■ •t TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 9. 1911. I I WASTED ELOQUENCE. WE DISTRIBUTE THE HIGH CLASS PRODUCT or tíii : S. W. Miller Piano Factory From Maker to User From Factory to Home This Up-to-Date and Sensible Way of marketing Pianos represents a wonderful saving in price to the PIANO BUYER Do not Confuse Our Piano With the Boston Miller Our Piano the S. W. MILLER Symbolizes Pure Tone, Depth, Power, combined with Superb Artistic Case Construction ) Still it can be sold at a price within the reach of the large army of common people. The S. W. Miller is one of the growing factories that are building up instead of down— proud of their name, proud of their Pianos, proud of their c ustomers—makes it a safe I’iano to buy. You can buy now and pay later, as convenient, at the store of Jones Knudson Furniture Co. St The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GATE Sailing Days for month of N ovember FOR TILLAMOOK. BAY CITY. GARIBALDI. HOBSON VILLE, And all points on Tillamook Bay. FROM PORTLAND, TO TlbLiAJVIOOK. Every Five Days, If (JUeather Permitting, Freight Received Daily at Dock Foot of Washington Street. J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, TiUamuok. The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ALLEN, Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A Birst Class I'.tble. Comfortable Iledsand Accommodation Saved Many Fiotn Death. W. I„ Mock, of Mock, Ark., be­ lieve» lie lias saved ninny lives in Ina 25 years <>f experience in the drug business. What I alwax« like to do," be writes, "is to recoin- iiiand Dr. King » New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, tpcirsenes« obstinate coughs, la fpippe. croup, asthma or other bronchial affection, for 1 feel sure that a number ol my neighbor« are alive and well today because thee took my .uli i. e to US« (1 I lion, ««fly believe its the beat throat and lung medicine that's made. ' Easy to prove lie’s right Get a trial twit- tie free, or regular 5>V or $|.iu l„>t- He Guaranteed bv Cha« I t lough. A Household Medicine that stops cough» quickly und curra colda i« Foley's Honet und Tar , Cobe watcb of the conductor on the ex fore that I Intended to ask Cleveland I for nor any offer therefor ucct^ Defendants. J to pardon O'Neil, who was a creature press to which he had to give way; To L. IL Field and Jane Doe Field, of less than $7.50 per acre of the dark places at times, but a pret­ each station master along the road his wife, Z. C Eldred and Jane Board reserving the right tn, ■ Or*j«t ty good fellow at that. Cleveland had checks tbe time of every train that Doe Eldred his wife, A. C. Blooin- any and all bids Said lands are situated in Tilt taken the precaution to send to tbe de stops or flies past. fielil and Jane Doe Bloomfield, his In order that there may be agree­ wife, and C. C. Bloomfield anil mook County, Oregon, and partment of Justice and get the papers ment amoug all these railroad men Jane Doe Bloomfield, his wife. enbed as follows : in the case. Beginning at a point which ¡.tu "I got up early the next morning there must obviously be not only time­ You and each of you, the above named defendants : had a massage and was feeling tiptop pieces. but accurate timepieces. There In the name of the State of Ore­ 1 got In to see Cleveland, and 1 spoke must also be some means of Inspect­ gon: You and each of you are ing tbe timepieces to see If they are twenty minutes. Never in my life, be hereby required to appear and an­ S. 61 deg’s., 04 ’ W 187.96. *........ fore or since, have I been as eloquent accurate and if they agree with some swer the complaint filed against S. 39 degs., 39’ W. .'190.80. as 1 was pleading for that fellow standard. The railroad man is there­ you in the above entitled court and N. 61 dege. 45’ W. 271.39 O’Neil. The end of every sentence 1 fore compelled to buy not simply an action on or before the last day of S. 85 degs., 13’ W. "19.20. uttered brushed the edges off a cloud ordinary watcb of reasonable value, the time prescribed in the order of S. 87 dege., 54’ W. 634.40. publication of summons herein I concluded my argument confident but a particularly good watcb. a time­ which N 88 dege., 56’ w. 360.00. said order was made and that I had swept the president off bls piece which Is adjusted to beat, cold dated on the 25th day of September, N. 9 dege., 56’ W.__ _ 329.89 and at least three positions. These N. 29degs.. ______ 12" ______ _ feet. W. 539.11. 1911, and if you fail so to answer, three positions are pendant up. as North 470.58 io th, ‘“Mr. Morgan.' for want thereof the plaintiff will you have to say ou behalf of your carried in the pocket; dial up and dial take judgment against you and section line between Sections8and; down. Such an Instrument will not Ea8t 637.86 to lot each of you for the appropriation friend?’ vary more than thirty seconds a week, and condemnation and the assess­ w“‘eJAne then« “long said line. "Miud you. he said 'friend.' S. 24 degs. 15 ’ E. 325.47. “‘Yes, Mr. President.' 1 said, ‘I thluk which is a good deal more accurate ment of your damages in the above S. 37 degs., 21’ E. 738.42. than many scientific Instruments of entitled court of the following that’s all.’ N. 67 degs., 44’ E. 1277.32. described real property belonging precision used In laboratories. Even ‘“Mr. Morgan.' he replied, ‘never as N 62 degs., 121 E. 282.27 to tbe to you, to-wit: human proneness to error Is consid ­ long as I am In the White House shall Beginning at the quarter section section line between sections 7 and fl that consummate scouudrel—consum ered In this matter of choosing a good corner common to sections 17 and South 571.74 to place mate scouudrel. miud you—get out of railroad watcb. for a lever set watch and 18, in township 1 south of range of beginning, containing 37.3 acres la preferred to the pendant set watch 10 west of Willamette Meridian in of tide land fronting on Lots 5 and the penitentiary.' of Section 7, T. 1 S., R. 10Wnf ■'What’s tbe use of eloquence, any­ because there la just the cbauce that Tillamook County, Oregon, and 6, W.M. Also how?” concluded the colonel.—Buffalo the stem of the pendant set may not running thence north 101.75 feet ; Beginning at a point which is the be pushed back after setting through thence north 42 deg. and A(X west Express. 728 feet ; thence south 47 degrees meander corner between Sec ions« an oversight. 9, T. IS. R. 10 W. W.M., and On one great line about 5,000 38' west 599.42 feet; thence south and running along high line the follow, AN ARTIST OF NERVE. watches, worth on at, average of $25 163.9 feet ; thence east 1019.9 feet ing courses. apiece (a low average), are used. If to the place cf beginning, contain i N. 62 degs., w. 115.25. Remarkable Oaring and Cootnsss In we take luto consideration the number ing 9.06 acres, mote or less, all of S. 71 degs., w .'«JI. 90. this described tract being in the an Alpine Accident. S. 55 degs., of watches that are used on other S.E. quarter of the N.E. quarter of w. 222.99 The architect Vlollet le Due was one roads throughout the country it is said section 18. N. 75 dega., w. 5+3.70. N. 67 degs., day on the Schwarzenberg glacier at evident that tbe value must run up w. 279.09 This summons is served upon N. 14 «legs., E. 574.90, a height of about 9.000 feet, accompa into hundreds of thousands of dollars. you by order of the Honorable N. 55 degs., W. 054 30. Died by Baptiste, the guide, who In order that the watch may be kept Homer Mason, Judge of the County N. 43 degs.. w. 555 6). marched in front. The two men were Dp to a regular standard It must be I Court, of Tillamook County, Oregon, N. 35 «legs., w. 876.29. attached to each other by a rope. as Is inspected regularly. There is not only dated the 25th day of September N. 47 degs , w. 223.40. | 1911, ordering that summons Le usual In Alpine mountaineering. N. 30 degs., a general time Inspector on most rail­ ' served upon you by publication in w. 6I6.IX1 The guide had passed over a crevasse, roads, but a staff of local inspectors N. 49 degs., w. 1197.90. the lillamook Headlight, a weekly but when M. Vlollet le Due attempted who are placed along tbe road at con­ newspaper of general circulation in ; N. 51 degs., w. 577.09 S. 73 degs.. to cross it be failed and fell into tbe venient points aud to whom the men Tillamook County, Oregon, lor at w. 283.09 s. 55 degs., w. 797 59 abyss. The guide tried to pull bim may resort when they wish to com I least once a week for six consecu­ s. 34 degs . 00' W. 133.00 toM C. out. but lustead he found himself pare their time with tbe standard time tive weeks. The date of the first publication between Sections 7 and 8. gradually descending. at that place. Once every two weeks North 571.74 to low The architect perceived that bla tbe railroad man submits bis watch to i hereof is the 28th day of September, water line and then along low water companion If be persisted in the at­ •ach an inspector, usually a Jeweler 1911, and the date of the last pub­ line the following • courses: lication, and the last date upon tempt to sure him would surely aitare or watchmaker by profession. N. 62 degs., 12’ E. 172.29. which you are required to answer his fate, and he asked if Baptiste bid N. 70 degs., 10* E. 786.95. Tbe inspector gives bis expert opin­ on or before, is, and will expire on S. a family. 84 degs., 18' E 453.08. ion on tbe condition of tbe timepiece. the 9th day of November, 191L S. 67 degs., 18’ K 596.00. “A wife and children,” was the an If it needs cleaning he says so and W ebster H olmes , s. 46 degs., 44' E. 1400.09 swer. Attorney for Plaintiff. toes it; if it is fast or slow he regu- s. 35 degs., 53’ E. 1160.90. “Then," said Vlollet le Due quietly. fates lt and not until it Is running s. 52 degs., 13’ E. 734.48. "I shall cut the rope." Notice of Guardian’s Sale. with sufficient accuracy is it allowed s. 62 degs., 51’ E. 1314.86. He did so and fell, but a block of to escape from bls care. A watch's s. 76 degs., 18’ E. 1266.69. Notice is hereby given, to all Ice thirty feet lower down stopped bls record is kept as if it were a thief. So __ ’ E. 1115.57 to the S. 49 degs. 28 " ma; may concern ; that in pur- line descent. When Baptiste saw this and far as repairing goes, the railroad man whom it of Lot 1 of Section 9, T. 1S., R. suance at _ __ ________________ __ nd by virtue of an order of that for a time the danger was lessen to under no compulsion. He need not 10 W., then the County Court of the State of West 1929.57 to the ed he went In search of help and re­ hand over his watch to any particular Oregon, for Tillamook County, turned with four stout peasants. Three watchmaker or Inspector for repair, made and entered of record herein place of beginning, containing 134.8 hours afterward Vlollet le Due was ex but be can give it to any watchmaker on the 6th day of November, 1911, of tide land fronting on Lot« L 2,3 and 4 of Section 8, T.’l S , R. 10W trlcnted. hi whom be has confidence. It must, in the matter of the guardianship of W. M. In spite of his perilous position the however, be submitted to tbe ln- of Samantha Mills, an incapable Bid should be accompanied by a ruling pussion was strong with the apector before it can be used tn actual person, the undersigned, as guard­ regular application to purchase and ian of her person and estate, will artist, for. although he was almost c®v •er vice. exchange for the full amount sell at private sale, the following offered and should be addreaaedto ered with Icicles from the dripping wa­ That no favoritism is shown In the described property, to wit: G. G. Brown, Clerk State Lane ter. be hnd contrived to make draw matter of watches Is evident In the The Northeast quarter of the Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked Ings of the novel effects he was able fact that southeast quarter of section 30, in “ Application and bid to purchase no less than eight dif- to perceive. ferent manufacturers supply railroad township 3 south of range 9 west of tide lands.” the Willamette Meridian, (excepting watches.—Scientific American. G. G B rown , a tract 9 rods square, heretofore Stewed Apples. Clerk State Land Boari. sold to the United Brethren Church To stew apples so each quarter Is Dated this 10th day of October, Making ths Chances Even. at Beaver, Oregon.) Also all that unbroken and so clear one can almost Io days when tavern brawls In Eng- part of the southeast quarter of the 1911. see through It Is an art. and yet it is a land were frequent and swords were southeast quarter of section 30, in simple thing to do If one only knows out on the slightest provocation com- township 3 south of range 9 west of Notice of Sale of Tide Laad«. how. Peel tart apples very thin, cut mon fairness demanded that the blades I the Williamette Meridian, which them In quarters and remove the cores I lies on the north side of the Nes- of cbauce combatants should be of | N otice is H ereby G ivf . x ,— That and seeds. As fast as you can peel nnd tucca River, and a tract of land the State Land Board of the State equal length, in a sudden affray I containing 8 acres more of less on quarter them drop tbe apples In a there would be no thought of measur- i the south side of the Nestucca of Oregon will sell to the highest saucepan In which you huve already bidder at its office in the Capital Ing swords, so the authorities took the placed cold water to the depth of two matter into their own hands nt the! River, commencing 109 feet below Building, at Salem, Oregon, on the mouth of Beaver Creek in said Inches. When tbe apples are all in. put gates of tbe city of London, where section 30, and running thence December 5th, 1911, at IthiJOoclock a.tn., of said day, all the States the saucepan over a slow fire, cover It every gallant was liable to be chai-1 south across said Nestucca river to interest in the title and oveifcw ■ till the water reaches the boiling point, the section line; thence east to the lenged. and If tbe public official found lands hereinafter described, giving I then remove tbe cover and let tbe ap any blade beyond thirty-six Inches the southeast corner of said section 30 ; however to the owner or owner« ot pies simmer almost imperceptibly till smith stood by to snap off the steel to thence north across said river’, any lands, abutting or fronting 0« containing 28 acres, more or les i such tide and overll« w lanes, ! you can pierce them easily with a the required length. In Queen Eliza­ broom splint; then sprinkle tbe sugar beth's reign this was the common excepting the rights heretofore the preference right to ptirchr*' granted to Beaver, Oregon School said tide and overflow lati«'« r.t the over them and let them just simmer practice. District, in the tract of land now highest price offered, |-roviile«! sadj , until It Is all melted Remove the Used by said district for school offer is made in g«xid faith, rod saucepan from the fire and let It stand purposes, and excepting about ten aleo providing that lhe lantl w’11 A Sixtus V. Salad. where the apples will get cold before When Pope Sixtus \. was an ob- acres of said southeast quarter of I turning them luto a dish for tbe table. ecure monk he had a great friend In a southeast quarter of section :«i. de­ not lie sol«l for nor any offer thue- for accepted of less than $7:50 per certain lawyer who sank steadily Into scribed in a mortgage made by acre, the Board reserving the right Chnstopher Mills and Samantha Egyptian Smokers and Madness. poverty while the monk rose to the to reject any and all bids. An Egyptlau smoker of hasheesh Is papacy. The i>oor lawyer Journeyed .lills. dated August 27, 19(13, and Said lands are situate«l in Tilla­ even n more helpiesa slave than th* to Rome to seek aid from Ids old recordeti in Book "N” at page 159 mook County. Oregon, described Chinese opium (lend, lie knows that frleud. the pope, but be fell sick and thereof, record of mortgages of said as follows ; • • a * county. Also the southwest quar­ Beginning at a point which is tW in the end be will become a madman, told his doctor to let the pope know ter of the southwest quarter of sec­ Meander Corner between Section! yet be rushes toward the awful goal of his sad state. “I will send him a tion 29, in township 3 south of with unrelaxed speed, With the aalnd.“ said Sixtus and duly dispatch­ range 9 west of the Willamette 16 and 15 an«l running along mgr- strnuge exaltation which first comm ed a basket of lettuce to tbe Invalid. .lendian, containing 40 acres more water line the following course« : N. 50 degs., 04' W. 490.00 feet to the smoker be feels himself floating When the lettuce was examined mon­ or less, (exceping the tract of land N. 57 degs., 45’ W. 359.60 feet 9 rod square heretofore deeded to from cloud to cloud or alighting in the ey was found In the hearts; hence N. 69 degs., 04’ W. 696.62 feet to the Free Methodist Church at gardens of palaces all bis own. Most the Italian proverb of a man In need the line of Lot 2, then the following of the basbeesb which Egypt con­ of money. "Ue want« one of 8lxtu« i av*L’ ,Oreff°D)> and excepting course to low water line. also, the land platted and dedicated N. 0 deg., 26* W. 220.00 feet, thw sumes cornea from Greece. From the ▼.*o salads '* as the town of Beaver as shown along low water line the following foltowW busks of the hemp seeds and the ten­ by the recorded plat thereof, re­ course«: der hope of the hemp plant the Greeks corded m deed book "Z ” at page Jam For Breakfast. S. 61 dega., 44’ E. 219.88 feet manufacture a greenish powder wboss People who Ilk« ■» «-t pastry or CkegonOrd" °f Ti,,araook County, S. 87 deg«., 32’ E. 294.92 feet fume« bring tbe ecstasy Its victims other Irregular dts,,or breakfast S. 50 degs., 53’ E. 27ft 86 feet deair* Said sale will be made from and S. 68 dege., 40’ E. 218.64 feet should bo consoled to learn that no after ____________ ^ of rmn ,r 1MI1 1911, the 7th day December, 80 — feet - E 18a 1CO.W S. 62 dega., 55' E. bid. *+n ----- -’—1 at (he aw Icaa a man than Herbert Spencer at» bids will k be - received the , law 275.96 feet Shapely Swedes. S. 72 __________________ _ to th« degs., 38' strawberry jam at bla morning meal, office of Webster Holmes, Attorney The Swedes are probably the tallest Section line between 15-16 then liellerlng liT ^ tEe ie undersigned guardian, in people in Europe and have oa the He did It to avoid monotony, believing S. 0 deg . 04’ W. 390.00 feet to » City, Oregon, or to the beginning, and containing6-9 sow whole erect, handsome figures To that digestion was beat served bv undersigned a at K Beave Beaver, leeping the stomach entertained with « ‘ . in Till«- of tide land in front of I^t “ M some eitent this advantage I» due to mook County Oregon. physical sxerclse, for Swedish rymnas •arlety He la said to have told of ; The terms of saidsale are. at least Section 16, T. 1 S., R. 10 W. of * Bids should be sccomi1«111*?^ th« ara compulsory In the elementary man who went Into a decline from a one-half of the purchase price in a regular application to puw^J' echiMil«. and the aystem 1« much need too steady diet of mutton chop« cash, gold coin of the United States and exchange for the full In other schools and college* - London i>f America, and the remainder of and should be a«n a piece <4 flannel . "That', probably why hl. veri la H of heirs of the third gMterntion «hall tot Clisinlierlain'a Liniment ,, ryj'l-y.-Sol'tt»^ it over the seat oi pain. , , t». ss-r iNwtry should be written by tbs W ehstew H olmes . nothing better. For sale by -Birmingham A(*H«rald. Attorney lor said guardian. ■Max's drug store.