Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 09, 1911, Image 6

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    T illamook
Editorial Snap Shots.
headlight ,
N ovember a, ioti.
Will Arrive on
First Train.
planning out, and above all, the
proper kind of rock, which will
make the best roads.
Rah ! Rail 1 Rah !
DR. MATTHEWS, Eye Specialist,
service to-morrow. Now watch
One necessary step in the im­
of Borland, will be at Tillamook
Tillamook crow and watch Till­
provement of the Necarney
11th, 12th, 13th.
amook grow.
I mountain road is nearly com­
Better have him fit your eyes with
plete, viz., that of surveying
a pair of good glasses.
County Commissioner Alley the road and preparing plans
The doctor has hail more than 20
is is favor of a 10 mill road tax. and specification.
years experience in handling diffi­
Bullv for Alley and rah ! rah ! no figures are compiled yet, it
cult cases.
rah ! for good roads.
is safe to make a guess that the
What His Patients Say:
cost will total somewhere neari
Considering that it
It may not be very consoling $35,000.
Toledo, Ore , Sept. 3()th, 1911.
to the taxpayers, but they need will give Tillamook County one
Dr. Irving Matthews, Portland, Ore.
more money at Salem to run of the most scenic roads in the
Dear Doctor,—I wish to express
the State government, conge­ Northwest, the cost is a mere
my sincere gratitude to you for the
quently the State tax will be bagatelle to the reputation the
glasses you fitted for me. I have
county will obtain and the thou-,
higher next year.
had my eyes fitted by the best
sands of visitors it will bring
specialists, both in Europe and
into the county.
Let every­
America, and am free to admit that
We have no doubt whatever
body take pride in beautifying
the glasses you fitted for me, give
that all reasonable, fair-minded
the splendid scenic spots in
me the clearest and easiest vision
persons in the county will come
Tillamook County, no matter
of any I have ever worn.
to the conclusion that $150,000
where they are situated. The
Thanking you again, I remain
expended annually on the roads
next step, and the most perplex­
yours truly,
in this county is little enough.
ing. is how to provide money to
D r . H. H. S mith .
build the road. We hope some
The boosters editors are try­ plan can be arranged whereby
Portland, Ore., Oct. 13th, 1910.
ing to secure good roads for the the money will be forthcoming.
Dr. Irving Matthews.
farmers and at the same time
Dear Doctor.—I had the misfor­
put a lot of good money into
tune to break the glasses you fitted
Tillamook County will have a
their pockets.
It looks to us
for tne ten years ago.
visitor next week who is one of
that the booster editors are the
Will you kindly duplicate them
the members of the Rivers and
best friends the farmers have.
for me, they have given me such
Harbor Committee—Represen­
excellent results I don’t care to risk
tative Humphrey, of Washing- j
The only Baking Powder made
We cannot see how anyone ton—provided trains are run-;
nyone else.
who signed the petition to have ning.
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Will call for them to-morrow.
Representative Hawley
road work stopped next year arranged this meeting with the |
Yours truly,
can have the gall to ask for road committee and Mr. Humphrey j
M rs L. P lummer .
improvements or ask for road was appointed to accompany
Ore., April 10, 1900.
taste of him when became to Tillamook
Give them a t_.
Dr. Irving Matthews.
their own medicine and
this fall to go over the situation
Dear ; Doctor, — I hereby take
the road work to those who and confer with the different
in expressing my grati­
advocate good roads.
Ports. That some good results ' some of the farmers in South
tude to you for the benefit I have
will be the outcome of this visit] Prairie and Fairview preciucts
that all their members were High already received »from the glasses
___ follow
___ ______
feel ___
sure will
if some , are paying a Portland attorney
The County Court was, no we
School boys, it could only be con­ von made for me last year.
doubt, prompted by the best in­ united action of the Ports had $500 to defeat the sovereign will sidered an unlawful institution.
