TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER In addition to his British allow­ ance of $125,000 a year the duke of Connaught, Canada’s new governor general, receives a salary of $50.000 | a year from the Dominion. The Canadians have a fine pull on Mr. Bull'e pocketbook. No decision has yet been reached by the progressives in the matter of choosing» running mate for Sena­ tor La Follette next year, but it will , probably be a golf player who re­ ceived his training at the hands of Col. Roosevelt. If the Wrights have really perfect­ I ed a safety device for aeroplaning, ' which can balance a machine in mid-air at any time, we may make more new conquests of the air with­ out paying too great a price in human life for them. Sidney Love, divorce, who had lost three estates and gone out West to make another fortune, has been saved the trouble. An uncle, dying, has left him a fortune of $7,000,000, and his payments of alimony are based on hie financial condition at , the time he was at low ebb. Still, there are those contending that there is no such thing as luck, 2, 1Ö11- NAMES AND FACES. • THE SERENADE. Douglas Marked the Man Ha Wanted An Old Romantio Custom That Has Fallen Into Dssuotudo. to Know Again. ’’Stephen A. Douglas had the most remarkable memory for faces of any man iu public life," declares a corre­ spondent. “Upon the occasion of a visit to Washington on election day In 1889 the late Colonel John W. Forney was discussing the election of Garfield over Hancock «itb Colonel Harmon of Detroit. Colonel Harmon had ■ been mayor of Detroit and prominent in na­ tional politics. Harmon nnd Forney got to talking about earlier politics, and Harmon related the story of a meeting with Douglas In New York. Douglas had been nominated in Balti­ more by one faction of the Democratic party. Breckinridge was chosen by the other faction In Charleston. When he heard of bis nomination Douglas was in New York. He entered the Astor nouse, then the headquarters for all politicians nnd the principal . hotel in New York, and Immediately was surrounded by his political admir­ ers. Among them was Colonel Har­ mon. The latter, according to the story he told me, put forth his hand and congratulated Douglas on his nom­ ination. “ Thank you, Colonel narmon,’ re­ plied Douglas, “Harmon was amazed that Douglas should have remembered his name, for he had mot the ‘little giant’ but once, fifteen years before, and then for but a brief period. After a time be return­ ed and asked Douglas how he was able to call him by name. ” ‘My dear colonel,' said Douglas, ‘whenever I meet a man I want to know again I put a mark on him and I never forget.' ’’—Washington Post. KILL SHARKS FOR F« Kanakas Can Whip tl.o Mai e,. p.;. c Fight. a . Fair In the Pacific ocean utM .. . g Beu who outswiui lisli auq T! kill tuuu eating sharks iu a ttiri* They are Kanakas the are natives of the 11 iwaftan LLjLil “A native can whip u shark I k ^ be can outswim him." states an W lean who has been living in tlwis^ many years. “1 never beard Uve being injured by a shark, i* there is a superstitition among tb» that u shark is afraid of a Kanakaig will refuse to fight. This is not however, and grew out of tin* httM • native always whips a shift, j Kanaka will apy a shark and, i a knife between his teeth, dire ia him. It is a fair tight, becii»^ ■hark has teeth that are as deadly tbe knife. The shark will mate j, tbe swimmer, und when it Is la ru®, will flop suddenly on its side, «lift position is necessary before it its powerful Jaws to «rush an eceq As tbe shark turns the native win rapidly and come up and rip tbett» ture open with a quick slash of tft knife. Sometimes they will nrcld tft shark time after time, cutting It g the nose und pricking it to arotuk anger. “For excitement It outtbrills ■ M fight.”