Tillamook Headlight, December 14, 1911, PTTsale of Tide Lands. J" n hereby G iven , That I^Vi tanl of the State of you desire future notices to be sent to you. H. F. H igby , Register. J. C. A udrey , Receiver. Date of first publication, Novem­ ber 30th, 1911. Date of second publication, De­ cember 7th, 1911. __ Date of third publicaHCB, TTeceui- ber 14th, 1911. Date of fourth pi01ication, Decem­ ber 21st, 1911. ¿5 Notice of Application for License Co operation is Secret. to Sell Spiritoua Malt and VinouB MARVELOUSDAIRY SHCW Lightning Kills few Just read the list of Tillamook DRAWS FEW. In 1906lightning killed only ItiO Liquors and Hard Cider, Etc. creameries having cheese entered people in this whole country. One’s Addison Bennett Deplores at the present meeting: Elwood chances of death by lightning are N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That Creamery, Fairview Dairy Associa­ less than two in u million. The a petition preaented in and to the Lack of Interest Shown Great tion, Tillamook Creamery, Cold chance of death from liver, kidney CouutyGourt of Tillamook County, fc«*’ ion at 10:00 o clock or stomach trouble is vastly greater R*r ?div al' •"* S““**“- Spring Cheese Factory, South Piar­ but not if Electric Bitters be used Industry’s Exhibit. Oregon, for a liquor license, is in R (h‘tdlideyGnd overflow lands word» letters and figures and a les Creamery, Maple Leaf Cream­ as Robert Madsen, of West Buriingl B y A ddison B ennett , in T he M.'? described, giving, how- full, true and correct transcript ery, Three Rivers Creamery, Clover te n, Ja., proved. Four do tors gave therefrom and of the whole thereof F 1. owner or owners of any O regonian . Leaf Creamery, Red Clover Cream­ him up after eight monthsof suffer­ is as follows, to-wit : L i.Wa& ^tinir or fronting on such ing from virulent liver trouble and The Oregon Butter & Cheese Mak- r “a overflow lands, the pre- Sheriff’s Sale. In the County Court of the State of ers’ Association was in session ery, Alder Vale Creamery and Clov yellow jaundice. He was then com- pletely cured by Electric Bitteis. erdale Cheese Factory. Now, in L rnrbtto purchase said tide Oregon, for the County of ’ht.69 Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore­ tin* same sort of stuff Io eat. As that is all you need say to flic Wm. H. Franklin. Garibaldi. but exoriated. Then every hair 28' ]• a natiiial cm.sequence the) _.t degs. :. 1115.57 to gon. ______ Ben Center,' Garibaldi. grocer, just say give me the Till.i ought to have been pulle ’ out of " oil their feed." Even if they J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. then Notice of Sheriff's Sale. it, it should have been compelled mook—and you will know you have do not. then «ligestive organs Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. the best that can be made from I he ueed the tonic effect which comes 1929.57 to the , ------- Win Campbell, Garibaldi. to join hands with its near rels'ivc, liorna variety of lcednig stu't-. » beginning, containing 134.8 purest ami richest milk and cream. | N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. Mr. Axle Grease, and march away land fronting on Lots 1, 2, 3 in pursuance of a decree of fore­ A. F. Goff, Garibaldi. Watkins’ Stock Tonic Every Oregonian ought to blush to oblivion. »f Section 8, T. IS., R. 10 W. closure and salp duly rendered and A. Johnson. Garibaldi. Is a scientific preparation which when he remembers that we have entered by the Circuit Court of the The butter on view yesterday was E. D. Best, Garibaldi. not onlv improves the llinor of in the entire state only about HIX), ihould be accompanied by a State of Oregon, for Tillamook G. G. Suddock, Garibaldi. as fine as any ever made anywhere. the feed you feed, but also sup­ f application to purchase and County, on the 18th day of Novem­ to (XX) acres of our land given over C. A. Eastland, Garibaldi. plies tlr.it tonic element so needed It is a truth that the people of Ore­ ge for the full amount ber. 1911, and of an execution and D. W. Johnson. Garibaldi. the duiry interests—and there are to make your live stock do tlieir gon have at tlieir command as good and should be addressed to order of sale, duly issued by the A. Smith, Garibaldi. best. 9,000,000 acres of equally good land Brown, Clerk State Lane Clerk of said Court, in pursuance butler as there is in the world—so Marshal!, Garibaldi. There is no longer any doubt awaiting the coming of the cow. baleni, Oregon, and marked thereof, dated November 27th, 1911, V. Stoker, Garibaldi. c. long as the home product holds about the need of a tonic lor the Î1H,. »cation ami bid to purchase and to me directed I have levied As it is, we produce less than F, Alexander, Garibaldi. c, modern domestic animal kept out. But we ship in a carload a MU.” upon all of the right, title and in­ (XXI,000 worth of dairy products a E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. under artificial conditions. You week from the East, and some of G. G B rown , terest of Albert H. Malaney, Lulu E A. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. must give them something to year, when we have the resources Clerk State Land Board. E. Malaney, D. T. Edmunds, John that will tell you, for much of it is given us by nature to produce $2l>),- A. G. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. help them digest their feed nod I thia 10th day of October, ¥*Ouc is tan and Mary F. Dunstan, Chas Morgan, Garibaldi, is get the greatest good from P. able to speak for itself, that it 000,000 worth. defa|Mnts in the said foreclosure loe. Sn?tsinger, Garibaldi. WHtkin»' Stock Tonic supplies pretty rank. proceedings, in and to the following Just think of sending $4,000,(XX) John Paquet, Garibaldi. this tiefd. It makes t)ie animal •TICE OF CONTEST, described real property, situate in Think of Oregon people sending away every year for butter, cheese Wm. Hartzell, Garibaldi. relish its feisl more; it aids in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit : H. B. Karr, Garibaldi. the digestion and assimilation away every year for $2000,000 worth and eggs! Why, it is neglect that The Southeast quarter of the A. Aubery, Garibaldi. of the feed, and in addition to ertment of the Interior, of butter! Is it not a shame ? Then here is almost criminal. Then Southwest quarter, and Lot 5, of that, it has a tonic effect upon State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ United States Land Office, remember that there are some of come a couple of score of the 1 lead Section 19, and the Northeast quar­ mook, SS. the whole system Portland, Oregon, Your animals need a tonic of I. J J. McCormick, being first our dealers (not many, but a few,) ers in the butter and cheese basi- I „ November¿7th 1911. ter of the Northwest quarter and Ix>ts 9 and 10 of Section 30, contain ­ 5E M. BUCKMAN, of Dolph, duly sworn, Bay :—That I am one of who are contemptible enough to ness to hold a convention in our this kind. Watk.n»' Stock Tonic ing 123.90 acres (except 21.82 acres in not a secret preparatiori. W e the petitioners wilhin named, and take this foreign product and place yon, Contestee : city and we do not give them i the tell you the a< tual ingredients that I circulated the same, that are hereby notified that deeded to Albert H. Malaney.) Alen the West half of the North­ each and all of the foregoing named i* in Oregon wrappers and sell it patronage we would give u game that arc used in it. You know A Nash, who gives 707 exactly what you are buying, and of tiddlewinks. The financial report bilt st.. Portland, Oregon, east quarter, and Lots 6, 7 and 8 of petitioners signed the same; that as choice Oregon butter. post-vttice atldress, did on Section 30, and Lot 7 of Section 34. each stated hiB name, postofflee ad­ at the meeting »Jiowed that the as­ pound for |H>und it will go farther Tillamook Rules Field. and do more good than any other «3rd, Jim, fiie ¡n this office Also the tide land fronting and dress and residence correctly, ; stock tonic or so called steak It is such things ns that that sociation has practically no money I) corrolmrated application abutting on Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Sec­ that each one is a legal voter within food ever made. est and secure the cancella- tion 19. (Except the tide lands front­ Garibaldi Precinct, and has actu­ make the Oregon butterand cheese on hand. It depends on gifts to The Watkins Man will be gla 1. | cheese made in Oregon ? ,J1“* »ever cultivated any Teachers’ Examination. UHttie same, but has wholly Malsney’s addition to Ocean Park. (Seal). W ebster H olmes . land, its water or Ils climate Except that portion of the pre­ Notary Public forOrek<-n. 1 than can be found elsewlieie *a'‘l fund for more than Notice is hereby given that the F urther H eki iiy £•>» immediately preceding mises aforesaid containing within N otice is the limits of Pacific City. County Superintendent of Tillamook j G iven . That said petition will state ? Or is it the splendid And in , pursuance of said decree lie called up for action in the eration that prevails there i7'.J,,cle^ore’ further noti- county, will hold the regular exainiria ’be nai -• •!.