Tillamook Headlight. December 14, 19IL — COURT PROCEEDINGS. M. Blaser ..................... R. Simmons................... C. White.......................... W. Olds ........................ E. Pearson..................... F. Blaser..................... L. Landoit..................... Matt Webber................. J. H. Hakes.................... C. Dye............................ J. H. Hicks.................... Will Hare;...................... Bruce Hare.................... Gordon Hare.................. W. J Himes.................... John Martin.................. Andrew Anderson......... GusWicklund and team Erick Gladd.................... W. Fletcher.................... J. E. Tinnerman........... G. 0. Tinnerman........... H. Epplett..................... B. P. C. Lucas"........... G. W. Alexander......... A L. Alstrom............... C A. Hunt..................... V C. Knight................. Geo. Iliggenbotham . . . Will Hadley.................... W. Booth and team....... J. Preston...................... A. L. Blackburn........... C. R. Funk.................... D. B. Darby.................. J. Blaser.......................... H. Haywood ................. Peter Snidor.................. J. Gabi.......................... Von Rotz ......................... Bill Smith.......... .......... A. Waldvolgel ............. Court convened Wednesday, Dec., 6, 1911. Hon. Homer Mason, Judge, pre­ siding. H. V. Alley, commissioner; H. M. Farmer, commissioner; J. C. Holden, clerk ¡’Henry Crenshaw, sher­ iff, were present. In the matter of the compromise of taxes against the north east quarter of section 26, in T. 1 S. R. 8 W; it ap­ pearing to the court that said property was sold to Tillamook county for taxes attempted to be levied and charged against the same for the years 1894, 1895,1896, 1898, 1900, but ' that said lands were at the time encumbered by a mortgage to the board of commis- ioner« for the sale of school and univer­ sit" lands, etc. of the state of Oregon} m -rtgage being foreclosed in the year 19 )) and property sold to state under foreclosure, said N. P. Wheeler has si- -e acquired title thereto, and it ap- pr - ¡ng that said attempted tax sales ai e void and of no effect, and said N. P. Wheeler having offered to pay county $20.00 in settlement in order to have the record cleared, court accepted the offer and ordered that all of said tax sales for yea's mentioned be canceled. In the matter of petition of Henry Tohl et al for county road, board of iewers having reported unanimously $670.75 in favor cf establishing road and there Tillamook Lumber Manufactur­ being no remonstrance, and the court ing Co. building material. . 270.55 2 50 being satisfied that such road will be J. Tucker work with team......... 1.25 of public utility, court orders road I). Billings labor........................... A. G. Beals Lumber Co. build­ opened for travel. ing material .......................... 121.28 1 . the matter of petition of N. Mc- E l Snodgrass gasoline ............... 5.60 M-l'an and others for couwty road, A. McNair merchandise ............ 54.45 Bros, merchandise....... 5.93 beginning at Garibaldi and running J Plasker F Reeher, labor.................... . . 25.00 parallel to right of way of P. R. & N. A Hunt, 169 yds gravel..... 8.45 as far as Wheeler, court appointed U. John Solvi, 262 yards of grave) . 11.30 G. Jackson. Fred Zaddach and F, M. John Perry, 66 yds gravel............ . 3.30 Wm Latimer, 66 yds gravel........ , 3.30 Wakely, viewers to lay out road and J. W. Maddux draying................. 13.25 make report. Jeff Harris labor .......................... 10.00 . 2.00 In the matter of petition of H. E. Jeff Harris. 40 yds gravel __________ 6.00 Howard et al for county road, com­ I Erneät Knight labor......... Arthur Kays labor ______________ 3.50 mencing at Nehalem city and running Will Hadley draying............. 10.50 ¡ in a southeasterly direction following C. W. Hogan hauling through field 5.00 the moBt practicable route to point of C. W. Hogan. 200 yds gravel...... 10.00 intersection with Weeler county road. A. Bursho 94 yds gravel................. 4.70 U. G. Jackson, Fred Zaddach and F. M. Supervisor’s Report Dist. No. 3 Wakeley, are appointed as viewers for i Orley Kellow ...................... 107.00 the laying out of said road and are di­ H. L. Huffman ....... ......... 50.00 rected to meet at Nehalem on the 28th A. Hill.................................... . 25 00 Wm. Sherwood ................... 16.25 of Docember for that purpose. .. 5.00 In the matter of the claim of Na­ Tom Kellow......................... Fred Lyster and team ...... . 3.00 than Snyder and T. E. Lewton for dam- Jay Baker and team............ ... 3.00 ag-s, same is disallowed. Jim Rhodes ....................... .. 2.75 . 600 In the matter of the application of P. J. Trobough ................... .. 4.75 Horace IL Hayward and others for Harley Curl ........................ Carl Cull ............................ ... 6.75 county road, same is continued. R. B. McClay and team . 2.75 In the matter of the petition of C. R. Henry Farmer and team.... ... 