▼ « Tillamook Headlight, December 2!, 1911. FREE ! FREE ! r Grand EXHIBIT OF MOVING PICTURES, <11 tl 1 (1 GEM THEATRE, TILLAMOOK, OR., Oil WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27tli, ’ll. ( Everybody Should Come Out to See this Wonderful Exhibit. rhich it is Possible you May Never have the Opportunity to See Again. rhrough the Courtesy of the Gem Theatre Management we are enabled to present to he People of Tillamook County the BEST SHOW ever produced in this territory. Besides the Regular Show there will be Shown upon the Screen 4,000 feet of Films, representing the Greatest and Largest AUTOMOBILE FACTORY in the WORLD. THE STUDEBAKER E-M-F AND FLANDERS CORPORATION. Of Detroit, Mich. nM il I ni il I axstateJMjgrsBWimffwi g,-. * [Ishow the work of their factory thro out in the manufacturer of their cars,from the raw pig iron ami material to the finished car I There will also be shown on this occasion a feature drama film and a side splitting comedy, by the Gem Management. Also lie and popular song hit. The Regular Admission of 10 cents being charged. [The moving pictures of the Studebaker Corporation will be entertainingly explained by a lecturer from the factory F accompanies this exhibit. The operation of the films will also be in charge of a factory representative who iwnpanies the show. This show is given at large expense by the Studebaker officials and it is an opportunity to see |exi)it of this kind which you may never have the offering to see again. Besides the remarkable and entertaining kl see’n£> ,^ie lar^st Automobile factory in the world in actual operation ; there will be shown thrilling and hair LwIitunts» have been but recently performed by the leading autornible drivers of the United States in making new | (or^s "ith The Studebaker E.M.F. 30 and the Flanders 20, cars. Road Races, Hill Climbing and Endurance I will be shown in these 4000 feet of films. I T1 L er< Pe,f°rrnance8 To accommodate the people who should come out to see this show. I enf< promptly at 7:15 p.m., and the second show will commence at 8:45 p.m. The first show will Dont Forget the Date I Dont Fail to Come ! This will be some Show ! I egular| admission, 10c. No extra charge for seeing the 4000 feet of automobile films. r you may enjoy the lecture and the show. Come earlv and get a good seat RHODES & SHIPMAN, Gem Theatre Management. | ROLLIE W. .__ Pis- WATSON, Agent for STUDEBAKER E-M-F 30 and FLANDERS 20 Cars, Tillamook, Ore. We wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy and Prosperous New Year. -ss?3a