TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER Saved Many From Death. W. L. Mock, of Mock. Ark., be­ lieves he has saved many lives in his 25 years of experience in the drug business. "What I always like to do,’’ he writes, "is to recom­ mend Dr. King’s New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchial affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well today because they took my advice to use it. I hon­ estly believe its the best throat and lung medicine that’s made.” Easy to prove he’s right. Get a trial bot­ tle free, or regular 50c or $1.00 bot­ tle. Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough. 2, 1911. HUNTED BY A WALRUS. Th. Big Bull Cot Quite Sociable Be­ fore Ho Was Done For. LAUGHTER How It Ha, Bean Defined and Some Folk, Who N,v,r Tried It. TOMB IN A TOWER. A Remarkable Edifice, the Whie. u Wealthy T„ Planter. Near the well known seaport J What Is laughter? An American hu­ In George Borup's "A Tenderfoot morist Uas called It "au uudignitied Southampton. England, there i, . ” With Peary" appears au exciting In­ markable edifice known us prtera* cident of walrus hunting. During a i widening of tbe human mouth, accom­ raid upon a herd of fifty walrus asleep panied by a noise resembling a cough tower. The erection Is all th, gular because it marks th, burr7 on a pan "it was blowing some, aud in the effort to avoid swallowing a place of a certain John I'eteraei^ the choppy waves made the shooting chestnut” “Laughter.” says Professor Sir wealthy tea planter. look as If the guns had spiral barrels.” The ineffective target practice produc­ I Charles Bell, “is a convulsive action of -The man appears to have been nik. er au eccentric Individual. un(j ¡a* ed these hair raising developments a tbe diaphragm, in this state tbe per son draws a full breath and throws it der to prove to the world his beliefi few seconds later: "Suddenly a giant bull rose out of the water just along out in interrupted short and audible concrete as a building nialer)a| ' side of WesharkoupsL He threw h!s cachinnations. This couvu I s I od of tbe about tbe construction of this n» barpocu. but as tbe barb came off be diaphragm is the principal part of the tower. The building took many to complete, but is entirely Of ~ might as well have heaved a lead pencil. pbysiqpl manifestation of laughter. A Household Medicine "But there are several accessories. Crete and by the time the thinl larm The walrus gave a derisive grunt, div­ That stops coughs quickly and ' especially the sharp vocal utterance had been placed bad reached no mn. cures colds is Foley’s Honey and ed. and a second later shot out of tbe arising from the violent tension of the tude of more than 30(1 feet. It |aa|^ Tar Compound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, water on tbe other side, deluged us 2520 Jefferson St., So. Omaha, Neb., with liquid and came down slap bang larynx and the expression of the fea forty years siuce the lower wa««—1 says: “I can recommend Foley’s on tbe gunwale of tbe boat opposite ■ tures. this being a more intense form ed. and its present condition Iscerui, of tbe smile. In extreme cases the ly a justification of the faith of th. Honey and Tar Compound as a sure me. cure for coughs and colds. It "By this time Wesharkoupsl was eyes are moistened by tbe effuslou builder. cured iny daughter of a bad cold high In tbe air and out for an altitude from tbe lachrymal glands.” As has been indicated. Petersen ML and my neighbor, Mrs. Benson, There are some people who cannot instructions that his body should I, I () useless trips to town for the progressive farmer. cured herself and her whole family I record instead of throwing bis har His Hell Telephone saves him all that. with Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­ poon he threw his soul into bls yells laugh, who are wholly unable to enjoy placed under the tower, and ibis »„ pound. Everyone in our neighbor­ and just spat in the brute's face. The either the physical or tbe mental lux­ accordingly carried out. Another de j he latest market quotations are his, and he waits til) market con­ hood speaks highly of it”. Chas. I. other huskies were trying to back wa­ ury of a laugh. Thus It was said of sire that the chamber at tbe summit Clough Co. ter or hit him over the head with the William III. that be was utterly at a should contain a light was defeated by ' ditions are right before shipping produce. oars, nearly sideswiping me and inci­ loss to understand what could be got the firm stand which Trinity Hom», Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver dentally short circuiting their cussing out of laughter except loss of dignity. the lighthouse authority, took on il, The Hell Telephone is as necessary to the up-to-the-minute farmer I Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and at Wesharkoupsl, the walrus and ev­ I There are many persons In history mutter. Such nn Illumination would 1 ¡i< arc modern agricultural implements. He must have both. who have been, according to common have been visible for miles out to mi mav be taken with perfect safety by erything is general. ; tlie most delicate woman or the "All this time tbe walrus was sitting ! report, incapable of laughter. Queen and would naturally have proved r«y ' Consult our local management and join the ever increasing host of yofingest child. The okl and feeble alongside of me, asking if there were Mary I., John Knox. Robespierre aud misleading to sailors.-Scientific Amet. fanners who aie Bell Teleghone subscribers, will also find them a most suitable • Maltke are examples. The iron Duke remedy for aiding and strengthen­ any more at home like Wesharkoupsl. ' himself rarely, if ever, went beyond a Icon. ing their weakened digestion and It was easier to pull his whiskers or i for regulating the bowels. For sale smash his mug with my hst than grunt.—Strand Magazine. ---------------------------- j by Lamar’s Drug Store. shoot, if 1 held the gun to my shoul- I der the tuuzzle would stick beyond bls A Practice the English Judge Did He Best to Discourage. For pains in the side or chest bead, so, firing from the hip, 1 gave the entente cordiale. ” dampen a piece of flannel with him A Story They Teli of Straus.' Ability The following remarkable Judgraeat Chamberlain's Liniment and hind a* a Conductor. was delivered some years ago by i it over the seat of pain. There is “The late Thomas Wentworth Hig- magistrate in one of tbe English colo­ EveryZBel) Telephone is the Center of the System. nothing better. For sale by La­ glnaon,” said a Harvard Instructor, nies: mar’s drug store. "Pacbua Is hereby charged with bal­ Hi, 8»cond Story Probably Differed “loved music, but not the extremely technical music of Richard Strauss. ing on the lltb of January followed* From the First One. F_ the court on its rising and while said r- Long experience as a consulting at­ Ravel and others of that type. “Concerning Strauss and his bang­ court was In the act of mounting 1st« torney has given Mr. Mooney a judi­ fl cial habit of mind. He never accepts ing, crashing music, Colonel Higgin­ its buggy came from bebtud and, sell­ ing tbe court's dangling leg. tbe other the facts at par value, but always son used to tell a story. “He said that Strauss went one sum­ foot being on tbe step, forcibly pulled leads those facts into tbe rear office and drops acid in their eyes. The oth­ mer on a hunting trip In the moun­ back tbe court, frightened tbe horse ft chanced that on a certain and nearly caused an accident. Th er day a friend rushed in, warm and tains. afternoon a terrific thunderstorm de­ reason alleged for this by accused I: red. “Mooney," said the friend excitedly, scended on the hunting party. Amid that he wanted to bear the result of it “I’ve been insulted. Elinks just met earsplitting thunder and blinding light­ application of his. The practice by [» me and called me all sorts of names. ning. amid deluges of rain whipped by titioners of pulling the courts by th; We’ve had trouble over that partition a roaring wind, the huntsmen all legs is one that should be discouraged Accused only says he Is a poor msn. matter, you know. He said 1 was a sought shelter. pettifogger and a thief and a scoun­ admitting tbe truth of tbe complaint "Where, though, was Strauss? drel and a perjurer and a wire haired “Three friends set out in alarm to He ts sentenced to one month's rigor­ thug.” They feared that in the ous imprisonment." I look for him. “Um!” said Mr. Mooney, sitting far­ wild chaos of the storm he had fallen Strange to relate, the lieutenant gov- ther down in bls chair and looking at down a precipice. After a long while eruor of tbe province on reading tbli the speaker over his glasses. “Um! they found him. They found him do­ sentence felt it necessary to Intimat, And what do you propose to do about ing—what do you suppose? to the magistrate that neither tbesen­ it?” "Strauss stood bareheaded on the tence» itself nor the peculiar phrasrolo-,' "What do I propose to do about it? summit of a lofty crag. The light­ g.v in which ft was couched was calcu­ Why, I was so astounded at tbe mo­ ning played about him in vivid violet lated to meet with approval from oiiod* j ment that I could make no r _,.y at flashes; the rain deluged him; the running in legaI grooves. all. But, now that I have somewhat thunder rolled and rumbled around recovered myself. I have determined him: the roaring wind flapped bls coat­ Berne and Its Bears to go down to (links' office and knock tails about his bead, and the musician, Berne Is surrounded by the blot bls block off. I’ll beat him to a quiv- a ramrod in his band, was busily en­ green river Aare. aud seven bridge* eritig froth.” gaged on bls high crag In conducting cross Into the picturesque suuurbs.tl, “Um!” said Mr. Mooqey, slipping the thunderstorm!”—Washington Star. view of the Alps Is one of tbe tiaa* down a notch “Um! So would I if to be had One may walk through lb* auy oue called me the names that streets of Berne, writes an Ainerirai Wanted—Two Good Murderers. Hlnks called you. But before you go Some curious letters passed between visitor, and find constant surprises suppose you sit down with me for a Garrick and a man named Stone. The Tbe odd fountains will he ulseffli moment” latter was employed to get recruits for with interest. They were mostly bs# Tbe indignant friend took a chair. the low parts of tbe drama, and one In the sixteenth century. Thereon* “Now,” said Mooney, dangling his night be wrote to Garrick. “Sir, the number of public institutions worth * eyeglasses, "what are tbe facts in the bishop of Winchester is getting drunk visit—the historical museum. tnu»os case?”—Cincinnati Times-Star. at the Bear and swears he will not of industry and the museums of *»i and nature; several libraries and IB play tonight.” No Caste In Snores. At first sight this seems peculiar con­ public gardens, which contain tbe The cause and cure of snoring con- duct for a bishop, but It should be ex­ bear pit so universally known, to cern all classes, says the London plained that the communication only nothing of tbe quaint gates and t“ Chronicle. We have record that both refers to tbe man engaged to take that headquarters of the Postal w the house of lords and the workhouse character In the play of “Henry VIII." Bears have been kept on public have suffered from It. There was a On another occasion Garrick wrote tlou in Berne since 14x0 in coma* former Duke of Norfolk who fell Into to Stone: “If you can get me two good ration of the killing of one by the habit of sleeping audibly in the for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. murderers I will pay you handsomely, Duke of Zahringeii on the site *f lords, and it happened that be was particularly the spouting fellow who town. Foley Kidney Pill« are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes, bard at it on one occasion when a bill keeps the apple stall on Tower bill. concerning the parish of Great Snor­ When the Guitar Arrivtd- The cut in bis face is just tbe thing. ing, in Norfolk, came before the bouse. Tlie advent of tbe English gait® Pick me up an alderman or two for The roar of laughter with which the ‘Richard’ if you can, aud 1 have no ob­ the eighteenth century caused il* bill's title was greeted awakened the jection to treat with you for a comely appearance of bandores, polipbanb1 duke and relieved his fellow peers, At similar wire strung Instromenix mayor.” the other end of the social scale we nit her. It supplanted them, ft*-” have the poor law commission minori­ to the use of fltigers, the Englishi* All Broke. ty's commendation of the ingenious “Is your father in?" the man with though smaller, could lie used f* workhouse master who divided the old the valise asked. compnnyfng tbe voice as well *• men at night so that the snorers and The iostnii “No," the boy at the front door said; solo performances. the deaf men slept in one ward and “he's away somewhere breakin’ a year- which bad n decorative appoiri» the rest in another. lln' colt." frequently depicted In the P»“” “Is your mother in?” of the eighteenth century, Johnnie Knew. “No; she's out In tbe barn breakin' made In various sizes, two « A teacher in an uptown school was an old hen of settin'." smaller "to bo managed by f giving her small charges a lesson In "You have an older brother, haven't ladies from seven to ten years • politeness tbe other day. you ?" tbe other by ladles of ten * “Now. when.” said she. "should you “Yes. but he's layln' down upstairs ward." say 'Excuse me, please?"' tryln" to break up a cold." There was a moment's silence, then Fi,h Oelusion». “Well, can't I sell you some patent a very small boy put up bls band. There are two popular clothespins?" "Well. Johnnie?” "Me? No; I'm broke. '-Chicago Trib­ about fish—one that they can “Please, ma'am, you should say 'Ex­ une. out of water and the other t cuse ute. please.' when you sneeze at can live In any pure renter. • th' table aud don't ’urv away your supply taking care of itself, Strangely Interesting. head quick enough.”—Cleveland Plain "What a strangely interesting face ter of fact, there are fish ' I Dealer. your friend the poet has." gurgled the which, having to exist 1«1 * . maiden of forty. “It seems to possess dry rivers for a portion of Fish and Brain. all the elements of happiness’and sor­ have developed lungs, while • The saying that fish Is the best brain ____ row, each struggling for supremacy." mi amateur's aquarium 6>h co food comes of an old long tongue I “Yes. be looks to me like a man who in tbe water provided oww windbag years ago saying: "Thought was married aud didn't know It,-' Is Impossible without phosphorous.” growled the cynical bachelor.-Phlla- of food. So a Swisa chemist, knowing that fish deiphla Record. Suspicious. contained phosphorous, put two and “Very Msptclous man. *&*-’ two together, and brought forth a aay- “Very. Bought a dict Agreed. Ing that will never die. “I'd give anything almost If 1 bad week, and now be'a couutini Mrs. Toner's sarolr fslre.” to see If It contains ,» Sh» Kn.w All Right. “I think It much more patriotic to publisher, claim.” “Tou don't know what that'. a ,... pic- own an American made car.“-Bir­ tune of. Johnny*' aald Mrs. Lasplng In mingham Age-Herald. True Caur,g*- A a tone of reproof. “You ought to read True courage has so yotir ancient tdstory more. That ts Lik. Unts H. anger that there lie* * » c the temple of Diuab at Emphasis. “Love thy neighbor aa thyaelf abd strongest suspicion ag*l?Lf i tbicngo Tribune. also atop talking about youraelf now this passion ts highest, T and then and aay a f»w kind words Is cool and calm. Usually th. Caw. about him.—Norfolk Ledger Dtapatcb The busband may be boss of his owi Cheerful bouse, but his wife usually conceals "She's of a very cheerful Natural Claws the fact from bls knowledge until be The man who makes Nn't she?” Ä forgets about It-St Louis I'ost Dts gatloo against me la a i “Ves ind>-ed She ere» * patch. "Well, naturally bo ta «rashing dishes “-Detroit H" -Baltimore ‘nirkia I bc best preparation for the future I» the [‘résout well teen to, the last duty well done. Post the Farmei on Market Conditions. & THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH PULLING THE COURT’S LEG. STRENUOUS MUSIC. GETTING THE FACTS. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardwarn, Tinware, Glass and China, 3 Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX IVIcNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County •OLEY KIDNEY PILLS Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook w. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore A