Tillamook Headlight, Deoember i RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year. Six months.... Three months one’s spleen or malice is sure 1.5p to arouse a great deal of right­ 75 eous indignation throughout 50 the county, and it would not surprise us much to hear of tar Entered as second class mail mat­ and feather bees. ter July, 1888, at the post office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3, 1879. ^be ^illamook |eabligbt Editorial Snap Shots. Bury the hatchet and bury petty, personal différencies and all In Ip give Tillamook City and County the biggest uplift next year they have ever had. i » Í 1 I * I » i I I 4 i * I I « 11 SALEM MAN HAS INTER ESTING TIME. Gets Soaked and Bumped and Misses a Good Supper. able. One unusually large log fol­ lowed me persistently, and I made strenuous efforts to keep ahead of it. I kept wishing I had gotten onto the wreck Just as I was about to be caught, I managed to climb upon another large floating timber and was safe. I thought Mr. Snead and Miss Laughead would be safe on the wreckage, but when I turned to look I saw them in the water, which was more than waist deep, and making frantic efforts to reach the shore. By this time|the wave was receding and in a very short time it had left, them high, but not dry. The whole thing had lasted only two or three minutes, though it seemed much longer. They xvere sorry looking people. Miss Laughead came out smiling and the very first words I heard Mr. Suead say xvere, Car­ negie medal for me. They had gotten safely onto the old hull but when the wave struck, it had been lifted end tossed about so violently that they were thrown off immediately. Miss Laughead had fallen off head first, and Mr. Snead had rescued her from what might have been a quite serious sit­ uation. Two men were sawing wood near by on the beach and saw the whole affair. One of them, R. S Shreve, took us to his tent home, where Mrs. Shreve gave Miss Laughead clothes and Mr. Snead and I xvere made comfortable around a hot stove, We did not get to see any more of Bayocean and xvere quite ready to return to Tillamook when the launch left at about 4 o’clock. On our way up, the launch ran into a gill net which became entan­ gled in the rudder and propeller so that we could not proceed. After an hour or so of work the net was disentangled or cut away, and the launch went ahead, but it was now dark, so it was not long until we were aground on the mud flat A smaller launch was being toxved a- long, so we xvere transferred to it and safely landed in Tillamook, but too late for Ja splendid supper that had |been prepared for us at Hotel Todd.--Chas. H. Jones. Sheriff’s Sale In the C VIIVO.. Circuit Court ------- of - the State of Oregon, in the County ot Tillamook Thomas W. Morgan, Ì Plaintiff. vs. George E. Nolan and r Harriet E. Nolan I (husband and wife), I Defendants. J State of Oregon, County of Tilla- mook, SS. Bv virtue of a judgment-order, decree and un execution duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause to me duly directed anddated the 24th day of November, 1911, upon a judgment rendered anti entered in said court on the 11th day of November, 1911, in favor of Thomas W. Morgan, plaintiff, and against George K. Nolan and Har­ riet E. Nolan, his wife, defendants, for the sum of $300.00 and interest thereon and for the further Hums of$8.0oand$9.68and.interest thereon, and for the further sum of $100.00 attorney’s fees and for the further sum of $16.50 costs and disburse­ ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real propertv, situate in the County of Tillamook, State of Oregon, to-wit: All of the southwest quarter (SW. Vs) of the southeast quarter (SE. */*) of section twenty-seven (27) of town­ ship one <11 south, of range ten (10), west, of the Willamette Meridian containing forty (40) acres of land more or less, as the same appears of record in the office of the County Clerk of Tillamook County, State of Oregon. Noxv, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and de­ cree and in compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the 30th day of Decem­ ber, 1911, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., at the front door of the County Ciurt House in the City of Tillamook, in said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for United States gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and inter est which the vithin named defend­ ants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein fore­ closed or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said ex­ ecution, judgment order, decree, interest, attorney’s fees, costs and all accruing costs. Dated, Tillamook, Oregon, Nov ember 30, 1911. H. C renshaw , Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore­ gon. ____________ Notice of Application^?^ to Sell Spiritous Malt Liquors and Hard Cider, J] N otice is H ereby Gn-.v a petition presented in \ County Court of Tilla, “ V?"1 Oregon, fora liquor li Co*5 words letters and full, true and correa ‘*1 therefrom ami of th.- whrY“0*^ is us follows, to-wit 0 e In the County Court of the «> Oregon, for the Coin?, . . .. Tillamook. 'of In the Matter of cationofj. J McCormick’} for Liquor License, i To the Honorable Countv c the State o| < fre^m"' County of Tillamook ““ 1 \\E, THE l NI>ERs|, 1911, and that all of the facte set facilities in the natural channel gelist who overrides the sacred­ door of the Court House, in Tilla­ forth in said petition are true as 1 of the bay, it is predicted that ness of (religion and inject ’all learned enough to be more careful, Bay City, reducing the cost to $1,- mook City, Tillamook County, Ore­ verily believe. kinds of sensational remarks und Miss Laughead remarked. “ We 744,000 on condition that local this and other improvements gon, sell at public auction, subject J, J. M c C ormick . will create consideratile busi­ and irreverent stories into their have learned a lesson and will ¡not interests bear 25 per cent of the to redemption, to the highest bid­ Address, Garibaldi, Tillamook preaching. der, for cash in hand, all of the be caught like that any more.” cost, but this also was rejected and ness in Tillamook City the com­ County, Oregon. title and interest of the above Subscribed and sworn to before The beach la always interesting, only recently one jetty plan on the right, ing year. named defendants, or either of me this 30th dav of November. 1911. Although it was a source of but it seemed more interesting than half-and-half basis was submitted them, in and to the above described (Seal). W ebster H olme * What strange things do take , satisfaction to know' that the usual on this occasion. The waves and approved. It is said in the real property to satisfy said execu­ Notary Public for Oregon. tion and order of sale, interest and N otice is F urther H ekebi place. Kor a number of years , Secretary of War had recom­ were larger than usual and came report that if one' jetty proves in­ costs, and all accruing costs. The the great big bugaboo which mended a project for the im­ up so quietly and swiftly that they adequate. the question of building decree of foreclosure and order of G iven ,— That said petition m be called up for action in a second jetty will produce the de­ sale referred to was entered bv said County confronted and hoodooed bar provement of Tillamook bar, were upon one before he knew it Court of Tillamook county We had gone about a mile along court in a cause wherein Kathleen there is considerable doubt as sired 2D foot depth across Tillamook improvements was the atereo- Oregon, on the third day 0 .Illis was plaintiff, and the other ! the beach when we came to a part Bar and if this proves tu be the case January, 1912. and based on t\ ped excuse that the commerce to the wisdom of constructing parties above named xvere de ­ of Tillamook bay diit not justi­ a north jetty. This places the of a hull of a wrecked ship or schoon­ no further project will be necessary. fendants and by the terms of said petition ; said J. J. McCormick. 0 said last named date, will apply J This modified report will be con­ fy tin* expenditure, notwith­ Port of Tillamook in a perplex­ er. As we came to the wreckage °f f,oret'losure the plaintiff said County Court for a license' ♦ standing the enormous amount ing dilemma, for their consult­ the last wave was receding, leav- sidered by the rivers and harbors as decreed to have and recover of be granted to him. to sell w'tln from the defendants Albert H said Garibaldi Precinct and i of resources of the county. The ing engineer advised this Port ' ing it so we could get within reach. committee and included in its new and Malaney and Lulu E. Malaney, the the town of Garibaldi therein, Board of Engineers at Wush- not to put any money into a We were so interested in the old bill this Winter. sum of $3000.00, with interest there­ spiritotis. malt and vinous liqu0"- hull and became so interested in north jetty. The engineer on ington, it is gratifying to see, on at the rate of eight per cent, per fermented cider, conunonlv kno annum from July 1st. 1910, for the -.s hard cider, for a period of o has broken a wax from its un­ the Port of Bayocean is also of our discussion of it that we did not Splendid Stock sum of $3ao.OO as attorney's fees year from the date of said tenable position and at last ad- the same opinion, as are also notice the approach of a monster and for the coats and disbursements Dated this 30th day of Novenit* ■ mits that something, however, the members of that Port, and wave. I saw it first, and I am The dependable S. W. Miller ia a of the suit taxed at $19.95. 1911. sure it was ten feethigh, and it was Piano of today. Every stick of Dated this December 7th. 1911. does justify the expenditure of it is also probable that they will j. j. M c C ormic «- decline to assist in the north almoat upon us. H. C renshaw . timber in its construction shows nionex for bar improvements. sheriff of Tillamook Countv I I yelled "Run! ” at the top of my 1 jetty project, for it will require splendid standard stock, value and Oregon. all the money it can raise to im­ voice. up to date features never found in Ends Winter’s Troublr»- Anyone who is a party or is prove the Sturgeon channel. Mr. Snead and Miss I-aughead pianoes of a lower grade. . Saved His Wife’s Life To many, winter is a season of remix to buck the proceedings It was unfortunate Congress­ were very near the wreckage, and I My wife would have been in her The S. W. Miller Piano uses for grave to-day,' writes O. H. Brown trouble. The frost bitten toe* I'P*; to rob the fnriners out of the man Humphreys, a member of heard Mr. Snead say, ‘ Get on the its strings the celebrated Poelman of Muscadine Ala., “if ft had not fingers, chapped hands and motley they earned working on the riversand harlxirs commit wreck,” and at the same time I saw German imported wire, which ia been for Dr. King’s New Discovery chilblains, cold-eores, red and iih ? But «neh . the roads, are placing them­ tee, was unable to come to Till­ him assisting Miss Laughead to get the highest priced piano wire in She was down in her bed. nst able rough skins, prove e this, before Hual trouble and a Greatest hea’er of Burns, Boil* Dr ints, but stays steadily in oi Cuts. Sores, Bruise s E* of Dr. King s New Discoxen, and be hot in the collar if they are engineers persist in a north I had. 1 was not fast enough, and tune, where a cheaply made piano weL’^" bek»“n zetna, and Sprains. Only ¿ÚC »* ,nend und Cha*. I. doligli'». robbed of their wages. No one jetty, then it should be binding soon the water was all around me, would go wrong. We invite you well in a short time.” Infallible can blHtne them if they are. To •n the government, if the local almost waist deep. I was in the to our store to see and hear this CO,dt’ iU ,he Everv family has need of a I r*med-7 on *»rth for des steal a horse used to be consid­ Ports have to put up half the midst of a seething mass of foaming piano. Jones and Knudson ori- P«r»te lung trouble, hemorraghes reliable liniment. " * ” ........... r*10 For ered n serious offence, but to1 money with no vice as to where water and large logs were bumping ginatore of the direct selling plan 1 h«T tevw, crou^ bruises soreness _______ of the deprive the farmers and others and how the money ia to be ex- 1 and thumping each other and me in in T.llamook from factory to home ! IX “>u£1 - «-«. and rheumatic pains there is Sold out of $30,UU> to satisfy some 1 pended, that u certain depth of a 1 way that was anything but agree- d.stnbutors. Guaranteed by better than Chamberlain’s. by Lamai’a Drug Stoic. Wonder whether anyone is passing around the hat and beg­ ging the farmers to raise a pot to pay an attorney a big fee to repudiate road warrants ? I In further proof of our con­ tention that there should be one Port only to look after the har­ bor improvements, we wish to point out one strong reason why this should eventually be carried out. The Port of Tillamook has levied 2 mills, Bay City 0 mills and Bayocean 10 mills. It can readily be seem that it is an in­ justice to levy different sums when the whole plan of harbor and bar improvements should come under one head and one management. We hope the three Ports will be amalgamat­ ed, or some mutual agreement arrived at whereby the tax levy will be alike all over the water shed tributary to Tillamook bay. The same thing applies to bond­ ing. Let it be uniform through­ out the district. water be obtained on the bar without extra money being put up by the Ports to obtain it. Contran- to the judgment of those who are familiar with local conditions the engineers have recommended a north jetty, and the only way now to change that is for a delegation to go to Washington and confer with the engineers and the com­ mittee before the rivers and harbors bill is passed. 19H-