iii.iiAMiXJK I I HUiAUJLilUiiT, TAKING THE CURE IN O V PLANNED HIS OWN DEATH. ORIENTAL RUGS. ’ one way to save Contro < . Goo Is the “preferred creditor.’* mm modern rug. and the fact that more you have left undone those things yon an account. find that all your other creditJ One dark night he purposely crossed can be tied to tbe square inch in a be willing to stand back vkH ought to have done, and your penalty Persian than in a Turkish rug ac ­ the keeper's path and upon challenge is Carlsbad. pay it. For It Insures the paw i So you take your place at the end of made motions of resistance and es­ counts for tbe greater fineness and every other obligation. A afl a queue 300 dyspeptics long and wish cape. The faithful servant, failing to consequently greater costliness of tbe 1 Is saving Is trusted and help<( Notice of Application for License Garibaldi Precinct, and has actu­ you were dead. You very nearly are. recognize his master, followed instruc­ former. credit Is go id. lie can "do ■ to Sell Bpiritous Malt and Vinous ally resided therein for more than for no “morning tea” sustains you; they tion to tbe letter, as was expected of | People place confidenc e in U m thirty days next proceeding Nov. I <—hid that: it la atrlctlv against the him. and Sir William fell dead in his 1 I COVERED DISHES. t on m e»wiu 1.1U«,, ^tV. 30, 1911, auu ... .... ..... ... tracks. Tbe whole truth or the affair taw. You take your ram at me ~wpru I forth in said petition are true as I del" spring uncomforted by the cook. was common knowledge, but it was First U«»d In tha Dark Ages to Guard notice is H ereby G iven , -That verily believe. Food From Poison. Everything contributes to your misery. impossible to establish a case of sui ­ DAVID GARRICK. J, J, M c C ormick , a petition presented in and to the From the days when our ancestors Address, Garibaldi, Tillamook A German close behind you is tread­ cide by legal proof. The servant was ('ouuty Com: ... Tillamook County, ing on your heels and breathing loudly protected by bls instructions. Hank­ took their food in their hands and ate Th* Great Actor’s Art and Hill County, Oregon. Oregon, for a liquor license, is in Subscribed and sworn to before down your neck, and a gentleman In a ford had honorable burial, and his es­ it with as little ceremony as a dog Ruffled Feelings. words letters and figures and a full, true and correct transcript me this 30th day of November, 1911. curious top hat is conducting an or­ tate passed to those whose interests as gnaws a bone to the present time of Mrs. Garlick's adtnlratioe d (Seal). W ebster H olmes . therefrom a :d of the whole thereof chestra with intent to make you merry. heirs he had so wisely considered. elaborate dinners is a long step, but a husband's dramatic talents H Notary Public for Oregon. He fails. You hate him. And every is as follows, to-wit : gradual one. It was a number of cen­ tense, and ou bls great nigtea N otice is F urther H ereby In the County Court of the State of moment you draw nearer to the “Spru- turies before dishes of any kind were would hang over her box na GIVEN. — That said petition will PRIMITIVE SURVEYING. Oregon, for the County of used, and knives and forks as adjuncts stage in rapturous delight. Ik be called up for action in the del” spring. It leaps from the bowels Tilhitnook. County Court of Tillamook County, of the earth toward the roof of the , ; Boers With the Fleetest Horses Got to eating are later still. The fear of flaw In her Idol, she claimeda In the Matter of Applica- Oregon, on the third day of colonnade shrouded In its own steam, poison which haunted the mind of taste for low life, for whichsbeMt c.itionof J. J. McCormick, the Biggest Farms. January, 1912, and based on said and a girl in waterproof overalls every person of quality during the mid­ him greatly, insisting that tel f- r Liquor License. According to a legend of Smithtown. To tlie Honorable County Court of l etition ; said J. J. McCormick, on catches you a glassful by means of a N. Y.. the township was originally dle ages gave rise to certain curious better to play Scrub to a 1« i aid lust named date, will apply to long pole. customs and even to certain supersti­ audience than one of bls supen the Stute of Oregon, for the l aid County Court for a license to measured off by a primitive method. County of Tillamook. tions. When dishes are now served acters before an audience of ti Then you retire to a corner with the I e granted to him, to sell within The first settler was one Smith, who W3, THE L’.