illaitwk F TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 2 A new fire alarm, acyron whistle, has been attached to the electric light plant, and the sound being so different to the other whistles in the city, when this alarm is sound­ ed it means a hurry up call for the hose company to fight fire. Superintendent Buel and wife re- turned from a visit to the south end of the county last week, and Mr. Buel informs us that the people in that part are wanting the road work to proceed and he found a large numlier who were in favor of a It mill road tax. the county, for any section of the county which shows a willingness to help itself, should have first con sideration and the first money avail, able for road work. The special election on Thursday, to submit the question as to whether a Port of Bayocean should be created, carried with a majority of 15 votes. Carnaham, which is a rural precinct, put up a big vote in opposition to it. while Barnegat gave a much stronger vote in favor of a port. The vote stood : Against. Carnahan The Golden Gate came in on Tues­ Barnegat day with a full load and the follow inK passengers: W, H. Hoskins, Total J. T. Vanderslice, A. J. Brown, . w. It will be seen that one person in G. Dwight, F. J. Gathell, D. K Carnahan precinct voted for a Port t the batik—or have you one ? Don’t lose Smith, Frank Wilson, M. P. Brown -ind one voter in Barnegat voted do. That is how r balance whatever you and a number of Japs and Severn 1 against it. passengers from Astoria. pie fall from their eminence, Deposit your Bess Pangborn vs. Quincy J. «• Rudolph Zweifel returned last Pangborn is a divorce suit filed in lings or surplus cash here and you may be week from a visit to the old country, the circuit court. These parties 1 it is safe and earning good interest. We where he enjoyed himself. It is 10 were married at Burroak, Kan., on :onie the accounts of citizens and treat our years since he left Switzerland, and February 3, 1903, there being he found that his young friends had born of the union three children, rons with the utmost courtesy and considera- grown up that he hardly knew them. The grounds upon which the di- . Let us enumerate you among our regular \\ bile away he visited Germany, vorce is sought, the coaiplaint France, Belgium and Austria. states that the defendant, without totners. Mrs. Shrode has just received a the consent of plaintiff, left her CAPITA L large “Revelation China Kiln,” home in South Center, Kan , tak­ and is now. prepared to teach China ing with him their children atid TILL A MOOK ÇIT Y. OR E ■ ^SUPERVISION Decoration, and she will also do came to Tillamook County and that tary, Tillamook Commercial Club, firing farothers. See her for lessons the defendant refused to live with Tillamook, Oregon. Dear Sir:—I have a copy of the in chins, water and oil painting. her and also refused her permission Resolutions of the citizens of Tilla­ Leave orders with Eugene Jenkins to see her children. Plaintiff wants mook County requesting me to use J. R. Harter vs. G. W. Wilks and for pictures or china for Christmas a divorce and requires the defend­ MOOK JOTTINGS Julius my best efforts in operating trams Erickson, is a suit filed in presents. ant to pay $40.00 per month for her to carry passengers and mail at » the circuit court to recover $146.20, support and the custody of the any early date, and upon as regu ilah was in from Clover- The gasoline launch belonging children. the balance dne on a promissory’ lar schedule as possible, also com­ veek 7/ to the Pacific Coast Fish Company plimenting me on iny efforts and note. I |Brick, energy in completing the road, for irtin. of Portland, was in caught fire in the slough on Friday, You will need a Heating Stove Lime, which you have been hoping and lis week. which practically destroyed the hull praying for the past twenty years. before the winter is over. Why not Cement, of the boat. As soon as Bert Thayer ¡locks 48 cents, at Howard In this connection please convey buy now. Assortment is largest in Shingles, , to the citizens of Tillamook Countv saw the launch was on fire he took .Bailing Jeweler. * county. Prices reasonable, —King Coal Oil, my liearefelt thanks for their com immediate steps to beach her. A Bozorth was in the city & Smith Co. | pliments, and assure them that reg- * Coal, $10 ton, leaky pipe attached to the gas tank, ly from Bay City. . ular train service will be inaugurat- Poultry Supplies, — - m m.— Keep your eye on Garibaldi, for j ed not later than November 10th - eJVw Electric Light Globes, there appears to be something in which became ignited, caused the Potatoes, $1.50 per 100, , next, at that time I will use my nt fire. kind —King A Smith Co." “Best” hard wheat flour, $1.40sk., i most endeavors to continue opera the wind that that part of the bay J. P. Eldridge vs. W. C. King, $5.50 bbl.. | tion of both freight and passenger will do wonders at King will get considerable of a boost in administrator of the estate of Mary d . this week. See window.