TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 26, 1Ô11 FOUR IN OLD PERU. FUNERAL TORTURE. Th* Mystic Number About Which Can­ tered All Thair Baiiafa. The Peruvians cared nothlDg for any of tbe supposed mystic properties of either three, five or seven. To them tbe four was sscred. and around It they Intwtued the main features of all tbeir religious ceremonies and queer beliefs. They believed tbe earth j to be a square divided into four part* nnd sus|>ended from the heaven* by ' four cords, one at each of tbe four ¡corners. All of their cities were quar­ tered by four principal streets running from a square Io tbe center. They ( held four annual feasts in honor of tbe moon. the "silver sister of tbe sun." To them eternity was to be divided Into four periods of time, each com posed of four times 4.000 years, and at tbe end of each of these cycles tbe sun was to be blotted out of existence. They prayed to the four winds, or to "ye , gods that dwell at tbe four corners of 1 tbe earth.” To them the rains came from four enormous heavenly turtles that vomited dampness, nud tbe four winds from tbe lungs of tbe four gl- gautlc caryatids which stand at tbe four cardinal points of paradise. Tbe j above are but a small portion of the : fours alluded to In tbe legends of the Incas. i «n Odd Gift of th* Em perse of Germany. ■ shown In tbe Hobenzollern a gift of the emperor of Ger- ie -death dice,” wltb which la ancestors decided a difficult he seventeenth century. Their 1 an Interesting one. og girl bad been murdered. 1 fell upon two soldiers, ttalph ed. who were suitors for her loth tbe accused men denied It. and even torture failed to a confession from either of len Elector Frederick William to cut ibe knot by means ot box. Tbe two soldiers should >r tbeir lives and the loser e executed as tbe murderer, it was celebrated with great j solemnity. bad tbe first chance and xes. tbe highest possible num- « dice box was then given to He fell on bls knees and aloud: "Almighty God. thou I am Innocent. Protect me. 1 thee.” >e arose to his feet and threw with such force that one or oke. Tbe whole one showed broken one also gave six on er portion, and the fragment sbowed one. This was a tblrteen. one beyond Italpb's Tbe audience held Its breath OLD SAMOAN MATS. iment. las spoken," cried tbe prince, Precious Hairlooma That Are Treas­ appalled by what be regarded ured by the Native*. n from heaven, confessed bls Among tbe curious customs of tb» J was senteueed to death. Samoans Is that ot making heirlooms of mats. By some simple process of THE BRAIN IN SI EEP. LBATROSS IN FLIGHT. reasoning tbe mat bas conic to be Iden tided with tbe family, as the hearth­ Changes In the Volume of Blood Cir­ nera Caught a Motion ths Eya stone is traditionally sacred umoug tbe culation When We Dream. Saxon race. Could Not Discern. Dreams are due to an Jivrease of Tbe SamoaD mats are really fine eresting application of photog- I , sensation and circulation over that » settle a disputed point In specimens of art. The people esteem which exists in profound sleep. Obser­ history was made uy a n.itu- them much more highly than auy ar­ vations made upon patients with era a voyage from British Colutu­ ticle of European manufacture, nnd nial defects show that when we are the older they are tbe more they are tu Francisco. dreaming the brain Is greater in vol­ e albatross bad been follow- regarded. Some of them have names ume than In deep sleep and less than jteamer and keeping pace with known all over tbe Samoan group. 1 when we are awake. Thus Ibis Inter­ several hours, and the wonder Tbe oldest Is called Moe-e Ful-Ful. or I mediate volume of blood would Indi mong the watchers on bonrd •Tbe man that slept among I he creep­ eate that dreams are an intermediate > as to bow the bird was able ers." It got this title by reason of the stage between unconsciousness and so swiftly while apparently fact that it had been bidden away for wakefulness, and their Incomplete nnd its wings extended without years among the creeping convolvulus irregular Intelligence would indicate } them. As this is a common ; that grows wild along tbe seashore. It the same thing. This Increased circu­ of flight with tbe albatross, the is known to be 200 years old. as the lation Is usually due to sensory stlruu tlon used to