T illamook RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION’. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year.......... Six months....... Throe months... 1.50 75 50 Entered as second class mail mat­ tar July, 1888, at the post oilice ui Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3, 1879. ______ (i’be (Çillamook iljealdigbt, Editorial Snap Shots. When the railroad carries the mail, to benefit those living south of this city, the schedule on the south stage should be changed to leave Tillamook in tiie afternoon. The Board of Equalization had an easy time last week, for there were but few persons who registered a kick. The most important thing now is, \\ hat will the levy be ? What’s the trouble, anyway ? In Clatsop County warrants are in demand and selling at a pre­ mium, while in Tillamook coun­ ty they have gone below for the first time in 12 years. Both of the counties are in debt to about the same amount. Is it the senseless agitation which is going on or what is it that sent warrants below par ? It will be noticed that all the Bourne newspapers are trying to belittle President Taft and toot their horns for La Follette. Somehow this does not look like giving the president a square deal, but as they are de­ termined, if possible, to wreck theG.O.P., they want to drag down as well one of the ablest presidents the United States ever had. Those who claim to know, es­ timate that the saloons in Till­ amook County will take in $150,000 for one year’s busi­ ness. If that is true, then, we contend that $150,000 is not too much to spend on road im­ provements. One is doing no earthly good, but spend that amount of money on rgads and the entire county is benefitted, making it much easier on the dumb animals who have to pull heavy loads, and less cost on wear and tear to harness, wag­ ons, buggies and automobiles. Should the milk condencer people invade Tillamook county it is only natural to suppose that it will greatly reduce the product of cheese from this county, and with the probabil itv of u large quantity of cream being sent to Portland on the railroad, we do not look for an increase in the cheese product lor some years to come. If this will stitten the price of milk or butter fat so much the better. One thing is certain, there is going to be sharp competition i • »r milk, but it is to be demon­ strated tv liether the dairymen will obtain more for their milk than they have the last few wars. We understand that a petition is to b«‘ presented at the Decem- l>er term of the county court for a wagon road for Garibaldi beach. If the property owners will get together and show a disposition to help themselves, the county court should show a disposition to help some. We believe in doing everything possible in road work to benefit the beach resorts in all parts of the county, for it will mean a great deal of taxable property. We wonder what the petitioners who want ii wagon road along Garibaldi I «each think of the resolutions passed ut Bay City and Fairview opposed to the county court undertaking any new road work ? There is a strong sentiment in the county opposed to any- let up in road improvements, and it is just us strong in some quarters against bonding the county for road work. We find that a large number of taxpay­ ers ¡ire not opposed to paying u good road tax as long as the county obtains value for the money expended. As there is a general opinion thut better r< ad work, and more of it. have lieen the rule, there is consid erable comfort in knowing that a great improvement have taken place in this respect. It was something thut someone had to tackle, and a good deal of credit is due those who have insisted on a full day's work from those who work for the county. The business men of Tilín- mk City appreciated th« visit headlight , O ctober 26, ion. N 62 Ungs. 1? E. b£2ft I - • • .An Notice of Application for License Administrator’s Notice of Sale. N 70 degs. KT town red, - . but we - u j ------ the ------------- to Sell Spiritous, Malt and of County Judge Judd, of Clat­ paint S. 84 degs. 18' E. N otice is H ereby G iven to all E, ‘Si (ft Vinous Liquors, Etc. sop, on Tuesday, for be is a live, say that it is about time that a s. 67 degs. 18 ’ whom it may concern that the un­ J», wide-awake official and enthu­ stop was put to inflicting mortal s. 46 degs 44’ E ■Moo. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That dersigned as the Adminstrator of s. 35 degs. 53' siastic good roads advocate, and and permanent injuries to men a petition has been filed in the the estate of Mary E. Phelps, de­ s. 52 «legs 13* K. llüuiu just the kind of man, with suf- who may happen to be found County Court of the State of Ore­ ceased, was by an order of the -:«.4a s. 62 degs. 51' E 1314M gon, for the County of Tilla ­ County Court of Tillamook County, drunk in this city. If the ficent biicklxnie to push things s. 76 degs. mook, a true copy and transcript 18 ’ Oregon, ordered, directed and K. along. His brief term as coun­ saloons were not allowed to re­ thereof and of the whole thereof, is licensed to sell, at private sale, s. 49 degs. _ 28' ... E. »15.57 u, ty judge convinced him of two main open until one o’clock it in words, letters and figures as which said order was duly made line of Lot 1 of Se «■tion U, T ]« and entered of record hi said 10 W„ then tilings : First, that in a change its safe to say there would not follows to wit: West the Honorable County Court county court on the 19th day of 1929.57 i. of administration, it was a be as many drunken men loaf­ To of the State of Oregon, for the September, 1911. the real property place of beginning, contX‘(.'3J good thing to remove men who ing about all hours of the night I County of Tillamook. of said estate which is hereinafter of tide land fronting OB 1^^ were not giving satisfaction W e , the U ndersigned , hereby described, upon the following and 4 of Section 8, T 1 < a *’« ■ »1 allege and show to you the follow­ to-wit : At leaBt one-third of of W M supervising road word and who; President Taft will be known ing facts and petition you as fol­ terms, Bid should be acconlpanied. the sale price of the property sold had squandered the tax money; in years to come as the great lows : in cash on the date of sale, and the regular application to pirehaJ* and, second, some of the most trust and monopoly’ buster. As That we, and each of us are resi­ remaining two-thirds to be secured exchange for the f(ll| unreasonable and unfair per­ a sample of his determination to dents and legal voters within Gari- by’ a first mortgage on the premises offered and should be addrr'"? ------- -- ---- . „ r 1 a ki . anfi trust baldi Precinct, in TillainookCounty, — _____ —_____ - been ___ 8UCh for - ’ sold, due in not to exceed three G. G. Brown, Clerk Stat/t sons he came across were those enforce the Sherman anti-trust Ore^Qn and have (Oregon, and have been such for years from the date of Bale, bearing Board Salem, Oregon, and who had obtaine«! good roads law, he says no matter how , more than thirty days next preceed- Application and bid to puriJ who were opposed to spending much offending combinations irg the date of this petition, having interest at the rate of not less than tide lands.” six per cent per annum. money to build roads to benefit squealed for mercy,” he is de­ oeen and now are actual residents Notice is hereby given therefore ,,, .G- G B rows . other settlersand improve other termined to throttle these mon­ I within said precinct for more than that I will, as said Administrator, Clerk State Land R. oj ¡thirty days next preceeding Sep ­ Dated this 10th day of from and after the 19th day of parts of the county. This is ex­ ster monopolies which are a 1911. J tember 22nd, 1911. actly the case in this county, curse to the country. In doing j That we are an actual majority of October, 1911, proceed to sell said real property of said estate, which which goes to prove that there bo he is not unsettling the busi-1 the whole number of the legal said real property is described as Summons. voters within said precinct. are people with selfish motives tiess world follows, to-wit : What President That we hereby petition you to The east half of the southeast In the Circuit Court of the St, in other counties as well as in Taft says makes interesting grant a license to sell, in less quan­ quarter of section thirty-one, and Oregon for Tillamook Coimt, "'J' tities than one gallon, spiritous, the west half of the southwest quar­ T B. Potter Realty) reading : Company, a Corpo­ “The Supreme Court rendered two malt and vinous liquors for the ter of section thirty-two, in town­ The Oregonian has been mak­ period of one year from the date of ration, ing quite a number of breaks decisions—one against the Standard said license, within said Garibaldi ship three south of range ten west Plaintiff, of the Willamette Meridian, situate Company, ordering it to be of late, so much so that business Oil vs. broken up and disintegrated into Precinct, and at Garibaldi, therein, in Tillamook County, Oregon. men here are surprised at the parte, ami the other against the to J. J. McCormick. Also, beginning sixty feet south L. H. Field and Jane Peter Byrom, Garibaldi. Field his wife, Z. of the southeast corner of Block No. glaring misstatements which so American Tobacco Company. There C. R. Sutton, Garibaldi. C. Eldred and Jane thirteen, in Park Addition to Tilla- often appear in that journal, | are other companies that are W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. Doe Eldred, his tnook City, Oregon, as the same ap­ which, no doubt, originate in charged in the same way ; some of Frank K. Strueby, Garibaldi. wife, A. C. Bloom­ pears of record at pages 624 and 025 them are coming in voluntarily to William Dowd, Garibaldi. the mind of some ingenious divide themselves up. And just as field and Jane Doe of Book J., records of deeds of said Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. Bloomfield, h i s county ami state, thence west to the reporter who was manufactur­ we are about to reach a proper and Ben Tillofson, Garibaldi. wife, and C. C. center of Delmonte street in said ing “news” to make space, for successful administration of the C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. Bloomfield a n d Park Addition, thence south to the law we begin to find that there are instauce : Axel Nelson, Garibaldi. Jane Doe Bloom­ south line of the sub-division some people that object to the Ad- Ben Center, Garibaldi. Reports from the Tillamook dis­ ministration because of the fact field, his wife, known as Goodspeed’s Park, thence H. Chainphe, Garibaldi. trict were received by Mr. Grey yes­ that we are prosecuting those trusts Defendants, j north to the place of beginning, N. W. Smith, Garibaldi. terday and he displayed consider­ and enforcing the law containing four (4) acres, more or To L. IT. Field and Jane Doe Fii A. N. Bolfing. Garibaldi. able interest in the work beingdone his wife, Z. C Eldred and Ii less, all situated in Tillamook “It is a case where the Adminis­ A. Aubrey, Garibaldi. nt Bay City, where a jetty is being tration is in tlie situation of being County, Oregon, at private sale. ' Doe Eldred his wife, A. C. Bloi J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. built to control the waters of Tilla­ damned if it does, and damned if it field and Jane Doe Bloomfield,I upon the following terms as fixed ’’ n Johnson Garibaldi. mook harbor, so that it can be doesn’t. But our understanding in Sam wife, and C. C. Bloomfield! by the said County Court, to wit: made easier to navigate. The the Administration is that when the Ben •1 Johnson, Garibaldi. At least one-third of the purchase , Jane Doe Bloomfield, his n H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. United Railways, also under Mr. President lifted his hand and swore price in cash on the date of sale, 1 You and each of you, the ata Gray’s jurisdiction, will be extended to defend the Constitution and en­ Wm. Renick. Garibaldi. named defendants : and the remaining two-thirds ot the J. B. Mather, Garibaldi. to that point eventually. purchase price to be secured by a | In the name of the State of0 force the law it meant something ; G. G. Luddock, Garibaldi. As no one knows * where a and when there was a law upon the first mortgage on the premises sold, gon: You and each of you 1 John Miller, Garibaldi. to become due in not to exceed hereby required to appear and, jetty is being built to control the statute books for 20 years to sup­ Wm. II. Franklin, Garibaldi. three years from the date of sale, swer the complaint filed asu waters of Tillamook harbor,” press these combinations against M. F. Bowman, Garibaldi. interstate trade, to monoplize and bearing interest at not less than you in the above entitled court! it is no wonder that people are to interfere with trade and to con­ I II. I. Sheldon, Garibaldi. six per cent per annum from the action on or before the last da) A. F. Goff, Garibaldi. surprised to read that kind of trol prices, it was his business and the tune prescribed in the orta date of sale until paid. Geo. Meslilc, Garibaldi. Dated this 2lst day’ of September, publication of summons hen news. What harbor work is the business of all under him to en- Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. which said order was made a 1911. being done now is at the water force the law, and that is what we John Matsou,.Garibaldi. dated on the 25th day of Septemb are doing. W. C. K ing , front of Tillamook City by the H. Thiessen, Garibaldi. “And that is what we propose to As Administrator of the Estate 1911, and if you fail so to ata» D. W. Johnston, Garibaldi. Port of Tillamook, using the do, no matter whether we be of Mary E. Phelps, deceased. for want thereof the plaintiSi Thomas Quinn, Garibaldi. take judgment against you 1 government dredge, and the damned or not. The prosecution Carl Loll, Garibaldi. each of you for the appropriati work being done by the dredge of these great combinations that J. J. McCormick, Garibaldi. Notice of Hearing of Final Ac­ and