Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 14, 1911, Image 7

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    Tillamook"Headiight, December 14, 1ÔII
Cause and Effect In the Visions
That Come In Sleep.
lt Expli'R.d th. Meaning of th. Oft
Th,t ' c“ w”
Cliwinfl th. Slumberor’. Throat.
Rapidity Of th. Dream Process.
‘La Marcha Rsalls” Was Composed by
Frederick ths Great.
Frederick the Great was the com-
■ poser of the Spanish uatloual autbem.
| Frederick s ambitious were varied. He
1 performed on the flute. [I? desired to
■ be thought a poet. lie quoted Latin.
! but his quotations would have made
I Cicero stare and gasp. During that
i remarkable friendship which existed
between him and Voltaire the author
of the "Hetiriade' exclaimed with de
rlsio.n, "See the dirty liueu I have to
i wash." holding up Frederick s manu
script. w hich had been sent him to re
vise. In the field the great warrior
carried nbont his own poems In bls
pocket and a bottle of poison, so that
he should uot be taken alive. Menzel's
picture depicts the king with his flu'e.
and Bach dedicated to him one of his
The story of the composition of the
Spanish national anthem Is full of in­
terest. A little while after the couclu
slon of the Seven Years' war Frederick
nt a court reception to the surprise of
every one produced a march which he
had composed. The Spanish ambassa
dor. both a musician and courtier,
asked for a copy to send to his royal
master. Charles III. That monarch
admired the piece, and It wns often
heard at the Escurlal. After a time I:
was laid aside and almost forgotten
In lSlSI. after the deposition of Isabel
la. Marshal Serrano Instituted n com
j>etitlon among composers for a nation
al anthem.
Some 500 compositions
were sent In, but none of them was s«>
Inspiring as Frederick's march, which
had been exbutned from the archives
This was chosen and Is today known
as “La Marcha Rsaiie."—London Globe
Obituary Notices.
^»“««Llheynieasur® of the’State’i»
crying need’in hie behalf. ''We 'do
Beatrioe Layng’s Fate at the Hands of
Of S. W. Miller, President of the
not know that the ex-Senator would
the Mob In 1703.
S. W. Miller Piano Factory (himself a
That belief In wth-bernft and brutal
accept the office again, but we are
hazarding that and assuming that
treatment of alleged witches once
means of bringing the S. W. Miller sufficient pressure can be brought
loomed large In Scotland la shown In
pianc up to its present high standard to bear upon him to take up the
Stewart Dick's '“rhe I'ugeunt of the
of supreme quality. The S. W. Mill­ work he laid down three years ago,
Forth." In 1706 Pltteuweem gained
unenviable notoriety from a series of
er’s matchless musical qualities are re­ in justificationot his own fine record
prosecutions of old women, and the
tained for a lifetime, in fact they mel­ in that office and for the successes
pamphleteers of the day were kept
low with age (like a good violin) and he can bring to Oregon.
We know
busy on both sides In defending and
it is this feature vr*
of uiaiiiiauiiug
maintaining their
he Oí wa9
LU v IT I 1 him intimately,
___ nv nus for
LIB one of us
denouncing the actiou of the magis­
trates. The author says:
| Tillamook conducted the services. The the S. W. Miller to be the most talked ofOrgon, we know his fitness and
“it seems that a blacksmith, one | interment was at 2:30 o’clock Monday
of piano today on the Pacific Coast. his willingness and his splendid
Patrick Morton. Iieing taken ill. de
We have a new carload of these ex­ faith in the doing of great und grate­
dared that he was bewitched, and on I after ioon in Bay View Cemetery. f
cellent pianos just received direct from ful duties of such a post.
his instigation a number of old worn
The fire which destroyed the home of factory and can make you low prices
en were thrown Into prison. Bullied
by the magistrates and ministers or i Chas. Easom at midnight Monday, Dec. and easy terms of payments.
California will Sell
the town by day and tortured by their 4th severely burned Charles and his
for one half
RICE.—Address Mrs. Kuntz,
guards by night, who never let them
From Factory to House Dealers.
monk, Ore.
sleep, but kept them awake by prick and little daughter Alberta Elizabeth.
Ing them with pins, these miserable Alberta inhaled the fire and was burn-
old women were soon Induced to con , ed internally. While all was done for
The quicker a cold is gotten rid
Fuit J” for U. S. Senator.
fess anything.
ot the Je«H the danger from pne u
' her that love and skill could suggest
"One woman tn particular, Beatrice she passed beyond from the home of
The Astorian has started in to moiiiu and other sericua di^ea^ea
Layng. had been singled out by Mor David Martiny in Tillamook, Dec. 6th boost ex-Senator C. W. Fulton for *lr. B. \\ , L. Hall, of Waverly, Va.
anye: “I firmly believe Chamber
ton for Ids special vengeance.
He 1911. She was boin June 15th, 1905.
United Senator. It says :
Iain’s Cough Remedy to be abso­
said that she came asking him lo I
the best preparation on the
The funeral was at the home of Dav­
To this end the Morning Astorian
make some nails for her. He. believ­
lor colds. 1 have recom­
J consideration mended it to my friends and thev
ing they were for some evil pnrjiose.
J------ ” H. Irvine of of ' our people at la ge, as a business all agree with me/’ For sale by
refused to do so. and she went off 8th. The Rev. James
muttering Imprecations. Wheu be fell Bay City conducted the services. Ber­ matter shorn of all petty polities the Lamar's Drug Store.
ill she was beard to say. 'He mlctit tie’s body was laid to rest beside baby name of Ex United States Senator
blame his ane tongue for his ill.' Ou Carl’s in Bay View Cemetery, but Charles W. Fulton, of Portland, as
thia tissue of trivialities she was Im Bertie and Carl are “In the Children’s the one man qualified to correctly
prisoned, and practically under tor , Home in Glory.”
and soundly again represent Oregon
ture she acknowledged to the minis­
in the upper house of the Congress
“I had been troubled with con
ters and magistrates that she had
And we are doing this despite the Corner Stillwell Ave. and Firs
made a wax Image of Morton and stipation for two years and tried
which once existed as
St. West, and both l’huile?.
stuck pins In It.
tai, Tenn,, and they could do notli- between this tine citizen and this
“After a long period of Judicial bul- ing for me,” writes Thos. E.
Will- paper; differences which, for the
lying she was set free or. in other iams, Middleboro, K v. "Two pack­
words, bonded over to the mob to ages of Chamberlain’s Stoma« hand certian good of the Suite, liave’heen 8PECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKI3
work their will on
her. Hanged on a Liver Tablets cured me.’’ For sale set aside, because of our deep con­
ALL KIND HI- hmfaii .
rope between a i ship and the shore, by Lamar’s Drug Store.
viction of the ability of Mr. Fulton
she was oelted with stones till half
dead and finally r pressed to death un­
der a door. It seems that In those
days no one was safe against the
wildest accusations which might
brought against him."
It was a personal experience of a
««„alar character that first impressed
ZTme. some years ago. the impor-
of dreams as a subject for se­
rious Investigation, says H. Addington
Bruce in the Outlook. Until then I
had shared the opinion prevailing
among laymen—and. it would seem,
among most scientists also - that
dreams are entirely fanciful and
meaningless. But my experience was
such 1 could no longer believe this.
To state it briefly, it involved the
recurrence of a most bizarre dream.
At least twenty times during a period
of six months I had the same dream-
namely, that a cat was clawing at my
throat' The stage setting and the ml
nor Incidents might vary, but always
the central episode was the same, an 1
usually the fury of the dream cat's
onset was so great that it would
iwaken me. Naturally this recurrent
dream puzzled me, so much so that I
spoke about it.
Then one day the accident of a
heavy cold that settled in my throat
bed to a medical examination, which.
Bucb to my surprise, revealed the I
»resence of a growth, requiring Imine-
linte treatment by the surgeon’s knife,
lome time afterward it suddenly oc-
fnrred to me that since the removal They Rule the Csuntry Where All
if the dangerous growth 1 had not
Foreigners Are Called Boors.
mce been troubled by the cat clawing i The scholars rule China today. Dress
Iream. Its significance now began to is of more moment there than in any
|nwn on me
other country, yet the scholar, al
I had suffered no pain, not even in- though poor und meanly dressed. Is
kvenience. from the growth In my
received with honor by the highest in
nroat. In tnct I had not consciously : i the land.
ven aware of its presence. But un
“The superior man" of the classics
pestlonably the organic changes ac- ! Is the equivalent of the "good man" Probably a Dutch Invention
Seventeenth Century.
tnnpanylng It had given rise to sensa- with us. This man. his character and
The history of sash windows is some­
ions which, slight though they were,
his conduct nre the constant theme what obscure, but the probability Is
lad made an impression on my sleep-
of approbation. His virtue, his honor,
ig consciousness sufficient to excite bls social relations, bls manners In that they were a Dutch Invention and
that they were introduced Into Eng­
I to activity. My recurrent dream
public and private, are carefully de­
»nsequently was to be regarded as a fined. His dignity Is among his high­ land soon after the revolution of 1688.
The derivation of the word “sash’’ In
fmbollc representation of the disor- j
est qualities and must be maintained this sense is the Dutch “sas,” a sluice-
br In my throat—an attempt to inter­
at any cost.
old English ‘'sa8se.” In Queen Anne’s
bet It. to explain It. And, Indeed,
In contradiction to the popular Idea reign they were yet so comparatively
ben In the dream, for all its fantastic
of dignity, however, the superior man uncommon as to be mentioned as a
bagery and symbolism, the seat of
will play battledore and shuttlecock special feature of houses that were
be trouble was indicated plalnly I
with his feet and fly kites, while the advertised as “to let.” In the Tatler.
loufh as I could appreciate after the
boys, like old men, stand sedately by for Instance. No. 178, May 27-30. 1710,
Irgeon had completed his labors,
and look on. This he does as a meth­ there is this advertisement:
kn experience was reported by Al-
od of Instruction and to show the
“To be lett. In Devonshire Square,
fd Maury, one of the earliest scien- children how the superior man can re
near Blsbopsgate, a very good Brick
Ic Investigators of the phenomena
lax when his high purpose is to enter
House of 3 Rooms of a Floor, and a
I sleep, who dreamed that he was
good Hall, with very good light and
ling in Paris during the Terror and tain and educate the young.
Id been put on the proscribed list.
dark Closets, the whole nouse being
boor and a barbarian. It seems n well wainscoted and sash'd with 30
Iter many exciting adventures he I
hopeless task to teach him politeness
is captured, tried and sentenced to The Chinese wonders why the for 8asb Lights, a very pleasant and con-
venlent Office below Stairs," etc.
lecution. He saw himself dragged
lough the streets amid a clamoring elgner leaves his own country nt all
From England they passed into
Is it too small for him to make bls liv
France, where the first to put them up
altitude and forced to mount the Ing. or lias he come to observe the su
was Marshal de Lorge at his new
Mold and bare his neck to the fatal
|w In that Instant as the guillo- perfor people? If so be is to be com
house at Montmartre. Speaking of
mended. But. alas, what a boor he Is! this. Lister In 1699 writes In his “Jour­
K knife descended he awoke to find —National Geographic Magazine.
It a piece of the cornice of his bed
ney to Paris:'* “We had the good for­
tune here to find the marshal himself.
■ fallen and struck him on the neck,
An Oversight.
He showed us bls great Rush windows,
■testifying even more impressively to
Sir Herbert Beerbolim Tree, the fa
I twofold action of the dream proc­
bow easily they might be lifted up and
land to Its rapidity Is a dream ex­ mous theatrical manager, was present down and s’ood at any height, which
Bence of my own. In this dream at a supper In London a short time contrivance, he said, he had out of
England by a small model brought on
■as walking alone at night along a ago where Signor Grasso was an bon
fb? road. It was lined on both ored and much feted guest. When purpose from thence, there being noth­
B* by trees which, ns I learned the banquet was over and every one ing of this poise in windows in France
f1 a man who presently joined me. was departing. Grasso was so con­ before.”— London Standard.
f laden with fruit. I picked some fused and carried away by the atten
Bs and ate them as we walked and lions and embraces which had been
Origin of ■ Postal Cuttom.
The road seemed to overlook showered upon him that „he thought­
The steamship Oregon was tost off
Bwd valley in which I saw a soli- lessly directed his taxi driver to drive Fire island on March 14, 1886. She
My companion told me that him to the stage door of the theater was rammed by a coastwise schooner,
B*s In his home aud invited me to at which he was playing.
remaining afloat for half an hour, a
■ H>* night with him. After a tir-
“What on earth does he want to go time which made it possible to save
■ walk we reached the house, a back to the theater for at this time of every person aboard. When her mail
IF,wo room cabin, ne retired into the night?” asked one of those who was Ashed up and delivered the pieces
■toner room and I went to bed in were waving him adieu.
were stamped with a statement that
“Ah.” said Sir Herbert Tree, “I ex- they bad been in the wreck, the first
B*>ter. I Bad not been long asleep
J-In my dreams, I was awakened pect he has forgotten to kiss the Are
instance of a practice which la now
•anoise of somebody running, and man!”
employed by direction of the interna­
■"•tight Instantly flashed into my !
