T illamook headliu - ht , N ovember . hly meeting of TILLAM3OK HIGH MOPS FLOOR WITH HILLSBORO. mmercial club . dates Plans for Sewer- Spirited Game of Football .CommBtee Appointed on Saturday Won by Home Team with Scare of 17-4. oost for 200 Members. 23. ion. The Foot Ball Banquet. At 7:30 p.m. Saturday the Hills­ boro men and T H. S. foot ball squad together with Prof. Baker, Coach Moore and the officials were given a banquet by the merchants of the city at the Todd Hotel. Mr. Todd had had prepared a fine chicken dinner for the tired crowd which was certainly relished by all. After dinner Prof. Baker made a few remarks and called on Mr. Ginn as representative of the Tillamook school to make the speech of the evening. The whole affair went eff well and every one left feeling that the business men of this city are needful of much praise. The visitors stated that this is the most friendly place that they have visited this season. The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GATE Saturday afternoon at quarter past two the foot bah teams of the Hillsboro and Tillamook High Schools met on the gridiron at the Gilford Stilwell Park to fight for FOR their colors in a clean game of that manly sport, foot ball. Tillamook started things going He sure you have the correct time : Sewerage Question, with a good kick off and the first Buy your watch here and you will jommittee appointed to take down was made far into the enemies have the best time always—ever all points on Tillamook Bay i sewerage question whiefi territory. Hillsboro was unable accurate and dependable. Our stock mposed of E. D. Claussen to make her yardage against the of Gold and Silver Watches for Dwight, U. G. Jackson, W. C. heavy bucking of the home line and FROM Ladies and Gentlemen includes ¡nd Will Spaulding, made its it was only a short time until it was some of the best time pieces ever which was briefly outlined “Tillamook’s ball.’* made. All kinds of Jewelry of the North Channel Opened. After the first few skimishes it | Spaulding as follows : best urades at the lowest market TO The Jong expected has happened »mmittee endeavored to get a was plainly seen that the visitors prices. Jewelry repaired while you line on the sewer problem to were outclassed in both speed and at last. The north channel is open wait. tart i ng point for work on the line bucking, and when, after the after two years of patient waiting. when the city is able to go game had been played less than five When the delegation of citizens who vith it and strongly urge the minutes the T. H. S. men plowed went down the river to welcome of the ordinances raising the through their opponent’s line and Representative Hawley Wednesday Reliable Jetxieler, f bonded indebtedness at;the made the first touchdown, the spec­ afternoon, beheld the change they tators clearly ascertained what the could hardly believe their own eyes. Next to the Post Offiee next month. immittee based their work on result would be. Eberman failed It was so sudden and in fact almost rowth of the city to ten thous- to kick a goal for Tillamook and the too good to be true. Yet it all hap­ Foot of Washington Street. pened during the last two days ow­ ple. The town is to be divided score was T. H. S. 5, H. H. S. 0. J. R. GLADDEN, Ageut, Tillamook. ie sewer districts one west of No more spectacular work was ing to the increased volture of rular line drawn from Mont seen in the first period, but shortly water coming down the river due ids on First Street to the race; after the second period commenced to heavy rains. Three-fourths of the water was id, last of this line and includ- Verle Stanley took the ball on a srritory east of the railroad fake play and by- dodging interfer­ passing out over the new channel ,,d south of the Fairview road, ence made over thirty yards and at the rate of ten miles per hour Yon like a little salt ami pep­ nt outside of the city limits; was in sight of a touch down when while in the south channel no cur­ per—a little mustard—a little rent was noticable. At this rate it third east of the tracks and he was headed off. lemon extract—a little this and the Fairview roatl. Shortly after thia the Hillsboro is only a matter of a few weeks at that io flavor your grub. Your cow, your steer, your bog under ■oposed trunk sewer for district made a touch-back as the result of a most until the south channel will natural conditions would have a be entirely closed. II run down Fourth street