\I»ERStoNEl>, hereby evil brew and try to drink It. It tastes covered, it is understood that it is mere­ On one particular occasion sb t aid Garibaldi Precinct and in bought from the Indians as much land ii-.. ge and show to you the follow­ of Garibaldi therein, of dead rats—hot ones, long dead Your as a bull could go around in a day. ly for the purpose of keeping them in her box in the theater wht ing tacts and petition you as fol- the town warm. This was not, however, the rick’s impersonation of Rlcht spiritoue, malt and vinous liquors, character may be divined by your lows: Now. Smith had a smart bull, trained That we mid each of us are resi fermented cider, commonly known method of dealing with It. It may be to carry him and to half trot and half principal reason why they Were serv­ was applauded to the echo. 7 dents and legal v ters within Gari- is hard cider, for a period of one faced as one faces a pet beverage, lope at a rapid pace. That day the ed covered during the dark ages. It day a farce followed the tragedy I was the fear that poison might be In­ evening, and as Mrs. Garrick A buldi Precinct, in Tillamook County, year from the date of said license. “with an air,” or it may be dallied with Dated this 30th day of November, bull was up to the mark. By night he Oregon, and have been such for troduced into them surreptitiously be­ leave before it her busbandeM in sips—or thrown away. It may beat 1911. more than thirty days next proceed­ you altogether, but this Is rare. The had inclosed so much land that the tween the kitchen and the table where the box to say he had arnn M m J. J. M c C ormick . nicknamed its rider they were to be served to the kings ing the date und signing of this hardened dyspeptic who does his year­ amazed Indiana in the green r-on: which would petition, having been and now are Bull Smith. or the lords or even to persons of infe­ ly “ cure" has a trick with a little glass actual residents within said pre­ him. so most unwillingly the 1141 This tradition has Its counterpart rior rank. Brick, pipe. He is imitated by the wise. Aft cinct for more than thirty days obliged to aciiuiesce and IM Lime, The covers were not removed till the er the first fell glass you hurry to the among the Boers of South Africa. next proceeding November 30th, through the closing entertaiiff 'etnent, Their “ runs." aa the farms of these master of the house had taken his ’ little glass pipe stall and buy a little 1911. hingles, This proved to be a comical Miff Dutchmen are called, contain, general ­ That we hereby place. All dishes afterward served glass pipe for your very own. and half ou) Oil, blundering adventures which tall grant u license to an hour later you brace yourself to­ ly speaking, from 4,000 to 6,000 acres, were brought on the table in the same ah $10 ton, fallen a countryman who bad Wil of which only a few acres are under limit and vinous H manner. It was the custom originally Sultry Supplies, gether for the second dose. If you cider, or fermented c cultivation. Small monuments of when the dishes were uncovered for farm to see Loudon and on bls Potatoes, $1.50 per 100, have sinned deeply you may be order ­ kdo.. ,i as hard cider,' "Beet” hard wheat flour $1.40sk., ed even three, but probably you will stones piled up at certain points mark some of the servants to first partake gave his uelgbl-rs an account Ml of one year from the date of said $5.50 bbl.. of them, but this custom was After­ wonders he had met. be let off with two goes of "Sprudel” tbe boundary lines. license, within said Garibaldi Pre- This characterization was reeff Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kinds The first settlers, knowing nothing ward In part replaced by the servants cinct, and at Garibaldi, therein, to of feed at prices as low as any in and one of something lighter of surveying, measured off their touching the food with one of several with such peals of applause that! J. I, McCormick. An hour afterward you may have the city. P. Byrotn, Garibaldi. an inadequate meal of sour milk, one “runs" by horsepower. Having piled objects which were regarded as infalli­ Garrick, ever zealous of her hotel T illamook F eed Co. fame, began to think It rivaled I C. R. Sutton, Garibaldi. egg and a browny roll that would baf­ up a lot of stones, the Boers would ble preservatives against poison. lately lavished on Richard III Frank Buckles,, Hobsonville. start from them and ride In a straight fle a dentist. During the morning you Wm. Keys, Garibaldi. line for half an hour as fast as their feelings were nearly worked Ifte will be required to undergo a bath, The Gem Theatre. Cornered. o Hauxnurtet, Garibaldi. horses could carry them. possibly of mud. reeking with curative “You must have called me late this ver heat when she was attracted . If. Thompson, Garibaldi. Halting, each rider would build an­ morning. Sylvena. It was 12 o'clock the frantic efforts of her little M properties and very expensive—as ex­ B. S. Thompson, Garibaldi. At the Gem Theatre tonight the J. Jackson, Garibaldi. pensive as the lunch you would like other beacon and again ride for half when I reached the office. And I bad dog to overleap the balcony than National Stock Co. will present the Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. to have afterward If they would let an hour at right angles to his first line. an important appointment for 10 rated him from the stage, vha I immediately became a ware of thelj •’Friends,” a feature play that will you. Even as it stands your mockery Then he would pile up another stone o’clock, too." Carl Loll. Garibaldi that the actor was Garrick aatf William Dowd, Garibaldi. eep every one laughing from start of a meal, fruit, rice and a bit of a I beacon. Two more turns and an hour "Why. I called you at 7:30, John. ” Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. claimed. "Strange that a dog M to finish. Saturday night they pref boiled bird climbs up to a total hither­ more of riding brought him back to “ Was the clock right? ” Henry Champhe, Garibaldi. know his master when tbewomul ent the "Comrades” or "A Wife’s to unassoctated with such elementary his starting point “Yes; I set it last night when you ' N. Bolting, Garibaldi. The square tract Inclosed within the Mistake." This play is one of their Insufficiencies. At 4 o'clock you drink A.thur Davis, Garibaldi. came home. You remember I called loved him lie t :i the world com two hours’ ride and the four beacons It. M. Davis, Garibaldi. downstairs when you came in and pierce his disguise.” nest and is full of life und wit. 1 more water. At 10 the long day closes became his farm. Of course the Boer • lias. Longer, Garibaldi. Sunday night the "Woolfe” nf with a final gulp, and the dinner Inter­ who owned the fleetest horse obtained asked you what time it was. And I Henry Jennings, Garibaldi. His Biggest Failure play t tken from the book by the vening ia beneath the dignity of words the largest tract of land.—Harper's you said 10:30. The clock in my room Hen Tillofson, Garibaldi. John Jacob Astor was asked «■ said 1:43. so I turned it back to agree ..me name, will be placed before —of any words. Weekly. *1. Mitchell, Garibaldi, Sixty thousand of the sorrowful sub­ with your watch, — ‘ and. of course, 1 what was the largest iitnrinntafl t harles Bowers, Garibaldi. ihe public for the first time by the ject themselves to these penalties year­ called you by the correct time this ey be had ever made In on» h *»nydow. Gntibnldi National people. Any one who has ly every summer. Nature’s Only Timepiece. M action. This he declined to ate morning."—Buffalo Express. in Adamson, Garibaldi. There is no need for clocks on the end the book knows what the play Is* but said that he would tell tbe H <-. Robison, Garibaldi. But in spite of the 00,000 you will I niist be. Each tiiglit during the probably be a lonely soul tn Carlsbad, Aegean sea any day when the sun Is sum that he failed to make. I 1 " uh , (». ribaldi, Prairie Chickens. jut.knoll, Garibaldi, >aat week the Gem has lieen packed its dietetic system does not make for shining. There nature has arranged I The prairie chicken was once so De Witt Clinton and Gonvernesrl ■orge Perry. Garibaldi ■ o the doors with interested specie- sociability or mirth But as the dnys her only timepiece, one that does not abundant that in Kentucky, where the rls. be said, be bad planned to I.. Mead, Garibaldi. go by the pink hues of health l>egtn to vary though the centaries pass. This slave owners fed it to the negroes, Louisiana from France and to ■ « 'ora. return to your cbeek.>your color censes I natural time marker is the largest sun­ they tired of It and begged their mas­ to the United States goreniiMte I'. 1 Front, Rockaway to be drab and your temper becomes dial In the world. Projecting Into the ters not to make them eat it. It was tninlng the public denials and d < ! .‘I. Gunderson, Rod C, ■ less vile. You find you can tolerate blue waters of the sea Is a large prom­ commonly known ns "nigger bird.” To Ing II. Frost, Rockaway per cent < otnmtesioil 1 S C. . Front, Frost, Rockaway. Rockuwuy. your fellow man with some degree of ontory. which lifts Its head 3,000 find the prairie chicken now one must changed their minds and Mr. i feet above the waves. As the sun I Hart, Rocknwuy. said that be lost $30.000.010 M * courtesy even when he breathes down tramp tbe isolated regions of the west. Martin Hart, Rockaway. your neck and clears bis throat in the swings round the pointed shadow of Even In Indian territory a hunter is I to go into the deal. M. M. Mead. Rockaway. region of your ear. There Is less of the mountain Just touches, one after considered lucky if he even gets a Lloyd C. Smith. Rockaway. Hamlet about you and more of Puck, the other, a number of small Islands, J shot at one. I have beard the old set­ Fancy Price» In IMk Roy Dnnliaiii Garibaldi, BROUGH ms TO ) for your days are ordered now more In which are at exact distances apart tlers say that the prairie chicken was \\ . II Det by, ( Uli ibaldi. A tourist lately on tbe Parifri and act as hour marks on the great TIÜUHÎDOOK conformity with nature's plan and your Tlionma t^uinn Garibaldi. once more abundant than the English picked up n menu used la Hl’ Win. H. Franklin, Garibaldi, reward Is an equability that la foreign dial.