Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 21, 1911, Image 6

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    Tillamook Headlight. Deoember 21. 1911.
ABROAD AND AT HOME* A New Perenial Clover Dis­
The South End of the County
Useful Information and Rea­ covered in Tillamook County.
Want 10 Mill Road Levy
sons Why Tillamook Bar and
Cloverdale Courier.
A new perenial clover, a native of
With mud knee deep on the roads
the Nestucca, is a specie of alsike,
in this end of the county the efforts
with the alsike food value, perpetu­
In the Berlin Tageblatt recently- ates itself from node buds and bulbs,
of our friends in Fairview, who are
urging the county court to cease appeared a display advertisement having no bloom, flower, seed or
road work for a year, comes to us of the excellent opportunities for the I sex. It may be run through a feed
location of industrial plants afford­ ■ cutter and sown on meadow, pas­
with poor grace.
We do not want to plunge tha ed by the new harlxir works at Gel­ ture or prepared ground, and will
county into debt neither do we wish senkirchen, for which, it was stated, j yield 30 tons and up per acre. It
to plunge into the road with the no less than ti, 090,000 marks had ' thrives on any land red clover will
hope that the top of our hats will be been appropiated. Reference to an grow and on land too wet and cold
atlas shows that Gelsenkirchen lies to grow red clover. May planting
the only thing above the surface.
Therein reason in all things and in the interior Province of West­ will yield a crop in July. One plant
we cannot see any reason why the phalia. What important river runs I produces from 200 to several thou
Fairview people, with their good by Gelsenkirchen? Not the Rhine— sand plants. Grows in the winter
roads, should wish the county to that is miles away. Inspection of I and frost does not affect it.
stop road improvement until it in ¡the harbor plan reveals a canal con lor methods of cultivation.
j necting with the Rhine. Was this
out of debt.
Those who desire starters of this
Siippo-e we would suggest to the . lues made over a "harbor” ora ditcli bulb clover cun do so by writing to
Fairview people that they pay to ' through the bills back of Oberhau­ M. Thompson, Blaine, Ore. Plants
th<- county an amount equal to that sen und nearly $1,500,000 spent to 10c. each. Orders will not be re­
of thecost of their road improvement attract new industries to help make ceived for less than 10 or more than
above what they had to pay in road that outlay pay? Undoubtedly it 100 plants.
was. When your Teuton invests
tax for the same.
Very little calculating is necessary four marks in improvement, he fig­
High School Flashes.
to see thae they would be hard hit ures that at least five marks are
and a greater howl than ever would coming back
School is not in session
Now picture the citizens of Utica, I this week owing to the fact that the
issuefrotn Pint quarter. Theirtaxes
alone would not have built the roads
Teachers Institute was in session
tli< - have and for the balance they the Erie Canal and advertising the most of the time. We think that it
nre honestly in debt to the rest of fact to the world as an inducement would be much more advisable had
the county, and should be willing for the location of new industries the institute been held during vaca­
there! Yet Utica is situated, with
to liquidate that inbebtedness.
tion week, thereby allowing the
In other words, the rest of the co­ respect to the Atlantic Coast, about school the week of study, that by-
unty lias foe’ped them put good as Gelsenkirchen to the North Sea this has been
almost entirely
roads in their district and they ports Nor is this an exceptional ruined. We are not in favor of hold-
should nowhelpthe rest of the co­ instance. Did you ever hear of ing school until the first of July,
unty to get equally good roads, and Ntiess? Not many- years ago its because of an over amount of holi­
that’s only fair.
Fairview then population had sunk to about 4,500, days.
me uc
gets the best of it. because they and the good people of the town
Friday morning the
decided that something had to be team
got the improvements first.
composed of Reed
We believe the ranchers of Fair-
view lire good, honest people who borrowed nearly $2.000,000, made of start for Nehalem, to meet the
are willing to stand their share of the degenerate stream Erft a deep Nehalem debating team in debate
burden when the matter is brought water canal to the Rhine, and con- at that place. The question " Re-
to liiem in a fair and honorable structed a commodous harbor, with 8Olved that the Federal Government
lielit but it is easy to seen that carefully’laid- out sites for industrial 9hould ad t a Parcel8 Po8t in con.
they have never had occasion to plants. Now trade of all kinds flour- nection wi'th the Po8tai Depart-
v sit this end of the county when the ■ sues, the improvements are paying ment „ wil, be
oppotjed by our
reads nre in the condition they are f< r themselves, upward of forty new team. There i(J a *e£t deal
ii i- in. In the summer months fn tones have been secured, includ- terial on both gide8 of the que8tion
the roads are tolerably fair. That ing branches of two of the greatest a„d it is expected that the contest
is the time of year when citizens of American companies, and the pop...............
will be very close.