and blocked punt, which was attempted chance to get a bite of this, a bite In Mr. C. IL Wheeler's opinion northwest emptying into the by Eberman, Tillamook 5, Hills of that ami a bite of the other the last boat passed over the south thing and so get a variety in its ver somewhere on the low land boro 2. feed. But under the unnatural ladley ranch. The trunk sewer Things did not remain in this channel when the barge Nehalem condition in which you keep rict number 2 will begin on condition long, however, for Sap­ and Tug Vosbttrg crossed out at them, they get every day about high tide Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. the same sort of stuff to eat. As I .ve. at present, with provision pington fooled the visitors by mak­ a natural consequence they get ling east along Sixth orSeventh ing them think that he would The former was loaded with ten “ off their feed.” Even if they or the future growth of the punt, when, instead, he made a for­ thousand cases of salmon from the do not, their digestive organs ming south to about 11th St. ward pass to Eberman, who broke Union Cannery. No more will a need the tonic effect which comes ince directly west into Trask through the interference and ran shifting bar interfere with naviga­ from a variety of feeding stuffs. The third sewer district will down the field, sixty-five yards, tion on this river. Watkins’ Stock Tonic Now we are on equal terms with nto the Wilson river. making the second touch down. Is a scientific preparation which not only improves the flavor of ltlets to the sewers will be be- He was followed the whole dis­ Tillamook and it will no longer be the feed you feed, but also sup­ ■eme high water and the com- tance by Kingsley Lytle the Hills­ necessary to ship goods that way. plies that tonic element so needed figured on concrete basins at boro full, who is an eleven second That’s the best part of it all. to make your live stock do their We can now take time to thank best. its with motor driven pumps man. Eberman succeeded in There is no longer any doubt during high water periods, kicking this goal and the first half our Port Commission for the good work they have done on the jetty about the need of a tonic for the Tillamook II, Hillsboro 2. ukt were not considered neces- ended i modern domestic animal kept •‘ere are no laws forbidding The second half started out with to help bring this change about.— under artificial conditions. You ’tag of sewage into the Trask a great deal more life and vim than Nehalem Enterprise. must give them something to help them digest their feed and MORNING AND EVENING TRAINS oint. If at some future time had been manifest, and it was get the greatest good from it. ome necessary, they can be in- plainly seen that the visitors were Splendid Stock Watkins' Stock Tonic supplies rithout throwing away any of ' determined to wrest victory from this need. It makes the animal ■ The dependable S. W. Miller is [ previously done. relish its feed more; it aids in the home team if such a thing were timated total cost of the trunk possible. But although they fought Piano of today. Eveiy stick of the digestion and assimilation Tickets and Baggage through to I’ugct of the feed, and in addition to s outlined above, together with with all their strength and tried all timber in its construction shows that, it has a tonic effect upon Sound poiuts, SuuLaue, St. Paul, Chicago, ircepting sewers and laterals the i tricks known to their clever little splendid standard stock, value and the whole system. > our animals need a tonic of y at the present time is $45,000 quarter ■ back, Schroder, they were up to date features never found in Denver, Kansas, JCity, OHDaha, St. J.ouis and this kind. Watkins’ Stock Tonic ■ ■hi*' i $15,000 to $20,000 would be in unable i to outwit the Tillamook pianoes of a lower grade. is not a secret preparation. We all points Law. . . vers for which the cPy would bunch. I The S. W. Miller Piano uses for tell you the ai tlial ingredients issue bonds, the balance being Because of the fact that the H. II. its strings the celebrated Poelman that are used m it. You know Atlantic Steamship Agency. directly to the property and S. ! boys had played a number of German imporied wire, which is exactly what you art buying, and Agents of The Oregon Electric Ry. at Forest Grove and Hill«» pound for pound it will go farther desired in ten annual install* j games before coming to this place the highest priced piano wire in