TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER [OADDOWN the ASK RIVER. lortest and Most asible Route. mill is one of the very finest in the world, or will be within a very short Masschusetts politicians who have time, when the improvements are completed. And this short time been greatly concerned over what means a few days only, perhaps be­ j we ought to concede to Canada can fore this article is published. The | now change the subject to the will- monorail system is being inaugur­ ingness of the Canadians tc accept k.x BENNETT IN THE ORE­ ated for handling the output. [ any concessions. Briefly, that means that an over­ Woman suffrage is adopted in GONIAN. Lilding of railways by the head rail extends from the sorting i California in spite of the almost un­ L lines in the State of tables to all sections of the yard, animous vote of San Francisco king the last couple of and the lumber as it is sawed will against it. The record of Frisco hay'bave overlooked the be placed in units of about 2000 feet, under tna’e government is not one bn of lesser roads, and anil these units will be conveyed by to condemn the claim of the women Lf great importance to electricity to the various parts of that the couldn’t do worse. A zealous soul has just com-1 Lwealth. And to one of the yard, from there to be loaded s and the subsidiary work on cars for shipment without dis­ pleted writing the entire Bible in one on with it and to the turbing their compactness. Gener- phonetic spelling. The is to be jf Oregon citizens furn- . ally speaking, where lumber is printed in that orthography. We ) capital and operating ■ conveyed through the yards by presume that an unabridged copy I rprises this article is de­ . horse or human power, and then will adorn the center table of the loaded by hand, the cost is nearly parlor at Sagamore Hill, Oyster $3 a thousand feet ; by the monor Bay, N. Y. Le sections of Oregon not fa by rail is the County of ■ ail-electric system this is cut down President Taft announces that the f lying on the Pacific to less than 50 cents. ild battle ship Oregon will be the The mill itself has been erected I. first countv south of first to pass through the Panama kt is not a large county with every modern device to save Canal. The Oregon made such a Laving but 1119 square cost in manufacture ; ihe niachin brilliant race around the Horn to Lil surface, being some ery has everj' late wrinkle of super­ get into the main sea fight in the |r than the State of Rhode iority. Band saws will be used foi war of 1898 that she deserves with the principal cuts, and logs of 11 Id the 24th in area in this Old Ironsides the highest historical liffers but little in size feet in diameter can be handled. honors. The main saws are run by steam Ln and Gilliam. Canada’s new premier, R. I.. Bor­ Ltion Shows Growth, power ; all of the auxiliary work by And the electrical den. says that region is not hostile k County first appeared electricity. Lus rolls of the country plant is of itself a large feature, to the United States. He goes as th a population of 95, but furnishing not only power and far, indeed, as to intimate that re­ Ltion practically doubled light for the plant, but light for the ciprocity with us may come within a very few years. It is only fair for Lcli decade up to 1900, town of Carlton. Americans to state, however, right Regular Trains Ope-ated. L| grown to 4471, being The equipment of the railway at here that if reciprocity comes within Morrow County. In the Li 1900 to 1910 this popu- times consists of three engines, 31 the next decade or two it will be on The t to 021)6, or 40 per cent, freightcars and several passenger, Ihe initiative of Canada. lain was almost exclu­ baggage and express cars; and United States took the lead in the de rural districts, the ur- further cars have been ordered, recent closer-trade movement, and ption amounting to but some of which will arrive every few met a rebuff in the Dominion, We I is a splendid showing days for sometime. Regular trains were told by the then head of the considers that the only are now run from Carlton to the administration in Ottawa that the Ching the county was by Western terminus, and a good deal Canadians were anxious to get a I over rough mountain of freight and passenger business commercial deal with us which It the resources of Tilla- is being done. One large contract would open a market here for their ire than justified this has just been entered into to furn­ products, and on this promise a r there are great possi- ish ballast for the Lytle road run­ measure in that direction was re for the agriculturist, ning west from Hillsboro, and this pushed through Congress, but was lan and those who wish contract calls for several hundred beaten in the Dominion. If, as in any branch of the carloads of gravel and crushed rock, Premier Borden seems to intimate, Biness, and more partic­ which is found in abundance along there is no unfriendly feeling to the United States in Canada, and if a ihose who wish to take the Carlton road. Tillamook gate is one of the sta­ trade pact is to be proposed to us of the many resources The water of Tillamook tions on the stage line over which in a few years, why was the recent all sorts of salt water the mail stage runs from Yamhill deal rejected on the other side of iceans and shell fish. As to Tillamook, by which route the the line? The rejection caused a listrict, however, Tilla- latter place pets all of its mail. good deal of surprise in the United is very high, the Tilla- Here a postoflfice has been estab­ States. The rejection was so over­ le being as fine as any lished and soon the stage line will whelming that the party which e country, end there in place of Yamhill, and pushed the pact in Canada was hu­ on the West Side road of the mail will go from Portland miliated and discredited. The head rn Pacific lines is situ- on the West Side road to Carlton, of the party threatened at one time 12 miles south and 35 thence by the Carlton & Coast Road to retire forever to private life. After B town of Tillamook, the to the Gate, thence by stage. This a succession of triumphs lasting a t of that county, and to will make a day’s trip from Port decade and a half he was beaten so Carlton, going up the land, leaving the latter city at 8:20 badly that even his political oppon­ ver, there is a natural in the morning and reaching Tilla­ ents felt some pity for him. But ?h the Coast Range by mook about 7 o’clockthe sameeven­ from what his successor says, anew itage line reaches Tilla- ing. Returning, the trip can also campaign on this issue in a few up this pass some 12 be made in a day. And passengers years might have a different result. 26. 1911. Scraps Foley Kidney Pills WE DISTRIBUTE THE HIGH CLASS PRODUCT OF THE S. W. Miller Piano Factory DIRECT From Maker to User From Factory to Home I A Good Position. Can be had by ambitious young men and laities in the field of “Wireless” or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour law became effec­ tive, and since the wireless com­ panies are establishing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance of advancement. The National Telegraph Institute obérâtes under supervision of R. R. and wireless officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Daven­ port, la., Cincinnati, O., Portland, Ore., or Memphis, Tenn. PIANO BUYER Our Piano the S. W. MILLER Symbolizes Pure Tone, Depth, Power, combined with Superb Artistic Case Construction Still it can be sold at a price within the reach ot the large army of common people. The S. W. Miller is one of the growing factories that are building up instead of down- proud of their name, proud of their Pianos, proud of their customers—makes it a safe Piano to buy. You can buy now and pay later, as convenient, at the store of Knudson Jones Furniture Co Avert* Awful Tragedy. Timely advice given Mrs. C. Wil- oughby, of Marengo, Win., »l common forme of muscular rh'.u matism. A few application» of Chamberlain’« Liniment will give relief. For sale by Ijnuar'e Drag Store. _______ Don’t trifle with a cold ia good ad I vice for imprudent men aod women. ; It mav be vitxl in cane of a child. There’in nothing better than Cham­ berlain'« Cough Remedy for cough« and colds in children. It in eeife and sure For sale by I-amar’s Drug Store. lie sure you have the correct Buy your watch here anil you will have the best time ulwayt—ever accurate and dependable. Our stock ol Gold and Silver Watches ce Portland within five Mayor Jas. C. Dahiman started Mamook Bay. his career as a cowboy, and is at the credit for this road present Mayor of Omaha, and has liven to Charles E. Ladd, the following record. Sheriff of I for he was one of the Dawes Co., Neb., three terms ; two terms ; fr" in the enterprise and Mayor of Chadren, Democratic Nat’l Committeeman, kuch of the capital. But eight Mayor of Omaha, six years ; h- associated Fred Rus- years, and in 1910 Candidate for _ to r* his death in an auto* Governor of Nebraska, . Writing Pdent last July. With Foley A Co.. Chicago, he says: “I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and Mociated W. B. Dennis. they have given me a great deal of Peath of Mr Russell the relief so I cheerfully recommend Rpany met a loss irre- them." Yours truly, (signed! J amie » C. D ahlman . p*t there is an adjunc- I ,h* railway business Chan I. Clough. phe lumber manufactur It’s Equal Don’t Exist. plant from which No one has ever made a salve, and Mr. Russell ointment or balm to compare with « skilled lumbermen Bbcklen’x Arnica Salve. It’s the Hence the loss to the one perfect healer of Cuts. Corns Burns, Bruises, Sores, Chapped r no* to be compared to Hands or So ains its supreme. Un­ r° the manufacturing rivaled tor Piles. Try it. Only 25c at Chas. I. dough's. e Men Own Mill. tr buataesa is carried Take Your Common Colds Set- iouly. P"*w»en. the same cap. Common colds, severe and fre- FT»“ different rorper. quent. lay the foundation of F’s.t arlton Consolidated chronic diseased conditions of the pl*ny. The mill is in nose and throat, and may develop into bronchitis, pneumonia, and Carl,on. on the consumption. For all coughs and tl . ’r,”rh haa colds in children and in grown per­ ■’ «hat point to mak. sona. take Foley’s Honey and Tar Chas. I L 7J?r"fce . wt ich Compound promptly. f a'r”»- D>d this Clough. Supply juHt the ingredients needed to build up, strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. Specially prepared for backache, headed."', nervous­ ness rheumatism and all kidney, bladder and urinary irregularities. Chas. I. Clough. MORNING AND EVENING TRAINS. ASTORIA to PORTLAND Tickets and Baggage through to Puget Sound points, Spokane, St. Paul, Chicago, Denver, Kansas, City, Omaha, St, Louis aud all points East. Atlantic Steamship Agency. Agents of The Oregon Electric Ry. at Forest Grove and Hills* boro sell through tickets to all points east. Fares aud train schedules will lie forwarded on request. W. E. C oman . G. B. J ohnson , General Freight &. Pass. Agent, General Agent, Portland, Ore. Astoria, Ore. J n « !■ FAMILY RECIPES The valued family rc- cipes for cough aud cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Right prices are also assured. R CLOUGH, « Reliable Druggist. - R Foley Kidney Pills tonic in actio « - quick in » mults gl»e prompt relief from BACKACHE, ■ IDWCY end BLADDER TROUBLE. RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of th» KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of ths BLADDER end all annoying URINAP.Y IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to MIDDLE AOED end ELDERLY PEOPLE and lor WOMEN. NAVI HIOMt«V PtcOMMS»OATinn « 4. Dart,. KI We.lHiurl-«. SU. <>>«•»•" pain I »o-f K>daa» |‘iH> t-r Ilans •.I. CLOUGH.Tillamook