Tillamook Headlight, December 21, lOlI. I opinion without fear or favor, is that Notice of ApplieationT^ A MISTAKE CORRECTED. ••Jictatorial relations with lilla- to Sell Splritous Malt hi RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ! ing ships, loaded with explo­ into consideration. We believt ■nuok County An editor may not (STRICT!.Y IN ADVANCE.) liquors and Hard sive and combustible material, the Court will carefully weigh Editor Accused of Assuming One year......... 1.5o be right in every particular, for no these mutters ami do what it I have considered the explosion Six months....... 75 Dictatorial Relations with one is infallible, not even a county N otice is H ekehv r Three months.. 5« Ion the Maine another of those thinks is best for the county as judge. But it is certainly comical to a petition presented Tillamook County. .accidents which must lie looked a whole. It will not be able to touuty Court of r.ii. n and, be called a dictator when we are not Oregon, lllr „ ,«»-■••u.k c' Entered as second class mail mat­ for once in a while. In more please everybody, for that is entitled to that honor. Our corres ­ To put To I IE EDITOR ■ ter July, 1888, at the post office at ways than one the battle ships out of the question, words letters iln.i i K‘l* In the last issue of the Tillamook pondent knows that we never on Tillamook. Ore., under the act of of the present day are danger­ the whole controversy into a fell, true u».| March 3, 1879. ous affairs, and it is a surprise nutshell it amounts to this : Headlight there are two articles in any occasion attempted io dictate to therefrom a <| ,,f the 1 > to us that more are npt blown There is a difference of opinion the editorial snap shot column re­ the county court when he was judge, is as follows, to wit up than there are. But when as to whether $90,000 or $150,- lating to the Johnson bridge which nor have we done so before or after I In the t onnty Court Of ,>. . Oregon, t.„ N anything does happen to them, 000 shall be raised to pay off was built during the term of the his term of oftke. Had we made a l^iamoolr either in times of peace or war, the outstanding road warrants undersigned as County Judge that practice of attending the commis­ r In the xi Matter <>| j. cat.onot J. J. McCoXckl they are like so many big and for road work next year, or, aie so unfair, unreasonable and un­ sioner's court and butting into the Editorial Snap Shots 1 coffins, carrying hundreds of in other words, a difference of truthful that I am compelledto make deliberations of that body, the same Honorable Cnn«* ' human lives down to a watery opinion as to raising an extra reply, not with a view to champion as a certain gentleman used to do, 1 o the the State of ^■’7 C om $60,000. Of that $60,000 the the cause of the Fairview people, then our correspondent would have The Nehalem Enterprise calls grave.- County of Till-.,,’ XVE, THE l^'DERs"» timber interests will pay $45,- who I am sure do not need my ser- been justified in saying that the attention to the fact that F. L. j vices, but from a sense of duty to allege and show to von n 000, leaving only $15,000 to be the Editor, and not the other fellow, Tillamook City saloon The Sappington had signed the Fair­ jug facts and petifioTv'* M view petition and then circu­ monopoly was badly scared on raised locally. No one knowns the people of the county and my­ had “assumed dictatorial relations lows: -U|> it The council granted what the final decision of the self. with Tillamook county.” Although lated a petition himself for the Monday. That we and each of m In the first item you state "when there was considerable comment at dentsand legal v ters X " 1 Garibaldi road. This was ano­ a saloon license to a person who court will be, butwhat ever it ther case where a person had was going to sell a glass officer may be, we shall acquiese in ■ the Jenkins and Johnson bridges the time the special plenipotentiary baldi Precinct, in Till ™ Iln 6 and have bX’°kC(l* signed the petition before he at 5c. a glass. He was the first and continue to shout for i-’ood : were built there were no roads at from Fairview was attending the Oregon, !»°re‘han thirty days naMt’^ understood the exact situation. to apply for a license and had roads and more of them. The Nehalem, etc. meetings and butting into county ing the date and Please let me correct you in this affairs, we refrained from making petition, having beenB"2* deposited the money. On the Headlight, in common with all advice of Mayor Talmage, who fair minded persons have to matter. During the summer that any comment, for we realized, no actual resident.» withjnd"ow Probably a local attorney ’ ; claimed that the present saloon admit that the County Court the Johnson bridge was built and matter who composed the court, cinct for more than thin would have done equally as keepers had a vested interest has done some good permanent soon after its completion ex-Judge with so many interests and conflict next preceding Novern^ { well as the outside attorney in1 and only five could be allowed, work this year, and it should be Scott and Mr. Alberts of Salem, Fred ing opinions to contend with, that That we hereby petition the Port of Tillamook case, the council reconsider the mat­ given a free hand to carry out a Zaddach, Geo. W. Bodyfelt, H. V. the county judge and commission­ grant a license to «11“ and at half the fee. Yet, some­ malt and vinous liquorsS ter and rescinded the license, great many improvements it i Alley and the undersigned were ers are confronted with difficulties how, here in Tillamook, people ' after which five licenses were proposes to do, but it will not • taken by’ Rollie Watson in his auto­ which are hard to decide and the cider, or fermented cider like to pay double for “out­ kdown as hard cider, fortlk* granted to the present saloon be able to do so if money is not mobile to the Clatsop county line, best and the right course to pur­ of one year from the date oL side ” advice and goods to what keepers. Then the city council, available. going up on the north fork of the sue, and it was for that reason that license, within said Gariball they could get it at home. We to break up the saloon mono­ Nehalem river road and returning the Headlight gave Judge Good- admit we are a peculiar people poly, so that 3c. a glass beer on the Coal Creek road. We then peed’ s administration courteous Splendid Stock in this respect but, oh, how P. Byrom, Garibaldi could be obtained, introduced went to Nehalem city and [back to treatment and brushed aside many green we must appear to those! C. R. Sutton, Garibaldi and passed an ordinance in­ The dependable S. W. Miller is a Tillamook and on that trip Judge of the little things which cropped up Frank Buckles,, Hobsonvilk who ’’sting” us in that way. | creasing the number of saloons. Piano of today. Every stick of Scott and Mr. Alberta complimented \\ in. Keys, Garibaldi * as beneath our notice, for it seems This had the uuanimous sup­ timber in its construction shows Tillamook county many times upon I°IVa"Jh’,r8,> Garibaldi Thompson, Garibaldi Since the good roads agitation port of the councilmen, and as eplendid standard stock, value and the fact of having such good roads, that no sooner are men elected to , , Thompson, Garibaldi commenced our attention have ; Mayor Talmage vetoed it, it re­ up to date features never found in which seemed to please Mr. Alley, office than a lot of howling coyotes J. Jackson. Garibaldi. are always on their trail. In clos­ often been called to the de­ mains to be seen whether they pianoes of a lower grade. and rightfully, since he had con­ ing, we want to inform our corres­ Ben Johnson, Garibaldi plorable condition of the roads will pass it over the mayor’s Carl Loll, Garibaldi The S. W. Miller Piano uses for siderable to do in constructing the pondent that if the editor has “ as ­ William Dowd, Garibaldi in Tillamook City, We admit head, on whether one or more its strings the celebrated Poelinan roads over which we traveled, so the Frank K Strueby, Garibaldi that they are bad. But what i of them will switch around and German irnporied wire, which is statement that there was no roads sumed dictatorial relations with Henry Champhe, Garibaldi is the reason ? For a number sustain the monopoly. We the highest priced piano wire in at Nehalem when the Johnson Tillamook City,” is because we have A. N. Bolting, Garibaldi. never allowed anyone to dictate, of years a large proportion of understand that proceedings the world. A piano with such bridge was built, cannot be true. Arthur Davis, Garibaldi control or outline the policy of the the road tax collected within are to be brought to compel the strong, superior staple wire never H. M. Davis, Garibaldi. There was something being done Chas. Fonger, Garibaldi. the corporate limit of the city