Of all; the glasses I ever wore
tentions in refusing to grant a been agreed up, for nothing I . of the people when, under the The members of the institution 1 since I commenced wearing glasses
saloon license for Garibaldi, can be accomplished if one Port' Oregon system, the people leg- were dissatisfied with the decision in 1895, they certainly give me the
but should an appeal be taken is persistent in wanting one islated to create a Port of Tilla- of the court so the case was referred most satisfactory vision, besides
to the circuit court it would not thing and another Port equally i mook. Carnahan, another hot to the Board of Directors who sus­ the benefit to my nervous system,
surprise us much if the circuit persistent in demanding some­ ' bed precinct of the Oregon sys­
tained the decision and ordered the and they have entirely cured those
court would have to reverse the thing else. The three Ports tem, voted almost solid against
constant dreadful headaches.
club to comply with the law.
the decision. Further than this should get together and agree I creating a Port of Bayocean,
Yours for success,
we do not intend to discuss the on one project and then get as
M rs . R ose W ashburn .
City Councel Meeting.
decision, but it does appear to much government aid as possi will of the people. These three
us, if we are correctly informed, ble.
This is to certify that Dr. Irving
I in the county, wanted the Ore-
that something should be done
On Monday evening the city council Matthews certainly applied the
We are sorry to see the Bay I gon system and the sovereign
to control the liquor traffic at
met in regular session and after allow- I know how when he fitted glasses to
Garibaldi and Btop the bootleg­ City newspaper is so persistent 1 will of the people to rule and ing the regular bills, passed three my eyes.}
in its ‘ knocking.” Cut it out legislate, having the first, taste
ordinances, the same to be voted on as
I take pleasure in recommending
Bro. Trombley, for it is not add­ ] of what they wanted, should
amendments to the city charter, at the him to any one Jneeding first-class
Someone is boosting Theo. ing reputation to the city on the ' take their own medicine. It was regular city election on Monday, Dec.
*E. J ones ,
Roosevelt forpresident,for cards bay to keep throwing unjust i what they howled for and ob­ 4th.
Hoquiam, Wn.
with this monogram, “3-T-C”
tained. We do not want to taunt
very reasonable
(Third Term Club) are being Court and giving Bayocean an | our political friends who were
■ minded person he deals with,
mailed. Is this another politi­ occasional stab in the back. We led astray, but we look for the gether, but cover different phases of
cal trick of Senator Bourne and know that it is the desire of the ! system to work considerable the subject of making the offices of
the cause of him being booted Press of the county to help hardship on the people, even Recorder and marshall, appointive by Tillamook Bakery,
out of the La Follette camp ? It boost every section of Tillamook though it is the sovereign will the mayor, and retain office during his
must be someone with plenty of County, and that is the spirit of the people. However, it was pleasure instead of being elected by!
money to spare and a political that should continue to exist if the sovereign will of the people the people.
Corner Stillwell Ave. nnd First
Ordinance number 218, simply takes
axe to grind who is sending out the newspapers expect to ac­ which created the Ports of Till­
St. West, and both Phones.
these cards.
But, what’s the complish anything by united amook, Bay City and Bayocean,
good, President Taft will be effort. There is a bright future and those who are so fond of
re-nominated and re-elected be- for every section of the county, the Oregon system and com­ the Recorder shall act as assessor,
cause he is one of the most and what can be done in obtain­ mence fighting it whenever it is when in fact that power was taken SPECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES
level headed men who tilled the ing good roads and other im­ invoked are in a queer dilem­ from the Recorder some years ago by
provements helps to one great ma. We move that they pass legislative action.
position of president.
Ordinance number 223 changes the
object—the uuilditig upund the around the hat for another $500
development of the county. The for Attorney Duniway to fight charter so that the limit of indebted­
It is about time that the City snap shot man is a booster for
ness can be extended from its present
Council was doing something the entire county, and we hope the system.
limit of $60,000 to $150,000. This does
with the dirty muss nt the rail ! that Bro. Trombley will take a
not mean that the city officials can
Don’t trust to luck and nature
road crossing near the saw mill, i broader view in future and get
High School Flashes.
without further action on the part of to cure the ills of your horses
for it is in a disgraceful condi-] back into the boosters’ band
According toarrangements made the voters run the city in debt to the
and cattle. They need help when
tion. Someone needs jacking wagon, for that is where he and
by the manager of the foot ball amount of $150,000. The adoption of anything goes wrong with them.