and do more good than any other boro sell through tickets to all points east. nder the Bancroft Bonding act. and as this was the first game for the world. A piano with such stock tonic or so called stock Fares and train schedules will be forwarded on request. item is designed solely for sew- the 1 home team, the visitors pushed strong, superior staple wire never lood ever made. The Watkins Man will be glad ie surface drainage to be taken back I their opponents until it seemed disappoints, but stays steadily in W. E. C oman . G. B. J ohnson , leave you a pail on trial, by open drains and shallow that I it would be impossible to keep tune, where a cheaply made piano to backed by the W atkins guarantee. General Freight & Pass. Agent, Geueral Agent, the nearest available outlets. them I from making a touch down. would go wrong. We invite you Deliverd by Waggon. Portland, Ore. Astoria, Ore irnmittee recommended that the Twice in the third period the out­ to our store to see and hear this ary work be done by local men siders i R. R. ROBERTS. were within less than five piano. Jones tnd Knudson ori- J the preparation of plans and feet 1 of a touch down but each time ginators of the direct selling plan ir this is done the city get the 1 they were repulsed by severe on­ in Tillamook from factory to home ineer available in an advisory slaughts i from the home line. distributors. Many pepole suffer for to check and guide the local After Hillsboro had failed to make years from disordered di­ Wants Dairy Rancb. yardage the first time and had gestion, severe headaches tion the report of the sewerage given the ball to the T. H. S. men, I have a reliable client who will or nervous troubles of one Eberman attempted a punt which « was referred to the city was blocked by Ix>ng and the sec­ pay cash for 40 to 75 acre dairy kind or another. These they ranch in Tillamook county, mostly ascribe to “ biliousness”—to •st for New Members. ond touch back was recorded for cleared, with or without buildings, Hillsboro. The second time the anything under the sun but re are quite a number of visitors came to the three foot with or without cows. Give price, the eyes, when, in many t men and others who are line but when they tried a cen- distance to creamery and full par­ ibers of the club, an effort ter rush the home team carried ticulars in first letter. Must be cases, the trouole is directly made to increase the mem- them back eight feet, thia ¿gave snap. Address E. M. Shutt, Hepp­ traceable to uncorrected eye­ to 200, a committee was ap- Tillamook the ball which they ner, Oregon. strain, which the wearing of consisting of M. F. l.each, put in a safe position by a proper lenses would en­ •■ Watson, C. I. Clough, long punt. The period ended T. H. Wanted for Cash, Cheap Farm Land in Tillamook County. tirely remove. w>ght and Will Spaulding, S. 11, H. H. S. 4. for rew members. It was We have a customer who wil£buy The last period was played most out that as this is an ini- of the time in safe territory, for the for spot cash a cheap farm in Tilla- Answer at once. time in the history of the home team, although things looked mook County. GRANDMOTHER may not be as Ralph Ackley Land Co., 170 Fifth 1 every business man should dangerous »nee or twice. Forward St., Portland, Ore. spry as she used to be, but she is in with the club and help bear passes were tried repeatedly by the dose touch with her world for all that. •uses of that organization, visitors but to no avail. At last Balked at C' Id 8teel. ’«s doing a great deal to the wearers of the red by a fake ••I wouldn't let a doctor cut my The telephone enables her to make as many calls *’ the city and county. As play, a twenty yard run, and re­ foot off," said H. I). Ely, Bantaui, as she pleases, and in all sorts of weather. e now less than 100 mem- peated onslaughts of the line in Ohio, “although a horrible ulcer had been the plague of my life for Formal gatherings have their place, but it is the wag thought by some that which much advance in yardage was years. Instead I used Buck- many little intimate visits over the telephone that be raised to 200 members, made, the ball was placed on Hills­ four ten's Arnica Salve, and my foot was keep people young ami interested. ........i *» Heals ------- i-.