___ TILLAMOOK, OREGON, DECEMBER 21, 1911. Jleahliflljt. $1.50jperJyear. Dr. Morris guarantees satis­ If you have eye trouble see faction. See him 27th, 28th, Dr. Morris December 27th, 29th. 28th, 29th. RIGHT NOW A useful present for every one Solve that gift problem by pur­ can be had at our store. Step in chasing a piece of Wear Ever I and look our stock over.—King & Alluminum Wear. A lifetime re- Smith Co. • memberance.—King & Smith Co. * A suit has been filed in the cir­ A suit was filed in the circuit cuit court by Will M. Ray against court by C. E. Reynolds vs. Cosy D. f A. F. Garrison, which is to rescind Atterbury, formerly Cosy D. Clark and cancel a certain deed to pro­ Arthur Atterbury and F. R. Beals, perty in sec. 6, tp. 4 S, r 8 W. in which plaintiff asks for judg­ The little Quick Meal Range will ment against the first two named be given away Saturday evening defendants for $139.00 ; that Arthur For convenience, for safety and BECAUSE December 23rd, at 10 o’clock. All Atterbury be decreed to be the L IIIvY COS I LESS MONEY, we invited vou to holder of a certain mortgage ; and votes must be in the store bv this that F. R. Beals be directed to pay’ time.—King & Smith Co. ’ * try our bank drafts. Furthermore, they can later the judgment out of any money due F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash,, or to become due, the same to be be referred to and the receipt of the party or firm has located next door to Lamar’s credited on a note and mortgage. found on the back, which can never be done on variety store, and is prepared to do Brick. all kinds ' of shoe repairing at postal or express orders. Lime, reasonable rates. All work guran- 4re of vast importance now, as bearing upon Cement, REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU SEND teed. Give him a call. * Shingles, L next generation. Teach your children to save AWAY MONEY the next time. 1 o Rent, 15 acres of land on Trask Coal Oil, River, one mile from the trussel, their pennies and nickels now, and they will Coal, $10 ton, with about 200 cords of spruce Poultry Supplies, Low how to value a dollar by and bye. Children limbs on the place, small house and Potatoes, $1.50 per 100, Should be taught to be thrifty and they will then wood shed. For particulars apply’ "Best” hard wheat flour $1.40sk., FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF at the Headlight office. $5.50 bbl.. know how to be independent. Present savings I ' Alfalfa meal, hay' and al! kinds Died, in this city, on the 6th inst., makes future riches. Be a depositor with us. Margaret Rose, the two year old of feed at prices as low as any in TILLAMOOK, Have your children deposit here too. You won’t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ben ! , the city. T illamook F eed C o . ton. Rev. J. T. Moore conducted The Only Government Examined Bank in the [egret. the funeral services at the home and Aschim & Hammell, who pur- the burial was in the Oddfellows' chased the Western Tailoring Co. >.’s Approved Depository for Postal Savings Funds. cemetery on Sunday. i (tressing parlor, some timeagohave Cotintv. Clough’s smoker’s department is been making some radical im­ CAPITAL larger, better and more varied than provements in this place during the ever. We solicit and cater particu (last week. The interior of their ankt tarly to the ladies’ trade, as we are rooms have been repapered, an ouNTY TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. SUPERVISION OUNTY sure we can advise them as to what extention placed on the rear of the CITY COUNCIL MEETING. bars for all classes of dive keepers, thugs and prostitutes and their shape pipe nr brand of cigarB their building and a “ Fitch’’ bath in- st died. . As soon as they receive gentlemen friends prefer. • parasites tocoine into this town anil their new equipment they’ will have i Movement on Foot to Break open up degraded places in com­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brenner came the best parlors in this city and as i petition with the men who are en­ Monoply*. kAMOOK JOTTINGS Dr. Morris will be In Tilla­ in from Kansas, accompanied by­ good as any in Poitland. Watch i Up the Saloon --------------- gaged in the traffic in this city, all mook between trains Decem­ Alvin Fleming and wife, on Thurs­ our columns for their ad. A meeting of the city council was of whom are men with some stand­ Lo or four office rooms to let.— ber 27th and 29th. See him day. They say Tillamook is the held on Monday evening, over ing sud some business interests The Gem Theatre management finest country they have yet _ t seen, by to W. A. Williams. which Mayor Talmage presided. about your eyes. common to us all, would not only like it so well, i in ' fact, ' that they have torn out the old scenery on By unanimous consent the city be unfair to them, but would be in L, A Solid Gold \\ atch Fob — their stage and in its place they council AU Pyrographic Wood to burn expect to make it their home. grant-d a saloon b’cense tn violating of my obligation to the Ln to Headlight office. have put entirely new scenes. 'J lie is being sold out at half off the regu­ Frank Ilnnenkratt, who has been stage has been widened and the \V. H Wilson, but it being pointed Home Rule Association. lar price at Cough ’ s Drug Store. All L?h fish, oysters and For these reasons I return this in Portland in the automobile stage entrance has been changed out by the Mayor that granting this ieces are marked in plain figures.* [ lay at the fish market. business, returned by way of the from the front to the rear of the license it would deprive one of the ordinance to you with my disap­ amber of sanguinary fights in Victor Glad, while playing Santa Wilson River road on Thursday, stage. At the rear of the building [»resent saloon keepers of a license, proval of the same. Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, De­ Claus on the Wilson River school bringing in his team and wagon. a dressing room has been built for the council reconsidered the matter City on Wednesday evening, grounds Saturday, fell and broke He expects to bring in his big pas­ the better accommodation of the and reeinded the license granted to cember 19, 1911. marriage license was issued. issued to his arm, which was set by Dr. Boals. senger auto about the first of March. actors. The orchestra pit has also Wilson, who w’as the first applicant C. \V T almage , I a saloon license. Mayor of Tillamook City, Ore. lert C. Nielsou and Iva B Wells. Next week the for Saloon Wanted,—To lease for term of C. V. Preston was brought to this been enlarged. licenses were then granted We wish to call Mayor Talmage’s Ive chickens wanted at the Tilla- years, a dairy ranch furnished with city ou Monday from ¡Nehalem Empire Stock Co. will give per­ W. J. Stephens, B. J. Stephens, and the city council’s attention to |k Meat Company's Market, 13c. 40 to 50 cows, I have three grown charged with rape upon a girl name formances each evening. All their to C. W. Clements, Johnson & Laugh­ the disgraceful tights on Wednes­ [pound. • sons.—J. T. Carter, Willamina, Ore., Hazel Brovst and locked up in the performances will be clean and lin and H. Patterson. day' night in which one of the lively. The E. M.F. people have an box 63. • county jail, Justice Effenberger The city council then passed an saloon keepers who was granted a marriage license was issued announcement of their reel that ap ­ having bound him over to the grand ordinance to amend the city char Joseph H. Buffuni and Anna Cloyd Dawson, who lias been at­ pears the first of the week. 0000 ter, so as to allow more than five license on Monday was a star ac­ itroni. tending the U. of O., is home for jury, and placed his bail at $2,000 feet of reel will be shown at the saloons. This was passed unani­ tor, which makes the Mayor's veto message about the bad people who There is nothing you can give regular rate. iristmas exercises and tree at the holidays. He has taken his old mously, but Mayor Talmage lias would come here and compete with Lnited Brethren Church Satur- place in the bank during his vaca­ that will give as long and lasting vetoed it. It will come up at the The damage suit of Frank Wheel­ tion. the present saloon keepers, a poor pleasure as a Kodak or Brownie [eveiling, at 6:30. Camera. Clough carries all the er against the Miami Lumber adjourned meeting of the council, l way of reasoning. Orders taken for Natural Cut i grades hng your chickens to the Tilla- which is Friday in next w ’ eek, when in both lines and would con­ Company was tried in the United k Meat Company's Market. We Flowers and Floral Pieces at sider it a pleasure to demonstrate States Court last week before the councilmen will either have to | C lough ' s Drug Store. All orders the workings of them at any time. * Judge Bean and a jury’. The suit stay with the ordinance and passed i NEHALEM BAR PROJECT 13c. per pound. taken will be delivered the follow­ was to recover $5000 damages for the it over the Mayor’s veto, or reject j PROVES SUCCESSFUL. [ to Monk’s Studio and have ing day. • . A good photo, nicely mounted, is breach of a contract about the log­ it. It seems that if a saloon license [ picture taken to send to your want for Christmas. We ging of timber in Tillamook is granted to Wilson he had pro ’Xmas. Stationery lias always what you Ids at Christmas. the latest in fine mounts. County, and after the testimony mised to sell beer at 5c. a glass and j Two Vessels Cross in on New been a feature at Clough’s Big have ght Christmas goods and right Drug Store, and this year it is big­ Drop in and look them over. Make had shown that the logging oper- keep a respectable saloon. Chaniel--13ft. at Half Tide. — The tax levy was placed at 11*61 es. “Drop in and look around.” ger than ever. Come in and let us your sittings early so as to give us ■ ations had been stopped by an in­ time to finish before Christmas. junction issuing out of the Federal mills 5 mills for roads, 4 mills for Banker Frank A. Rowe was in laris Variety Store. show you. • M onk s S tudio . ' Court, the plaintiff having been genera), 2 mills for water and *6 | from Nehalem on Wednesday anil .1. M. Smith will move to Phila- Ruth Gladwell, daughter of W. D. Next door to the post office. ’ [laid for more work than performed mill for library. I informs us that the Patsy and th in the new year, where his Gladwell, who has been suffering Gerald C. passed in over the new Now that the automobile rush is and had sued for the whole amount is attending college. The Mayor ’ s Veto. with a bad leg, had a successful over channel formed by building the we are repairing any and of the contract, Judge Bean direct­ To the Honorable City Council of I < operation performed by Dr. Wendt jetty and that the south channel is it cheap toys at half-price, but everything. Guns, locks and key’s, ed the jury to return a verdict in Tillamook City, Oregon : filling up fast. There was great I and useful ones at moderate last week. typw’riters, cash registers and i favor of the defendant. Attorneys Ill relation to Ordinance No. — rejoicing in Nehalem on Monday is.—King & Smith Co. Clough’s carries the largest and complicated machinery a specialty. Talmage and Johnson represented the same being an ordinance to over this event, and it is very grati­ the lumber company and A torney ’ s Garage, At Ed 2nd Ave. Any- best assortment of cut glass in the repeal Section 12 of Ordinance No. fying to those who strove for bar inted, a position as cook or Holmes the plaintiff. thing that we can ’ t city. We are agents for L ibby ’ s repair we will 211, entitled an ordinance regulating improvements for Nehalem at the er. Address X. Y. Z., care of and American brands, and there buy. Hight, Tillamook, Ore. Please, sir, do not think I have to the sale of intoxicating liquors, results obtained, which is bound are none better. • Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. sell Tailor Made clothing to make which was passed by your Honora­ to make that an important shipping ucan get a bargain in real es- At the meeting of the Port of Smith, speaks German, Surgery, a living. If I was selling to make a ble Body at a meeting held Decern port. When the vessels crossed in by inquiring of W. C. King, 18, 1911, I beg to saj : on Monday then' were 13 feet of inistrator for the Phelps estate, Tillamook on Monday’ a levy of 2 ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in living out of it I certainly would her That the Home Rule Association water on the bar at half tide. The mill was agreed upon which will Dr. Smith’s office until January 1st, have to charge you more than I do. re Christmas Candies at La- raise about $13,000. This is 1-2 mill when it will be in the Commercial I am giving you Chicago’s lowest of the State of Oregon, of which I Port of Nehalem has made a pro­ s Variety Store. "Drop in and more than last year. Building, opposite the Todd Hotel, price on Suits and Overcoats right have the privilege of being a mem position to the government to have around." Prices are right, ’ All calls answered day or night. here in Tillamook. If they would Tier, is engaged in what they deem the jetty extended and no doubt Slab wood for sale, 16in. lengths, allow me to sell for less price 1 to be a work of great importance to this will lie accepted. I lie improve­ rril Smith, the rural mail car­ $2.75 a load, delivered. Over five Both phones. would do it. I have sold this line of the people of this State, viz : Of ment of Nehalem bar enhmu cs the will deliver the mail on the loads $2.50 a load. Leave orders at Ex-Commissioner Geo. W. Body- handling the liquor trade in all the value of every foot of land in trie ion Sunday and not Christmas the A. G. Beals Lumber Co.’s office felt was feeling delighted wl lien lie clothing inthis county for two years incorporated cities of this State, in north pmt of the county and raises ami the way people are buying this or with the teamster. was in the city on Thursday, for he this fall assures me that people in a uniform manner. the value of timber in that vicinity Hiring and Stand Lamps at The Constitution of our State has many hundred thousand dol! .. The regular monthly meeting of took his first ride on the P. R. & N. Tillamook County know when they • that will surprise the natives the Tillamook Commercial Club will railroad the next morning. He has i.re treated right and get the worth been amended in such a manner as Although the Nehalem country wr i right for 'Xmas. —King & be held next Wednesday evening been in the county' for 46 years and of their money. Now I have adver­ to give municipalities exclusive ! kept bottled ii(i h uger than mi . ' »Co. • the completion ot the railroad is a tised more than I can afford to let jurisdiction to legislate u|»on this put ts of the county, the success!c I and it is important that there should great satisfaction to him. you all know the opportunity you i subject and the only law you now ■ improvement of the b >r place- t «n you are looking for Christ- be a full attendance. The Board of County Commis­ iiave. My motto is to live and let I have within the City regulating, far ahead of other parts of the conn goods. don’t forget Lamar’s You never will know what a nice restricting and controlling the sale < Itv Store. ‘ Drop in and look assortment of 'Xmas, goods we sioners was in session on Tuesday live Can be found afternoons at of intoxicating liquors is Ordinance : ty, for it is now in a («isition wile; lumbering industries can start into M.” • for the purpose of coming to some rooms over the Tillamook County < have until you see for yourself. arrangements with the I’. R. & X. Bank. Mutual Telephone. Warring­ No. 211. i operated and assured of railroad [a good boy, one of those little Step in at your spare moments and in regard to rip raping the county ton W. W. Mills. E. F. Rogers. V, Before this Ordinance was passed, | { and water transportation in large * 5’50n9' built like a big wagon see.—King & Smith Co. i it was submitted to the Attorneys ! ocean vessels. road on the bay’. C. Lytle was S., Agent. of the Home Rule Association and |t*d, tongue and shafts.—King Mr. Rowe is a booster for good The usual Christmas tree enter­ present and a satisfactory agree­ Pth Co. » the objection was urged to the roads and a more strenuous booster tainment at the Presbyterian ment was reached. Ordinance, that it provided a I for a ten mill road levy. psey Geo. Willett, who is the Church will take place on Saturday A book is one of the most appro­ NOVEL PLAN TO RAISE greater number of saloons then the Fj prosecuting attorney, has evening, when an interesting pro­ priate and sensible of all gifts, A ROAD FUND. population of this town of Tilla ­ Li n law into the Com- gram will be rendered. Card ot Thanks. Clough’s collection of late copy­ mook permitted under the ¡rules P* Building. Books for boys and girls, all rights and reprints is the most com­ Those Who Worked on the adopted by the association (injwhat hereby to express our We Roads This Year to be it conceivea’to be its workjand.duty. deep sense of wish fn|ey J. L. Henderson, who re- prices. Large line of titles and sub­ plete he has ever carried. You had gratitude and an The Ordinance was ^passed, haw- preciation to our many kind friends P^me to this city from Hood jects, and it will be a pleasure for ought to look these over early, Robbed of >50,000. f has opene(i a law office in the us to help you pick them out at while the assortment is large. Mr ever, as written for the reason that for the sympathy and help given F'Uamook Block. Clough will gladly lay anything Clough’s Big Drug Store. • Those who are back of the move­ five saloons already had obtained ; us in this our great sorrow and aside you wish, or mail it to any ment to repudiate the outstanding license in Tillamook City, before Deputy State Dairy and Food Com­ address free of charge. ptliza Dawson, of McMinn- • road warrants are attemptingtotake the ordinance was passed and be- 1 afflictiAn. There's n vacunt chair within our g?!