—Detroit Free Press. In recalling the serenade of the Phil­ harmonic society to Mlle. Nilsson I am reminded of a custom now fallen into desuetude, but which at the time I ipeak of <1370» was a favorite method if bestowing a marked compliment upon any one whom you wished par tlcularly to honor. Tbe serenade was not only offered to visitors of distinction, but prevailed exteuslvely as a delicate ntlenilwii which you might pay to tbe lud.v of your choice. It was thought tbe prop er thing at that period for a man -to engage the best brass band be could afford and to proceed with It after midnight to tbe bouse of his preferred and then to stand beneath the win dows while tbe muslciaus played their most sentimental and sonorous selec­ tions. It was not an uncommon sound No other aid to the housewife even to bear a double quartet of male voices, with a French born thrown in. is so great, no other agent so singing beneath tbe windows of somo useful and certain in making favored damsel, while paterfamilias or the butler made ready some light re­ delicious, wholesome foods freshment for tbe donors of this grace ful compliment These romantic attentions have tak­ en flight with tbe advent of electric lights, elevated railroads and other made from voices of the night, but even New York Balked at Cold Steel. bad a few hours of stillness after mid­ "I wouldn’t let a doctor cut my night. nnd tbe night watchman lent foot off,” said H. D. Ely, Bantam, an Indulgent ear to these revelers, who Ohio, “although a horrible ulcer TUBES FOR LUNGS, had been the plague of my life for would doubtless be locked up as dis four years. Instead I used Btick- turbera of tbe peace did they hazard Complex System by Which Incectihi len’s Arnica Salve, and my foot was No Lime Phosphates No Alum such an enterprise under our modern Enabled to Breathe. soon completely cured,” Heals regime.—Richard Hoffman's “Musical While mammals have lungs ng Burns, Boils, Sores, Bruises, Ec- Recollections.’’ zema, Pimples, Corns. Surest Pile fishes gills, insects hare neither t i cure 25c at Chas. I. Clough’s. nor the other. Instead they pnwg complex system of tubes niu| HE WAS THANKFUL Starts Much Trouble throughout the length of their bod If all people knew that neglect of THE BRITISH CABINET. But Still He Thought There Was a whereby the air is conveyed to ex constipation would result in severe Call for County Warrants. part of the system. High School Flashes. Little More He Might Get. indigestion, yellow jaundice or vir­ To guard insects against collg Old Simon, as we will call him. Is All county road fund warrants ulent liver trouble, they would soon How Its Secret Documents Are Pro­ Hallowe’en is over and we have from pressure of air. nature bast« take Dr. King’s New Life Pills, and tected and Printed. quite a character In his way. He be ­ endorsed prior to July 8, 1911, will heard no one say that they feel any end it. Its file only safe way. Best nished the little creatures with a a Ench member of the cabinet is sup­ better because that day of festivit­ be paid upon presentation. Inter­ for biliousness, headache, dyspep­ plied with a key which fits the lock of lieves in asking for a thing until be thread running spirally within ti gets it. and then — well, be is imme ­ est ceases this 2nd day of Novem ­ sia, chills and dibility. 25c at Chas. ies made its usual appearence. It a certain dispatch box retained by the diately tn need of something else Ha wails of the tube, just as a card I. Clough’s. seems that some of the members ber, 1911. prime minister. At any particular has lived on the same estate all his hose is protected with wire. All county general fund warrants Many flies live first in the water! of the High School had more than Coughing at Night crisis, when important papers reach life, and until quite recently he was their share of Hallowe’en blowouts endorsed prior to Feb. 9, 1911, will Means loss of sleep which is bad Downing street, the premier, after paying a merely nominal rent—£1 a larvae. Arranged along each sidei fl IS year. First the Invincible be paid upon presentation. Inter- for everyone. Foley’s Honey and perusing them, places them in the dis­ year—for tbe small cottage be occu­ their bodies is a series of e.rceedhl thin plates, into each of which na» Lil i ary Society of which a lurge est ceases this 2nd day of Novem­ Tar Compound stops the cough at patch box and hands the box to a spe­ pied. once, relieves the tickling anil dry- cial messenger, who takes it round to series of idood vessels. These pU pei < ent of the school are members ber, 1911. Simon, however, wasn ’ t quite satis ­ ness in the throat and heals the in­ are placed to absorb the oxygen« each member of the cabinet in succes ­ fied Whenever he paid an installment had their good time on Friday Tillamook, Ore., Nov. 2, 1911. flamed membranes. Prevents a tained in the water. The tail enda cold developing into bronchitis or sion. Each member opens it with his of his rent he called bis master’s at­ night. Then the High School gave B. L. B eals , throe featherlike projections, and I County Treasurer pneumonia. Keep always in the kjy and relocks It after he has read tention to tbe fact that this thing means of these the larvae cause« a party at the school house in house. Refuse substitutes Chas. the documents it contains. In this wanted doing and that thing wanted honor of the festive day, on Satur­ I. Clough Co. way the papers are prevented from doing to tbe property. At length Si­ rents of water to flow over the ¡9 day night, and last but not least Notice, nnd thus their efficiency is increaxi Backache, Headache, Nervousness falling into the hands of strangers or mon’s master decided on a bold move. the Men’s Furnishing Club of the Gnats also exist In tbe water t members of parliament who are not in The next time Simon turned up with Beginning with the 1st of Septem- and rheumatism, both in men and larvae. Hut they have no gills. Tit High School gave an entertain­ the quarter’s rent and the usual list er, the following prices will be women, mean kidney trouble. Do the cabinet. ment at the houfe of Mr. and Mrs. Now and again It Is found necessary of suggested repairs tbe owner was breathing is accomplished by meat» charged by the physicians of Tilla- not allow it to progress beyond the a tube situated at the tip of tbeti John Hathaway in the south part to print copies of a "secret” which prepared to meet him. reach of medicine but stop it mook. The larvae floats along head dowoM of town on Tuesday eve. All of iiromply with Foley Kidney Pills. comes up for discussion at a meeting "Ixjok here. Simon." he remarked. in the water, with this tube justakt Confinement, $20 and mileage They regulate the action of the of the cabinet. The document is cut these entertainments were well at- “I've been thinking the matter over, and (normal case). urinary organs. Tonic in action, up into many small pieces and dis­ In recognition of your long and faithful tlie surface, so that the crcatures«| • ended and as a result a good time quick in results. Chas. I. Clough tributed among a goodly number of breathe.—Harper's Weekly. City visit, $2.00. service I'm going to make you a free and much merriment was indulged Co. Visit out of town, $2.50. compositors in the government print ­ gift of the cottage you live in. From tn by all present. Prayer Halls In Ruisia. “I am pleased to recommend ing works, each of whom sets up his this moment it’s yours to do as you Visit out of town, three miles, I he Ciceronian Society met Fri­ Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as little piece, and the little piece may like with. Now, what- do you say to In tbe villages of Russia tbe $3.00; one dollar for each mile over the best thing I know of and safest day afternoon and rendered their ball" is the common izba or cod remedy for coughs, colds nnd bron­ represent only a dozen lines of type. that?" program which was excellent con- hree miles as usual. of a Stundist moujik. or a shed atl> When all the fragments are In type a "Thank 'e, sir — thank ’ e, ” returned chial trouble,” writes Mrs. L. B. R. T. B oals . cd to a very primitive farmsteed I Hulering one week’s time that the Arnold of Denver, Colo. “We have highly trusted official collects both the the old fellow. “An' now, sir, what I. M. S mith , members had in which to prepare used it repeatedly and it has never copy and the type and puts the latter about that bit o' paint for tbe back rounded by prodigious qaantitia S. M. KEKRON. * tr p.nts. 1 heir were some parts failed to give relief.” For sale by together. The printing of the docu­ door? Ye’ll throw that in. o' course?” mud, dust or snow, according te I season of tbe year A separated ■ Lumar’e Drug Store. 'hat could have been better and ment Is then done in secret under the — London Answers. ing erected expressly for wolf M. E. Church. Home thing, that were not exactly eyes of this official, and the men who 'I do not believe there is any among the rural evangelicals oil work the printing machine are for ­ proper, but as a whole the good Waterlogged Servians. other medicine so good for whoop­ sia is a luxury yet to be provlii 10 a. m., Sunday School. By be­ ing cough as Chamberlain’s Cough bidden to handle any of the paper after An Englishwoman traveling in fier- tilings overbalanced the bad. Remedy,” writes Mrs. Francis Tur­ it is printed upon.—National Magazine. via thus gives a striking glimpse of the great majority of cases. -The« Hie Emersonians were right or. ing present on time you will not pin, Junction City, Ore. This rem miss the apeciu) opening feature of her own prejudices and tastes. 'The Ing place, whether Izba or ontka han I with their program us soon edy is also unsurpassed for colds Servians drink too much cold water, has walls of earth. It Is withoutd the school. The tide is rising. Reverse Methods In India. as the Other was rendered and a), and croupe. For sale by Lamar's ing. The floor is the bare earth, Z Lady Wilson, the wife of an eminent and they drink It till they are pulpy. Drug Store. hou Ji their poster is two weeks Come, add to its strength. Anglo-Indian official and long resident An average Serb drinks enough cold den hard by many feet througkj 11 a.in., Sermon subject, "The 1,hanceof wlmt it should be In India, in her book, “Letters From water for an English cow. I doubt lapse of long years and worn intoIR jet we must say that if those on relation of children to the Church India,” says: “It amuses me to notice whether the language contains an nnd hollows The » alls are lineK of Christ. Program have their parts pre the way the Indians reverse the order equivalent for ’bad training.' for when ed and destitute of decoration or: 0:30 p in. The Epworth League in which we do things. For instance, I tried to explain tbe Idea It created rnent. There are rough wooden k whiei "n’-' make the Ciceronian? """•ething «" eh ’ wdl i ivites the young people to un hour at home men take off their hats when surprise. A doctor told me be bad es around nnd a cross the room they come into n house; Indians keep never heard the theory before. To him place is usually pa'bed to sufW work some to beat. There are of Bilile study preparatory to the service to follow. on their turbans, but take off their it seemed a natural and wholesome with men. women and children« t »only parts - Student Body Court meets our hands turned inward; they beckon « plenty.’ and seemed to think it was ways and buddling together • A onlv A‘ there is "Blood and the Treasury." with them turned out. My ayah lays rather wasteful to leave any unswal­ top of the huge stove.-SunA| >"»> one ease of any importance to special invitation is extended to all my slippers in a row with the toes lowed. To me It explained tbe lack Home. " “r*'1 '"a< .s a case of Stu the voters of the city. pointing to«-ard me. The cook begins of activity. Tbe nation Is waterlog­ ' H,m|> '**• «"e ’’Breakers.” u Singing Wirei. to read his Hindustani book of recipes ged All day long and every day tbe a-'-etv of High ,(o}s whoBe Wanted, for Cash, Cheap Farm Sometimes when a tempest Hl from the last page backward and Serb calls for a glass of cold water, rites are secret and according to Land in Tillamook County. writes his accounts from right to left. and when be has drunk It be calls for telegraph wires are silent X '• ............... awful When the native carpenter uses na another. Perhaps owing to this he time of calm they are sonorous We have a customer who will buy tlve screws be screws them in from has little space for alcohol. At any dently the vibration of the wirsl with th." ' n“'' "C,,On Wa" tor spot cash a cheap farm in Tilla­ right to left and saws inward, which rate. I never saw a drunken man, even due to atmospherical agitation * ease until Oscar Asch.m A scientist of Berlin who ttvS mook County. Answer at once. makes one nervous.” among tbe peasants." n pres.dent ol the club informed cause of the singing of wires ¡a Ralph Ackley Land Co., 1.0 Fifth I Mudent 1 hd i. Body would Attorney be best for Albert £ St., Portland. Ore. of calm concludes that the rM A Poser. Washington and the Artists. of the wires always presages® A verbatim fragment from the law Writing to a friend May 10. 1785. '‘‘•"»‘Odo any thing with them proach of bad weather. Who* courts: Washington thus described his experi­ A Father’s Vengenge sounds are deep tbe change ot*u King's Counsel (examining witness)— ence with portrait painters: would have fallen on any one who may be looked for within t»*l ...... ¿is; attacked the son of Peter Bondy, of Did you know—you did not. but I am “I am so hackneyed to tbe touches South Rockwood. Mich., but lie was bound to put It to yon—on the 25th—it of the painter's pencil that I am now When they are shrill or «o'.I t..............................'•* "‘‘‘■’■’“‘V i» powerless before attacks of Kidney was not the 25th really; It was the altogether at their beck nnd sit like storm will come within * trtp ^::;-’o..ede.tllwll|...... cord. trouble. "Doctors could not help 24th; It is a mistake In my brief see patience on a monument while they hours. It is dillinit to de'ent* liim,” he wrote, "so nt last we gave Your Eyes are your the defendant—he Is not the defendant ■re delineating the lines of my face. ■ nuse of tbe since An It»11« him Electric Bitters and he im­ calls it “seismic agitation I** winners” take really; he Is the plaintiff—there Is a It is a proof among many others of tlst * "e Junior < lass H„v,. deeded to proved wonderfully from taking ” bread 1 by barometric degression s«*1 counterclaim, boi you would not un Pnhl.nh an mnu.H this year ..„d six bottle«. Its the liest kidney care of them, what habit and custom can effect. At miffed to tbe wires hy tbe trU If they need derstand that—yes or no? i te t H*" WOtk “* ®“Ce °" ,he Pro J medicine I ever saw.” Backache. help, help them first J was as Impatient of the request and help Tired feeling. Nervousness. Ix>ss of Witness— What!—fit. James' Gazette. ■ nd as restive under the operation as poles.”— Harper - Weekly. it , a,. nre’'e-rous of making 1 Appetite, warn of Kidney trouble them quickly. a colt Is of the saddle. Tbe next time "»ve to\X"h77y Way that may end in dropsy, diabetes or Lota of Huntiaj. Scientist suv that out of e very- A Strict Grammarian. I submitted very reluctantly, but with n ne the support of every Bright’s disease. Beware: Take hundred The talk find turned nf* ■ people to-day, not more ------- “You think a great deal of your hus­ less flouncing. Now no dray moves Electric Bitters and tie safe, and by and by one of theatWR than two have perfecUy normal band. don't you?” said the visiting bottle guaranteed. 30c at C more readily to* the thrill than I do sight. noting Jamie s rapt and relative. •■nual i. published and Ute ' me"- Clough's. to the painter's chair." , Of the other 98. many go through remarked cheerilr “ You have the wrong preposition," life with poor vision vi aiuti —and never o‘Ibe town a,e glmlto , “Well. sonny. I don't J. K. Parker. 2lttl No. 10th St., Ft. know it. answered Mr. Meekton's wife, with the .. — — - . - — av«*, <- 1. <<■(■'* o. < urj n t know what They don't Infinitesimal Webs. bad a chance o, d noi.-bbUMI • DJ that mat thsv uirv .. can in the wav Smith, Ark i savs — that ...... he ... has ...... taken .oout everything?" “Indeed." replied Mias Crease, who ment in Ibis city, and-he turns out a uiarkuble cure» of cold* ■Tip ■ ml can ** relied upon with mi Hair Steetera , "I don't know, but I l>e|leve the doc­ didn't seem to lie st all Impressed superior quality oi home made plicit confidence, For »ule by La It wiy nnaafe for tors said it was something like discus “It is certainly a grent descent " cigars. He in Iqcated near Vierick’a mar* a Drug Store. t" walk ont «'one la Aon on the brain."—Raltlaaore Ameri Bakery. Give him a trial. He asks should tie robbed thefr**’ gan ! D Sheapina. for a share i4 the patronage on ac The Star has a drama First Tzidy — Mrs Smith la too young makers and Registered I’nder Oregon State count nf Iwing a home product . Who blackens otbars does not whiten to go shopping alone Second l ady- ■ comedy reel every night. Law of Optometry. Contentment H o.«trral himself What la that? First Lady-She's liable ury u artificial iwerty - to get excited and buy something B a K ing -P owde Absolutely Pur d W Makes Home Baking Easy The only Baking Powder Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Do Your Eyes Trouble You? > owZrzT- *..... R. A. Wahlen, O. Eye Sight Specialist. I I