iluimook ol. XXIV No. 23 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 9, 1911 How Is You Balance Rev. P. O. Bonebrnke, D.D., will preach at the United Brethren Church Sunday evening at 7:30. Dr. Bonebrake is the conference superintendent. He is also a prom­ inent member of the Oregon Legis­ lature. made for a public meeting at the Commercial Club during their stay- in this city. This is somewhat of an important event to have on-of the Rivers and Harbors Committee visit Tillamook County, and every effort should be done to impress upon Representative Humphrey the urgent need of government aid for bar improvements. County Surveyor U. G. Jackson and assistant George Poysky and crew completed the survey of the Necarney road Sunday after two weeks of hard work. The total dis­ tance from the town of Nehalem to the Clatsop county line is eight and three-fourths miles actual survey. The hardest grade is found just before crossing the Short Sand Beach Creek in coining down North Nicarney which is an eipht per­ cent grade for several hundred feet. Otherwise four per cent is the heav­ iest grade to be found in the entire distance. The country through which the survey passes is aboi t the same on the average as in any other part of the county, and there­ fore will not cost so much as lias been held by those opposed to its construction. The fact that the read is now surveyed is consider­ able satisfaction to those who have carried on the fight for years to get this done without avail. Now that it is practically assured there is no longer any need of worrying about tile outcome. Messrs. Jackson and Poysky left Wednesday- for Tilla­ mook. —Nehalem Enterprise. Brick, Lime, Cement, Shingles, Coal Oil, Coal, $10 ton, Poultry Supplies, Potatoes, $1.50 per 100, “Best’’ hard wheat flour, $1.40 sk., $5.50 bbl., Alfalfa meal, hay and al! kinds of feed at prices as low as any in the city. A telegram was received from Judge Percy R. Kelly stating that he would come in on the train Fri- day and instead of opening court at nine o’clock in the morning, would do so after he arrived here to take up motions and demurrers. James Walton was called to Salem last week on acconnt of the serious illness of his father, who died after he arrived there, a notice of which appears on another page. Mr. \\ alton returned on Tuesday, At the bank—or have yon one ? Don’t lose Ed Hadley taking him out and i-otir balance whatever you do. That is how brought him back in his auto. people fall from their eminence, Deposit your Captain J. H. Quinan, inspect» r of this lifesaviug district, return« d tamings or surplus cash here and you may be to Portland from a trip to Tillainoi k jure it is safe and earning good interest. We Bay, where he was trying to secure a site for a station fora motor life­ welcome the accounts of citizens and treat our saving boat. The site of the pre­ jatrons with the utmost courtesy and considera- sent station is not adapted for this :ion. Let us enumerate you among our regular kind of a ooat. The station desired is near Garibaldi and if it will net nistomers. be donated for the purpose the res­ CAPITA L idents of the Tillamook Bay sec­ tion will be notified to secure a site if they desire the service of a power lUNTY ____ TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. isuPEffVISION TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. (SUPERVISION lifesaving boat. Twins arrived at the home of Mr. -»nd Mrs. S. G. Reed Wednesday I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. forcirffl^, (LAMOOK JOTTINGS evening, Nov. 1st. To the great Irides at my shop. Try me out and surprise of Mr. Reed they were see. The Old Reliable Hide and girls instead of boys, but he is ex­ Hellenbrand was in from Ore- Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. * ceedingly happy never tbe-less. on Tuesday. Owing to the storm the first of He declares this to be a great coun­ from [. R. McKimens was in the week, the schooner Patsy and try and we are compelled to take lem on Monday. and Gerald C. were unable to cross him at his word when such convinc­ te bands of geese have been out and are bar bound atGaribaldi. ing evidence is brought to bear him r south this week. C. B. Hadley has been quite sick out in his statement. There's no m. on Sunday to the wife of again and he appears to be failing room to doubt. Dr. Randle reports »tn Hosley, a son. in health quite rapidly, so much mother and twins to be doing nicely. ti, on Monday, to the wife of so that his friends are quite alarmed —Nehalem Enterprise. at his condition. Quick, a daughter. County Surveyor Jackson re­ The United Artisans meet on the turned from Nehalem last week rin Clocks 48 cents, at Howard first and third Thursday of each where he has been surveying the tn, Leading Jeweler. He expects to (ing wanted by Mrs. E. Kirk, month at the Odd Fellows’ Hall. Necarney road, T illamook F eed C o . Meetings open at 7:30. Local visit­ have his estimates ready for the »lock east of Academy. * December term of court. He be- Iby Electric Light Globes, ing members invited. Mrs. Shrode will give six lessons lieves it will make the prettiest road TRAIN SERVICE ON rood kind —King & Smith Co.* in the state. Mr. Jackson goes to for $5.00 in china decoration or if Watches only 50 cents, at FRIDAY. Dolph to survey the road there after ird Wahlen, Jeweler and Opti- perferred she will furnish every­ which he will make a permanent thing, excepting gold and china, survey of the Bayocean road, so Week Day Service Estab and give six lessons for $5.90. i Bilma Johnson has been that the court will have plans and lished Between Tilla­ Word was received here yesterday having had her ton sei re­ that Lynn Pugh was shot and specifications and estimates of all mook City and killed by a man named Batey, who these roads to act upon by the New I, on Monday, in this city, has a brrther at the Life Saving Year. Portland. in mouths old child of Chester Station. The shooting was acci­ A surprise party was give to Rev. Irt. A great deal of speculation have and Mrs. Paul Ebinger by- a large dental. been indulged in as to weather e chickens wanted at the Tilla- number of members of his church, Dr. S. M. Kerron will be away Meat Company’s Market, 13c. from the city for three Weeks. He Saturday evening, November 4th, train service would lie established Dund. , left on Monday for Portland, where 1911. It was in honor of their twent­ on the P. R. A N. to-morrow (Fri­ M. Corimman and Eugene he will lock after the practice of ieth wedding anniversary of their day) owing to the rain storm which te, of Aberdeen, were in the Dr. Zeigler, who was married and beloved pastor. A happy speech prevailed [ this week, for it was was made by Mrs. Barbara Ba bi in thought that it might have j>ut the sst week. left on his honeymoon. presenting a roll of twenty silver track temporary out of commission. F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., R. Beals and wife are in Port- dollars to the surprised host and This does notappear to be the case, Bnd expect to come in on the has located next door to Lamar’s hostess. Music and games passed for the first train on the 'new variety store, and is prepared to do on Friday. the evening pleasantly, when re­ schedule will leave.’ Hillslsiro to­ I. Kirsch, of Crookston, Min- all kinds of shoe repairing at freshments were served by the morrow (Friday) morning, but no h. is visiting Geo. Kuhm on reasonable rates. All work guran- women of the church. Many mem­ arrangements have been made, so teed. Give him a call. * lilson River. bers came to take part as far as faraswecan learn of a train leav A check for $4,287.70 was received ing here that morning. There are Pleasant Valley. t. Hadley came in on Wednes- quit n number of persons in Fort |n account of the serious ill by Watson A Stephens to pay the Ladies ’ The members of the fire loss of L. L. Osburn who was land who have been waiting to come [of his father. Guild of the Presbyterian Church I insured in the Aetna Insurance Co in on the train Friday, and no in this city were greatly encouraged Pg your chickens to the Tilla- the money being paid three weeks doubt a number of the officials will | Meat Company's Market We last week when Geo. W. Kiger from the date of the fire. Mr. Os­ accompany it. handed in a check for $100 which Be. per pound. One passenger train will Ur­ burn was insured for $4,500.00 but to Monk’s Studio and have managed to eave some of the furn­ had been sent by N. P. Wheeler, of operated each way every day except Endeavor, Pa., who lias large tim­ [picture taken to send to your iture. ing Sunday. Passengers can leave ber holdings in this county. Mr. Is at Christmas. The express office has been re­ Wheeler is a Presbyterian and has Portland via the Southern Pacific fwel, 18 sire Waltham or Elgin moved to the P. R. A N. Co.’s dock, made several inquiries as to how at 7:20 in the morning and connect pes, $3.25, at Howard Wahlen, where Agent Gaylord is looking the local church was getting along, with the train for Tillamook at a kr and Optician. after the business. The express he having attended the services in Hillsboro at 8:50, arriving at Tilla­ business was somewhat delayed on the Presbyterian Church while on a mook at 2:22 in the afternoon. [Sale, 3 lots, 50 x 100 feet, the The eastbound train will leave lots in the city for $300 each.