up, Mr. Mayor, for there is a[ the Bay City newspaper belongs
team, the High Scnool will play a Ordinance number 223, simply means The “ handiest thing” about the
city council, a street committee, —not classed amongst those
game of foot ball with the Hills­ that the city can go in debt to the stable—the surest and moat de­
a street commissioner, and a who are wanting to keep the
boro High School team on Satur­ amount of $150,000 and no further, 1 pendable—is a bottle of
civic improvement coininitteee, county bottled up.
day, November 25th at the Gilford after ordinance number 223 is accepted
Watkins' Liniment
whose duty it is to look after
Stillwell Park. The home team has by the voters, should the people wish to
such nuisances und inconveni­
incur an indebtedness for the construc­
ence to pedestrians.
If the| Something like $100,000 is
Tillamook Feed Co.’s
lately and from all appearances we tion of sewer mains or for any other
Mayor can't get either of these,
improvements, each appropriation will
city dignitaries to do something numerous beach resorts, and would judge that they will play a have to be voted on separately at
we'll have to pitch in and give that amount of money could be I good game. As this will be the special elections.
expended next year for that pur­ first inter-scholastic foot bull game
them some hot shots.
It is positively necessary that ordi­
W W « ■ * a: « a •
pose to good advantage. We ever played in this county and as
No.223 be accepted by the people
hope this statement will not
Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly raise the wool on the craniums home team has ever met an outside before any action in the line of sewer -
will make his first appearance of our reactionary friends or team in such an event, it is expected improvements can be undertaken.
on the bench in this county to­ cause an explosion in the camp of all those who can spare the time,
morrow (Friday), and with it of those who want road work to attend the game.
For coughing, drynees and tick­
comes ii long needed improve shutdown. Let the snap shot
Tests are being dealt out in rather ling in the throat, hoarseness and
inent in court proceedings here. ' man show where it is a business unknown quantities and at rather all coughs and colds, take Foley’s
The valued family re­
Honey and Tar Compound. Con
Instead of jurymen having to investment. The rapid improve- unthought of times. However the tains no opiates. Chas. I. Clough
cipes for cough and cold
hang around while attorneys J ment the next few years is going plan works well in finding out how Co.
cure, liniments, tonics and
are arguing motions and other to increase the assessed valua­ much the atudents keep their work
other remedies have as
technicalities, the judge will tion of the county several mil­ in mind.
careful attention here as
dispose of this by coming here lion dollars, and by giving all
The Emersonian program will
the most intricate prescrip­
two days previous to the date beach resorts good roads it will be the thing of all importance next
of holding court, so that when induce more people to come to Friday afternoon.
We feel after
court convenes on Monday it the county nnd invest in sum­ reading the list of parts on their
Our fresh, high grade
will be able to get down to mer homes, for we expect to poster that without a doubt it will
will help to make
business right away, and it will see TillamookCounty the center be the beat program of the year
these remedies more effec-
save the county money in not of the summer travel. We are thus far and if pulled off right will
having to pin a whole raft of opposed to any policy that will be something that will not likely
five than ever.
juryuieu while attorneys are retart this development of the be surpassed thia year, Their poa-
Right prices are also
getting through their prelimi-l county, and where roads will! ter is of very unique design.
_ - It
nary methods.
help to increased the assessed being a large turkey painted on
valuation of the county, they rough finish dickel edge card board,
Becausethe Jnekton County should be built with as little de- H will undoubtedly secure a good
Court is paying a road engineer lay as possible.