condemnation and the aeie have been engaged in trying to pre ­ belonging to the T. B. Potter vent competition must go on until B. S Thompson, Garibaldi. count. ment of your damages in the ate Joseph Hauxhurst, Garibaldi, Realty Co. improving the Bay- either the law is repealed or the law entitled court of the follow N otice is H ereby G iven , — That Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. I is enforced that no combinations ocean property. the undersigned has filed his final i described real property belong! i Frank Hadley, Garibaldi. shall exist which shall be able to account as administrator of the to you, to-wit: F. L. Sappington, Garibaldi. prevent competition and establish Beginning at the quarter secta estate of Louis Blattlar, deceased, Ora Miller, Garibaldi. corner common to sections 17ai High priced land in Tilla- a monopoly ; and that is the policy and that the County Court of the Wm. Keys, Garibaldi. lias State of Oregon, for the County- of and 18, in township 1 south ofm tnook is a good thing only for which the Administration carry O. Perdue, Garibaldi. ’ adopted and intends to Tillamook, has appointed Monday, 10 west of Willamette Meridian M. Morony, Garibaldi. those who happen to sell I at through.” the 6th day of November. 1911, at Tillamook Comity, Oregon, ■ Peter Sclirantz, Garibaldi. ­ | fancy prices, That is the per 10 o’clock a.m. of said day, at the running thence north 104.75 1« Alfred Johnson, Garibaldi. sou who has a happy smile ón courtroom of said court in Tilla­ thence north 42 deg. and 40’s Joe. Snetsinger, Garibaldi. The March of Woman Suffrage. mook City, Oregon, as the time and 728 feet ; thence south 47 detn his face whet i he disposes of Fred Hart, Garibaldi. place for hearing of objections, if 38’ west 599.42 feet; tlienoe sx Martin Hart, Garibaldi. his farm and moves ti away, tak- I.et us call the roll of the states any there are, to the said account, 163.9 feet ; thence east 1019.911 G. M. Gunderson, Garibaldi. ing his money with him. But which give the ballot to women on and any and all persons interested to the place of beginning, contfi S. C. Frost, Garibaldi. this high valuation in dairy­ the same conditions as to men: in said estate are hereby required ing 9.06 acres, more or less, all B. Lindsay’, Garibaldi. land is not what it is cracked up Wyoming. Colorado, Utah, Idaho, to be present at such time and this described tract being in I M. M. Mead, Garibaldi. place to present their objections to S. E. quarter of the N.E. quarter to be, other than there is some Washington, California. This is the P. L. Frost, Garibaldi. said section 18. such account, if any they have. John Kostner, Garibaldi. satisfaction in knowing that a order in which these states madethe This summons is served op Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this l. N. Kateisar, Garibaldi. you by order of the Honora! dairy farm is valued at a good new departure. 5th day of October, 1911. Wyoming had -ee Mead, Garibaldi. Bonier Mason, Judge of the Coak round sum. That, however, equal suffrage from the beginning M. A bplanalp , Joseph M. Brandenburg,Garibaldi. Administrator of the above Court, of Tillamook County, Orta is poor satisfaction and no re­ of its territorial days, back in 1869. J. Haverman, Garibaldi. dated the 25th day of Septenk named FCstate. A. Logenbaker, Garibaldi. lief when the land is assessed Utah, too, had it for a while during 1911, ordering that summons Janies S. Walters, Garibaldi. at the prevailing selling price the Mormon regime in the territor­ served upon you by publicatwai R. Smith, Garibaldi. Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. the Tillamook Beadlight, a wta or when the price of butter fat ial era, but in the conflict with i. H. Thompson, Garibaldi. newspaper of general circulatM*) takes a downward move. This polygamy Congress took the ballot I. M. Davis, Garibaldi. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That Tillamook County. Oregon, M Chas. Fonger, Garibaldi. the State Land Board of the State of least once a week for six ron« high priced land is a burden to away from the women. From 1896 A. Davis, Garibaldi. Oregon, will sell to the highest tive weeks. those who have to meet taxes until 1910 the four states first men­ , C. W. Best, Garibaldi. bidder at its office, in the Capital The date of the first publioj and probably notes given in tioned were the only ones in which George Perry’, Garibaldi. Building, at Salem, Oregon, on hereof is the 28th day of Septenj payment for a dairy farm. women hail the same privileges as Win. Campbell. Garibaldi. December 26, 1911, at 10:00 o’clock 1911, and the date of the last« G. Marshall, Garibaldi. Whenever land goes above its a.m., of said day, all the State in­ lication, and the last date M men at the ballot box, In the latter Joseph Mitchel), Garibaldi. terest in the tide andoverllow lands which you are require«! toaaj normal values, those who have y ear Washington joined this list. P. W. Jacob, Garibaldi. hereinafter described, giving, how­ on or before, is, and will ex)i«l bought it nt advanced prices And now California writes its name C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. ever to the owner or owners of any the 9th day’ of November, rail are running great risk and it on the equal suffrage roll. J. A. Johnson, Garibaldi. lands abutting or fronting on such W ebster H olmes . J State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ tide and overflow lands, the pre­ is no wonder that they com­ Attorney for PlatfM Thus the suffragists have just mook, SS. ference right to purchase said tide plain about tuxes and things made the largest single conquest I, the undersighed, being first and overflow lands at the highest in general and do not want in all their career. California is duly sworn, say:—That I am one of price offered, provided such offer is public improvetni nts. Besides, Notice of Sale of Tide much more than twice as populous the petitioners within named, and made in good faith, and also pro that I circulated the same, and that viding that the land will not be sold the high prices on dairy land as the biggest of the other states each and all of the foregoing named for nor any offer therefor accepted 1 N otice is H ereby Xinttn in this county frightens people which gives the ballot to woman. petitioners signed the same with of less than $7.50 per acre, the the State Land Board of the --------------------- away who would otherwise — sell to the And the state next on the roll, liis own hand in my presence ; that Board reserving the right to reject of Oregon will settle here ; bidder ai at iii its office in the of -bidder Washington, was won less than a each stated his name, postoffice ad­ any and all bids. dress and residence correctly, and Said lands are situated in Tilla * Building, at t Salem, year ago. The suffragists have that each one is a legal voter within mook County, Oregon, and ' des- ' ~ December 5th, 1911, at Night Watchman Wilt claims now more than an eighth of all the Garibaldi Precinct, and has actu­ cribed as follows: . j- — 'a.m., of _______ said days all that he did not censure Marshal states. Most of those states are ally resided therein for more than Beginning at a point which is the interest in the tide an£ Redding for using his “billy” small in number of inhabitants. thirty days next proceeding Sept. meander corner between Sections 7 lands hereinafter descnbeftM 22, 1911, and that all of the facts set on a man who was intoxicated, Combined, however, they comprise forth in said petition are true as I and 8, T. 1 S., R. 10 W. of W.M , however to the owner ot o*R and running along high water mark any lands, abutting orfronu^ the effect of which, with the fall, nearly one-seventh of the popula­ verily believe. f- * — ' „ courses . _ ’such tide and overflosjj the following : J. J. M c C ormick . caused the man’s death, and he tion of the country. In 1910 woman S. 61 degs., 04 ’ W. 187.95. the preference right to p“~! . ......... Address. Garibaldi, Tillamook S. 39 degs., 39' W. 390.80. said tide and overflow lan®'J draws this comparison to justi­ suffrage was voted upon in Oregon, Oregon. Subscribed and highest price offered, prop« 3 N. 61 degs. 45’ w. 271.30. fy his own action in shooting a South Dakota, Oklahoma, New County, sworn'to before me this 27th day of S. 85 degs., 13’ w. 719.20. 1 offer is made in good W 1 matt who was drunk and quar­ Mexico, Arizona and Washington, September. 1911. s. 87 degs., 54’ w. 634.40. ’also providing that the (Seal) W ebster H olmes , relsome. It was in the daytime but it was rejected in all those com N 88 degs., 56’ w. 360.00. not be sold for nor any o M Notary Public for Oregon N. 9 degs., 56’ w. 329.80. fot accepted of less than b J and with a numtier of persons munities in the next election. I N otice is F urther H ereby N. 29 degs.. 12* w. 539.11. acre, the Board reserving 1 around whom the marshal could In about two-thirds of the states, G iven ,—That said petition will be North _____ _ the to reject any an<4 all bids- j 470.58 to have called upon for assistance most of them being in the West, presented to the County Court of section line between Sections!) Said lands are aituatea]»« and 7 when he used his “billy,” while women are permitted to vote on the State of Oregon, for* Tillamook East 637 83 to low 11100k County. Oregon, No in Wilt’s case it was at night, school matters. The movement for County on the 1st day of Noveui- water line thence along said line. as follows : .¡.-kst 1911, and based thereon____ said Beginning at a point S. 24 degs. 15’ E. 325.47. with no one around, when he enfranchisment for them is pro­ J her, . J. McCormick will at said time S. 37 degs., 21’ E. 738.42. Meander Corner betsef“_ k was attacked by u powerful man ceeding vigorously in several Euro­ and date, apply to said County 16 and 15 and running 3 N. 67 degs., 44' E. 1277.32. who was drunk, and then drew pean countries. Women can vote Court for a license to be granted to N 62 degs., 12 E 282.27 to the water line the foll<,,r,*!£rt.^l I N. 50 degs.. 04; W. 4W®^I his gun, with the result that he for all officials in Great Britian ex­ said J. J. McCormick to sell within section line between sections ________ 7 and 8. South £72.7- A. :>< - -, ¿a 571.74 to placet N. 57 uegs. degs., , ~ 45 shot the man. We would not cept for members of Parliament. said Garibaldi Precinct and at Garibaldi therein, in less quanti of beginning, containing 37.3 acres -- —----------- ^„„.„¡ning N. Wdegs., . foiii 09 degs., 04’ W deprive an officer of the right to They have a limited suffrage in ties than one gallon, spiritous, c -• of ‘ tide •---*« land fronting on Lots 5 and the line of I>ot 2, then tne 1 use a "billy” or n gun when Iris France, as well as in many of the malt and vinous liquors, for a per 6, of Section 7, _ T. _ is~ ------- *-■ lin* R. 10 W of course to low water I N. v 0 UCK*» deg., 26’ W — X»®* life is in danger. It is not cus­ provinces of the Dominion of Can iod of one year from the date of 1\.M. W.M. . Also ..rf Beginning at a point which is the along low water line tomary, when arresting men ada. Norway allows them a vote said license Dated this 28th day* of September. meander corner between Sections 8 courses who are drunk to use a gun on for parliamentary members, 21ft* £ In 1911. and 9, T. 1 S . R. 10 W. W.M., and S. 61 (legs. 41 E. them when they show fight, for the Isle of Man. Australia. New .1. J. M c C ormick . —— — S 9. 87 deg*. xr E. 3*2 running along high line the follow- E. 276» scenes of that character are quite Zealand, Iceland and Finland they ing courses. AO degs. degs.. 53; E. S. 50 The beat plaster. A piece of flan N. 62 ----- degs.. ------- frequent in large cities, where have full suffrage, as in the six 58’ W. 115.25. s. dampened with Chamberlain's S. 71 degs.. 07’ W 301.90. s. 62 deg a. shootings would be of daily ac- American states here mentioned. nel Liniment and Isiund on over the S. 55 degs., 07’ W. 222.90. 38' E 275»*^ s. 72 deg». _ cnrence if peace officers were The agitation for equal suffrage for affected parts is superior to a plas­ 1'1^ ,, N. 75 degs., 19* W. 543.70. Section line lietweei ■ ii vino*»' allowed to shoot down men who women liegan in the United States ter and costs only one tenth as N. 67 ‘legs., XT W. 279.00. S. 0 deg , 04' W. ' became troublesome when they just sixty years ago, but the slavery much. For sale by Lamar's Drug N. 14 degs., 25’ E. 574.90. lieginning, and c Store. N. V> degs., 00* W. 654 30. of tide land in front CJ j were placed under arrest. It is issue, the civil war and reconstruc­ N. 43 degs., 44’ W. .VA 60. Section H's T. 1 S. R not for us to decide whether the tion pushed it into the background A Medicine That G.vea Confidence i Bids should be N. 35 degs., 37 W. 876.29. Is Foley’s Honey and Tar Com­ I N. 47 degs , Tillamook officers were too a regular applicati«»” ’ ( ( 14' W. 223.40. for many years. In the United pound. Mm. “ ~ T. J Adams, 522 No. hasty in using their weapons of N. so degs.. 27 W. 6UÌ3H and exchange for the States as well as abroad, however, Kansas Ave.. Columbus, Ka«., N. 49 degs.. 09’ W 1197.90. defence, nor do we share the offered and should t* _ _ number ___ of years it has won some notable triumphs writes: "For a _______ N. SI degs., 2b’ W. 577. UO. G. G. Brown. Cleet • opinions of those who think it in tecent times. my children have lieen subject * 1 to S. 73 degs.. 55’ W. 283. IX). Board. Salem. Oregon." coughs and colds. I used FcU z „ will be a good lesson to those ‘oley's s. 55 degs., or W 797 50. ” Application end Honey and Tar Compound and who come here and get drunk s. ___ __ ... _ 34 degs . ar W. 133.00 toM C. tide land..” q found that it cured their coughs and then think that they have a and colds, so I keep it iu the home between Sections 7 and A Clerk State North 571.74 to low license to pummel officers and All the time.” Refuse substistute. vossMsuesMiMssiOMSvsMio autaHS shas. 1. Clough. Dated this 7th day water line and then along low water line the following courses; 191L j F oley - kidney pills