8.00 P. R. Coulson ...................... .. 6.00 Funk, et al for county road, same is H. J. Tohl ........................ ... 7.50 continued. H. Nordstrom «nd team . . .. 6.00 In the matter of petition of Fred H. Nordstrom ..................... .. 1.25 Scherzinger et al for county road, same Frank Wilson ....................... . 5.00 T. R. Wils-ri ......................... 29.00 is continued. G.*Edwards.................. . 4.00 In the matter of petition of S. T. i i U. G. Edwards and team.... .. 8.00 Childers, and others for a county road, E. R. Hayes ....................... same is continued. A. A. Imlah and team....... A. A. Imlah ....................... Supervisor’s Report Dili. No. 1. Claud Lewallen.................... J. Lewallen........................... Frank Crane.................................. $ 6 25 H. Crane and team...................... 10 (Ml Fred Lewallen....................... J. A. Johnson................................ 6 25 Claud Lane........................... . Lane ....................... S. Barber....................................... 5v i • Lucious — ... 4 50 Wm. Hoskins and team......... 8 75 [ Lee Lane ....... 25 Wallace Warren Joe Harrison and team............... 6 Ed Tomlinson................................. 6 s Clyde I.ane ......... Chester Hoskins............................ 6 25 C. E. Newbill ... Warren Hoskins............................ 5.75 (). E. Mattoon........ Bert Davis...................................... 2 00 Frank Wilson......... Frank Crane 96 yards gravel.... 4.80 Wm Messner........ -,rgc Hoskin............................. .75 .1. D. Pearson......... Herb i'-'irv ........... •......... 7.50 Henry White .... William Kennedy ................. 10 00 .1. W. Frederickson Frank Buckles ......................... 1 75 Wm. Thomas ..... W. Lawrie............... $ 87 30 Ray Hushbeck....... D. L. Phelps........... 6.50 An. eler Lumber Co. building 9.75 material ............................... 50 76 H. A. Miles........... Harry Crane 20 hours work on 700.50 road in August....................... 5 00 Supervisor’« Report Dial. No. 2. M. Reust........................ ............. $10.70 W. R. Robedee, Merchandise..... 2.65 L. Leach.................... ... ............... 2.50 D. W. Gilbert and Sons, Mdse......... 6.45 E, Smith......................................... 5.00 Cloverdale Mer. Co. Mdse............. 8.54 IL B. Johnson............... ............... 4.00 L. Jenson 172 yds gravel.................. 8.60 R. R. Johnson............... ............... 1 25 E. B. Barthrop, Mdse................... 16.00 J. Perry.......................... ............... 13 50 Foater & Hastings, timber............. 21.90 s : General Fund. J. C. Holden, freight, drayage 2.65 and express on goods . 34.43 Pacific Telephone Co. ....... 1.00 B. D. Lamar, merchandise ..10.00 Till. City water works ........ 30.00 Jones-Knudson, Mdse........... 20.50 Herald. Printing.................. 176.52 Glass Prudhomme, Mdse.... 18.75 W. Newcombe for gravel...• 45.20 W. B. Aiderman ................... 100.00 H. Mason.................. ....... . 13.50 ! J. C. Bewley, truant officer I Grant Mills, mdse ......................... .. 3.25 Bales & Erskine, bal. on contract on machinery bldg.................. 100.00 i J. Kennedy day on roller ....... 3.o0 Jos. Whitney work with launch.. 26.25 Nehalem Feed Co. livery hire .. .116.50 E. E. Cross labor .......................... 10.00 Long & Co. bnilding material 372.04 U. G. Jackson surveying bill in­ cluding work o 1 Bayocean road, Dolph road, Necarney •Mt. road and Necarney City road, and coat of help.......... 329.75 Barthold Barg Co. Mdse.......... .... 20.05 W. H. Hoskins............................. 16.50 F. J. Ayer .................................... 53.20 J. M. Baker.................................. 10.20 Barthold Barg Co.. Mdse ........... 6.11 W. D. Gladwell milk for county Poor.......................................... — Wm. Powell & Son Painting .... Fred Wheeler lumber.................. R. N. Henkle coffin ...... Wesley Rush work on Wilson River road................................. 4.25 Till. Meat Co.................................. 5.15 Headlight printing ....................... 64.33 P. W. Todd hotel fare...... ......... 3.75 Coroners inquest John Stickney 22.00 Cost Bill Henry Brooten ------ case .. .22.75 _........ _..ry Broote 9.60 " Jim Bodyfelt case s < " Bert Ray case ....... 61.35 44 “ H. J. Bellartecase. 3.85 44 " R. R. Roberts case 4.95 4 4 “ Chris Hansen case 26.00 4 4 “ A. J. Edwards case 8.40 Coroner’s inquest of Wm. Renick 24.00 Mrs. E. Hanenkratt care of insane 14.00 H.Crenshaw expense insane from 18.80 Neskowin.............................. H. Crenshaw expense of Mrs. Burmaster insane ..... ......... 9.00 H. Crenshaw expense delivering ballots Bayocean Port elec- 7.00 t’on ................................. ....... 6.50 H. Crenshaw meals for Jury...... D. E. Dawson deputy sheriff on Grand Jury work ................ 28.00 Geo. Willett office rent December 10.00 Claims of Jurors and witnesses Nov. term of court............... 532.00 I Herman Farmer........................... 