—New York Tribune. OJ4D I HM HERE TO sparrow is now. — Popular Science California was the meectofs0^' Ben Center, Garibaldi. to the life of broken laws in the place erg. Tbe items and prices in tW Monthly. J. 1 Cormick, Garibaldi. A Collector"» Troubles. STAY. from whence you came. For two or country ran as follows: "•&*• 1 Sam Jotmson. Garibaldi. A Camden man always In debt was three weeks this quickening process U: hash, low grade. 75 (*•**•’' The Same Old Issue. Garibaldi. Wm. Campbell, ~ -_ -__ ---- will develop and continue until iu tbe confronted again by the bill collector, He had Just launched tbe momen- 18 carat. $1; beef, plain, il: b«41 J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. exuberance of health you return to to whom be confided the usual story tous question. A. F. Goff, Garilialdi. one potato. »1.15: baked to«*’ of bard luck. your land. A. lohn son. Garibaldi. Tbe pretty girl shook her bead. 75 cents; baked beans. “ Can ’ t pay me today, eh? ” mused K. D. Best. Garibaldi. When you are not here Carlsbad puts I “No." she replied. Then she blithely two potatoes. 50 cents: two G. G SuddiH'k. Garibaldi. Its shutters up and goes away to cure tbe collector. "But I shall be here added. "But wa can always remain Peeled. 75 cents; rice puddtem C. A. Eastland, Garibaldi. itself of tbe tedium of having cured again tomorrow, and then”— D. W. Johnson, Garibaldi. “Yes, do come tomorrow." urged the good friends.” you. and by tbe time It has finished He smiled bitterly as be reached for Tha Privilege of WtsMk J- A. Smith. Garibaldi. debtor, “and that will give me time G Marshal), Garilialdi. Before having ’Xmas. with you its coffers are quite com­ to make up a brand new excuse and his hat. "That man Is getting tote* fortably stocked against a holiday, for C. \ Stoker. < laribaldi. J--»« "Heciproclty without annexation!” Iar customer here." Photos made eome ' you were not a “cureguest" for noth- to de-ide when you ought to come c. F. Alexander. Garibaldi. Airain *_ . he muttered and stalked xway.—Cleve­ ■gain."-Philadelphia Time«. F. Beelitx, Garibaldi. “Yes. and he must bet ^g Still yon were cured, and a cure and see my uiork land Plain Dealer. H. A. Krumlauf. Garibaldi. sire." Is always cheap. But on tbe whole and styles of "Why so. Mayme?” A. G. Krumlauf, ___ __________ Garibaldi What Mora Could Ho Want? perhaps It would bare been cheaper "He ain’t afraid to ask to** Chao. Morgan. Garibaldi. Frank. mounting. “What is your father’s objection to if you bad kept the law - Loudon Mail. thing cheaper If he feetos»*** Frank Fairleigh — Yes. Miss Antique, Joe. Sn-tatnger. Garibaldi. me. Millie?" asked the young man. — -* ' .1. .««a. Your Moneys uaorth, John Paquet, Garilialdi. to be frank with you— Miss Antique "P __________ “He ------------------ says you ‘ have no application. —Pittsburg Post. IMeroeting Spots. Wui. Hartsell. Garibaldi. Or your money back. ■*1.1 " " (with a chirp»—Ob. Mr. Fairleigh! Of Gerald >1. R Karr. Garilialdi. “I suppose." says the lady next door, course you may be Frank with me Quick Cenclvsba “No application!" be echoed ---- bitterly. Ull A. Aubery. Garilialdi. •that you saw many really wonderful "I see that one convict ft® "I I wonder If he knows knowa I Pee ’ve been com­ but this so sudden. State of Oregon. County of Till« places while you were abroad " n 100 k, SS. I ing to see yon twice a week for nearly sanlted • "Yes. Indeed." replies the returned "They another" must have some Mil Precocious Youth. I. J J. McCormick, being first •lx years'"-Chicago Tribune. traveler "1 think the most shivery of Walter (aged five) — Papa, when I ikat penitentiary.”—Cirrstead duly eworn, say : —That 1 aui one ot | theai all. however, waa the catacornera tire petitioners wtUnn named, and grow up may 1 get married? Papa— F m « i I iar. _______ la Home. 1 have the nightmare about that I circulated the same, that My son. 1 regret to see you anticipate Dealer. “ Peculiar chap. very. Hia wife J.UI. Olilliama, Pro. R yet -Judge. rach and all of the foreyoing named la trouble so early in life.—Chicago Mews. boat tn hl» houae " Next door to Sa re het. the Tailor ¡ietitioneni aignol the same; that “What’s peculiar about that?" e ch stated hie mime, poet office nd* I When you bury animosity do not set "He admits if—Loalsvllle Courier drees and reaidence 1 orefieth, ; | up a headstone over Ita grave.—DM- Journal that each one ia a lea**! Voter muon ( I Where the finest biscuit cake, hot-breads, crusts or puddings are required Royal is indispensable. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occasions The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar ! i I THE TRAIN « : I ’* PHOTOGRAPHS 1 QUALITY. mw The Tillamook Studio. I