‘ege, came in Wednesday to missioner W. B. Duncan was iu the $50,000 out of the pockets of those fore there was any law whatever in ! The Fountain Pen business has home, Carl Dawson is city on Monday, who has been going existunce to regulate their conduct | who have done road work and give 1,1 tor a brief visit. over the county inspecting the dairy grown so large at Clough’s Drug it to the county, which will give the and there was no way of reducing 1 A voice we loved is still, A form that moved within our midst, Store that they are now carrying a farms and cheese factories. number pay 8c , 10c. nnd lie. for call large assortment of the following county court $50,000 more to expend the No one can ever fill. For me to permit this ordinance Loney ’ s and Johnson ’ s pure on roads. In other words, the Try me out and j. S. D ibhi . and F amily . standard makes : county will get $100,000 worth of to become a law and lay down the 1 D mu °i'* Reliable Hide and delicious and daintily put up Can­ i Conklin’s Auto-Filler, ****er. X. e . Melchoir. • dies in sealed packages are re­ road work for $50,000, for those who f^wan’s Safety Non-Leakable. ceived almost daily at Clough’s did the first $50,(MX) worth of road Moores Non Leakable. foMr^n1iro,vn BaL Ci,y who Drug Store, from 5c. a package to work, no matter whether they are Watermans Ideal Pena. iliiht ■„ ck "umbers of the $5.00. • All of the above are fully guaran - holding or have sold their warrants, is.iV’,1 P'ease send their will be the losers. The agitators Since the union meetings have teed in every respect the letter was misplaced. are certainly going it some when EX?'1, Frsey Cow, with calf closed the regular services will be Married, on Wednesday they attempt to roti those who resumed in the United Brethren at the home of the bride’s worked on the roar! this year of the n 1 ii8i' iFr"ey bull, yearling Church. Preaching by the pastor »° reifitrv for Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wells. Mr. Robt. nice little sum of $50,OIM) ami (»re­ at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. rn Sunday C. Nielson and Miss Iva B. Wells. sent it to the county court, which is •9 foquire at this office. school at 10 am. The ceremony was performed by the a novel way of raising road funds Rev. D. L Shrode in the presence of a large number of friends and ¡rel­ M E. Church. atives. who wished the happy couple 10 a. til. Sunday school. Last Sub­ a long life of happiness. Both are highly respected young people and bath the attendance was 117. All are welcome. well known in the county. 11 a.m — Christmas Sermon, H. A. Miles was in from Woods ft30 p.m. Epworth l.eague. on Tuesday. Although thi re are 7.3) p.m.—Song and Sermon. C*ated two Doors very poor mails in his neighborhood west of Lamar’s Drug Store. and he has been paying taxes for a long term of years, he is in favor of ORop in AND LOOK AROUND.” Notice a 10 mill road tax the next four or five years in preference lo tsmnd- Persons owing Dr. I. M. Smith Rest Room for Ladies. ■t- ing the county. He ho,H's liefore are respectfully requested to call long the County will do something at Ilia office before Jan. 1, 1913. and towards giving his vicinity some of adjust their accounts, as he has the good roads settlers in other (»arts disposed of his practice. of the county areenjoying. Dr. I. M. SMITH. Nearly everyone is either sending away money for the purchase of Christ­ mas Gifts or as presents to love ones living away from Tillamook. ! TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK »W UflMB-SCHRflDER CO (:| Incorporated. (•J Warehouse and Commission Men ^AMAR’S VARIETY STORE I Coal, Shingles Dock and Warehouse. Front »Street * between 2nd and 3rd Avenue West