We wish the tirade for them.
a salarly of $5,000 a yeurseveral County Court would raise $250,
The Ciceronian (Mister is already Be sure you have the correct time.
farmers of that county are peti­ (XX) next year instead of $150,- on the bulletin board and the stu- Buy- your watch here and you will
Reliable Druggist.
tioning that his salary be stop­ 000, and if put np to a vote of dents as they pass by, atop to gnze have the best time alwayi— ever
ped duMhg the winter months. the people, with an assurance
the psinting of a colonial flag accurate and dependable. Ourstock
\\ ith $1.500,(XX) in a bond issue that each road district would which would look very well were it of Gold and Silver Watches »or
A Household Medicine
tv expend on roads, the engineer get an equal share of the money. n°( for the fact that it is rather Ladies and Gentlemen includes
That r*"
coughs quickly nnd
will have plenty of work in pre­ we believe the sovereign will of poorly proportioned.
some of the best time pieces ever cures
colds i<
is HL,
Foley’s _______
paring plans und specifications the people would carry it thro- =The Student Body Court met Fri- made. All kinds of Jewelry of the Tor Compound.
Mrs. Anna Pelzer,
so us to provide agaiust waste­ ngh with a whoop.
day evening to act on the case of (>eet grades at the lowest market 2S38 Jefferson St., So. Omaha. Neb.,
ful methods. It takes a loug
——---------------- -
Student Body vs. ’’Breakers,” a prices. Jewelry repaired while you says: “I can recommend Foley's
time to educate some )>eople,
Honey and Tar Compound as a sure
Close observers of current. Fru,prnl,y- A great deal of general wait.
cure for coughs and colds.
even to the correct methods of events must admit that the poli-, e>vi,em*n* •" ’he school seems to
cured my daughter of a bad cold
road buildings. Any kind of a tical nostrums which filled the ** °ne
o< ,hit
and my neighbor, Mrs. Benson,
grade and drainage and any old
cured herself and her whole family
kind of rock, will never make tions are not what they were ,he •*rticw,Br*o( ,h* case at this
with Foley's Honey and Tar Com
It is the proper cracked up to be. For instance. IHowever, it may lx well to
pound. Everyone in our neighbor­
hood speaks highly of it”. Chas. I.
state that the court decided that
Post Office Clough Co.
Absolutely Pure^
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Flaky Crusts
Keep It Handy.
curve «
Ter C<i
I- Mock, of Mock
heves he has saved mL'T’l
his ¿5 years of exnerieJ
drug business.
u i.*? i ®
like to do,” h.. writes.
mend Dr. King’s
for weak, sore lung. h‘*<5
hoarseness ol.sti,lat'e
grippe, croup,
bronchial affection, fa??
that a number <>f 1U) w
alive and well today
took my advice to U9e ’*1
estly believe >ts the be«
lung medicine that’»
to prove he’s right. Ge
t e free, or regular 5Uc or {|M
tie. Guarante.-d by Ch« ¡9
Give prompt relief from BACK«
■LADDER and all annoying URJ|
PEOPLE and for WOMEN. 1
B. A. Davis, 627 Washington St
■d., is in his 85th year, fie wriiA»?!
itely sulTered much from my kidtrnj
der I had severe backaches and my
was too frequent, causing me to
at night, and in my bladder there »3
pain. I took Foley Kidney PillJfcSl
and am now free of all trouble and $3
be np and around. Foley KidnsrPiCTi
highest recommendation.”
Cough Rema
During the past 3S yesrau
edy has proven more p
more effectual tn Its oursd
Coughs. Colds and
than Chamberlain's Cough
many homes It is relied upoi
pllcltly as the family physlclu
tains no opium or other
may be given as confldontlyt«
aato an adult. Price 25c; lem
It tells how you can
buy thousands of arti­
cles of merchandise
on every purchaw
It is loaded with ba
from cover to cover
ry page contains
startling announcem
[irice cutting that will
lard for you to
after your years of
ence in paying top p
We not only und
We actually give
Better Q
And only one (.
ficientto convince the
skeptical not only «
quality but the fad
You can Buy Chtap«
Us than You can Buy*}
Do you know why do
tc- know exactly why
merchant simply cannot
with us—do you want
why you can get more«
quality from us than
your own town and pf
much less too—do y<*
know why you can save
every single purchase
buy from us?
You Don’t Havetd
Profit to the
You need this
have it in your home*
means of saving yoU *
in a mighty short an*,
worth thinking t
have to do to get J0**4
is to write your nan*
card and mail it to**
quest to mail v0-