59.00 H. V. Alley............ .................... 62.00 J. C. Holden................................ 133.33 1 K. Mills ........................................ 75.00 Pearl Phelps.................................. 50.00 J. H. Johnson ............................... 75.00 A. M. Hare.................................. 100.00 1 fl. Crenshaw ............................. ! 133.33 C. A. Johnson ............................. 75.00 B. L. Beals ................................... 83.33 W. S. Buel ................................... 83.33 H. Crenshaw paid to John Aseh- im on extra work on delin­ quent tax rolls....................... 27 50 Wm. D. Bodyfelt........................ 45.00 Wm. D. Body felt board for F. Bartniek two weeks............. 10 00 4 50 Mutual Telephone Co................... Teachers’ Institute. The public are cordially invited to attend the Teachers' Institute at the High School Building, Dec. 18, 19. 20. State Superintendent Alderman and Mrs. Alderman will be here to help improve the efficiency of our teachers^ Mr. Chas. H. Jones, editor of the Oregon Teachers Monthly, will lead the singing and deliver some edu­ cational lectures also. Miss Maud Laughead, who gave some very practical primary work two years ago, will be with usagain. W’e have also been fortunate in securing Prof. Thomas Gentle, of Monmouth Normal School, who will be with us Tuesday and Wed­ nesday. A number of our local teachers will address the Institute on Mon­ day. Special numbers are being ar­ ranged for the opening of each half day's session. Evening session, Tuesday at Christian Church, 8 p.m. lecture, "How German Life Looks to me ” Prof. Thomas Gentle. Address, "Educational Tendencies,” State Superintendent Aiderman. A few special numbers will be given so that the evening will be both entertaining as well as instruc­ tive. No admission charges Every one come. Come and See our Beautiful Line of HOLIDAY GOODS! You certainly can find something that will please. To avoid the chances of carrying over any of these goods we are offering our entire line of beautiful » DOLLS AND TOYS 9 CHINAWARE AND JEWELRY, ' At One Half Price. We will not attempt a description, but simply say they are beautiful. Come, See and ask our Prices. MASON, PENNINGTON & CO. High School Flashes. The Thanksgiving vacation »• over but every one wishes that i had been longer. However, there will be three days more during the first of the week before Christmas and the regular year end holidays. The Freshmen gave a very uni­ que party at the school house last Friday night. Games were played during the first part of theevemng. many of which were new and in­ teresting. At eleven o’clock lunch was served, each plate being sold for fifty cents in order to raise the necessary funds to purchase the class flag According to the present arrange­ ments our debating team will meet Nehalem at that place on the even­ ing of December 22nd. The ques­ tion is “Resolved: That the parcel post system should be adopted,"the negative being upheld by the home team. Every thing’ ia debate at present. The pupilshave just had one debate in the series ot tryouts and will not know who the team will be until after next Friday evening. The de­ bate will be with the Nehalem High School at that place one week from Friday night on the question, "Res- solved that: The Federal government should adopt a parcels post in con nection with the present postal system.” The home debaters real­ ize that they have a hard proposition when they debate Nehalem this year, considering they have the affirma­ tive of the question, but if we die we die fighting. Some more interestingtimes were participated in by the members of the High school the past week. How­ ever, this time it happened to be confined to the Feshman class. The plan was a great deal like that which was brought about in the case of the Student Body Attorney about a month ago. The Treasurer and a- nother member of the class, who had done practically all of the work for the Freshman party, and who had charge of the money taken in, paid two small bills amouting to about $1.15, without having asked permission first of the secretary of the class. As a result tile secretary and seargent at arms tried to run the other gentlemanout of office and upon failing to accomplish this de­ sired end they resigned. The run­ ning out job does not pay. The boys of the school are intend ing to get their basket ball team started into the regular work and get themselves in condition to play a number of games this ¡winter. At present there is plenty of good mat­ erial in the school for a first class team. There will be no school the first part of next week because of the Teachers' Institute which convenes Monday. It seems rather worthless to us to have school broken into in such a manner that practically two weeks of school will be lost. But this will be the case, as the regular Christinas holidays come week after next and the studying that is done Thursday and Friday of next week will not be worth considering. I BAK1N6POW0E Absolutely Pur Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the housewife is so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Limo Phosphates No Alum sum of $350.01) as attorney’s fees, MOVING to California will FINE PIANO for one HAU and for the costs and disbursements PRICE.—Address Mrs Kunti, of the suit taxed at $19.95. Lock Box 178, Tillamook. Ore. Dated this December 7th. 1911. H. C renshaw , Sheriff of Tillamook County, Uncle Sam is patient, but revolt Oregon. tionists need riot expect that tha MOVING to California will Sell will be permitted to keep the borda fine PIANO for one HALF jn a state of perpetual turbulence PRICE. —Address Mrs. Kuntz, Last year 2488 illicit stills werede Lock Box 178, Tillamook, Ore. stroyed and most of them were it In regard to Persia the czar probition states. .'loonshine fact* should make sure that the regrets ies and Sunday lid clubs are rant to annouce department has been I tions of the same tiling. London papers declare that it i permanently closed. useless to expect to free Xorthen steam An inventor has planned a engine for aeroplane. The excite- Persia from Russian control. B ments of the science will not be the same token Southern Persia i to be just as hopelessly British permitted to fall off in 1912. Persia’s first railroad was opened " James Whitcomb Riley's ideatlu in 1883. If that century is to call the best poetry can not be evolved dictation is eqrally applicable» Americans to its aid it will be by prose. There will always be a dif­ quicker in discovering a good ference between a mind and a ma­ thing. chine. i Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. Just as our portraits of adults 1 possess strength and character. We are experts in lighting V and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see ■ Notice of Sheriff's Sale. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That in pursuance of a decree of fore closure and sale duly rendered and entered by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, on the 18th day of Novem­ ber. 1911, and of an execution and order of sale, duly issued by the ( lerk of said Court, in pursuance thereof, dated November 27th. 1911, and to me directed I have levied upon all of the right, title ami in­ terest of Albert H Malaney, Lulu E. Malaney, I). T. Edmunds, John H. Dunstan and Mary F. Dunstan, defendants in the said foreclosure proceedings, in and tothe following described real property, situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, to.wit The Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, and Lot 5 of Section 19. and the Northeast quar­ ter of the Northwest quarter and Lota 9 and 10 of Section 30, contain­ ing 123.90 acres (except 21.82 acres deeded to Albert H. Malaney.) Also the West half of the North east quarter, and Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Section 30. and Lot 7 of Section 31. Also the tide land fronting and abutting on Lota 3, 4 and 5 of Sec­ tion 19. (Except the tide lands front­ ing and abutting on Maloney's addition to Ocean Park» and the tide lands fronting and abutting on Lots 12, 3. 7 8. 9 ami 10 of Section 30, and the tide lands fronting and abutting on Lots « and 7 of Sec tion 19. inu- T«C.vnMhip 4 Sou,h of Runge 10 W eat of \\ illamette Meridian. Also Lots 1 and 2. of Block 2 Malaney’s addition to Ocean Park Except that portion of the pre­ mises aforesaid contained within the limits of Pacific City. And in pursuance of said decree ?b.dixS!eI °( 1 wU1 on M°«>day, the 15th day of January. 1912, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., at the front door cf the Court House, in Till i. miKik City. Tillamook County Ore- gon. sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bid- der, for cash in hand« all of the right, title and interest of the alxive uameil defendants. or either of them, in and to the above described real property to satisfy said execu­ tion and order of sale, interest and cost*, and all accruing costa. The decree of foreclosure and order of sale referred to was entered bv said cowrt in a cause wherein Kathleen Mills was plaintiff, and the other parties alxive named were de tendants and by , the I1C. Iern ,a o| fondants. terms of sni( said j Í O< the plaintiff was dev reed to have and recover of and from the defendants Altieri H Malaney and Luta E. Malaney ths aum of «mou with inteœat there on at the rute of eight per cent i>er annum front July 1st. 191ft for the I. our line. — » Monk's Studio, Next to the Post Office. Put Us to the Test j (( !/ If there are Advantages to be gained by ¡w \ Trading here. Why don’t you find out about it ? \\ hat we want you to do with us is to try out. Put us to the test. This store offers so many advantages for satisfactory trading sg that you will be a steadfast customer oi ours, — ; once you get acquainted with our goods and Sg ) methods. Why not try us the next time(g| x you need something in our Line. We sell < dependable qualities at moderate prices. y' / The Sacrifice Sale. I DR D. A. SANBURN, French Specialist t M® I treat successfully all Chronic Dises«* 0 sexes with Imparted Herbs, an 1 vith •' so-called magnetic treatments. I OFFICE HOURS Office over 9 TO 12 AM Star Theatre. P