—i-. cured, 'ould give Tillamook City a boro’s three foot line. soon completely Ec- Burns, Boils. Sores, Bruises, . Grandmother’s telephone visits do not stop with ommercial Club, as well as Things looked good for “Sap,” Pile '* in a fine financial the captain of the home squad, who zema, Pimples, Corns. Surest her own town. The Long Distance Service of the cure 25c at Chas. I. Clough’s. Eye Sight Specialist. ’U- Each member one the with a broad smile of satisfaction Ih-ll Telephone takes her to other towns, and allows relatives and friends to chat with her although hun­ A Father'd Vengenge urged to obtain 100 new on his face called his own number, ’’ by the first of the year, dreds of miles away. received the ball, and forced his would have fallen on any one who •nt Secretary Claussen read way through the enemies line for attacked the son of Peter Pondy, of South Rockwood. Mich., but lie was from President E. E. Lytle the ¿third touch down. Eberman powerless before attacks of Kidnev [ard to logged off lands and kicked the goal and the score stood trouble. "Doctors could not help TONIC IN ACTION . QUICK IN RESULTS mstructed to send a list of Tillamook 17, Hillsboro 4 and as him,” he wrote, “so at la-l we gave QtvN prompt relief from BACKA1 HE, ( 0 own land which need this was near the end of tlie game him Electric Bitters and he ini KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE. proved wonderfully fr< hi taking ■ ”P- It is the intention of only a few more skirmishes were six bottles. Its the l«-l kidney RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of th» It ■< kache. send literature showing made when the last whistle was medicine I ever saw. Tired feeling, Nervousn*--. miss of KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION of th« •‘economical nianner of blown. Appetite, warn of Kulnev trouble BLADDER and all annoying URINARY logged off lands, Mr. The victory will undoubtedly be that may end in dropsy. ■ • Isle« or ’ ’a* also in receipt of a the tieginning of an active athletic Bright's disease. Hrwaie: rake IRREGULARITIES. A poaMva boon M The Best Hotel. ’ ,roin the Second Post- career for the Tillamook Highschool Electric Bitters and Every MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY iTal in regard to the and will place it in a place not to hottie guaranteed. 5Uc at has. I. FBOPLE and for WOMEN. •‘i service, stating that be looked down at by other schools. Clough’s. NAVI HIOHtaT RfCOMMENDATION .* received the re|s>rt of “Peg" Cady an old <>. A. C. star B a m «<.. cow-«iii» j. E. Parker 3fttl No. Kill St . Ft. lad , •• in bt«».ih r-ar. H« wfi'<-> rsiiway clerk. and all “Northwest eniT’reffereed the Smith. Ark says that he ti •" taken Lull J. P. AUUBN, Proprietor. •ufl<>H- election was informally game and gave satisfaction to lioth many kinds of kidney medicine, A m f badaa.-rabarkaH.-aaiwImrU-la’r a'-'taa ww U» !<»•• miK h did not get better until he took vbb Ino f t, Headquarters for Travelling Men ’ ,ni1 ” appeared to tie aides, a thing that is hard to do. but Dirht, and m my bladdnrw I Foley Kidnev Pills No matter how •4 ■•in I Fol*y H idw Piih tor •<*•*{*< ***nl ’beir <>|nnion that Harry B. Humphrey an old P. U. tong you have had kidney trouble •nd koi now fr*» troqblB b . n ta Sjiecial Attcution paid to Tourists. trp^*-^^*** PI“® bam Of was the umpire and "Dusty” you Will find quick and permanent •• np and ,r ■ business men’s man Rhodes of Willamette ft me a«*ted and ‘bat the amend aa field marahal while Damon Green benefit bv the use of Foley Kidney A Pi tit Claw Table. Comfortable Beds aud Accommodation Start taking them now. C l CLlOUGH. Tillamook- ■ city charter shall and John Anclnm were time ami pills. Chao. I. Clough Cu. score keepers. ■ absence of President Web- iliues the chair was occu- Vice President D. L. Shi ode meeting of the Tillamook reial Club on Monday even, en several matters of inter- ie city were discusssed. Sailing Days for month of N ovember TILLAMOOK. BAY CITY. GARIBALDI. HOBSON VILLE. PORTLAND EUGENE JENKINS, TILLiRIVIOOK Every five Days Uleather Permittinc Freight Received Daily at Dock Are You Giving Your Live Stock a Fair Deal ? Morning Star Flour Is an exceptional flour, is made of choice valley wheat, blendid with hard wheat, making a strong white gluten- ous flour, it is the best all round flour on the market, results produced please the eye and palate. Order a sack to-dav and be con- vinced that Morning Star Flour is far superior to ordinary flour. Every sack guaranteed. For sale by A. FINLEY & CO ASTORIA to PORTLAND IN TOUCH WITH I .'OS arj ILL. R. A. Wahlen, D.O Foley Kidney Pills & TELEGRAPH CO THE ALLEN HOUSE