BaÖliflljt TILLAMOOK, „f vast importance now, as bearing upon henest generation. Teach your children to save tr pemiies and nickels now, and they will how how to value a dollar by and bye. C V1 k .ren tld be taught to be thrifty and they will then now bow to be independent. Present savings ‘“kes future riches. Be a depositor with us. laveyour children deposit here too. You won t egret. Approved Depository for Postal Savings Funds. CAPITAL Ü30.000.00 STATE v SUPEPVISION 1AM00K JOTTINGS It is reported that the P. R. A N. is figuring on making a change in the train schedule for the next few months, running only one train be­ tween this city and Hillsboro, tlie train which arrives in the afternoon to return to Hillsborothe same day. City realty, improved and uni m- proved, in Portland and Hood River, and farm land improved and unim­ proved near I vie, Washington, and Banks, Oregon, for sale or exchange for improved or unimproved realty in Tillamook City or Valley. En­ quire of Attorney John Leland Hen­ derson. Room 216, Tillamook Block. ' J. H. Dunstan and D. T. Edmunds have entered into a trade whereby the hotel at Pacific City becomes the property of Mr. Edmunds and the store building at Mohler the pro­ perty of Mr. Dunstan, who will put in a stock of merchandise. Mr. Dunstan and wife left for Portland on Tuesday to purchase the goods. I.. V. Eberhardt, a prominent ab­ stracter of Portland, has been spend­ ing the holiday season at the home of A. H. Gaylord in this city. Miss Beatrice Gaylord has been at her father’s residence since Saturday. She is a member of the senior class at Washington High Schoo! in Poit- land. Brick. Lime. Cement, Shingles, Coal Oil, Coal. $10 ton, Poultry Supplies, Potatoes, $1.50 per 100, "Best” hard wheat flour $1.40sk., $5.50 bbl.. 1 Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kinds of feed at prices as low as any in the city. J- Dunstan, postmaster of Pa- I emc City, has resigned and D. T. Edmunds ha? been recommended mes Hughey is quite seriously to fill the vacancy. A. G. Beals left on Tuesday’ for I K Beals is in Portland on Portland, where he has gone on a I Iness. business trip, as the saw mill was I I L. Wade and family will move closed down this week. lortland. Lost, a suit case, on Tuesday’, the I Marrin came in from McMinn- 19th, between this city and Hem­ I on Wednesday. lock. Please return the same to Inn-Leach left on the train on the South stage driver. ■day for Portland. Miss Anna B Shirk, who taught rant and Morrison Mills «vent school in this city, and is teaching at I McMinnville, came in to spend the fortland on Tuesday. Lrn, on Saturday, to the wife of holidays with Mrs. Ford. Registered Jersey Cow, with cal lie Hanson, a daughter. fro or four office rooms to let.— by registered Jersey bull, yearling Lly to W. A. Williams. Jersey’ bull eligible to registry for Let, A Solid Gold Watch Fob — ; sale cheap. Inquire at this office. 1 will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf urn to Headlight office, resli fish, oysters and clams I hides at my shop. Try me out and see. The Old Reliable Hide and ry day at the fish market, * ttorney H. T, Botts and wife Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. County Surveyor U. G. Jackson It to Portland on Tuesday. I A. Fishbocker and wife have and George Poisky, his assistant, went to Astoria on Saturday to lined to this city from Eugene spend the Christmas holidays. Ive chickens wanted at the Tilla- Wanted,—To lease for term of >k Meat Company's Market, 13c. years, a dairy ranch furnished with pound. 40 to 50 cows, I have three grown ie Golda^^i ite has been taken sons.—J. T. Carter, Willamina, Ore., he Po^H. ■Tillamook run for box 63. • Rural Mail Carrier Smith had so tibert ^^Kon __ ion and wife returned much mail several days during the Monday, after spending their Christmas rush that it came near eymoon in Portland. crowding him out and on to the top •nted, ¡i position as cook or of the mail cart. ter. Address X. Y. Z., care of Mr and Mrs. Gustave Haberlach, idlight, Tillamook, Ore. parents of Carl Haberlach, came in nn«your chickens to the Tilla- last week to spend the holidays from •kMeatCompany’s Market. We Clackamas ; also Frank Haoerlach 'ifc per pound. • j and wife and family. ^stnias passed off quietly on Slab wood for sale, 16in. lengths, R*y, the weather being wet with $2.75 a load, delivered. Over five »nd wind storms. loads $2.50 a load. Leave orders at k Port of Bayocean has levied a the A. G. Beals Lumber Co.’s office Ftax, which will raise a little or with the teamster. F»re thousand dollars. For Sale, Ten Head Good Milch F Ladies of the Presbyterian Cows, fresh between nowand April FJ‘11 meet next Wednesday 1st. Will sell one or more. Also P00" in the Guild rooms. Poland China and Berkshire FGrace Whitehouse came in shoats.