— account of the Sue H. Elmore be­ visit here some time ago. Not only ing detained in Portland but the is the liberal gift greatly appreciated Tillamook at 7:55 in the morning, In Mrs. C. N. Drew. • arriving at Hillsboro at 1:10 p.m., Patsey brought in some of the de­ pours, cheapest and best paper layed express the first of the week. by the ladies, but it is safe to say connecting with any train that that it will be used in a manner fcr in town. Leave orders at leaves for Portland. This service is Mrs, Maria Burmaster was brought which will do honor to the kind [next to Harris' barn. * not designed for speed, but as to this city last week from Nehalem, donor. rapidly as the line is improver! the F Moore Non Leakable Foun slightly deranged in her mind. T. E. Greene arrived in this city P e,”‘. only $1.65, at Howard She is a widow woman with six on Thursday evening with liia time will be reduced. It is intended eventually to |en, Leading Jeweler. * children, and her neighbors have young bride, who was Miss Mary operate through trains between I weather has been stormy and been very kind in caring for some Carver, daughter of W. J. Carver Portland and Tillamook. For the F"’ week, with a flutter of sleet of them. It was not thought ad* who removed recently from Fair­ present and immediate future a visable to send her to the asylum view to Sheridan. They were mar. transfer will be necessary at Hills­ phe rain this morning. at Salem but to give her treatment ried at McMinnville on the 1st. boro, but as the depots adjoin, this r’**’ Shoeing and general job Mr. Green worked for Henry Rog- will not cause inconvenience. New | One door west of T. H. here. The Sue H. Elmore managed to | ere previous to his wedding, but equipment has been orderer! for the p * law office. Grant Thayer, get in on Wednesday morning, will engage in the soda water btisi- passenger service. f Patsy managed to get out although she had a rough trip. Her | ness, who, with a brother, bought E. K. Lytle, president of the com­ Wednesday but owing to the passengers were : Emil Simonson, | out G. C. Price’s plant in this city pany, who conceived the idea of F put back after reaching Tiii- J. H. Hollister, Flora E. Martin, P. | and at Cloverdale, 'and his friends building the road to Tillamook and lk Ro k C. Eickliom. Joe Raymond, R. C wish them good luck in their under- who had charge of its construction, f Lambs new dock is now Miller, Chaw. Simonson. J. S. ; taking. The bride haw many friends will be general manager of the pro­ f use ], the Patsy unloading Handley, W. H. Vinton, Mrs. W. H. here ami the happy couple have perty. C. E. Lytle, with head­ I’h- first of the week and the Vinton. Clark Hadley, Dan Scully, 1 been receiving many congratula- quarters at Hillalioro, will have tion« and beet wishes for their fu- charge of traffic fe on \\ ednesday. Mrs. Miller, of Nehalem. ft is expected i ture happiness. i that the road will t«e merged with We understand that it is the in the Southern Pacific within tie i tention of Representative Hum ■ coming year. phreya, of Washington, a memtier of the Rivera and Harbors Com Backache, Headache Nervovanei a mittee, and Representative W. C. and rheumatism, both in men and ^ated two [)oors west of Lamar's Drng Store. Hawley, to visit Nehalem, Bay City women, mean kidney trouble. |)o and Tillamook next week, coming not allow it to progress beyond th« i of medicine but stoi» it “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” in on t ic 14th. provided that train reac ¥romply with Foley Kidney Pills. servic -la inaugurated b> that date hev regulate the action of the Rest Room for Ladies. . They will meet with the Porto *di,;riniry organs. Tonic in action. I Mehalim. Bay City and Tillamook, 'a al k in result» ( has. I. Cluirh and no doubt arrangements will be 1 VC. S55 à FIÌLLÀMOOK COUNTY BANK DAMAR’S VARIETY STORE $1.50 per year The Christian Revival. M. E. Church. H> ». m.—Sunday-school. II a. III.—Sermon subject, “In faut Baptism as taught in the Bible ami as practiced by the Apostles. Received from leans according to the testimony of the Church fathcis of the first and second centuries of the Bible.” 6:30 p.m. Epworth League. 7:31) p. m.—The M.E. society will worship with the U.B. Church: The gospel meetings nt the Church of Christ, this city, under the leadership of Evangelist Organ and wife, of low. , are getting under head way, and creating a renewed interest in religion. The audiences are exceptional!» large and the attention is faultless, Organ is doing the preaching and his wife furnishes the special solos. The chorus is large and faithful. A brass quartett adds much to the A Good Position. enjoyment of each service. The sermons are fall upon vital Can be had by ambitious young themes. Here are some of the topics: men and ladies in the fielon presentation. Inter­ est ceases this 2nd day of Novem- b-r, IIH. All county general fun