TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 26, 1911 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year....... Six month».... Three monthu 1.50 75 50 Entered as second class mail mat ter July. 1888, at the post oflice at Tillamook. Ore., under the act of March 3, 1879. ^illamooh Editorial Snap Shots Start good roads clubs in all sections of the county and help boost the good roads movement Still the process goes on of hauling mud gravel onto the business streets and hauling it off If any of the Fairview Gran­ gers had paid $5,000 in taxes and had no road out, the same as Bay ocean, they would have reason to howl. And we would not blame them any. The only combine that we are aware of between the Ports w.is when the Tillamook and Bay City Ports combined and agreed to bond to the limit for bar and harbor improvements. We are reliably informed that United Railways will come down the North fork of the Ne­ halem, and it is reported that the company is negotiating for property at Garibaldi for its bay terminal. in the county opposed to road work being stopped, and it is a right sentiment, notwithstand­ ing the efforts of those we want to place the county on a cash basis and close down work un til this is attained. Rather than see road work stopped there are those who would vote to bond the county for $1,(XIO,(XX) if it comes to a choice of the two ex­ tremes. This is what the agi­ tation is responsible for, and it is surprising how many persons are changing their ideas about bonding the county for road im­ provements. If the Fairview Grangers hold a meeting at Bay City, we want to suggest a subject, viz , ‘Bay City Port having entered into a dicker with the Port of Tilla­ mook to go the limit in bonding the Ports for bar improvements, what was the real cause of Bay City hobnobbling with and were received in open arms by those who are opposed to bonding ?” We certainly think that Bay City is in the wrong pew. part of the bay is a benefit to other parts. Bay City cannot expect to hog the whole bay or dictate and control the - ---------- ’♦•’1 county for the benefit of a land com­ pany. Then there are those who own valuable farms and who have good roads them- selves butting in anil wanting i to deprive other sections of good roads. Yet another set of men with an axe to grind are those who have been superceded supervising road work by better men, consequently they start in and knock. With so many personal and selfish motives at i the bottom of the present agita­ tion, it shows distinctly that it | is a tussel tietween justice vs. injustice, right vs. selfishnesss, i and progress vs. rule or ruin. *8 WE DISTRIBUTE THE HIGH CLASS PRODUCT OF THE S. W. Miller Piano Factory DIRECT From Maker to User From Factory to Home Edison on Roads. Thomas A. Edison, just home from F7urope, says that America is good enough for him. We lead the Old World iu electricity, hedeclaree, adding: “But the roads there nre perfect. We don’t know what roads are. We are a raw country on the road business. “France has got the best road engineers in the world. They build roads to perfection. On a 2000-mile automobile tour I only passed over i two miles and a half of bad road, and for a distance of 1800 miles I did not see a rut 2 inches deep. France is a big park. It is farmed every inch of it, and they raise two or three times as much to the acre as we do. But I am still perfectly satisfied with my - own country. ...... ...j ------------- j- ’’ It used to be argued that there was no use building a railroad to Tillamook because there was not enough business. It is now frequently stated that there will be nothing for the steamers to do after the railroad is running. This is where people are mis­ taken. It will queer the pas sen ger business we are ready to ad in it, but when it comes to freight and handling certain livi^«.«. shipping cheese the steamers j ——------- ■--------- will carry it at less cost than j A Kentuckian killed himself on what the railroad will handle hearing that he was again the father it. With the opening up of the of twins. Reformers should note country connected with the rail- that there is also unsocial suicide, road, there will be an increase Col. Roosevelt has decided topur in business for freight carriers. 18ue ., policy of general silence. This Up-to-Date and Sensible Way of marketing Pianos represents a wonderful saving in price to the A Good Position Canbehadi^ait^jti men and ladies in ’ "W ireleas” or Ruiiway 'J* Since the 8-hour luw / J1*« ‘‘Ve, and since the wirel ' panic« are establish,,,."*' throughout the country th/’ great shortage of ¡.¿J Pwitiona pay l>eginBer, U? to $90 per month, with * of advancement. The v ■ Telegraph Institute obérât/* supervision of R. r ü |)(] ' officials and places a|| into positions. It will (>ay write them for full detail, port, la., Cincinnati. 0., p Ore., or Memphis, Ten/. ” For coughing, dryner. lmg in the throat, hoarse^ all coughs and colds, tab/ Honey and Tar < onipoun^ tains no opiates. Chas. I q, PIANO BUYER Do not Confuse Our Piano With the Boston Miller Piano the S. W. MILLER Symbolizes Pure Tone, Depth, Power, combined with Superb Artistic Case Construction Still it can be sold at a price within the reach ot the large Be sure you have the correct Buy your watch here andyori have the best time always, accurate and dependable. Ouri of Gold and Silver Watcba Ladies and Gentlemen nJ some of the best time pieced made. All kinds of Jewelry J best grades at the lowest J prices, Jewelry repaired whiki wait. After all is said and done there army of common people. The S. W. Miller is one of the are those who think that the growing factories that are building up instead of clown— Fairview - Bay City agitation proud of their name, proud of their Pianos, proud of their was for the purpose of intimi­ ------------------------ ' This ought, at least, to win the dating the County Court ? If customers—makes it a safe Piano to buy. You can buy now Farmers have been swopping , hearty commendation of Champ that is the case, then men who . .. . . . . Clark. and pay later, as convenient, at the store of want to be political bosses in the and trading in land amongst themselves so long that values Alaskans are to hold a convention county are not dead yet. Reliable Jeuieler, have kept on jumping at such to ask Congress for more legislative Next to the Post Ofi a lively gait that they reached power. Uncle Sam has few terri­ The 1st November has come exorbitant prices. With it the tories left and they may shortly be and gone, with the promised assessments were raised, and knocking as states. train service on the P. R. & N. this is where the shoe is pinch­ Tillamook Baki Senator La Follette goes a step to be put off to another date. ing just now. Every time a futher than any of the other re­ OPPOSITE THE ALLEN Patience is one of the virtues farm was sold for a certain sum, Tillamoakera excell in, conse­ farmers raised the price of their I formers. When he believes that Corner Stillwell Ave. and quently they are not disappoint­ farms a notch higher, so much the voters of the country’ have not voted right he wants the privilege ed at the delay. Next Sunday so that the high water mark in St. West, and both Phone is the date now set for the train values was reached, even tho­ of recalling them. Champ Clark reminds us for all service. ugh it took only a few hundred 8PECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF dollars to swop a farm claimed the world of that foolish fellow in The vote last week in Carna­ to be worth from ten to thirty “David Copperfield” who, being ALL KIND OF UEM. han precinct shows again that thousand dollars. The farmer afraid to pop the question for him­ the rural districts are opposed who sold his farm in Tillamook self, sent to the lady the enigmatic to harbor improvements by local county at a big figure and then message of “Barkis is willin’.” efforts. In some respects we bought equally as good land in In resigning Senator Bailey is do not blame them, but as we this or other states at about one said to have stipulated that one of believe water ways are just as third was the most foxy trader. I two editors named by him shall be Don't trust to luck and»* important to a county as high­ | his appointive successor. Some I to cure the ills of your ks ways, it is here where we ersonal, ness of furnishiug the public with Fares and train schedules will be forwarded on request. gies, flocking into the county. Aeltish, mud slinging stage, und light, heat aud power, will not be Phis is the history of most all with this is a whole raft of surrendered to electric companies. W. E. C oman . G. B. J ohnson , places which have been bottled malicious insinuations flung at Inventors are apparently as busy General Freight & Pass ^eent up. Geueral Agent, 8 K i the County Court by the Bay with commercial gas as with elec- Portland, Ore. tricity, and a device was shown at I Astoria, Ore. City newspaper. The oh! Till- How easy it is for some men |amook spirit of "rule or ruin" the convention which is claimed to i it relief I*®* to pull down and never build is not dead ____ yet, for underlying insure better economic results than K1DNKY and BLADD®fl| up and pass around insinuating this agitation tlierea, „ -----ire personal any recently reached in electric BHEUMATISM, CONG«®” remarks reflecting t upon the “ “ ‘ motives. ' Take, for service. The surface combustion and selfish KIDNEY.'?, INFLAME* honesty mid integrity of the' instance, RavCity’t' i position in process in connection with the memhera of the County Court. : opposing ’ a road ‘ to ‘ ~ Buyocean. It porous fireclay burner, is said to BLADDER and »U < onie out in the o,ien and prove was narrow selAshness, for promise an immense improvement «REGULARITIES- Ar these insinuations. l'hat is the anyone can see that Buy City is in the use of illuminating gas fore­ MIDDLE AGE° proper and most manly method afraid that the rapid progress shadowing a reduction of three In1.* W lh* tu,a af • M-pags beok. *SMb will «New any bey er gtrl kov *a (VCCUD. Drop • to pursue, not peddle a lot of which is being made on the fourths of the coat, while the effici PEOPLE and for postal in Ih. iaaU TODAY aad I* wlU ke «aat PBES. gossip. | her** will be n grand other side of the bay will injure ency. especially in cooking, will l>e HAVE NMMC8T RiC° Coll*<» *• »• dijawp aad rwpulârtae jury a week from next Monday Bay City’s prospects, and to Us much increased. This invention thé Industrie«, aad Vo terre AU ta« peoplt Itetfen ■ A. Dart’. 0 n «ourses ta Aartcaltors. Clrtl larln ^rla« DeotrtS W.. is in MU S5ih jew*», and it is up to those who are so it looks exceedingly small for comes front England, where the I Eaplneertap, Meckaalcal Engloesrlag ■tâlaa En «ta- flip in making these insinua­ one realty company to get in price of manufactured gaa already dor Ihadse’erebse« '' •**}*•■ 7°r««trr D®“««UeuScleace aad Art, C«a ,d« tr«er>t. ‘« ‘"J ais.es. Fbarwacy and Ruait. Tb« CeUsee opaaa tions to come forward anti prove and tight another realty com- I nited •epumber ssd Catajo» rr«a. * *** States. Experiments with them. pany. Unfortunately Bay City the surface combustion metho«! at AXOIkTRA«. OKSGOR AGAICVLTOBM i aad am now fretd the St. Ix>uia convention were pro- C0U.EGE, Coryaiua. Orspoa. i ba up «nd «round forgot the golden rule, for what kiab«.» rocoauueods“» Ihrrv is u strong aeutiment improvement goes on jn One nounceil successaful and were cer­ tainly interesting. EUGENE JEU Jones Knudson Furniture Co. Sb Keep It Haodj. Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon ASTORIA to PORTLAND . OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGL ] I t.I CL i OUGH-