tional postal union. The credit for
V that my host wns making off
Fireproof Wood.
this simple device is believed to be
Though there are a number of dif- dne to Edward M. Morgan, at tbnt
money 1 leaped up sbout-
I ferent kinds of wood, ebony, ironwood.
tin» in a subordinate position in the
■*lrerltably awoke and as I did . etc., of such close, hard fiber that even New Tork postofllce. who foresaw that
^FtFtly heard on the pavement the fiercest fire has difficulty in “get
a few minutes' work with a rubber
fl* W’D^'"T the sound of bur ting hold" of It. there Is only one sort, stamp would forestall an infinitude of
^B~*a"s and a voice crying ex- so far as now known, that Is practical­ complaint.—New York Sun.
■7 ..top. atop!" At once it was ly fireproof. This is a small scraggy
t these two words, penetrnt- tree, a native of Booth America, call
When Turkey Was Great.
sleeping consciousness, had ed the shopala. with thick, tough
TNrfcey at her height was In posses-
'be necessary stimulus to set stringy bark full of a sort of fire resist
of every famous city of the an-
process which. In the frac- • Ing sap. This curious shrub grows daat world except Rome. She held
""'end. had Interpreted them largely on the great, grassy savannas by the sword Athens. Corinth. Sparta.
fl, .
an«l had presented the which are swept by fire almost every Grecian Thet.es. Constantinople. An
'»» Interpretation in the form year during the beat of the summer ttech. fMncla. Ct eel phon. Baltylon.
little narrative of noctur- There It thrives splendidly, for the an
Nineveh, Bagdad. Jerusalem. Daman-
nnnl scourge kills off only Its bigger cos. Mecca. Medina. Alexandria,
** produced by the
ro. Memphis. Egyptian Thebes
nos_ lal Mutants. One sleeper. ground free for the growth of tbiR Carthage. Rome were lo ruins,
■r h.’raa liRbtiy tickled with a vegetable asbestos.
the Turk was master where they
of ru. ? k'rrible dream of a ;
be,n< al'prMtely sp- ;
Ths Ship of State.
’’lolently from his | Sir Wilfrid Laurier once took a fall
A Frank Prafaranc«.
H h,.
•’ « hose feet a hot out of Sir Charles Tupper, for years
“Doesn’t your wife wan' the privl
K, W1|lrl‘" I',ar*d. dreamed that ! lender of the Opposition, and Sir John lot» of going to the |> o II r aial <-swtlng a
0T,,r ,IO1 •« vs. Inn Macdonald. Bantering them on tbelr ballot as an enlightened und reopen
of the same sort self praise for their own |>o'ltlcal scrv
■HHe citizen Y'
hn, »'Irping of the cover ices to Canada, he admitted tbnt they
“Tea.” replied Mr. tlpw e < t . “but
had sailed the ship of state fairly sue ake'd rattier here a new hat '-Wash
r,f”"rp an,l torture by eessfully. adding: “Sir John was at
■•hJ" banf,i's who tnsleted tbe helm and supplied the brains,
K toto r. al kn”w b >w to convert while Sir Charles supplied the wind.
Mte Failing
■ l tr» hi
h’*1'1 hl’ naKpd His blowing filled the Mils."
Harker - Doesn't Cnttem. the tailor,
to compel him to
mind you of a doctor? Parker-i
Net Long.
ebould say not. Re remind« me of
W •• th//'’ of " s"«’” d«™*
Rinks (who ordered a pancake half that tittle Mil I owe him etery time
K m
of ■ I'stlent with an hour prrviouslyi-Er-1—«ay, wlit Wn meet Ixxtdon Telegraph
fl < tMn
followed by a tbat iMincake be long?
fl» ti* '^«'fonued Into n
Waitress—No. Mr; It'll be round
Thru be waited patiently anotlMr
h ”0 Plates.
half boar.
Carl Edward, infant son of Albert L.
and Lizzie J. Easom of Nehalem, was
| born March 24th 1910. He was strick­
en with Cholera Infantum Nov. 24th.
11911 and died Saturday Dec. 2nd.
He faded as a flower in the budding
' and went to the garden above, where
j ‘‘The flowers bloom forever.” The
I funeral services were from the home
I of Charles Easom in Nehalem at 2:30
i o’clock on the afternoon of Sunday,
j Dec. 3rd., the Rev. James T. Moore of
Tillamook Bakery,
We carry a Large Stock of
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities.
Foley Kidney Pill» are tonic in action, quick in result». Refuse substitute«.
Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook