illmtww ol. XXIV. No. 24 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 16, 1911 _____________________________________ he Child and Money The Mark of High Quality -S. W. MILLER PIANO. THE S. W. $1.50 per via. MILLER. F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., A Piano of Known High Qual­ 1 , i has located next door to Lamar’s ity Built by S. W. Miller. .'i1/1^ store' au ■ • ........... * r * • which will take effect the first of made ami honorably sold S. W Mil- next month. 11c lias accepted a call low how to value a dollar by anil bye. Children ler I lano may be purchased direct fiom the Cottage Grove Church and from factory to home on easy terms is being urged to come at the earliest otild be taught to be thrifty and they will then 6ssible date. His many friends Distributor» lor t Distributors for Tillamook County. ¡received the announcement with iow how to be independent. Present savings Miss Lucile Laughlin left on the akes future riches. Be a depositor with us. th" 1 sorrow, but want that he shall do train Wednesday morning for her what seems best for himself anti ave your children deposit here too. You won’t home in Quincy, Illinois, after visit wish him happiness and success in ing here through the summer his new field. tret. months. Her brother Ed. accom­ | Some of the leading members Approved Depository for Postal Savings Funds. panied her as far as Portland. i I have known for several months of Miss Lucile made ntai nv friends __ _L tlie ck east of Academy. I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for call and roses and Mrs. Groat served a go directly to Des Moines, Iowa. Hear them tonight. fish, oysters and clams hides at my shop. Try me out and dainty lunch for the ladies, which see. The Old Reliable Hide and was pronounced excellent. ay at the fish market. Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. * Entelligent Piano Buying. Arrangements were all made o«i :he Murphy, of Wood, Ore., Don’t eat poor bread any longer. Monday for the reception of Con­ the city on Wednesday. Making a good piano buy depends Get the "Best” hard wheat flour gressman W. E. Humphrey, 6f [aberlach went out to Port- in the city, of Shrode, it makes good Seattle, Wash., a member of the largely on knowing the whole truth about the especial piano you buy. Saturday on business. bread, Every sack guaranteed. * Rivers and Harbors Committee,and You can safely take the word of •ge amount of salmon is Fred Minick, who was called to Congressman W. C. Hawley, who your home merchant who could lipped out on the train. Kansas several months ago on ac­ were to arrive here on Tuesday. not afford to deceive you about a A telegram was received from J. O. ¡laltom went out on a bus- count of the sickness of his father, Bozorth, who was in Portland, that piano or any other article he sells you. p to Portland on Tuesday, returned to this city on Saturday. it would be ten days before they We are enthusiastic about the Registered Jersey Cow, with calf would be able to come here. They ¡tillwell went out on a bus- supreme good quality contained in by registered Jersey bull, yearling were to meet with thedifferent Ports p to Portland on Tuesday. the S. W. Miller Piano because we Jersey bull eligible to registry for and speak at a public meeting. know it is the truth, but please I. A. Skeals, of South Bend, sale cheap. Inquire at this office. The first through trains on fhe' 'don’t expect to lienr of the good vas in the city on Wednee- Married, on Tuesday evening, at P. R. A N.. on the new railway qualities of the S. W. Miller Piano the M. E. parsonage ia this city, schedule, went into effect last Fri­ from people and agentH who have r. Kiger left on Tuesday by Rev. J. T. Moore, the pastor, day, when the outgoing train had a pianos of their own to sell you. isiness trip to Aberdeen, Henry J. Cook and Maretta Smith. large number of passengers who We will guarantee to save you from $100 to $300 on our direct system of Engineer Geo. L. Davis, of the went to Portland. The first incom­ ing Potter, of the Potter P. R. A N., who has not been here ing train had about one hundred buying direct at factory and selling o., was in the city on Wed- for several months, came in on the passengers, and would have come direct to home. We are the originators of this train Monday and left the next through on time, but owing to two plan of distributing pianos in Till­ work cars getting off the track pre­ ey John McCain, of Me- morning. vious to the arrival of the passen­ amook County at the store of Jones E, was in attending court Make your hearing glad by listen­ ger train, these had to be put back, and Knudson. . . n. ■ ——.----------- ing to the wonderful S. W. Miller which caused the delay. Tile train lickens wanted at the Tilla- Player Piano, at the store of Jones was four hours late and it was after at Company's Market, 13c. & Knudson, Factory Distributors, six o’clock when it arrived in the The Evengelistic Meetings. d. , The special gospel meetings nt Tillamook, Ore. city. A large crowd assembled at the depot, which would have been the Church of Christ will continue 'unstan and E. E. Parker I- L. Stillwell has sold his place much larger had the train been on over next Lord’s «lay, and perhaps oni Pacific City this week west of town, which contains 40 time, as quite a large number of longer. Large audiences greet the ess. acres, with the stock and imple­ persons had come in from the Evangelist every night. The pure Teorge Edmunds was a ments, to Ulrich Wyss, the consid­ country to witness the arrival of gospel in story and song is proving r on the train for Port- eration being $10,000. the first passenger train. On Sat­ itself to be what the people want, ‘tonday. J vangehst Organ Vincenz Jacob has sold his place urday the train came through on and they get it His ser four chickens to the Tilla- of 100 acres on the Wilson river to time with a good nuinoer of pass­ is true to the old Book. ■tCompany’s Market. We A. H. Ruger, the consideration be­ engers on board. Owing to a slide mons are stirring, educational mid ¡»er pound. ing $25,000. Mr. Vincenz will build the trains were unable to get thro­ helpful toall. He believes in chang- ugh on Wednesday, but did so today. ing a person's inside before his Monk's Studio and have on the remaining 40 acres. outside can be changed, hence he J. J. McGinnis, of Hebo, was one appeals to the intellect, the se tisi lire taken to send to your Mrs. James Walton and son, with of the farmers in the south part of I Christmas. her sister. Miss Elene Fawk, and billties and the will, Let those the county who refused to sign the Prosecuting Attorney J. William Walton, came in from Salem Grangers' petition, for he is in fa­ who want to boost this town come out and show their colors, It is y of Salem, came in on the last week, and Miss Fawk will visit vor of a ten mill road tax and thinks just as true now as it ever was that here for several weeks. rain on Monday. it is selfishness on the part of some "Ricl.eousnesa exalteth a nation, The United Artisans meet on the of the residents of Fairview, who' hut sin is a reproach to any peo­ •■ cheapestand beat paper first and third Thursday of each have obtained good roads. Mr ple.” Come and hear the following I town. Leave orders at month at the Odd Fellows’ Hall. McGinnis is a fair and level headed subjects eiscussed: : to Harris’ barn. • Meetings open at 7:30. Local visit­ farmer, and thinks it would be a Friday night, "Necessity of F Wallace McCamant, of ing members invited. great hardship on a number of the Christian Union." was in the city this week citizens in his part of the county to Saturday, "True Basis of Christ­ Strayed from pasture near Ne­ [the circuit court. halem, small pony, color brownish shut down on road work. He also ian Union.” [Mrs. Carl Patzlaf left on bay with white star in forehead, minted out how easy it is to get to Sunday, a.m., "How to Observe >n Tuesday for a business mane roached close. Please notify Tillamook City now to what it was the Lord's Supper;” p.m, 2:30, few years ago, on account ofgood "The Devil's Battle Ground ;*’p.m., I Hand and Seattle. Ray Marble, Tillamook, Ore. roads, for where it took them nearly 7:30, "Burning the Books.” Mr». Shrode will give six lessons a day to get here they can come in toeing and general job Basket dinner Sunday. Each to j >e door west of T. H. for $5.00 in china decoration or if about four hours without traveling bring hie dinner. The ladies of th» perierred she will furnish every ­ ’'"office. Grant Thayer, hub deep in the tnire at so many church , will furnish hot coffee. thing, excepting gold and china, places. Mr McGinnis is a good it Tillamook Feed Co., a ana give six lessons for $5.90. road booster for the south part of , akes the place of "White Splendid Stock. The Tillamook Commercial Club the county and wants to see the on can get it by calling • sent a telegram to the postal author­ good work continue. The dependable S. W. Miller is a ities at Washington, D. C., asking Brick. Piano of today. Every stick