* the near future. Alfalfa meal, hay and al', kinds i trains on as regular time as the ele E. Phelps, is a suit filed in the cir­ of feed at prices as low as any in . ments and conditions of a new road, dies only 50 cents, at such as ours, through a inoun Charles Kunze vs. John Pest<*r- cuit court to restrain and prohibit the city. tainous country, will permit. YOU SHOULD BE fallien, Jeweler and Opti- field and wife, Joseph Kutcher and the defendant from exercising or Again thanking _ you, _ I beg to re- T illamook F eed C o . N. P. Hanson, is a case filed in the attempting to exercise any act of main, Very truly yours, READY ckens wanted at the Tilla- Circuit Court to recover $3200 on ownership in or to the real property E. E. i.YTLB. For them with n good grade of t Company's Market, 13c. promissory notes. conveyed to plaintiff by the heirs PORTLAND - TILLAMOOK i We have the Shelby SHELLS Revival Meetings. of Mary E. Phelps, and restraining out The Golden Gate wilt leave SERVICE MONDAY. Shell and in all sizes of shot. Island Red Single Comb Friday, and those who have bought the defendant from selling or at­ The special gospel meetings at Can save you money on your for Sale. Full blooded.— tickets from here are J. A. Smith, A. tempting to sell certain real prop­ President of Pacific Railway the Church of Christ, in this city, are shells in any quantity. Have Ith. » Lukita, Rev. J. F. Lewis, Mrs. Jessie erty. attracting wid<- attention. Evan­ sold several thousand shells & Navigation Co. Makes gelist C. L. Organ and wife, of Des >ur chickens to the Tilla- Donoldson and M. T. Brow’n. Subscribers recently added to the this season in case lota. Get Announcement. Moines, Iowa, arrived last week on tCompany's Market. We W. H. Hoskins was in the city on Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co. : Mrs. J. our prices. tr pound. Wednesday from Foley, and he in­ Brimhall, Jacob Breeden, A. G. . President E- K. Lytle, of the the Anvil, and began a series of THE SUN DON’T SHIN4 18 size Waltham or Elgin forms us that those who wanted the Beals, Joe Durrer, Arthur Hurt, Pacific Railway A Navigation Com­ meetings on Lord’s day morning, Great crowds have attended from Win. Hoaley, J. L. Jones, res., Lou road work stopped met with a frost (3.25, at Howard Wahlen, ALL TIME, pany, announces that he hoped to Smith, res., A. J. Stillwell, res., the first in his part of the county. id Optician. * have regular service inaugrated be­ Therefor you will need F. D. Small, res., Dr. Sunburn, res., Mr. Organ is an Evangeliet of Bids are called for to carry the tween Portland and Tillamook by thing to keep you dry. , 3 lota, 50 x 100 feet, the F. I. Wilson, Mr. Freeburg, res., rare power. He is not sensational, i the city for $300 each.— mail from Tillamook to Bayocean next Monday. In order to play ab Will Himes, L. C. Wilks, res., W. but gives the old book straight, just re. C. N. Drew. • seven times a week in safe and solutely safe, the date for the official C. Trombley, res., J. H. West, M. what the people need and want. 1, cheapest and best paper suitable power boats, by a schedule E. Gruber, S. H. Cotton. Hess Place, establishment of service has been Mrs. Organ is a very pleasing fixed for November 10. There has [ town. Leave orders at leaving this city at 9:00 a. m. soloist, and her mingling with the Bay City E. L. A P. Co., Elmore A. been some delay in the completion Chris Hansen had a preliminary Geneste and J. J. Longcor. to Harris’ barn. * l>eople is a help to all. of a bridge across Wolf Creek, Stanley ire Non Leakable Foun- hearing before Justice There is a large chorus, and an II. S. Martin, representing the where a permanent structure is , only $1.65, at Howard charged with wanton injury to per­ Northern Express Co., was in the orchestra of five pieces, which is a being put in in place of the false sonal property in cutting a net. eading Jeweler. * city this week, and Agent Gaylord, work that was used for the recent great help to the meetings. Wed- He was bound over to the grand C. King is in Portland of the P. R. A N., will take charge of official tours of inspection over the needay afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Is to return to the city on jury. the express business in this city, as line. It will be several days before Organ and some of the singers played and sang at Dr. Boats’ A meeting of the members of the Mrs. Holden resigned the agency. itning in on the train. the construction department will hospttal for the benefit of the sick. for Presbyterian Church is called Mr. Gaylord will handle the Wells , or will exchange, Baby One pecuilar feature of Organ’s the Fargo Express as well. Mr. Martin have this bridge completed, and r wood, potatoes, or any- tomorrow (Friday) evening at per­ will close the Northern Express then everything will be ready for meetings is that he does not allow church at 7:30, when matters an use —Ira C. Smith. * anybody to run all over the house tainiug to the church will be dis* Company’s office at Bay City, as service. Because of the great amount of during the invitation to get people Hard and wife and F. P. cussed. there there is not enough business prospective business, both freight to come forward. They are appealed id wife, of Willamina, DUXBAK F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., to justify two express offices. add passenger, that has l>een on to come of their own accord. l city the first of the week, OUTING CLOTHING WILL has located next door to Lamar's Attorney Ralph Duniway, who offered tbe new line to the Coast, oeing and general job variety store, and is prepared to do has been retained to fight the Port the original plan of «qierating a Often he says, ” Don’t come unless DO IT. you mean business.” And he does le door west of T. H. all kinds of shoe repairing at of Tillamook case, has gone to mixed train each way a day has $6.00 not wear people out by keeping DUXBAK COATS. »' office. Grant Thayer. reasonable rates. All work guran- Washington, D. C., and will not been abandoned, and the regular 8.50 PANTS DUXBAK them late. He begins promptly return until the end of the month passenger service will commence at 7:30 anil closes on or befoae 9 DUXBAK HATS Stillwell's daughter had teed. Give him a call. I.IW DUXBAK CAPS .. Lanada McFee has sold his farm The case comes up at the Novem­ with a straight ’ passenger train of o’clock. une to fall off a wagon three coaches, each way a day. ber term of the Circuit Court and y and dislocated her arm. of 72 acres at Lafayette, Ore., to It is a real The morning train out of Portland tend these meetings. parties from Lincoln, Neb., the con­ he is wanting it continued, but At­ ¡ported in the city on sideration being $10,000, it being torney H. T. Botts will insist on the will leave here over the Southern f that the United Rail- one of the most productive peach case being tried out at this term of Pacific nt 7:211 a.m., connecting Dai y Farm Wanted totiating forland atGari- the court, for should there tie any with the Lytle road to Hillsboro, orchards in that section. Chnmlierlain's Stomach ami l.ivrr Wanted by an experience«! leaving there at 8:50. This train error incorporating the Port, an ­ Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and The Percheron stallion Ville will man, a dairy farm to rent, may be taken with perfe< t safety ■ chior a nd Sol Whitehouse make the Btand for the season at other election would tie immedi will arrive at Tillamook at 2:25 p in. jo to 30 cows. Apply to this the most deli« ate woman or the The morning train from Tilla­ de,M>sitors in the postal Rogers A McNamer’s Livery’ Barti, ately called. youngest chilli. The old and feeble For pains in the side or mook will leave there ot 7:53 a.m., >nk. each depositing fl.00 in this city, with the exception of will also find them a most suitable A G. Beals has leased the saw dampen a piece of flannel remedy for aiding and strengthen­ Mondays and Tuesdays, when the mill of the Tillamook Lumber Man- arrive at Hillsboro at 1:25 p m., and Chamberlain's Liniment ami ing their weakened digestion mi l it over the seat of pain. Th * 1 ufacturing Co. for three years and reach Portland at 4:40 p.m. ^lounty has been hav- stallion will be at Beaver. for regulating the Itowele. For sole ‘•Tremendous interest has been nothing lietter. For sale b has assumed entire management plendid weather this fall, by Lamar’s Drug Store. mar’" drug store. A. C. Thompson, who was the arouse«! inthe opening of the road, ” *>ng exceptionally fine, general manager of the Bayocean I Another track will be put in so as «aid President Lytle to day, ”an«l I to unload logs into the slough from Droste at night. Hotel, has acepted a position M if all the people who have tele cars near the dry kiln, and Mr r 8c ,10c. and 11c. for call manager of the Cornelius Hotel in • Beals expects to cut out a large phoned that they want to take the ' shop. Try me out and Portland, where he will be glad to ■ stock of lumber the coming winter first trip make good, we won't have Old Reliable Hide and meet his Tillamook friends. enough cars to haul them all We I ■ to be ready for the trade next year, E. Melchoir. • First Bank and Trust Co. of Bay as it is expected there will tie a have simply been overwhelmed “ of County Commis- City vs. Tillamook County is a suit i large beach trade in lumber, Mr. | with inquiries about service, train«, I time-cards an<1 other matters, and ’•posed of County Judge filed in the Circuit Court growing ‘ Beals was connected with the old I Commissioners Alley out of a misunderstanding in ad mill company when the raw mill lour offices practically have been •turned into a public information is from the er is in session this vertising certain lands of the plain­ burned down. bureau. tiff in the delinquent tax list. It is expected that an agreement ” We are going to start out on a will be arrived at between the prop­ slow schedule until the roadlied erty owners on Garibaldi beach for | gets shaken down into good shape, [ each of the platted townsites to con land will not attempt to make any­ ! struct a main road through them at thing like fast time until we have ! their own expense. We understand | the line in tip-top shape, and then that a petition for the road will be we shall ue prepared to give as fine presented at the December term of i service as any road in the North. cd two Doors west of Lamar’s Drtig Store. the county court, and ahould tbe I west.” ________ property owner« submit a proposi “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” The following letter was received tion to help themaelvea similar to what the property owner have «lone this morning : Rest Room for Ladies. Over Tillamook County Bank. Portland Oregon, October 31. 1911- . to have the Bayocean road built, Mr. E. J- Clauaaan. Aaa't beer« they ahould tie entitled to help from You Balance Ducks Will Be the King & Smith Co The Best Gent.’s Clothing Introduced into Tillamook MAR’S VARIETY STORE Warrington W. & W. Mills. Just One Trial is Asked See Samples at E- F. Rogers,