—Apply at Headlight office. Ry to visit her parents during F A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash,, location at the State Normal. fjfltor extends his best wishes has located next door to Lamar’s variety store, and is prepared to do Pfcppy and prosperous year all kinds of shoe repairing at F«>tors in Tillamook County, reasonable rates. All work guran. H Beals gave each of the men teed. Give him a cal). * r* at the saw mill a large Now that the automobile rush is tor their Christmas dinner. LCit> Council will hold an over we are repairing any and everything.^ Guns, Jocks and keys, LT/ meeting on Friday even- typwriters, cash registers and L an UP the business of the complicated machinery a specialty. At Ed's Garage, 2nd Ave. Any­ a. J1 R R>>therford and wife, thing that we can’t repair we will _ .Tille' are spending the buy. - hol>1.50 per year. DECEMBER 28 ever be known of its origin. While the form is new in the clovers, it is not original in the legume family. The yellow threefoil in the Siberian alfalfa, and one or two other varie­ ties of alfalfa, have shown it.” Please, sir, do not think I ha ve to ■ell Tailor Made Clothing to make a living. If I was selling to make a living out of it I certainly would have to charge you more than I do. I am giving you Chicago’s lowest price on Suits and Overcoats right here in Tillamook. If they would allow me to sell for less price I would do it. I have sold this line of clothing in this county for two years, and the way people are burying this fall assures me that the people in Tillamook County know when they are treated right and get the worth of their money. Now I have adver­ tised more than I can afford so as to let you all know the opportunities you have. My motta is to live and let live. Can be found afternoons at rooms over the Tillamook County Bank. Mutual telephone. Warring­ ton W. W. Mills. E. F. Rogers, V S., agent. , Speculation and investment are two terms that are often confused. The nhrew busi­ ness man or woman draws a distinct line t>e- tween the two and NO PERSON SHOULD SPECULATE on all their capital, but should always have some laid aside as a SAFE AND UNSHRINKING INVESTMENT. Speculation makes or breaks, careful in­ vestment means steady advancement toward FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE Let us remind you of a saving account to provide you with the safe and certain growing and available investment which EVERY PERSON SHOULD HAVE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TILLAMOOK The Only Government Examined Bank in the Conntv. NOT IN HURRY TO BUILD. United Railways Waiting for Bar and Harbor Improve­ Scores at Oregon Batter an i Cheese Makers’ Convention ments to Commence. 1 Body Color. Finish. T of a 1. Flavor. Texture. i Plans for next year’s work, in Perfect Score................ . .. 45 15 15 15 10 - » eluding the extension of the Oregon ... 11 15 . 10 .. • IP* .. 15 r ’1 Electric to McMinnville, improve­ lohn Pen wort h 15 14'. . 14'-, 10 .. L K. Childers ments on the line between Salem « . . 4 4'.» 14 ... 4b 15 10 * ì 14 13 15 10 .. and Eugene now being' completed Ac Irian Tinner............ . . . 38 15 13 . . . 4' >' à . 1U . . 14U disposition of the Portland terminal Claude Christenson 15 . 13 J. Rogers .............. ... 39 .. 14'a . 10 .. i’I’s situation and arranging for the A y ft, 14'. .. 14 .. 15 . 1U .. Andrew Christensen. ... 41 ultimate extension of the United Guy Ford . .................. . . . 40 tri j lo . . 14 14 on ; . 14'2 IO .. Railways to Tillamook harbor, are Albert Schlappi ........ . .. 41’/k 15 . 15 receiving the attention of Carl R. Gray, president of the North Bank SPECIAL TAX LEVIES. 6417 Automobiles in Oregon Road and the Hill lines in Oregon a Protest S. Cone Enters W now that he has made his report Statistics furnished by Secretary Against 1'ay City Levy. for the closing year to James J. of State Olcott show that there were Below will be found the special Hill at St Paul. 6417 licenses for automobiles i--ue l The situation on Tillamook harbor tax levies filed with the County this year in Oregon. Of these df Clerk : has not developed anythingencour- were issued for Portland alone, the aging to the immediate extension of Port of Bayocean ........ numberof licenses for the metropolis of Tillamook 2 the United Railways to this port, but j Port Port of Nehalem 3 totaling 3208. Medford, with 243, Mr. Gray’, as well as Mr. Hill, is Port of Bay City . 0 ranks third in the list of cities, Sal­ eager to push the line from Banks, Tillamook City .. U'/2 » » em’s 277 exceedi ng her. Eugene its present terminus, through the School School with 150 is fourth and Hood River Diät. Mills. Diet. Mills. Coast range to the ocean as soon fifth with 117. Some Medford own­ 1 .... 27 .... 2 Mi as conditions warrant. ers have evidently not complied 3 .... 2Ma 28 ... Vi ‘‘We are waiting either for an im­ 31 5 .... 2 ... 3(/i with the law, for there are more provementin the lumber market or 6 .... 3 33 ... Mi than 243 cars in the city. 7 .... 4 35 ... Mi sufficient work on Tillamook harbor However,takingtheSecretary's fig­ 36 ...10 8 .... 6 to make shipping facilities there 37 9 ... . 12 ... 6 ures in the number of automobiles adequate to our needs. Either one 10 .... 2 38 ... 1 compared to population. Medford or both of those developments will 11 .... 4Mi 39 ... 4 leads the state, having one automo­ 46 .... 5 12 .... Mi cause Us to build. There would be bile to every 36 inhabitants, as ag­ 14 48 .... 3 ... 2 no use in our extension of the rail­ 15 .... 10 49 .... 3 ainst one to every 64 in Portland, road through a mountainous country 18 .... 2 50 . .. 10 one to every 50 in Salem and one to at a heavy expense without some 22 .... 6 51 .... 3 every 60 in Eugene. 23 .... % 54 .... 4 visible means of return. It is read­ 24 55 .... 2 .... 10 ily appreciated, I believe, that tim­ 25 .... 2 56 .... 2 ber is about the only business that 26 .... 3 Dr. J. T. Work, M.T., we can expect to get for a long W. S. Cone has filed the following time after our line is built, unless notice with the County Court : Wishes to announce that he will the shipping facilities are greatly "You are hereby respectfully be open for practise utter the first improved.” warned and notified not to levy or of the year, on 1st Street, three! Terminal on South Side ot Bay. extend upon the tax rolls of Tilla­ blocks west of Allen bakery., cor. There appears to be good found­ mook County, Oregon, any of the 3rd ave. West. ation for the report that when the special taxes or assessments thut I specialise for nervous and United Railways build into Tilla­ are or shall hereafter be levied or By mook County it will build a line to assessed by the common council, chronic diseases generally. Bayocean, so as to have the advan­ or other authorities of the town of dietica and hand manipulation of tage of the Sturgeon channel, Bay City', in Tillamook County, the nerves affected principally it which is the best and natural chan­ Oregon, against the property of W. the spinal column. Bv elect;» y nel on Tillamook bay, giving their S. Cone, which is situated in said in its various forms requirt-4 1 spe- i reeommeii ! the Fleetro- terminals on that side of the bay town of Bay' City, or in anv of its cinliy an improved form deep water facilities; also that the additions, for the reason thn*. in Radiator - ns bath and electric railway survey from this city to the opinion of said W. S. Cone, said of Turkish being tie Bayocean is hacked by th" Hill town is not legally incorporated, treatment combined. people. When President Gray visit and for the further reason that best and only device that gix.s ed Tillamook that was theonly part I some of the persons acting as both nt once thus invigorat -g of the bay he was interested in, and aidermen of such town are not instead of weakening the systt-n us the engineers liad mapsand surveys qualified to act in such capacity, hot water or steam battei I have lefeieuies from mriv along with them when they left this and any and all taxes levied or city for the bay. It seems also that assessed by such authorities would leading phy su-uitis unit hosp . ’« where it is used most effective); .ar their engineeis recommended a therefore be void.” all kinds of rheumatism ai d Bro south jetty for the improvement of ralgia. It quickly dispels guppe the bar when he was here. Horse» for Sale. mid colds setting into lung troubles ordropsy mid all such effusions For What We Want. to stomach mid nervous disorders it We want pavement, proves very s.itisfaetoi v mid I We must have sewers. respectfully solici the patronage >i Daily Farm Wanted. We must have a modern hotel, nil suffering from mieli disorders. Wanted by an experienced dairy Dr. J T- Work, Naturopath Phyu We must have more people and more pay rolls, These improve- man, a dairy farm to rent, with cimi. 20 to 30 cows. Apply to this office ments bring thein, Everybody back up the mayor and council in getting them. We want and must have hard sur­ face pavement - and water proof at that. Any pavement that is not water proof will not stand and is more expensive than the best. Investigate carefully, thorougly which kind of pavement is the best, then get it. Could not a paving contractor put in sewer cheaper than separate contractors? Let us find out. bAJVIB-SCHRRDER CO Incorporated. Warehouse and Coinmission ivien I Wants Dairy Ranch. 1 have a reliable client who will pay cash for 40 to 75 acre dairy ranch in Tillamook county, mostly cleared, with or without buildings, with or without cows, Give price, distance to creamery and full par­ ticular« in first letter. Must be «nap. Address E. M. Shutt, Hepp ner, Oregon. 1 Coal, Shingles, Lime, ’ | i Cement ami Brick, it W Dock and Warrehoue. Front Street, “ ^between 2nd and 3rd Avenue West. J. E4V« A