Tillamook Headlight. December 21. 1Ö11 THIS STORE IS DISTINCTIVE IN Th« Only Help He Needed Wee Threading the Needle. MANY WAYS i IBSEN AS A TAILOR. In Sor.ly Tried by a Joker Who Knew the An Interesting story of Ibsen as a tailor is told in a Paris contemporary. I Jonas Lie, a Norwegian poet, was ac- We control practically every line that we handle | customed to spend part of the sum­ mer at Berchtesgaden, in the Sales- and we limit the sale of all articles of distinctive de­ burg Alps. On one of these occasions, while sojourning in tbe neigh liorhood, sign so that they will not become common. Ibsen turned up at his friend's resi­ dence and asked to see Mme. Lie, add ing that they need not disturb the poet. When madame appeared Ibsen apologized. It was only a trifle—a but­ Watches for men and ton had come off. He had purchased Is more than a Christ­ a needle ai>4 thread. Mme. Lie, wo women, boys and girls, mas gift, it is an every­ manlike, offeasd to sew on tbe button, and every watch I sell is tbe poet would not hear of it. All day necessity to the busi­ but be asked was that she would aid him worth its price. ness or professional man, by threading the needle. He had found to ladies and every body it most difficult The lady, of course, and Ibaen went on bis way who has use for any pen. complied, raJoiclDg. Mme. Lie did not meet Ibsen again until some days after tbe needle diffl culty was surmounted, This time he Heads the list in watch called to see the poet, There was no demand for an interview with the excellence. It will give poet's wife. In the course of conver Our line of cut glass is perfect satisfaction aation the lady, “wishing to get her complete and the very through your life and your best in the City. Come own back," inquired somewhat satlr leally if she could be of any service son’s life. to her busband’s friend. Could she in and let ns show you. thread another needle tor him? "A thousand thanks, my dear madame," replied the author of "The Doll’s House.” “I took care when you threaded the needle for me to make tbe thread long enough to last the whole summer.”—London Globe. A TIMLEY GIFT. Moores Non-Leakable Fountain Pens A last­ ing Gift. THE HOWARD WATCH 32. 50 PEN for 51.65. CUT GLASS. Come in and we may be able to help you with Suggestions. HOWARD WAHLEN, LEADING JEWELER. Fine Hand Engraving Open Evenings Morning Star Flour Is an exceptional Hour, is made of choice valley wheat, blendid with hard wheat, making a strong white gluten- ous flour, it is the best all round flour on the market, results produced please the eye and palate. Order a sack to-dav V and be eon- vinced that Morning Star Flour is far superior to ordinary flour. Every sack guaranteed. For sale by A. FINLEY & CO. MORNING AND EVENING TRAINS. ASTORIA to PORTLAND Tickets and Baggage through to Puget Sound points, Spokane, St. Paul, Chicago, Denver, Kansas, City, Omaha, St. Louis and all points East. Atlantic Steamship Agency. (Agents of The Oregon Electric Ry. at Forest Grove and Hills« boro sell through tickets to all points east. Fares and train schedules will be forwarded on request. W. E. C oman . G. B. J ohnson , General Freight & Pass. Agent, Geueral Agent, Portland, Ore.Astoria, Ore. ¿XPORT BEER. KAISER BLUME. U »surpassed. Non-Intox ¡eating. MALT TEA. HOTT I. El) BY THE ; Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon Soda Waters. Sipthons, Bartlett Mineral Water. O A C Short Courses Begin Jan. 3rd, Continue FOUR WEEKS. You Invited. Every citizen of Oregon is cordially invited to attend the short courses of the Oregon Agricul­ tural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven distinc­ tive courses will be offered in Agriculture. Me (lumie \rts, IXimestii Science anil Art Com tn >■ i »restry md 'In-,. Kverv coarae I* de signed to HKI.I’ tlie student in his daily work. Make this a pleasant anil profitable winter out­ ing No tuition Reasonable a ecom mods lions. For beautiful illustrated bulletin, address Il M. TENNANT. Registra r. Curvali*. Ore FtküMt'H BVAINK.SS CODtSt HY COWWKSIVNPFM I CHANGED HER MIND Strategic Game In Domestic Economy the Husband Played. Strategy can sometimes be made as effective in domestic economy as In the operations of war. By way of 11- luatration consider an instance that recently arose in a certain city. JHs ambitious young housewife there had ai opportunity to buy at a great bargain a handsome rug which she needed. The price was only $200, but the owner declared that the rug was ac^nlly worth $400. The young wo- iflWs busband gently protested that even $200 was more than persons of their Income could afford for a single article of household furnishing, but after much persuasion he consented to tbe purchase, as most husbands do in such cases. But this particular husband played a strategic game. When he gave his wife the money to pay for the rug it was not In currency notes of large de­ nomination. but In the form of 200 round, sound silver dollars. The young woman was astounded. Until the money was counted down dollar by dollar she never hnd realized that It would take so many to pay for that rug. She decided to buy a slxty-flve dollar rug. but declared that If the money hnd been given to her In two notes of $100 each she would have bought the costlier one without hesita­ tion.— New York Mall. Origin of the Dog. HANDEL’S TEMPER Composer’» Weakness. Tbe celebrated composer Handel had such n remarkable irritation of nerves that he could not bear to hear the tun Ing of Instruments, and therefore this was always done before he arrited at the theater. A musical wag who knew bow to extract some mirth from Handel's irascibility of temper stole into the orchestra on a night when the Prince of Wales was to be present and un- tuned all the lnstruments. As soon as tbe prince arrived Handel gave the signal of beginning, con splrito, but such was the horrible discord that the enraged musician started up from his sent. nnd. having overturned a double bass, which stood In his way. he seized a kettledrum, which he threw with such violence at the leader of the blind that he lost his full bottomed wig In the effort. Without waiting to replace It he advanced bareheaded to tbe front of the orchestra, breathing vengeance, but so much choked with passion that utterance was denied him. In this ridiculous attitude be stood staring and stamping for some moments amid a convulsion of laughter, nor could he be prevailed upon to resume bls seat until the prince went in per son and appeased his wrath. THE PLANET MARS. It* Orbit and its Distance From the Sun and Earth. While the astronomers are still de- bating and weighing tbe problem of Mars and its inhabitants a few words about the distance of the planet from the sun and earth may be of interest. The average distance of Mars from the sun is 141,500,000 miles. The dis­ tance from earth to sun is 93.000,000 miles. When sun, earth and Mars are In line, with the sun and Mars on op poslte sides of the earth, Mars is said te be in "opposition," and it is then closest to the earth. If earth and Mars both moved in circles about the sun tbe distance from earth to Mars at opposition would t>e forty-eight and a half (141U—93) million miles. But neither of the orbits Is circular, that of Mars being much more elliptical than that of the earth, with the re suit that at opposition Mars may be as far away as 61.000.000 miles from the earth when there is an unfavora hie opposition, or Mars may come us close ns 35.000.000 miles away, when It is ns near as it can possibly come to tbe earth, and its opposition is then the most favorable possible. At such rimes Mars is brightest in the dry and appears of greatest size.—New York World. Biggest of Csnnibal Banquets. Pru'iably the biggest cannibal orgy on re ord is one of which Miss Bea trice Grimshaw te"< In her book “The New New Guinea '' “In 1858 a ship- lo. d of Chinamen was being taken down to Australis. The vessel was wre< ked upon II reef close to Rossel Islnti.l (New Guinea). The officers es­ enped In boats, but were never after ward heard of. As for tbe Chinamen, numbering 326. the natives captured them and put them on a small barren island, where they had no food and no means of getting away. They kept their prisoners supplied with food from the mainland nnd every now and then carried away a few of them to eat until nil but one old man had been devoured. This one succeeded eventu­ ally tn getting away and told some­ thing of the story, which seems to have met with general disbelief. True it is. however, on tbe evidence of the sons of those who did the deed.” ft has been supposed that the dog. Uke the jackal, descended from a spe- cfal race. Examination of the skulls of the canldae In the museum of tbe French Academy of Sciences shows that nearly all of the Jackal and wolf species differ from those of the little wolf of India. The little wolf of In­ dia Is tbe only wild beast possessing tbe salient eyebrow or crest of the dog The little wolf has not only the dog’s eyebrow crest, but all the canine char acterlstica and none of tbe character­ istics of the wolf. It is presumable that the little wolf of India was the original ancestor of the dog. The two primitive canine races, the "dog of the bogs and tbe dog of the age of bronze,” were domesticated first in Asia and Knew What He Was Doing. were introduced Into Europe from The stalwart policeman who guards Asia, like most of the domestic ani­ tin- traffic at Euclid and a cross street mals of Europe.—Harper’s Weekly. risctieiba well dressed old gentleman from beneath the very wheels of an The Origin of Fasting. uitomoblle. As Is the case with all very ancient “Officer." said the rescued man. "are practices, the origin of fasting is ob­ you married?" scure. nerbert Spencer gives us to “No. sir,” answered the policeman. understand that the custom arose out "Ah. well, yon will bear from me In of the habit of providing refreshments a day or two nevertheless." for the dead The offerings to the dead After he had gone a friend of the were often made In so lavish a manner officer asked: “Tom. why did you tell as to Involve the survivors in tenij o- the old guy that you wasn't married? rary starvation, and it Is suggested by You’ve got a wife an’ kid at home. Spencer that the fasting which was and I know It.” at first the natural and Inevitable re­ “Sure I have. But If I’d told him sult of the sacrifice on behalf of the so lie'd have sent me a ham or a has dead, may eventually have come to be ket of grapes As It is be ll probably regarded as an Indispensable con­ come through with a little purse. I comitant of all sacrifice and worship ain't no fool!"—Cleveland Plain I'ealer and so have survived as a well estab­ lished usage long after the original S»ns» of Diraction In Bros. cause had ceased to operate. — New Tlie directive sense possessed by bees York American. is the object of research made by M Gaston Bonnier of Buris, nnd he seems Stopped In Time. to have proved that bees possess a IJttle Fob's father was fond of tell­ spei ial sense like carrier pigeons Ex ing bear stories to his little boys. One pet'iment« showed that bees cun fly evening he was telling a thrilling one two tnili-a to their hives even when about a bear chasing a little girl nnd deprived of the organs of sight ao«' "how he crept nearer nnd nearer and smell Many scientists and toon: nearer.” At this point Boh caught others I indent have always declared his father’s artn. and. Ch the big ihat been nre guided by the sense o! tears falling down his cheek*. he cried: smell nnd lhat they cun smell flowers “Oh. father, don't tell nni more. He at one nnd a half miles RotinYrr’s might catch herf - Detroit Tree Press jeriments proved that bers detect edor* at only «hort diMance« Sanitarium Fama. First Invalid—You must think you are somebody. Judging from the way you talk Second Ditto-1 want yon to realise, air. that I've been fought over In some of tbe best bmpttala In tbe land —Puck. Easily Plsassd. Friend I suppose It Is hard wort pleasing tbs editors? root Not very All on* needs do 1» atop writing -Town Topic«. Publish you Joy» and conceal your Itrlef». No Props. A noled sociologist tells the follow Ing story of a woman In a mannfac luring town Approaching her for ata tlstlcs be asked "Madam, have you any children ?" "No." she replied "I have to work li the factory myself "-l.lfe Indigestion For Two. Ells They aro very much tn whh es. h other Stella—Very. Inesn’t even want him to have eestlon unless she can share It.-New York I’reaa The advanced Piano selling methods originated in Tillamook by the store of Jones & Knudsou makes a big saving in the price of a Piano to each customer, be cause we save them the Portland jobber’s profit and the BIG AGENT’S COMMISSION. Besides there is An Actual Added Advantage Ill dealing with your own home merchant, whose word regarding the quality of the Piano he is selling • you can be safely taken in perference to an agent’s : statement, who perhaps you will never see again. We distribute direct FROM •[ FACTORY TO HOME MAKER TO USER. A new pearl in the crown of the world'8 best Pianos is the reliable S. W. MILLER, the most desired of all good home Pianos. The S. W. Miller Pianos and Piano Players represent a Typical Tone Triumph For their manufacturers, distributors and pur­ chasers, as like a good violin they mellow and improve with age and there is a complete absence of that tinny, metallic tone so often found in the class of Pianos’ usually sold by traveling agents. The much talked of S. W. Miller Pianos Are the envy of agents who are trying to compete with us, but on the other hand the S. W. MILLER PIANO is the pride of every owner. DON’T FOOL YOURSELF Uy paying more for any Piano than the price we ask yon for the S. W. MILLER, for there is no better Home Piano today on the market, and we kindly invite you into our store to make us prove it to your entire satisfaction. Jones & Knudson. TILLAMOOK, ORE. Direct Factory Distributors for Tilla mook County. The Reliable Route Steamer Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER)! Tillamook & Portland. Leaves Portland, Albers No. 3 Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays. Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. B. C. I.AMB, Agent, S. EI.MORB A CO, Lamb's Dock. Tillamook. Ore. Agents, Astoria.Ore F. P. BAUMGARTNER. Agent, Albers No. 3 Dock, Portland, Oregon. A. SANBURN. French Specialist. I treat successfully all Chronic Disea*«» •exes with Imported Herl»», an I wi,h n,r h1° * so-called magnetic treatments. I will curi most stubborn cases without the use of the OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE. CONSULTATION FREE. OFFICE HOURS over 9 TO 12 A.M- TO * Star Theatre.