5, Tillamook Headlight. December 21, 1ÔII oa!i L. In 1908 lightning killed only 180 tieople in this whole country. One b of death by lightning are jrORSlST 4 COUNSEL- chances less than two in a million. The chance of death from liver, kidney LOR-AT-LAW. or stomach trouble is vastly greater, but not if Electric Bitters be used, .¡„..wk Slock. Tillamook. O’- aa Robert Msdsen, of West Burling­ ton, la., proved. Four doc tors gave Room No. $6i ■ ______ him up after eight months of suffer­ ing from virulent liver trouble and yellow jaundice. He was then com­ T.BOIT8, pletely cured by Electric Bitters. They’re the beet stomach, liver, • attorney - at -L aw . nerve and kidney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c at »f Abstract Boul“ Chas. I. Clough’s. H n office. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. | 'Xmas. Photos Tillamook Block. Both phones. C arl haberlach , ATTORN E Y- AT- L A W, Tillamook Bioct. U.-ORGE WILLETT, Ur A ttorney - at -L aw . 1 Tuuelve nice sepia Photos make tuuelve Rniee 'Xmas. Gifts • uuith out» High Grade Lenses. * Good North bight. The best of material. ¡4 And Ten Years ex- I S perienee. We can give you as | good as the best of | txiork. - You are cordially invited to sail and see our PHOTOS. Tillamook Commercial Bnilding. • T illamook - O regon . S rp H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at -L aw . Dice : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . *The Tillamook g Studio. H Next door to Sarchet, the Tailor. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? Tillamook Block. s. M. KERRON, ’HYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block, Oregon. Tillamcok, QR. I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook. Ore. You like a little salt and pep­ per—a little mustard—a little lemon extract—a little this and that to flavor your grub. Your cow, your steer, your hog under natural conditions would have a chance to get a bite of this, a bite of that and a bite of the other thing and so get a variety iu its feed. But under the unnatural condition in which you keep them, they get every day about the eatne sort of stuff to eat. Aa a natural consequence they get “ off their feed.” Even if they do not, their digestive organs need the tonic effect which comes from a variety of feeding stuffs. Watkins’ Stock Tonic C. HAWK, ’HYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. P R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. >R. P. J. SHARP, resident dentist , fficc across the street from the Court Hoose. Dr. Wise’s office. SARCHET, • The Fashionable Tailor Is a scientific preparation which not only improves the flavor of the feed you feed, but also sup­ plies that tonic element so needed to make your live stock do their best. • There is no longer any doubt about the need of a tonic for the modern domestic animal kept under artificial conditions. You must give them something to help them digest their feed and get the greatest good from it. Watkins’ Stock Tonic supplies this need. It makes the animal relish its feed more; it aids in the digestion and assimilation of the feed, and in addition to that, it has a tonic effect upon the whole system. Your animals need a tonic of this kind. Watkins’ Stock Tonic is not a secret preparation. We tell you the actual ingredients that are used in it. You know exactlv what you are buying, and pound for pound it will go farther and do more good than any other stock tonic or so called stock food ever made. The Watkins Man will be glad to leave you a pail on trial, backed by the Watkins guarantee. Deliverd by Waggon. [R. R. ROBERTS. «Ting, Pressing and Repair ing a Specialty. Gallery. a,3 Tillamook Block O regon Be sure you have the correct time Buy your watch here and you will have the best time alwayt—ever accurate and dependable. Our stock C1VlL ENGINEER AND of Gold and Silver Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen includes SURVEYOR, some of the best time pieces ever aUMooK • • • • Ouooi, made. All kinds of Jewelry of the best grades at the lowest market «« Tillamook BlocL prfeenc* Jewelry repaired while you .__ 44r. wait. À Trees In Orang... The Mundus, a weekly published lu Rome In five languages, states that one of the methods adopted by the Japanese to produce their curious dwarf trees is as follows: The pulp of an orange is removed through a amali hole and the skin filled with a mix- ture of wool, charcoal and rich earth, with one seed toward the opening In the skin. The orange is put tn a glass and watered by the hole, and every now and then a little wood ash is added. The plant shoots through the opening, and the roots pierce the skin. As soon as they do so they are cut off. After two or three years of this treat ment the plant will be only n few Inches high, but will bare the aspect of an old forest tree. Horses for Sale. I have 24 head of Horses for sale, all in good condition.—Apply to Geo. W. Grayson. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That in pursuance of a decree of fore­ closure and sale duly rendered and entered by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, on the 18th day of Novem­ ber. 1911, and of an execution and order of sale, duly issued by the Clerk of said Court, in pursuance thereof, dated November 27th, 1911, and to me directed I have levied upon all of the right, title and in­ terest of Albert H. Malaney, Lulu E. Malaney, D. T. Edmunds, John H. Dunstan and Mary F. Dunstan, defendants in the said foreclosure proceedings, in and to the following described real property, situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: The Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, and Lot 5, of Section 19, and the Northeast quar­ ter of the Northwest quarter and Lots 9 and 10 of Section 30, contain­ ing 123.90 acres (except 21.82 acres deeded to Albert H. Malaney.) Also the West half of the North­ east quarter, and Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Section 30, and Lot 7 of Section 31. Also the tide land fronting and abutting on Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Sec­ tion 19. (Except the tide lands front­ ing and abutting on Malaney’s addition to Ocean Park) and the tide lands fronting and abutting on I. ots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Section 30, and abuttin tion 19. All in Township 4 South of Runge 10 West of Willamette Meridian. Also Lots 1 and 2, of Block 2, Malaney’s addition to Ocean Park. Except that portion of the pre­ mises aforesaid contained within the limits of Pacific City. And in pursuance of said decree and order of sale I will, on Monday, the 15th day of January, 1912, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., at the front door of the Court House, in Tilla­ mook City, Tillamook County, Ore­ gon, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bid­ der, for cash in hand, all of the right, title and interest of the above named defendants, or either of them, in and to the above described real property to satisfy Baid execu­ tion and order of sale, interest and costs, and ull accruing costs. The decree of foreclosure and order of sale referred to was entered by said court in a cause wherein Kathleen Mills was plaintiff, and the other parties above named were de­ fendants, and by the terms of said decree of foreclosure the plaintiff was decreed to have and recover of and from the defendants Albert H. Malaney and Lulu E. Malaney, the sum of $3000.00. with interest there­ on at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from July 1st, 1910, for the sum of $350.00 as attorney’s fees, and for thecosts and disbursements of the suit taxed at $19.95. Dated this December 7th, 1911. H. C renshaw , Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. When your feet are wet and cold and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ edy, bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Rememlter that our stock is replete with new things and that all other lines are the largest in the county. No one can be sure of having made wise selections unless thev come to the store, see all the goods not told of here, and get the prices. Helpful Suggestions. Note these lists, look through the remainder of the advertisements, then come to the store, taking time to look through the entire stock. GIFTS FOR MEN M. AUSTIN, EUGENE JENKINS, Jeweler, sa Next Reliable to the Post Office Stillwell Ave. CHAS. I. CLOUGH RELIABLE DRUGGIST TILLAMOOK BEAVER STATE Hard Wheat Patent Flour : : A TRIAL CONVINCES : Every Sack Guaranteed : $ to Give Satisfaction Child Portraits Made by Vs are Child-Like. Just as our portraits of adults possess strength and character, We are experts in lighting and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come iu and set oui line. Monk's Studio Next to the Post Office. Will ti<>t mar the appearance of new Harness but it will make it very unsafe. If you buy your HARNESS St. West, and both Phones. Here you may test assured that you are getting not only Har­ ness that present* the very finest appearance, but Harness that is well made in every detail. ALL KIND OF BHfeAU, Foley Kidney Pills ¡MIDDLE AOED and ELDERLY Mr. Wlbbles-What fine dark hair FEOPLE and for WOMEN. you bare. Miss Knox! My wife, who A younger than you are. has her hi.lr ' NAVI HIQHIIT RICOMMKNDATION E A. Dari«, tn Wstbliurton St, Coaamvill» quite gray. Mias Knox-Yes. and if lad., I. In bla Bib year. Ho writs« ea: "1 bew I’d been your wife no doubt my hair latelr .nff.red much from mr bidnei a eed blaA would bar* been gray too.—Boston •er I bad aeaerebeebaebnaaod dj kidaar eeliee iwaa ton frequent, r.uainc ma to loae mark alee. Transcript •4 niabZ, end In mr bladder there eeae<«atead Envy always Implies conscious In­ feriority wbarsrsr It residas -Pliny. ONE WEAK SPOT and First What He Took. “Judge,“ said the guilty man. “I In­ TONIC IN ACTION . QUICK IN RCSULTS herit thia felonious habit. 1 can’t re­ •tra p ee fl relief from BACKACHE, sist it. My father was a grafter and my mother a photographer. 1 can’t KIDNEY sod BLADDER TROUBLE, help taking things.’* RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the “Then take seven years at bard la­ KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the bor.” said the judge kindly.—Cleve­ ■LADDER and all annoying URINARY land Plain Dealer. IKKEGULARITIE8. A positive boon Is pein. 1 took Folea Kidner Pilla for aoam * aad am now fraa or all trouble and naam a be op end around Foley buloar Fill. he hietaat recomawaadeUoa.'' Toilet Cases Fine Chira Cut Glass Fancy Vases Fine Pictures Books in Gift Bindings Hand Mirrors Fine Package Perfumes Manicure Sets Jewel and Glove Boxes Photo and Work Boxes Post Card Albums Fine Atomizers Pearl handled Pens Ormula Clocks Pocket Books Celluloid Goods Etc., etc. LET ME FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTION'S “I had been troubled with con- stipation for two years and tried all of the best physicians in Brie- tai, Tenn,, and they could do noth- ing for me,” writes Thos. E Will- iams, Middleboro, Ky. “Two pack­ ages of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me.” For sale by Latnar’s Drutr Store. Corner GIFTS FOR LADIES Traveling Cases All the Latest Books Christmas Cigars Fountain Pens Shaving Sets Shaving Mirrors Collar and Cuff Boxes Necktie Boxes Military Brushes Pocket Books Ebony Hat Brushes Silver Watch Safes Metal or Celluloid Soap Boxes 2 Diaries, etc. An Old Friend. A private soldier onre rendered some slight service to the first Napoleon The quicker a cold is gotten “Thank you, captain." said the em of the less the danger from pneu peror carelessly. “In what regiment, sire?" was the nionia and other sericus diseases Mr. B. W, I.. Hall, of Waverly, Va. instant response of the quick wilted says: “I firmly believe Chamber private. Iain’s Cough Remedy to be abso “In my guards.” replied the emperor, lutely the best preparation on the pleased with the man's ready retort. market for colds. I have recom- This incident, with appropriate vari ; mended it to tny friends and thev atlons. also happened to Genghis all agree with me.” For sale by Khan. Ivan the Terrible. Attila, (lu. Lamar’s Drug Store. tavns Adolphus. Louis XIV.. Charle- mngne. Alexander. King Alfred. Xer xes. Richard the Lion Hearted and Henry of Navarre.—Success Magazine OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. Wedding Rings. According to the ancient ritual, the husband began by placing the wedding ring upon the bride's thumb and put­ ting it successively on the next two fingers, pronouncing for each one a person of the trinity, with a final “Amen.” as the fonrth finger was reached, where the ring remained — New York American J- CLAUSSEN LAWYER, ^ hxamook Canton Has Ono Eighteen Foot High and Forty-five Feet In Circumference. Some of the old world bells are heavy indeed. “Great Paul" of St Paul's cathedra L tn London, weighs □early seventeen tons and Is nearly The first "Big thirty feet around. Ben” of Westminster was cast more than fifty years ago and weighed about fourteen tons and was about twenty-eight feet around. But “Big Ben" had a crack and was made over, losing some weight, and the clapper was made smaller, being now GOO pounds Instead of about a ton. "Pe­ ter of York” cost $10.000. weight twelve and one-half tons; twenty-two feet in diameter or thereabouts. The largest hanging bell in the world Is said to be that in the great Buddhist monastery near Canton It Is eighteen feet in height and forty- five feet in circumference, being cast of solid bronze. This is one of eight monster bells that were cast by com­ mand of the Emperor Yung Lo about A. D. 1400. It is said to have cost the lives of eight men, who were killed lu the process of casting. The whole bell on both sides la covered with an in­ scription in embossed Chinese char­ acters about half an inch in length, covering even the top piece from which it swings, the total number be- Ing 84,000. These characters tell a win- gle story, one of the Chinese classics. 1 have a reliable client who will pay cash for 40 to 75 acre dairy ranch in Tillamook county, mostly cleared, with or without buildings, with or without cows. Give price, distance to creamery and full par­ ticulars in first letter. Must be snap. Address E. M. Shutt, Hepp ner, Oregon. Tillamook Bakery Store in Heins Photographic < A Species In British Guiana Whaee Wing. Ara Transparent. In “Our Search For a Wilderness" Mr. William Beebe of the New York zoological park describes bls first sight of the transparent butterfly— Hoetera piers—of British Guiana, au Insect through whose outstretched wings any substance on which It rest» can b* clearly seen. As we crossed a swirling ereek on the trunk of a mighty fallen tree something fluttered ahead. We could not see what it was. Closer we came, and still the object remained Indis­ tinct. We seemed to see n butterfly, and yet that appeared impossible. At Inst we marked It down on u fern frond and crept up until our eyes were within two feet of it. Nothing was visible but the graceful lacework of the frond until a slanting beam of sunlight struck it. and there, close before us. was the ghost of a butter fly. It spread fully three Inches, but wns wholly transparent, save for three tiny spots of azure near the margin of each l.lnd wing. As we looked it drifted to a double headed flower of scarlet, and when It alighted the scarlet of the flower and the green of the leaf were as distinct as If seeo through thin mica, and the faint gray haze of the Insect’s wings was marked only by the indistinct venation. The appearance of this ghostly but­ terfly amid the silence and awe Inspir­ ing stillness of the reeking jungle was most Impressive. BIG BELLS. 1 J.CU. CUilliams, Pro. T. B0AL8, M.D., Wants Dairy Ranch. GHOSTLY BUTTERFLIES. Lightning Kills few. HENDERSON, W. A, Williams & Co. Nrtl Door to fillum »ok Coqnty Bank The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE. J. P. ALtUEN. Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Mun, Special Attention paid to Tourist*. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and AccomwodatiuB !