of Willett and daughter that immediate railway mail service Lime. | timber in its construction shown idav to visit her mother be established on the P. R. A N. to Cement, | splendid , standard stock, value and i, and will be gone two Tillamook City. Shingles, , up to date features never found in Coal Oil, | There will be a basket social at pianos of a lower gratis. trs. Fred R. Beals re the Grange Hall at Fairview on Coal, $10 ton, The S. W Miller Piano uses for I «aturda y from a visit to Thursday evening, Nov. 23, given ltry Supplies, Poul " its strings the celebrateti Poelman. ■toes. „ >1.50 «ich extended over sev- by the pupils of the public school Potatoes, ----- r per ------ 100, , German imported wire which in _______ ____ , "Best ’ ’ hard wheat flour >l.!0sk., lhe highest priced piano ¡wire in. there to raise money for school $3.50 bbl.. „ .. the world. A piano with suclf 1 “s trains are running raom improvements Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kinds strong, superior staple wire nevert beh delay, C. B. Hadley Now that the automobile rush is of ( feed at prices as low as any in disapfiointH, hut stays steadily in (n to Portland for medi- over we sre repairing any and | the city. — tune, where a cheaply made piario m TILLAMOOK KB«! (O. everything. Guns, locks and keys, would go wrong. We invite you and est has appointed the typwriters. cash registers to our store IO see and hear this • member» oi the Port ot complicated mackinery a specialty. piano Jones ami Knu ori ginmors of the direct selho' plan .-n,e" C^hristenwen. M At Ed’s Garage. 2nd Ave. Any ( A Strong Combination. I **■ 9«cbar«laon, E. thing that we can't repair we will I in Tillamook from factory to home o and Ch; irle.« Desmond. buy. • 1 The great twatitv of materi-i!. the distributors.____________ honest workmanship. the sterling M. E Chrrch. durability of the S. W Milter Piano beams a combination in Pjaiiodom |ila. in. Stindav School. that is equated by few and sur II a u>. Srrtova, subject, "Men passed by none. This piano of and Horses." rare good quality can be purchased tfclW Epwjrtli league. Allvoun*; at the store of Jone« and Knudson | the family can play it from die child of seven years up to grandma an .1 grandpa. For sale direct from factory to home at the big store ol Jones ami Knudson, Tillamook, Oregon. ________________ There is always it feeling of snt- i.'faetion mid n willingness to ptnd t'le good news along by every pur- < baser of mi S. W. Miller Piano or Player Piano. This is explained when you try Hie wonderfully easy playing action, even scale mid deep rich tone which is characteristic of the S. W. Miller line of instruments. i Remember we save von the Job­ ber’s profit mid agent's commis­ Wanted for Cash, Cheap Farm sion nt the store of Jones and Knud­ son, Tillamook. Oregon. Land in Tillamook County. We have a customer who will buy Dairy Farm Wanted. tor spot cash a cheap farm in Tilla­ mook County. Answer at once. Wanted by an experienced dairy Ralph Ackley Land Co., 170 Fifth inan, a dairy fanti lo reni, witli 20 to 30 cows. Apply to Ibis office. 'ortland, Ore. Artistic S. W. Miller Piano With Its Far Famed Flawless Construction. Its easy playing action. ns wonderful durability, Its sweetly synipatlu tic lone and Beautiful ete with it in Tillamook as a moderately priced home piano. Nothing is left undone at the S. W. Miller factory which is under .he .U|H-rvteion of A W. Miller, hm.self a skillful piano builder, to make the S. W. Millet tone the Building Basis Before Beauty, but bi. ambition called for « pure, sweet quality of ton. contained in a beautifnl case design with a Durable and Dependable Action, and that hte efforts in building a piano of that type have met with success are reflected in tfie Illustrious Instrument Hearing the name of its originator nini builder, S. W. Miller, mi dia play and for sale on the from maker to user plan at the atore rrf JONES & KNUDSON, DIRECT FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS. I O. A. C Short Courses WAR’S VARIETY STORE g Begin Jan. 3rd» Continue FOUR WEEKS. You Are Invited. <.*tw till 12-:n>. Evrr» ■ llizcn of Oregon i" cord» illy inviteli Io all» nd 1'»- -holt • oumes <•! th« < »»yon tv>i< it'- lur.ll < oll.-gr, Iwglwning Jan A |-.le»rn dwtlm-. tm-.ciirrM will 1* oil. red in Agriciillure. Me » Irmo Ait*. I«nn»«-n«' s. ien.-e nnd Art < ««m merce, Forr.try ;»» <1 M u - h Every c.u.-e i. tii'l« ul «’»'•y wor». Make Hu- a . 1. a-...... anrf pu-liti-'fle winter .ml ing. Xo tuition Rea»«■ «<• <»r»iii»o