The ....
ore end of the county visits the ot­ ulation is passing the half-way post team we understand is very strong
her parts of the county’ and for a
this year, but we are not able to
man to circulate a petition in this | In our country Neuss might be com­ state whether our team is strong or
end if the county at this time of
not at present.
year asking to have road work held Norristown, Pennsylvania, altho
At first it was thought that an
tip would have the courage of a without the advantages of Norris­ excursion would be run to Nehalem
Daniel, he would leave with even town, originally-as to natural loca­ that night, but the matter has been
less signatures than did the petition tion, population or industries. But «.¡ven Tin and it is not known
recieve when it was circulated here imagine the taxpayers ofNorrietown whether anv one expect the de­
when our roads were at their best. ooliguting themselves to the ex- ¿"¿ers and" Prof Moore will go to
We hope the county court will not tent of $2,000 000 to provide a harbor .. .
c,n or not: ,
be unduly influenced by the petition. and dockage on theSchuylkill! At
entertained the
Petitions should be weighed and
carefuiy considered. To refuse a penditures aggregating close upon ??n*?r *J°y8 UJ *‘'e home of Mr. A.
~ river
traf- **; Gay , lord, in the west end of the
man you r signal lire to his petition, t5,000,000 for encouraging
___ many I - ..............
ily Tuesday’ evening. A fine time
no matter what the petition is for fie are being increased by
by those present.
— _ its , present!*
---------- 8 reported
. .
. Games
is not a pleasant thing to do. Peti millions more. V."
lions are also circulated at a time progressive policy was inaugurated "ere played and light refreshments
when little or no discussion has Dusseldorf bad a population less were served.
A large number of the High
taken place and real facts and fig­ than that of Wilmington, Delaware,
ures me not funr.linr to those who and few of the natural advantages School students are attending the
sign the petition. This is demon­ ot Wilmington with respect to mati- institute this week, from which at­
Now it tendance they nre deriving much
strated by the fact that several sig. uracturing and commerce.
tiers of the petitions are now re h is six times as many people and good and are not loosing entirely
their week s schooling.
questing that their names be strick­
Would Wilmington
en from the list,
Out of the very operatives.
few in this end of the county who
. ..------ 1 -i
.io-., we jlnve |carfl. snnie way, and double that invest-
Vote of Condolence
ed t.f two who will see that their n ent ti short time afterward? Mann-
Hall of Tillamook Lodge, No.
mi me» lire taken from the lists lie- h -ini has spent about $9,000,000 on
fore the court acts.
The circulater harbor improvements, with private I. O. O. F., Tillamook, Oregon.
of a petition is anxious to get investments along its water fronts December 12, 1911.
ns many sigdiitiires us possible. that run into enormous figures. As To the Officers and Members of
He is enthusiastic und like the a manufacturing and distributing
Tillamook Lodge, No. 94. I.O.O.F.
__________ to
Your .....................
committee, , _
saletnan selling goods, gives
the center it takes high rank among the
kind of talk his listeners wish to commercial cities of the world, with draft appropriate resolutions of con-
Not dolence on the death of Brother C.
hear. It is tie argument of one a population of about 175,000.
point to one man and another point long ago it might have been likened B. Hadley, beg leave to submit the
to another, and while it petition
Tillamook Lodge joins with our
should have due consideration it Little Rock compare with it today?
should not he considered iih a vote, In order to meet the increased re lamented Brother’s family and
because a man posts himself on all quirement of rivet traffic, a new friends in testifying to the high
sides of the question and votes his harbor, including about nine miles worth and standing of Brother
heat judgment, but ns to petitions of quay walls and the opening of a Hadley, who departed from this
it is all one-sided argument. How­ basin of 500 acres, is being construct- earthly life in the fullness of years,
ever, we believe the court before its ed at brankfort-on-the-Main at a and after a life of constant devotion
next session will have learned cost of $13,690,000. Frankfort has a to his family and to the ennobling
from the taxpayers they are as a population equal to that of Kansas teachings of our Order.
Brother Hadley was born in the
majority' in favor of permanent City. After herculean efforts on the
road building and that as much as part of a few citizens, Kansas City State of Wisconsin in July, in 1846,
possible lie done each year without is just getting one line of packets joined Tillamook Lodge,No. 94,Jan-
started down the river.—Collier’s uary 21, 1889, where he held his
liny let up.
membership until his death, Dec-
A ten mill road tax will do a whole Weekly.
ember 2nd, 1911.
lot this year because we have no
machinery to buy and if we are no
Teachers’ Institute.
While Brother Hadley's avocation
________ .
in life did not permit him to attend
further in debt at the close of the
_ regulery, his heart was al-
tear than we now are we will have
The school teachers and instruct-
no just reason to complain.
ors of the various schools of tli'e ways with Tillamook Lodge and all
county have been attending the that pertained to Oddfellowship;
Therefore, Be it Resolved: That
annual teachers' institute which was
For Sale.
being held Monday, Tuesday und Tillamook Lodge testfies in the
Wednesday of this week in the as- strongest manner possible to its ad-
Heavy, well matched team nini seinbly hall of the High School miration of the sterling qualities
wagon tor sale cheap or will trade building.
1>nd manhood which distinguished
as part pavaient on town property.