- — _____ , on third day of the Sth day of January, 1912, at the () re g<>n. "ny this office as having Now, I would not for the world County papers, at the county t-ourt trv^i1 J,y yoo> and y°ur hour of 10 o'clock a.m., at the front f January, 1912. and based on said belittle the natural advantages the Room, Tillamook City, Oregon, riis’1 canceled there­ door of the Court House, in Tilla­ i petition ; said J J. McCormick, on about your further right to mook City. Tillamook County, Ore­ said last named date, will apply to j Tillamook people have ; but how fulloWH : tiierein, either before this gon, sell at public auction, subject said County Court for a-ffeense to aliout |«irtions of Clatsop, Lincoln, FOR STATE PAPERS. H you fail to to redemption, to the highest bid­ lie granted to hffii. An sell within Lane, Coos and Curry counties? Commencing Wednesday Dec. 20. at HiZif*N"i" twenty «lays der, for cash in hand, all of the said Garibaldi Precinct and in Cannot just as good cheese l>e 9 o’clock a. tn. and continuing until “Hh publication of this right, title and interest of the above : the town of Garibaldi therein, Satuiday, IJec. 23, at 4 o'clock p. m. n,i—8"°"n below, your an named defendants, or either of spiritous, malt and vinous liquors, made in those, and other sections, WEDNESDAY FORENOON. . r oath, specifically ineet- them, in and to the above described fermented cider, commonly known as can lie made in Tillamook ? Writing, U. S. History, Physiology. «7 K’n'l,nR to these alle real property to satisfy said execu­ as hard cider, for a period of one I will not answer that question, WEDNESDAY AFiERNOON. tha»C¿’l,’',• or tf you fail tion and order of sale, interest and year from the date of sai-l license, because I do not wish to detract Physical Geography, Reading, < uni- •Ut time to file in this costs, and all accruing costs. The | Dated this 30th day of November one tittle from the reputation the position. Methods in Resiling, Methods a ,*la* y°H have decree of foreclosure an«l order of 1911. J. J. Mc< OkMICK. Tillamook people have earned and tn Arithmetic. Itn»,1?'. "f y°ur answer on «ale referred to and entere«! by said I THURSDAY FORENOON. < established, not a fraction of a tilth- •o.-.k*’,'n> either in person cour| in cause wherein Kathleen ArithmiTic. Civil Government. Uni­ maiL If this ser Mills was plaintiff, and the other having I —which I can safely say. Ends Winter’s Trout les. tary of Education, Psychology. Method« i *■ *be delivery of a }>arties above named were de­ in Geography. your .mswer to the' con- endant, and by the terms of said season of I never met tip with a tittle. To many, winter in a THURSDAY AFTERNOON. mn.iTrJ ,n' l,r°of of such decree of foreclosure the plaintiff trouble. The frost bit’en ♦<■*» and Ix>ok at the organization of file Grammar, Geography. American « Wr ,T e,,h»r the said con* was decreed to have and recover of fingers, chapped hands mid lip», Tillamook creameries «nd < he “Hr ton i 'ln. HC^nowle• Malanev and Lulu E. Malaney. the _________ such f ut one English Literature. FRIDAY AFTERNOON rvu..^,!,,'"red mail, proof of and for thecoets and disbursements tenia, and Sprains. Only 25c at as a unit. They employ selling »gent, make no cut« in f m L"111’*’ consist of the afli- of the suit taxed at $19.95. Chas. I. Clough’s. Sehool las*. Botany. Algebra. Dated this Decemtier 7th. 1911. to prices, keep their products »1» * niai|Pe.r*on *’y whom the SATURDAY FORENOON. H. C renshaw . » oat *" "toting when and Every family has need of a good, the highest standard work |r»* Sheriff of Tillamook County. Gootaotry, Goulogy. and *2 *° which it wan Rcliebl« J bujb I« i *. well-, linimen, For reliable liniment. _ E<»r sprains, gether with the precision of « < Xregon. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. «oi.il i1" •‘’t'rtavit must tie soreness of the muscles oiled machine and with the coin* bruises ------------- General llisltirv. Hook keeping. and rheumatic paina there is none I Next to the Post Ohio«. Sold bined intelligence of the tw.t and better than Chamberlain’», W. S. Bucl, County 3upt. The Star has a drama and I brainiest men A tlieir number. » of in y°»r answer I by Lamar’» Drug Store, I l*c*t office to which j Comedy reel every night *2 office, 1,1 **le Capital ’Xmas. Photos I « « •The Tillamook? Studio. ! Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? h EUGENE JENKÎNS,