be offered that tbe names of Its owners during that pe- lotion affecting the vasomotor center ok advantage of slight winds rlod can be traced. and causing a return of blood to the Tbe possession of one of these old currents and was so able to bead, wltb resultant Increased con­ pou wbat might be called at- mats gives tbe owner great power—Io sciousness. fact, it is a title deed to rank aod prop­ ric slopes. Contrary to popular belief, dreams In e albatross sailed alongside tbe erty. from the Samoan standpoint, says themselves do not contribute to light Harper's Weekly. It Is do matter if lout fifteen feet away, the nat- or broken sleep in which they are snapped bls camera at It and tbe mats ure tattered and worn out. present. Such a condition is due to 1 a photograph that astonished Tbeir antiquity Is tbeir value, and for the ever present stimuli, which accord­ some of tbe most cherished of them I bis fellow passengers. ing to their strength or the degree of 'holograph revealed, wbat no large sums of money would be refused. Irritability of the cells, maintain even caught, the wings of tbe alba- In sleep a varying degree of conscious­ A Bitter Controversy. icb some live feet long, raised ness of which the dreams are merely The Shakespeare-Bacon controversy n manifestation. Therefore the fatigu­ ire Its back. In the act of mak- wnward stroke. The explana- formed tbe subject of debate at a well ing effect often also attributed to turally suggested was that known theatrical school not long ago dreams Is not due to them, but to the less frequently tbe bird must On both sides tbe orators were would lighter degree of sleep and less com­ ide a stroke of this kind with be actresses, and pro and con the dis plete cell restoration which they ac­ gs. although tbe eye could not cusslon was feminine nnd furious. It company and which are due to some he motion, and that the camera seemed at first that the ardent par- irritation.—Atlantic. I to be snapped at Just tbe right tlsanslilp of tbe fair opponents would preclude tbe possibility of barmonlous I.—Boston Globe. A Painful Mistaka. conclusion. But tbe last speaker. In Ritter experience is a wonderful first public the nervousness of ber teacher. No doubt the young indy of ciant Greaka Had Trade*. e days of tbeir greatest pros- apeecb. suggested common ground. whom London Ideas tells bad often "Ladles." she said, speaking rapidly, been told that she ought to wear be Greeks probably excelled all itloas I d the variety aud excel- “I think there has been much misap­ glasses, but bad neglected or refused f their manufactures. Their prehension as to tbe real truth of the to do so. I stand ready io There was a most determined look re often the great scientists of Baconian theory. ;e, for Thales of Mllwius, one show that the great plnys we know i in her eye. however, ns she marched seven wise men of antiquity.” so well were written not by Shake­ iBto the optician's shop. oil merchant; Socrates was a speare or by Racou. hilt by Bacon nud i "I want a pair of glasses immediate­ ly." she said. "good, strong ones. I inson, who. like Hugh Miller. ¡Shakespeare In collision!" quarry and bench to become I Amid laughter and applause tbe de- won't lie without them fur another i bate was declared a tie. — New York :ber of nobles; Aristotle com- day!" "Good, strong ones?" J drugs while trying to solve I Tribune. "Yes. please. I was out lu the coun­ oblems." apparently proposed Hired Crowns. try yesterday, and I made a rery r tradesmen, artists, musicians, To economical minds there must be a painful blunder, which I have no wish its and engineers; Plato and certain waste Implied tn tbe making lad callings as well as studies to repent." or a new crown tor every queen Yet "Indeed! Mlatook an entire stranger litical activities. So. too. all thia baa been the rule. Queen Alexan­ for an old friend, perhaps?" idlers, and few men In Athena dra and Queen Victoria both had "No. nothing of tbe sort. I mlatook 0 take tbeir placea In tbe pha- crowns made for them, and It was bumblebee for a blackberry.” galley when Athena called on Queen Adelaide who was the first to is to battle.—Charles Winslow "I will i rebel against a hired crown Life In Persian Oases. National Magazine. not wear a hired crown." she said to Dr. Sreu Hedln. describing his over­ was discussing the tbe minister who land Journey to India across tbe Per­ ibsrty and Independence. ma 1 ter wilh her. "Do you think It sian desert, gives a graphic account of the presidential struggle be­ right I should?" "Madam, the late tbe ouses where bls party occasionally Clay and Jackson was at lts king (George IV.) wore one." ’ camped under palm trees There tbe it is related that a band of will not I do not like It singing birds whl< b twitter during tbe its from Kentucky and tbe then Jewel* eDough to make ooe for my­ day are silent at olgbt. but tb« "song »estern states commenced to self.” “I d that case." Interposed the of tbe desert" U continued during tbe ■ tbe north side of ’be Missouri king, "they trill hare to pay for th« hours or darkness by the melancholy ¡d called tbeir county Clay and setting." “No. no.” replied Adelaide. serenade of the Jackals These oases nty seat Liberty. "I will pay for It all myaelf." And e same time another lot of emi- J thia waa tbe courae adopted. — London are Infested by three objectionable and dangerous Inhabitants— a deadly snake, from Virginia and other south- I Chronicle. blnck and white scorpions and a poi­ tee pitched tbeir tents ou tbe sonous tarantula spider, which, Ide of tbe Big Muddy and called One Cell Animal*. though It Ilves out In tbe desert. Is »only Jackson aud th« capital Only ooe cell animals which have oo tracted to th« oases by the light idence. And so It remains to differentiation are Immorial and nev­ the camptlrea. >• Clay stood for liberty and er grow old Physical Immortality, 1 for Independence. deathless youth, is possible, but you Har Self Sacrifice. must l»e an infusorian or a yeast plant "8he's awfully self sacrificing. Tha Cautious Tailor. to attain It. and one wouldn't even be "Huw do you make that out?" . look her«. Snipperton." plead a clam or a Jellyfish for the price. “Well, she stuyed at b<>me from Iley, “why can't you be patient Tbe process baa uo limit, any more church Sunday to alt up wltb a si< k > old bill of yours? I'm going tbao It baa beginnings. Life Is Just «a tried shortly to a girl who's that, one third dying that two-third, woman." "Hub! Ahe Isn't ■ regulnr rbun h ler weight tu gold.” may live, whether It be tbe single cell goer. I don’t see anything self sacrl '* all right Mr Hackley.' re- or tbe body.—Dr. Woods Hutcblnsoti tn firing In that." Snipperton. "but Is she gulug "You don’t? But. my dear, she bad Hampton's. forth my wait In gold? How a new gown and a new bat that nad “ea she weigh*’—Judge. Just arrived Saturday night"-Ckrv« Tough Luck. “Torgh luck Jipson bad.” land I'laln Dealer In th* Good Old Day*. “Wbat happened?" nr*« the old fasblooed belle "I d order to keep bls cook be told Real Ingratitude. >»* walked barefoot ha. If ----- . ber she might bare tbe os« of bls way "Republics are ungrateful." aald tbe rb to keep from spoiling her toorir.g car two afternoons a "tet” ready mad« pbiloaopber •hue*, but «b« didn't put her "I’erhaps." refilled Mr Chngglne. "Well?" In tbe bureau drawer when "Yesterday .be eloped with th« "but If yon want a taste of real la It to bed -Galveston Newt gratitude take a party of friends out < banffeur."-Birmingham Age H«ratal for an automobile rid« and listen tn Another Discovery >irlr aarcasric remark» if yon happen Taking Him Up. isaprar» waa one of tLe ablest Washington Star Fol Iceman - Imite iteen bagging tu tweak down art.” Now. you just scrompsny me. Orga« Bo Too mak« that out?" Grinder-With ptessnrr. air Wbst At th. Literary Club. be number of stork quota 11 »n» song would you Ilk«?- Pete Mete. "Maria, wbat waa don« at the meet ■bed"—New York Time* tog of yoor literary club last otgMF "We fined Mr«. CRItlRon Kraroey IB that for arevMlog Mrs Hlgbmoa of eftaat I Complete set of Abstract Book* n office. Taxes paid for non- Residents. Tillamook Block. Roth phone*. Monk's Studio C arl Next to the Post Office. haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ucutochcv O\buohat, Tillamook Block. The Reliable Route Steamer QEORGE WILLETT, A ttorn e y - at - L aw . Sue H. Elmore ext to Tillamook Count} Bank, T illamook - O rkgon . (CAPT P. SCHRADER)] H. GOYNE, Tillamook & Portland A ttornky - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays. Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Fiiday according to Tides. PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. T illamook , O rkgon . T. Bi)ALJ?, y.])., i ¡ 1’IIY SICTAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block B. C. I.AMB, Agent, S. ELMORE 4 CO, Lamb's Dock, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. I The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GATE Sailing Days for month of OCTOBER M. KER RON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Oregon. J2)R- l M- smith , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office over J. A. Todd Ik Co.. Tillamook, Ore. FOR TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSONVILLE, I I • Just as our portraits of adults possess strength and character. We are experts in lighting and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see our line. i I T. BOTTS, A ttorney - at -I. aw . H Child Portraits Made by Is are Child-Like. Way* of th* Wives Whtn a Borarc In dian Die*. On tbe death of a Buroro Indian the wife tears out handfuls of her hair and throws it on bls corpse, says n writer iu tbe July Wide World Maga tine. Al Intervals during tbe first day after his death she shakes him. as though wishing to bring bint back to life, aud kisses bis cold brow. Her efforts beug in vain, she retires aud tbe Balre approaches, He proclaims that the inau has died fur tbe sins be -.ommltted during Ills lite. Theu the relatives paint bis body with "urucu." an olntmeut mode out of I he root of a wild tropical plant. Gorgeous feathers of tbe most varied hues are then strewn over him. mid the corpse Is wrapped up lu a matting of straw Tbe tuotneut before the burial tbe wives approach one after the other and cover his feet with the blood drop­ ping from the wounds and gashes they have Inflicted on tbeir backs and arms. This ceremony Is followed by an other Three Indians appear dressed In tile clothes—If the few nigs they wear can be called ihus-of the dead man nnd l>egin singing and dancing In the meantime the corpse Is carried to the "Bahyto.” a huge uionml In tile center of the colony, and should the dancing and singing Indians las nine tired before it Is reached three others take 1 heir places. The body Iles ou the mound three days. Then llie Balre goes to Ibe mound and. seating him , self at the fool of Hie dead num. is I supposed to receive tils soul iu kecplrg | find all points on Tillamook Bay. FROM 1 PORTLAND, c- HAWK- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON OCTOBER 3. 9, 14, 19, 24, 30. LiEAVB REAL ESTATE, TILLAMOOK, F inancial A gbnt , OCTOBER 6, 11, 16, 21, 26. Freight Received Daily at Dock Foot of Washington Street. J R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. ONE WEAK SPOT Will uot mar the appearance of new Harness but it will make it very unsafe. If you buy your HARNESS Tillamook, Oregon. y~y. p. j. sharp , DENTIST, RESIDENT Office across »he street frotr tbe Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. SARCHKT, *- . The Fashionable Tailor Here you may rest assured that Cieauiug, Pressing and Repair, you are getting not only Har­ iug a Specialty. ness that presents the very finest appearance, but Harness that is Store in Heins Photographic well made in every detail. Gallery. W.A, Williams ic Co. Next Door to Tillamook County Bank A-/« A. SANBURN, French Specialist I treat successfully all Chronic Disease* of Ixrth sexes with Imported Herbs, and with my hands so-called magnetic treatincut». I will cure the moat stul>tx>rn cases without the use of the knife. OVER VI YEARS EXPERIENCE. CONSULTATION FREE. OFFICE HOURS « TO 12 A. M. TO « P.M. J- CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, Çrutechrr ^bvokat 213 Tillamook Block, T illamook A. - O rkoon M. AUSTIN, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, T illamook .... O rkgob , 2O< Tillamook Block. Main 441. Office over Star Theatre. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, J P. ALLEN, Proprietor Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy During th« gasa M year* no r»n>- •>1» has gr*vsw mor» prompt m ■tore «tteoSMl in Ito our«« of Coufhs, Colds and Crono Itu Cbambarlaln'» Oough Bemady tn ■nay botase *t la relted upon *• Im- pltettly os tb« family pbyalotan. tldom» teina no opium «e otbar nnrootic. aid mayn« <1v«n m ooafidMtlyto a baoy Mtonnsdute. Frio« 2*«. torga oim tete I