city council to allow the first disappoints, but stays steadily in in the South part of the county’ at Headlight, and we concede the same i Henry Jennings, Garibaldi went towards improving the man a license. tune, where a cheaply made piano the same time, the old trustle at right to public officials and public Ben Tillofson, Garibaldi. county roads, That is one rea- would go wrong. We invite you Blum’s was being replaced by a fill, bodies. Because the Headlight, as H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. a newspaper, has a strong influence son why they have not been Charles Bowers, Garibaldi to our store to see and hear this a new grade was made through the Jas. Snydow, Garibaldi. i kept up to the standard of the, The discovery of the bulb piano. Jones and Knudson ori- green timber and a rock crushing in the county, it is absurd for our Martin Adamson, Garibaldi. I clover, which we mentioned correspondent to infer that the edi county roads. ginators of the direct selling plan plant was purchased and installed F. C. Robison, Garibaldi. last week, and a product of in Tillamook from factory to home on Beaver creek, and the facts are tor is a dictator, when it is the sov­ A. C. Jennings, Garibaldi. 1 Tillamook county, is of far ereign will of the people, or what is R. C. Jackson, Garibaldi. Talk about high taxation, it i distributors. that are that the North and South more importance to the farmers George Perry, Garibaldi, known as the Oregon system, that is looks to us that outside attor­ ends of the county was at the time than the good roads or bar im­ L. L. Mead, Garibaldi. and has been in full force for many ney’s fees come high, and alth­ I the Johnson bridge was built receiv­ Peter Schrantz, Rockaway. provements. If this new clover NOTICE OF CONTEST. years. — ED.] ough it is an indirect tax, some P. L. Frost, Rockaway ing their full share and more of the is what it is claimed to be, then individuals would rather pay G. M. Gunderson, Rockaway. county road fund (not including every farmer in the county Department of the Interior, C, H. Frost, Rockaway, Sheriff’s Sale. ¡in indirect tax of $10 to an at­ Foley, whose funds were always United States Land Office, should be getting busy- plant­ S C. Frost, Rockaway. torney than;,a few cent direct Portland, Oregon. plundered), and continued so to do. In the Circuit Court of the State of F. Hart, Rockaway., ing it, especially on the prairie tax to the county. When they November ¿7th 1911. Martin Hart, Rockaway. Your statement that the bridge is Oregon, in the County of land in the center of the To JESSE M. BUCKMAN, of Dolph, have to pay both the indirect M. M. Mead, Rockaway. Tillamook. a good thing now on account of the ¡county. Instead of going over Oregon, Conteetee : Lloyd C. Smith, Rockaway. Thomas W. Morgan, ] .¡nd direct tax, it comes high. You are hereby notified that rural free delivery but you did not the county and knocking im­ Roy Dunham. Garibaldi, Plaintiff, Bro. Duniway's little speal to provements. this should prove Dorthy A. Nash, who gives 707 like it then, etc., cannot be taken W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. vs. the farmers about high taxation Vanderbilt at., Portland, Oregon, for much when the rural delivery George E. Nolan and ■ Thomas Quinn Garibaldi. far more interesting to the as her post-office address, did on loses its logic when it comes to Wtn. II. Franklin. Garibaldi. dairy interests. It looks almost October 23rd, 1911, file in this office delivery question was made promi­ Harriet E. Nolan Ben Center, Garibaldi. (husband and wife), | high, big, exorbitant attorney’s 1 too good a thing to be true to i her duly corroborated application nent in the argument for the bridge J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. Defendants. J fees. i ; be told that one acre of land to contest and secure the cancella­ and the reason before the bridge State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. tion of your Homestead, Entry No. Wm Campbell, Garibaldi. mook, SS. The snap shot man wish j wfiH P«-»d«ce from 30 to 50 tons 15,719. Serial No. 03259, made May was built a petition signed largely’ J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. By virtue of a judgment-order, summer and everybody in Tillamook County i I of °^. green ^*^7, feed, „a ?m,ne-r„i.* ”d 18, 1905, for Sw *4, Section 1, Town by the farmers and business men of decree A. F. Goff, Garibaldi. and an execution duly issued 6 South, Range 10 West, Wil- this town was presented to the court A. Johnson. Garibaldi. a Happy Christmas, and hope , I winter, ......... yet we have no right ’ to I ship out of and under the seal of the lamette Meridian, and as grounds E. D. Best, Garibaldi. that 1913 will be one of the dispute those who have grown ! for her contest she alleges that said praying for the construction of the above entitled court in the above G. G. Snddock, Garibaldi. cause to me duly directed most progressive and prosper­ it and make positive assertions | Jesse M. Buckman has never es- Johnson bridge, and if your name entitled C. A. Eastland, Garibaldi. and dated the24th day of November, is not there it is owing- to the pro ­ to prove it. As it appears to be . tablished residence on said land, ous years in the history of the D. W. Johnson. Garibaldi. has never made any improvements bable fact that you were not invited, 1911, upon a judgment rendered and county. It will lie if we all a native of this county, with no ■ thereon, J. A. Smith, Garibaldi. entered in said court on the 11th day has never cultivated any and a delegation including A. W. G. Marshal], Garibaldi. of November, 1911, in favor of boost and pull together, for the name for it, we think it should ' portion of the same, but has wholly C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. Wonderful abandoned said land for more than Severance, P, M., made a personal Thomas W. Morgan, plaintiff, and county is on the dawn of u lie called " The C, F, Alexander, Garibaldi. ^George E. Nolan and Har­ bright future and many im­ Tillamook Clover.” What a ' six months immediately preceding appeal to the court for the bridge in against E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. riet E. Nolan, his wife, defendants, . this date. transformation it will make order to get the free delivery estab ­ portant improvements will fol­ E A. Krumlanf, Garibaldi. for the sum of $500.00 and interest I You are, therefore, further noti- lished. in the dairy business of this A. G. Krum la uf, Garibaldi. thereon and for the further sums low one another in quick suc­ , tied that the said allegations will The statement "although it was a of $8.05 and $9.08 and.in terest thereon, Chas Morgan, Garibaldi. cession in permanent develop- county if this clover proves to be taken by this office as having Joe. Sn?tsinger, Garibaldi. for the further sum of $100.00 ments. This is what we have lie what it is claifned to tie. , been confessed by you, and vour i political pull some of the people and John Paquet. Garibaldi. entry will be canceled tfiere- had in that vicinity and the paying attorney’s fees and for the further all been waiting for so The Granges and the Creamery I , said Wm. Hartzell, Garibaldi. sum of $16.50 costs and disburse­ under without your further right to H. B. Karr, Garibaldi. patiently, so let us all vie with Associations should loose no I be heard therein, either before this I back of a political debt that the ments, and the costs of and upon time in making a thorough in ­ bridge was built, ” is wholly and ab- A. Aubery, Garibaldi. this writ, commanding me to make l .ch other and put our shoulder | office or on appeal, if you fail to State of Oregon, County of I file in this office within twenty days ’ solutely untrue. The bridge was sale of the following described real to the wheel and help the good vestigation. mook, SS. I after tlie fourth publication of this built because the requirements of property, situate in the County of work along. That is what we I, J J. McCormick, being I ' notice, as shown below, your an- i the county demanded it, notwith- Tillamook, State of Oregon, to-wit: feel our progressive citizens All of the southwest quarter (SW. duly sworn, eay : -Thatlam« It is reported that proceed­ i swer, under oath, specifically meet- will do and strive for. ings ¡ire to be brought against | ing and responding to these alle- ! standing the Editor could not see K) of the southeast quarter (SE. >4) the petitioners wilhin named, section twenty-seven (27) of town­ that I circulated the same, the county to stop the payment | gations of contest, or if you fail until three years later what others of ship one (1) south, of range ten (10), each and all of the foregoing» within that time to file in this I could see at that time of ¡ill outstanding road warrants petitioners signed the same In the death of Mrs. J. S. above the $5,000 limit. There ¡office due proof that you have I The Jenkins’ bridge was built west, of the \\ illamette Meridian each stated his name, postonx containing forty (40) acres of land served a copy of your answer on Deilil last week Tillamook may be a number of mean and the said contestant either in person some years ago and I believe before more or less, as the same appears dress and residence come County has lost another of the vindictive persons in Tillamook or by registered mail. If this ser the Editor assumed dictatorial rela­ of record in the office of the County that each one is a legal votert good women who helped to county because they cannot I vice is made by the delivery of a tions with Tillamook County, and Clerk of Tillamook County, State of Garibaldi Precinct, and ha-‘ ally resided therein for mo« make the world brighter, even have their own way and con­ ¡copy of your answer to the con the writer had nothing to do with it. Oregon. ; teBtant in person, proof of such Now, therefore, by virtue of said thirty days next proceed!« though it was in ¡i small sphere. trol county affairs, but we did service must be either the said con­ Respectfully, execution, judgment order and de­ 30, 1911, and that all of the f She was a devoted, faithful not know that anyone would be testant's written acknowledgment H. F. G oodspeed . cree and in compliance with the forth in said petition are tr wife ; an affectionate, loving guilty of depriving a person of [ of hie receipt of the copy, showing [We are glad the lion, gentleman commands of said writ. I will, on verily believe. J, J. McCor mother, and a true, constant his wages for honest toil on the I the date of its receipt, or the affi­ lias called ourattention to and given Saturday, the 30th day- of Decem­ davit of the ¡»erson by whom the 1911, at the hour of 10 o’clock Address, Garibaldi, Tilt friend, who cheerfully did her public roads. The present agi delivery was made stating when and us an opportunity to correct a par­ a ber, m., at the front door of the County, Oregon. part in an effort to make others tation is reaching the climax | where the copy was delivered ; if agraph which is misconstrued be­ County Ciurt House in the City of Subscribed and sworn w- happy, for she was always for malice and spite. No hon­ made by registered mail, proof of cause we had failed to properly con­ lillamook, in said county and state, me this 30th dav of November (Seal). WEBSTW Hod ready to lend a helping band to est person should side in with 1 such service must consist of the affi­ vey wliat we intended. We should sell at public auction, subject to davit of the person by whom the to the highest bidder Notary Public forW cheer and comfort. It is un­ such a dishonest movement, for copy was mailed stating when and have made it more clear and stated redemption or United States xold coin cash in N otice is F urther 81 selfish women like Mrs. Deihl those who start in with the in­ the i>oat office to which it was that it was under the Sappington hand, al) the right, title and inter G iven .—That said petitio» I mailed, and this affidavit must be who make homes happy, but tention of forcing the connty to administration that the Jenkins' est which the vithin named defend­ be called up for action i accompanied by the postmaster ’ s when they are taken to their repudiate its honest debts for receipt for the letter. bridge was built and the movement ants or either of them, had on lift County Court of Tillamook OJ of the mortgage herein fore­ Oregon, on the third reward and there is a vacant j road work are doing it for no 1 You should state in vour answer started to build the Johnson bridge, date closed or since had in or to the January, 1912. and based o chair around the family table, good reason and to injure the the name of the post office to which and it was under the political log above described real propertv or petition ; said J. J. then we realize their true reputation of Tillamook county, you desire future notices to be sent rolling of that administration, not any part thereof, to satisfv said ex­ said last named date, will ! to you. ecution judgment order, decree, worth. The deceased lady did to say nothing about the dis- ' said County Court for a li«J of Judge Goodspeed, that we had in H. F. H ioby , Register. interest, attorney's fees, costs and be granted to him. to »eh her part to make Tillamook counting of county warrants. : mind's eye. when Nehalem did not all J. C. A rdrey . Receiver. accruing costs. said toiribtddi Precinct a County a place worth living in. The agitators have surely gone Date of first publication. Novem­ obtain fair treatment and had no [ en^berlijS'“0011' °reg°n' N°V- the town of Garibaldi She is worthy of our respect the limit. But mark what the. ber 30th, 1911. bridges or roads of any account ' spiritoua. malt and vinous s Date of second publication. De and admiration, for she was u Headlight has to say. The peo- i ' ,cember7th north of the forde of the river. The gon‘eriff Tillamook County W Ore- fermented cider, common^ l 1911. ns IldIU hard LIUCI, cider, for “ a t pen<~ do . , good woman. We deplorer her pie of Tillamook County will Date of thin! publication. Decem­ editor is perfectly aware of the pull year from the date of death and share with the tie- never sanction repudiating its ber 14th. 1911. that was made during the Sapping, Dated this 30th day of Date of fourth publication. Decem­ ton and Conder administrations to reeved their deep sorrow debt for work,and as it can leg­ ber 21st. 1911. a cold *et « hot 1911. J. J. NcCo®”* have the Johnson bridge built, and edx f S ,a,"berla,n • Cough Rem­ islate to pay them by the sov-' edy It will soon tlx you up all one of the objects certain persons right and will ward off any tend' Tilt- Board of Engineer«» lias ereign will of the people, the Saved Hie Wife's Life. had in view when they induced our Bnds yinUr's Troofl* remedv,rna|r<1 Pneu™onia. This decided that the Maine was only persons to derive any ben­ “My wife would have been in her correspondent to run for office, „ " e efit from the agitation are the contains no opium or other blown up by two mines. We To many, winter is • grave to-day," writes O. H. Brown, which was all prior to the effort to fidemiv to i"ny be given a’ con’ do not mid never have thought outside attorneys, who are paid of Muscadine. Ala., "if it had not 1 <«ia L- i 11 ,ab-v ae ,o an adult i trouble. The frost 1 lingers, chapped hand» t>een for Dr. King’s New Discovery. secure a free rural delivery. Our : bold by Lamar's Drug Store. that tin* Maine win» destroyed great big fees. . chilblains. cold sore»- , She was down in her tied, not able correspondent will please accept by mi external explosion. The rough skins, prove thi»- " . to get up without help. She had a thia explanation, for we never had A Terrible Blunder tuct that her t wo miiguzines ex- No matter how hard part of severe bronchial trouble and a ¡troubles fly before any intention whatever of convey­ Ü “Æ'n tro.wble' Never do nica Salve. plodeipis sufficient proof in our our citizens may contend for a dreadful cough. I got her a bottle A trial ing a wrong impression or criticis ­ H- Take Dr. King s New 1 ife Pill« Greatest hea'er of mind that it whs , her own 6 mill road levy or how others of Dr. King's New Discovery, anil ing him. But theex judge has also biii’he fir*‘ ’i’rn of ’»"'•tipation I Piles, Cuts, Sores. munitions of wur which was may strive for a 10 mill levy, she soon began to mend, and was and Sprain»- well in a short time." Infallible laid himself open to criticism in a ortven»“*',? °r inaclive bowels and zema,___ the cause of the sad accident. it is up to the County Court to for coughs and colds, its the moat prerent virulent indigestion iaun Chas. I. Clough's- parting shot when he says: "Before dice or gall stones. They regulate This is a reasonable conclusion consider every phase of the reliable remedy on earth for des- the editor assumed dictatorial rela hver stomach and bowels a„d Every family ha» needlo<*» Nor must the Crate lung trouble, hemorrhages. to arrive at, forthose who have controversy. tions with Tillamook county." We ch“.wrghh:.al,h- - r-liable liniment. ro rnppe. asthma, hay fever, croup kept track of the many ap-1 needs of the county be over­ and whooping cough 30c., $1.0U do not know whether to feel honored bruises soreness of ’’’ palling accidents whic have looked and the question of ex­ Trial bottle tree. Guaranteed by­ - -■ pain» —in» ,n th' "‘, , or laugh at such a remark. Because TK a Q»«« « an< 4 - rheumatic taken place with modern tight ceesive taxatiou must be takeu Chas- L Clough. - “Cj®far • drama and better than cliamberlai« an editor is not afraid to express an < 'i i ~ i ;Comedy reel every night Lamar’s Drug Sto«»»