The attendance was good, there our late departed Brother, and we
F rank H anknkratt .
being tietween fifty and sixty present deeply sympathise with his family
at nearly all sessions. The percent »nd trust that the Great Giver of all
-• large goou
good will soften the blow they have
age of - men teachers
was very
The Port of Tillamook Case • in comparison with that of other recieved;
years, undoubtedly, because of the
Resloved that these resolutions be
The Port of Tillamook case which i better wages being given at present spread upon ttie
the minutes, a
sent - to the widow of our deceased
was ’rieil before Judge Benson on i for educators.
Saturday. and a good ileal of inter
The lecturers wire Supt. L. R. Brother and the tnemders of his
<■ <t was taken in it. for there was a Alderman and wife, Prof Thomas family, and a copy to thecity papers
large attendance in the court room Gentle of Monmouth State Normal, for publication, and that our Char­
iii the afternoon.
Attorney Ralph Miss Maude Langheud, a very effi­ ter be draped in mourning for 30
Fraternally sudmitted.
1 niway was employ ed bv the farm- cient primary instructor, and Chas, days.
eis to tight the case with a view to tl. Jones ot the Oregon Teachers'
J. S. Lamar, P. G.
ii. teat the Port, and Attorney IL T. Monthly, also Prof. J. R. Bidgood.
Frank Severance, P. G.
Bolts was on the other si le and Principle of the Fatrview school
Thus. Coates, N. G.
teptesenleil the Pott. Mr. Duniwuy and the faculty of the High School.
i untended that the original Port
A night session was held Tuesday
which was created by an act of the night at tlie Christian Church at
Dairy Farm Wanted.
State I .egishitlire was still in exis
vhicha number of special numbers
h nee and had never been dissolved .ere rendered prior to the lectures.
Wanted by an experienced dairy
by that body and that the present
Prof. Gentle's address on. ‘‘Ho« man, a dairy farm to rent, with
Port had no tight to extend its German Life Looks to Me." was 20 to 30 cows. Apply to this office.
1 omidm ii s. Mr. Botts, on theother aot only interesting because of the
. nul. ottereil proof that the Port way lie delivered it but irlso be.
Wanted to Bny.
had been legally organized and the cause of the many things which he
c itunissioners legally appointed or told in connection witli the inner
Ten to 15 acres of good bottom
. . led. that the enlargement of the ife of the German people; things ( i land under cultivation or grass, on
Port was brought about by a direct hat the average person
knows I public road within 4 miles of Tilla-
vote of the people under our new lothing of. He kept the audience j /nook.'
'. Price must be right for
i iiivtiniinmt
the initiative mid
n goocf humor throughout the ad- 'cash.
ea„h Owners only. V al W heeler ,
o . rend iiiu law. or what is more Iress by telling of the many blunders ,\LLE.\ H ovse '
commonly known ns the Oregon -.hut he imide while in the Father­
\lthough the Port had land
1 en in existence several years, it
The address of Supt. L. R. Alder­ JWhen you have a cold get a lot
- idnntted by witnesses that pro man on "Educational Life," was tie of Chamberlain's Cough Rem­
reedings would not have been in- mH of fuels placed before the public edy. It will soon fix you up all
-.touted against the Port hail it not n tlie interesting way that Mr. right and will ward off any tend­
ency towurd pneumonia.
mdertuken to bond the district, Alderman lias
l oth attorneys mude'good argil
After the night session hud ad­ remedy contains no opium or other '
■ Hints in fuvoi of their sides of the journed the crowd went to the Star narcotic and may be given as con- I
«use und Judge Benson took the Cheater where Chua. Jones of the fidently to a baby as to an adult. ,
mutter under advisement, in being >regi>n Teacher»* Monthly gave a Sold by Lamar's Drug Store.
agreed that briefs were to be sub­ tulk on Indiati. Legenda, accoiups-
mitted. A decisi >n is expected in med by alides.
A Terrible Blander
about two weeks. The general opi­
to neglect liver trouble. Never do
nion amongst those who heard the
it. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills
case is that the case will be decided
Dr. Morris the well known on
the first sign
of constipation,
i<n off
tn favor of the Port.
Eye Specialist will arrive in biliousness or inactive
i---- .i.. bowels and
Tillamook December 27th, prevent virulent indigestion, jaun.
Dr. Morris' glasses are and will leave on the train dice or gall stones. They regulate
liver, stomach and bowels and
death to headache, December 29tb. See him while he is build
up rour health. Only 25c at
27th, ¿»th, ¿9th.
Chas. I. Clough's.
Come and See our Beautiful Line of
You certainly can find something that
will please.
To avoid the chances of carrying over any of these
goods we are offering our entire line of beautiful
At One Half Price.
We will not attempt a description, but simply say the
are beautiful. Come, See and ask our Prices.
& CO
We carry a Lar^e Stock of
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
The Most Reliable Merchants In Tillamook County
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregulariti
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitut
Chas. I. Clough, Tillam^Lt
the highest type of a pure straight
whiskey blend
aged in wood
complying with both the United States and State
Pure Food Laws
straight whiskey—ail whiskey
Id whiskey
W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore.