were all that pers:
isn’t be?”
k business of tbe office required.
“Why do you always come through
“Oh, yes; I see. Ha, ha, ha I”—New
M a Dr. Thornton took charge of it first with books and then magazines
i devoted himself to It as a hobby.
and leave the newspapers until tbe Terk Mall.
Ths Coster Girl’s Plumss.
Arm In Arm With a Tigress.
“Why?” exclaimed the astonished
It Is related of Sir Edward Bradford
Pffricb plumes are os much of a ne- boy. “Because It’s business. If I came
pj to tbe London coster girl on her through first with papers everybody that be once walked arm in arm, so to
He was out
TO as are the pearl buttons to would buy a paper and read that all speak, with a tigress.
r masculine companion, and tbe big through the trip and leave me with all shooting and, always a fearless sports­
d bats with their drooping hese dollar books and twenty-five cent man, bad come to close quarters with
Mrs are familiar in all gatherings 'nagazines on my hands.”—New York his quarry. He tired, and either the
ball failed to take effect or but slight­
II ’ class Many of the girls cannot Press.
F '« to keep thelr money tled np ln I
ly wounded tbe animal. She sprang
at him and seized his left arm above
r- plumes, and there thrives a
Getting Rid of F*ar.
f industry m the hiring of these
“What is meant by autosuggestion?" the elbow. The pain must have been
The loan of a single plume writes a correspondent The phrase terrible, but Sir Edward kept cool,
I «a.v costs a quarter, or for a dol- , simply signifies self suggestion to good and, realizing that it would be death
Ftorgeous trio may be bad for an ends. For Instance, if not particular
to drag bls mangled arm away and al­
F* to be returned promptly the : ly dislikes to do something one ought low her to spring afresh at him. be de
F morning. Weather conditions one may conquer tbe disinclination by liberately walked a few agonizing
L* °*terms 10 fluctuate somewhat I resolutely saying over words express- paces until his comrade was able to
Ll’*' or f0«CT <toy will take the I Ing the necessity of doing the thing take alm and kill the brute. Thus his
of the feathers and make re- at once and with pleasure
courage saved his life, though the am
The per
rw necessary, for which “ ’Arriet" . »on who Is afraid to go upstairs in the putation of his arm at tbe shoulder
r 0 P»J an extra quarter.—Lassdon , dark may, It ia said, overcome this fear proved necessary.
I by saying. “1 am not afraid; darkness
■ is friendly; nothing can hurt me.”
Fire Extinguish*,-*.
-Stint" and “Stunt."
. The underlying Idea Is that the mind
About 1840 a Mr. Thomas Philips of
L.’ eood word as a oonn.
AS I» the real ruler of the body and that London Invented an apparatus for put­
kt¿ T“’ g0,Iletl,,n« not quite
so . by allowing tbe mind to take command ting out Are. but it was not much of a
not unround It with i of a situation from the higher and not success. When put in action tbe steam
A ,tunt ls 8Oln*thlng I the lower point of view Ul may be and carbonic acid which .were to ex­
t Bon.rV" 11 13 lhe öor8«Play of
vanquished and good accomplished - tinguish the flames were not gener­
and ha’ nothing in Christian Herald.
ated in sufficient quantity to do tbe
itati,,? bOnMt- Pancate tabor.
nork. A Frenchman named Carlier
warnin& to tbe wtoe that
patented a fairly successful extin­
Notifying th* God
KM to th?rDdS t0 h*
One of the odd things the visitor to guisher tn 1862, since which date they
ofUrS.nW,llKDOtlC* “ the *arge “““her have been used more or less al) over
of bells about tbe pagodas.
These ^e world to put out incipient fires,
bells are usually bung on sacred posts though, of course, they are valueless
a rew feet above the ground. They after the fire has acquired much bead
,h*y reported
complain«! tbe mw «^
“ *U
bells WAX.—New York American.
ar* not f«ratobed with
Th\WO"MP«’ who comes to
^?** tbe P*««1“ •trikes one of
hwe bell, with a wooden mallet This
to •ttract^ tbe attention of tbe god
sprinkled la ptemy of
T*'*> applause.”
««sae city Journal.
•upr*m* fi*|f Irtwn,
Ht “
PMo ob* <* fto—
Mid the ready
The Gladiators.
Dswally gladiators were matched in
They fought in different ways—
bitedfolded. in chariots, on horseback,
armor and with tbe lasso. Nets
by some, who. after throw-
■Bone over the bead of an antag
•Mt. dispatched bim with a three
PMnted lance or trident
’• • Mt of ego
"Has be offended y<
"No I I offended
—- bits, | ventured to
,or *
P~B‘ ■‘‘•‘“•"-WMb-
• te*. n.
r,llow OD your f
*• »tat 2 * *****
The valued family re­
cipes lor cough and cold
cure, liniments, tonics and
other remedies have as
careful attention here as
the most intricate prescrip­
Is an exceptional Hour, is made of
choice valley wheat, blendid with hard
wheat, making a strong white gluten-
ous Hour, it is the best all round flour
on the market, results produced please
the eye and palate.
Order a sack to-dav ami be con-
vinced that Morning Star Flour is far
superior to ordinary Hour.
Every sack guaranteed. For sale by
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will
..... help
these remedies more effec-jw
tive than ever.
Right prices are also *
■ :
Reliable Druggist.
By discovering' Ainercia Colum­
bus gave the world the turkey, the
potato, the yarn and tobacco. Re­
member Columbus in accordance
with his place in the Thanksgiving
In the latest advance of the
Italian Army at Tripoli the guns
of the fleet again took part.
the fact must be considered that
Uncle Sam’s naval markesmen hit
the target at seven miles.
Former Senator Edmunds, one of
the makers of the Sherman antitrust
law, contributes to a current issue
of a review an able elucidation of
the stronger position ot the law fol­
lowing recent decisions of the Sup­
reme Court, and’an able argument
showing how all of the original pur­
poses of,.the act are to be served
through present and successive
interpretations by the court, and
their application to business affairs.
We will be saving at lea9t a decade
in time by not going back to the be­
ginning and beginning all
More than a third of the world’s
production of coal is mined in the
United States Missouri and Illinois
are among the states with the great
est possibilities in this highly im­
portant line,
Great Britian is, it seems, getting
more and more of her cotton slippy
out of Egypt and India, the annual
yield in both of which shows a steady
increase, and the quality of which is
being as steadily improved. Dev
elopment of manufacturing in the
Southern States should be a logical
part of such world development as
this. But how can it be done by
voting the free-trade party ticket?
Tinwaie, Glass
and China»
Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Winaow
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
' A ' 4:4 ®
14:4 '
foe backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities,
Foley Kidney Pill» are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitute«.
Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook.
no elevators running no
down^tha ladder nf fame.
the highest type of a pure straight
whiskey blend.
aged in wood,
complying with kotk the United States and State
Pure Food Laws
straight whiskey—all whiskey—old whiskey
is Key
Dfck-Blll writes that be'a living in
• magnificent cottage. 8am-Wby. it’s
** 7a*11 that yon cao ■tand on th«
roof, reach down the chimney and open
th* front door.—fit. Ix>ula Republic.
San Francisco
- ______
We carry a Large Stock of
. ___ ___ _
h a.-»
.Morning Star Flour
s t o r i a
w. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore.